

New Member

My name is Darragh you guys can call me Dar if you want to and I've been RPing since I was about 10 (I'm not even joking). However, I haven't RPed properly in about a year and half and I've decided to get back into it. I mainly RP as one character (Samuel Johnson) who is a character who I've developed since I was really young as originally he was a main character in a story I had to write for school and it just grew from there, but I also RP as other people if I feel like it.

It's nice to meet y'all, and I really hope you guys help me (and become friends with me) on this site and getting used to it.


A random sad guy from the UK :)

Welcome to Rpn, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Cassandra, Canadian, and fairly friendly. 

If you've got any questions, I'm more than happy to help, as well as a fair number of other members of the community.
Why thank you. :)

What sort of interests do you have?

I'm not sure if you meant in Roleplaying or in real life so I'll give you both;

Real life: AHS (although I'm only on season 3 so no spoilers please), Big Bang Theory, Biology, politics and history, Ru Pauls Drag Race, teddy bears, murder cases, true stories, ghost stories, etc.

Roleplaying; I like situational roleplaying that's easy to relate to real life (college for example), but I also enjoy doing more supernatural roleplaying like werewolves and the like. I prefer doing shorter roleplays or even using *s to donate action because I find it quicker paced and easier to understand (and I've never been good at descriptive writing) but I don't mind doing third person paragraphs as long as it's not overly long (ie not a page because that's a lot to think up and I do more than one thing at a time)

What about you?
Neato~ There's a lot of cool RPs on this site. Are ya into crime RPs? :3 Just curious Hell City is a fun RP if you're into that genre

It depends on the type of crime, but I love to roleplay as a murderer called The Mad Rabbit Murderer who kills their victims, half-severs their head and sews a pair of bunny ears on their head (hence my username xD) so if it's that sort of crime RP then I'm totally up for it
I'm not sure if you meant in Roleplaying or in real life so I'll give you both;

Real life: AHS (although I'm only on season 3 so no spoilers please), Big Bang Theory, Biology, politics and history, Ru Pauls Drag Race, teddy bears, murder cases, true stories, ghost stories, etc.

Roleplaying; I like situational roleplaying that's easy to relate to real life (college for example), but I also enjoy doing more supernatural roleplaying like werewolves and the like. I prefer doing shorter roleplays or even using *s to donate action because I find it quicker paced and easier to understand (and I've never been good at descriptive writing) but I don't mind doing third person paragraphs as long as it's not overly long (ie not a page because that's a lot to think up and I do more than one thing at a time)

What about you?

RL:  never watched ahs, but I read a lot of manga, and books, play video games, and when I have the motivation write and/or draw/craft. I'm mostly into fantasy, though I always enjoy a good slice of life/romance manga. 

RP: I'm a fairly descriptive writer, in third person, a bit less so in first. With a focus on slice of life, and fantasy, but if the plot looks good I'll dabble in anything. 
It depends on the type of crime, but I love to roleplay as a murderer called The Mad Rabbit Murderer who kills their victims, half-severs their head and sews a pair of bunny ears on their head (hence my username xD) so if it's that sort of crime RP then I'm totally up for it

Sorta. Here's dee link (shameless advertising yay):

The original RP belongs to Sinister Clown XD I'm GM for this reboot 

My name is Darragh you guys can call me Dar if you want to and I've been RPing since I was about 10 (I'm not even joking). However, I haven't RPed properly in about a year and half and I've decided to get back into it. I mainly RP as one character (Samuel Johnson) who is a character who I've developed since I was really young as originally he was a main character in a story I had to write for school and it just grew from there, but I also RP as other people if I feel like it.

It's nice to meet y'all, and I really hope you guys help me (and become friends with me) on this site and getting used to it.


A random sad guy from the UK :)

Welcome! I've been RPing since I was 10 as well! ^.^

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