There and back again.

CAP Ireland

Embodiment of the Emerald Isle
Name or Alias:

Appearance and Clothing/Armour:





3 facts about the character:
Name or Alias: Toxin

Appearance and Clothing/Armour: Light armour with painted on gains of a light purple covers most of his body with some areas left undefended to allow for better movement. Above that, a cloak the colour of shadow cast purples and blues covers his form, a light substance that floats about his body but never falls far from Toxin. It also lies about his head thickly as a hood, covering everything that the mask does not. The mask is of the same metal as the armour (looks like this:[3]-437-p.jpg ) but something behind the eye holes make them glow a similar darkened purple as that of the cloak. His simple metal quill strapped on his back with the bow hold adjacent to it completes his visage.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c17b06ec8_IntheShadows.jpg.a1f3d69c57cd17c3e5d6d16b30899ac0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41643" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c17b06ec8_IntheShadows.jpg.a1f3d69c57cd17c3e5d6d16b30899ac0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

^ Essentially this ^

Face below the mask.

Weapons: His bow (just a twin stringed bow with the same painted on purple as the armour) and arrows (30 arrows then his quill is full). He does carry a small knife, but it is used for cutting up wood and animal hide, not very effective for much else.

Abilities: A master bowman, he can hit any target (given the right amount of time to calculate the shot). He is an able hand to hand combatant, but could easily be beaten if disarmed of both bow and arrows. He is as fast of thought as he is of body and able to overcome many an obstacle with either his intellect of his body.

Skills: Hunting, skinning, setting fires, cutting wood and fashioning arrows out of wood and rock/metal and able to use herbs to re-coat or create poisons from herbs or certain venomous animals. he carries vials for such occasions so that he can store them.

Biography: A champion archer during the day, an abusive farther at night. Toxin's farther thought nothing of practicing his shots on his son. Toxin fought the pain, but soon learnt to use it. He got faster, but the arrows were still faster, so he set about learning how they traveled through the air. All this was to no avail as still they struck him. So he strived to surpass his farther. Years later, a champion archer was found dead with an empt quiver and a single arrow through his head. Toxin had been born, but now the man was left without a goal in life. He wanders the wilds, searching for meaning in his life and hunting to survive.

3 facts about the character:

·Toxin's body is scarred all over from his abusive farther arrows, but few see them as he usually does not allow others to see them.

·A quiet man, Toxin usually only talks when he needs or wants to but has been articulate around those he considered to be companions.

·He has a fear of one thing: the ghost of his farther. It often haunts his dreams but he has previously been manipulated into believing his farther ghost has come to kill him when he has met a similarly skilled archer with plans on his life.


Shadow said:
Can I join?
Do you wanna sign up a character first?



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:) Thanks! Also, do you want me to make a girl that can join them too?
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Shadow said:
:) Thanks! Also, do you want me to make a girl that can join them too?
Let's wait a bit to see who joins, if not that would be great.

If you wanna swap character I'm fine with you changing him to a her or a completely new character.
Shadow said:
Name or Alias: Later, sorry
Appearance and Clothing/Armour: Later, sorry

Weapons: Wand, spear

Abilities: She can use magic of all kinds and is really good at fighting (like Black Widow, if you know who she is. :) )

Skills: She has basic survival skills and excels in hobbit and dwarf lore.

Biography: She was raised by Radagast the Brown as his adopted daughter. She never knew who her parents were in fact Radagast is the only one who does know. Radagast trained her in minor magic but mostly he taught her things that humans know. When she was 16 Gandalf came and trained her in magic whenever he could. Radagast brought her on some of his adventures and she was finally made a mage. She now travels on her own trying to perfect her magic skills and find her parents.

3 facts about the character:

She never shows her true self and always acts very emotionless and bad-ass

She has a star shaped scar on both of her shoulders but she has only told Gandalf about them and what they mean

She has an eagle friend that comes to her aid when she needs it most much as I'd like to accept, the Eagle's make her a tiny bit op.

Take them out and she's good to go.

(And of corse I know who Natalia Romanova is. You're speaking to a huge Marvel geek here so... )

Actually, quick question: can she use magic without the wand?

If she needs something to channel the magic through then she would probably be allowed to do more OP things as she has a weakness.
Over powered.

And the wand can stay, I was just asking if she had to use the wand for magic or if she cold do it without the wand.

If she needed the wand, I'd allow her to do much more powerful stuff as she could be disarmed.

If she does not need the wand, but it helps, then she will have to be a little more tamed.
...I thought we needed some flare.

Name or Alias: Paton

Appearance and Clothing/Armour: Attached

Weapons: One long dagger.

Abilities: Does not need to breath, can generate 1 hard light construct (the bigger it is the more energy he needs, so a sword is fine, but generating a horse means he can't run around and generating a large object stops him from moving completely. Past that he needs energy sources.)



