It's birb time babeyy oh yeah
Ike Plymont
Ike would be tackled by a nearby Agent after his...episode, resulting in him being pinned on the ground.
"Don't touch the Sir Agent! We're doing everything we can."
SOMEHOW, in ALL OF GOD'S GOOD EARTH, Ike managed to get tackles by the few agents. HOW!? YOU ASK!? I can't answer that.

Ike slinked from under them, and stood up. He brushed dirt off of his suit and huffed in embarrassment.. great... that happened in front of just about everyone. He felt small and stupid... but he felt like that a lot recently, so it didn't make much of a difference.
As Benedict approached the crime scene, you all would get another strange feeling, a desire to follow the dapper boss rather than deal with the Agents watching nearby, especially Ike, who now had a Fanclub of three Agents in close proximity to him.
Benedict would walk past the guard, as well as all of which you would see Agent Scarlett, standing tall immediately at the sight of you all.
"Greetings Agents, I'm Agent Scarlett of the Archive Department, I have documented everything here and submitted the files to the Archives so you are good to go..." She would say, trying to avoid eye contact with Benedict, "If you need anything....I'll um, be standing around-I MEAN WORKING!" Scarlett would immediately fix herself in a moment of embarrassment, REALLY trying now to avoid Benedict's gaze. "The errr......goal is to figure out what exactly happened here, and in what order did they happen."
Time to get to work
Ike decided... MAYBE he should just follow Benedict and ask things later. He really didn't... being crowded by a bunch of very small whatever the fuck Benedict's species was. But, he didn't have time to ask questions, as the group was approached by Agent Scarlett. Ike loosened up just a bit. But he was still too frightened to really approach Alastor or Kent again.
It seemed they had to investigate... great... wonderful... well guess he had to get working then. Ike WAS a working man after all. Perhaps... and this was a silly thought but, perhaps the front check in counter would have answers! The demon walked over, curious to see what might be in store for him.
Mood: Frightened and confused
Health: Might have gotten a bruise from being tackled to the ground
Actions: Heading to the check in desk