Some say, he was a king. Other say he was a usurper. We only know he is Paton.

3 facts about the character:

·He does not/cannot speak.

·He likes to play poker...underwater.

·He generally likes alone time.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/del.jpg.11f3f191f8bc7c49965c0112f0a2a6e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="42216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/del.jpg.11f3f191f8bc7c49965c0112f0a2a6e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Talvin

Appearance and Clothing/Armour:

As seen in the photo with leather amour. Mostly black and dark brown. He also has steel bracers on his arms for close-quarter combat. He also has a black hood and other pieces of clothing to hide his face if he wishes.

Weapons: A Gondorian rangers bow with 10 arrows in the quiver, a steel dagger, and a black Morgul blade.

Abilities: The darkness in the Morgul blade accepted Talvin as its master, and any other who tries to wield it either dark voices or go completely mad depending on how strong their will is. The blade can also affect spirits and those of a astral nature.

Skills:Trained by his mentor who was a Ranger-Captain of Gondor, he excelled at archery and sword-play. He also knows a number of wild herbs for healing and poisons.

Biography: Talvin was a boy born to nobility until his father tried to pull a coup, and his family was forced into exile to Numenor. They were hunted more times than one, but his parents manages to acquire some land just close enough to the borders of Gondor. Talvin was being trained as a ranger by a friend of his fathers, until assassins from Gondor came to his home and tried to kill off everyone. He escaped the house but was being tracked, and fled into a crypt in the mountains, where he found the crypt of the Witch-King of Angmar. Hearing the assassins come for him, he opened up the coffin to hide in, and saw the mummified body with the sword upon it. Taking the sword, he felt a new kind of power flow through him, like a rush of dark courage. And within minutes, the assassins lay dead before him, and the sword recognized him as its new master. Years passed by and to this day Talvin is wanted in Gondor for banditry, murder, and being named by some rogues as "The Prince of Wolves". Some dark rumors have began to float around the shadows of Middle-Earth that a boy with a morgul blade could be the heir of Angmar. Of all the rumors Talin endured, that was one he didnt want hounding him.

3 facts about the character:

He has few real friends in the world, but treasures them more than gold.

He's sometimes in most sense of the words a romantic.

He keeps his morgul blade hidden at all times when in public.
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]Still accepting? :DDD

Sure. Sign up a character and we'll try and fit you in.

BTW, would you like a summary of events?
Okay :3 and yes that would be great please :o !!! it doesnt have to be from the begining but a summary of the last few pages would suffice :3 just so i know more or less how to jump in lol

Name: Eleniel (Ellen-ee-el) daughter of Andúnë

Age: 500 yrs (young for an elf, appears to be 19- early 20's)

Race: Silvan Elf


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.1f00708856309948f52df05c45149ddf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.1f00708856309948f52df05c45149ddf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.f28f8fd32e5e7db3f1c9cab66417785d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45044" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.f28f8fd32e5e7db3f1c9cab66417785d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Left: When she is in her home, off duty (for the RP she'll hardly be wearing it, maybe in the beginning, it depends)

Right: when she is being called to take action

Eleniel is a woman of grace and finesse. Like all elves, they essentially keep their composure together, coming off as the "almost perfect" or "flawless" creatures they are. However, theres a spark of fire in this she-elf. On the field, shes logical, precise, does everything that needs to be done. Shes tough, despite her fair and delicate looks. Although, rarely, her emotions get the better of her, and she'll act in reaction to them, usually when angry or antagonized. She can be ruthless if she must, but can have the kindest and gentlest of hearts when needed. She's witty and a quick thinker, sometimes sarcastic when shes being playful. But loyal and gives it her all when given a task. She'll see that she completes meets her demands, what ever it may take.


Eleniel was born on Elenya, or, "Stars-Day" for the elves, which is the first day of the Elvish week. Thus her parents named her Eleniel, eleni meaning "star" and -iell, or, -iel as a femanine suffix for "daughter". Eleniel basically means "Daughter of stars". Coincidentally and conveniently, she was born with white hair. Growing up, her parents and others that knew her, also called her "the girl with starlight in her hair".

Her parents were well recognized in the elven realm she grew up in. Her mother was an elf who hailed from Lothlorien, while her father was a Rivendell elf. Both parents moved the Mirkwood realm, when her father, Andúnë, was transfered to become a captain in the king Thranduil's legion. It was there that Eleniel was born and raised. However, she was a black sheep among the rest. Her snow white hair was a clear sign she had the blood of a Lothlorien elf in her, as most woodland elves had darker hair (with the exception of the line Thranduil comes from). But most Mirkwood elves treated her like every other, except for the king himself, who liked to test her limits. Being the daughter of a captain, she followed the same footsteps and went into military service. She has the courage and determination of a captain like her father, but still needs the acknowledgement of Thranduil to be so. Shes close, and works hard, going over the obstacles the king throws at her.


Typical elvish weaponry, heavily skilled in archery and with daggers. She owns her trademark black bow, and all white arrows, with a white wood shaft and white fletchings (feathers). Owns a pair of daggers, one white, one black (handles and blade the same color).


Like all elves she has the following:

-supernaturally on her feet with incredible agility and reflexes

-a sort of...sixth sense type thing

-very stealthy


-Like most elven maids, she has exemplary skills in methods of elvish healing.

-Some knowledge in tracking

-can handle herself with a sword, but its not her forte

3 Things About My Character:

-Shes pretty short for an elf, while most elves are almost 6 feet and just generally tall, shes a mere 5'4", the average human woman size

-Speaks Elvish (of course)

-(Ill think of another one)

(I added some very small subjects)



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[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]Okay :3 and yes that would be great please :o !!! it doesnt have to be from the begining but a summary of the last few pages would suffice :3 just so i know more or less how to jump in lol
Name: Eleniel (Ellen-ee-el) daughter of Andúnë

Age: 500 yrs (young for an elf, appears to be 19- early 20's)

Race: Silvan Elf



View attachment 106566 Left: When she is in her home, off duty (for the RP she'll hardly be wearing it, maybe in the beginning, it depends)

Right: when she is being called to take action

Eleniel is a woman of grace and finesse. Like all elves, they essentially keep their composure together, coming off as the "almost perfect" or "flawless" creatures they are. However, theres a spark of fire in this she-elf. On the field, shes logical, precise, does everything that needs to be done. Shes tough, despite her fair and delicate looks. Although, rarely, her emotions get the better of her, and she'll act in reaction to them, usually when angry or antagonized. She can be ruthless if she must, but can have the kindest and gentlest of hearts when needed. She's witty and a quick thinker, sometimes sarcastic when shes being playful. But loyal and gives it her all when given a task. She'll see that she completes meets her demands, what ever it may take.


Eleniel was born on Elenya, or, "Stars-Day" for the elves, which is the first day of the Elvish week. Thus her parents named her Eleniel, eleni meaning "star" and -iell, or, -iel as a femanine suffix for "daughter". Eleniel basically means "Daughter of stars". Coincidentally and conveniently, she was born with white hair. Growing up, her parents and others that knew her, also called her "the girl with starlight in her hair".

Her parents were well recognized in the elven realm she grew up in. Her mother was an elf who hailed from Lothlorien, while her father was a Rivendell elf. Both parents moved the Mirkwood realm, when her father, Andúnë, was transfered to become a captain in the king Thranduil's legion. It was there that Eleniel was born and raised. However, she was a black sheep among the rest. Her snow white hair was a clear sign she had the blood of a Lothlorien elf in her, as most woodland elves had darker hair (with the exception of the line Thranduil comes from). But most Mirkwood elves treated her like every other, except for the king himself, who liked to test her limits. Being the daughter of a captain, she followed the same footsteps and went into military service. She has the courage and determination of a captain like her father, but still needs the acknowledgement of Thranduil to be so. Shes close, and works hard, going over the obstacles the king throws at her.


Typical elvish weaponry, heavily skilled in archery and with daggers. She owns her trademark black bow, and all white arrows, with a white wood shaft and white fletchings (feathers). Owns a pair of daggers, one white, one black (handles and blade the same color).

Abilities: (Ill come back)


-Like most elven maids, she has exemplary skills in methods of elvish healing.

-Some knowledge in tracking

-can handle herself with a sword, but its not her forte

3 Things About My Character:

-Shes pretty short for an elf, while most elves are almost 6 feet and just generally tall, shes a mere 5'4", the average human woman size

-Speaks Elvish (of course)

-(Ill think of another one)

(I added some very small subjects)

Accepted once because Daenerys and a million other times for the back story. As the others have enchantments (such as elven senses and the like) you could add an enchantment or two to your weapons/armour if you want.

So, summary:

Toxin, Moon, Glimmer and Paton decided they wanted to unlock their next shout, so they needed a dragon soul.

So, they set off. Fight an Ent, fight a weird guy.

Meet Talvin.

Rivendell is fun. The gang gets new gear. Rivendell elves will help with the dragon.

Talvin takes us to meet a Hobbit.

Paton pisses the Hobbit off.

Weird guy comes back.

Not weird guy, Gothmorg, lord of the balrog.

No sweat, Paton is actually Ulmo.

We escape, Ulmo and Gothmorg left to fight to the death.

Hobbit dies.

We find our way out of caves.

Now choosing to:

a) go to Angmar.

b) go to Mirkwood.

My advice would be to maybe be hunting Orks in the mountains behind Mirkwood and just, kinda, bump into us at Mount Gundabad, but it's your call.
Well she lives in Mirkwood now, she was born there, so if you guys decide to go there theres that, if not then she'll be hunting orcs and the like, since patroling is really her job.

And yes! I love Kahleesi~!
Name or Alias: Grace

Appearance and Clothing/Armour:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1cf63497_ScreenShot2015-03-12at21.59.51.png.d48706389ca3e5b26fbf2019a4f1a893.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/57a8c1cf63497_ScreenShot2015-03-12at21.59.51.png.d48706389ca3e5b26fbf2019a4f1a893.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapons: Sword, twin daggers anda bottle of poison.

Abilities/Skills: Excellent knowledge of remedies, talented artist (drawing), natural navigator, skilled with different types of weaponry.

Biography: Stolen away from her mother by her father, Grace grew up at sea. Her father and her were soon forced to join a larger ensemble of privateers to sail under the banner of Corsairs of Umbar. Her father, unhappy with Corsairs leadership, deserted with many others who were unhappy with life upon their shared gallion. They quickly decided to make him captain of their stolen vessel. Grace was still somewhat young so life was hard for her amongst the men. Their praying eyes a constant reminder of her vulnerability until one day her father began to teach her how to fight. She quickly began to learn how to defend herself, gaining respect amongst the crew. When mutiny struck, her father was wounded. They escaped thanks to his first mate who took them to shore and cared for him. The first mate taught Grace how to help with the remedies and soon she was able to care for her father by herself. A skill she would soon need as one day the first mate left for supplies and never returned. Her father survived his wounds but was left in a fragile state. Now, Grace seeks adventure of her own.

3 facts about the character:

grace always feels more comfortable around men as she has grown up with few women in her life.

grace could hold her liquor than most men on the ship.

grace is a very loyal and trust worthy person at first she may come across as rude and sarcastic but she is very kind hearted and will put her friends and companions before anyone.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/kerem_beyit_pirate_girl_desktop_640x959_hd-wallpaper-1034526.jpg.e493a1b1ec10899f4ec5d89c21b815ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45232" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/kerem_beyit_pirate_girl_desktop_640x959_hd-wallpaper-1034526.jpg.e493a1b1ec10899f4ec5d89c21b815ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/736114.jpg.4acf3e5cca467c67566be06a94a32979.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45237" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/736114.jpg.4acf3e5cca467c67566be06a94a32979.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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ajafueko said:
Name or Alias: Grace
Appearance and Clothing/Armour:

View attachment 106813

Weapons: Sword, twin daggers and a bottle of poison.

Abilities/Skills: Excellent knowledge of remedies, talented artist (drawing), natural navigator, skilled with different types of weaponry.

Biography: Stolen away from her mother by her father, Grace grew up at sea. Her father and her were soon forced to join a larger ensemble of privateers to sail under the banner of Corsairs of Umbar. Her father, unhappy with Corsairs leadership, deserted with many others who were unhappy with life upon their shared gallion. They quickly decided to make him captain of their stolen vessel. Grace was still somewhat young so life was hard for her amongst the men. Their praying eyes a constant reminder of her vulnerability until one day her father began to teach her how to fight. She quickly began to learn how to defend herself, gaining respect amongst the crew. When mutiny struck, her father was wounded. They escaped thanks to his first mate who took them to shore and cared for him. The first mate taught Grace how to help with the remedies and soon she was able to care for her father by herself. A skill she would soon need as one day the first mate left for supplies and never returned. Her father survived his wounds but was left in a fragile state. Now, Grace seeks adventure of her own.

3 facts about the character: grace always feels more comfortable around men as she has grown up with few women in her life.

despite her time with men she has never had a romantic relationship.

grace could hold her liquor than most men on the ship.

Want a summary?
Name or Alias:Rune

Appearance and Clothing/Armour:Blue eyes and brown hair, and small lips with bushy eyebrows

Weapons: A steel sword and a wooden stake

Abilities: Can see much farther than regular humans.

Skills: Is a good writer and has a good attitude under pressure

Biography:Was orphaned by a blacksmith who had found him near the river, the blacksmith named him rune because of a rune shaped stick near the river where he was found. He learned how craft swords by the blacksmiths guidance, after once he grew to the age of 21 he set off to other lands.

3 facts about the character:(Not ready for this yet)
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N0Rman said:
We're now past the misty mountains(ish) but the party currently consists of:

Toxin: Archer with a mask.

Moon: Man who acts like an elf.

Glimmer: The only mage.

Eleniel: New elf-lady.

Grace: New pirate-lady.

Talvin: KIA but will be returning to the group.

Paton: Died.

We're currently in Mirkwood and have made a fair bit of progress through it.

Apart from that, there was/is a weird man who kinda tryed/es to kill us.

So, anything else needed?

I've got an idea of how you could enter the RP quite easily, but it would be in a day or two. Otherwise, join however you like.

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