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Realistic or Modern TheComicWriter's Partner Search Thread!


Pure Pazzak!
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello and welcome to my Partner Search thread! You may call me Mark!
Here are some rules you will have to abide by if you want to Roleplay with me
1. Grammar is a must
2. Communicate with me! If you have a question ask!
3. I dont care about post length as long as I have something to work with!
4. I am a male so I would like to RP as male characters rather then female characters.
5. I am fine with MxM and MxF.
All plots are credited to PlotsForAll 2.0
Plot 1
Muse A and Muse B are soulmates. They’ve grown up in the same city all of their lives and despite crossing paths several times, they have not met one another; they’ve continuously missed the other by a matter of seconds every time. One fateful morning, Muse A and Muse B happen to arrive in one another’s vicinity. Muse A spots Muse B from across the street just as Muse B is entering into the path of a speeding vehicle. Without thinking, Muse A rushes across the street and takes the brunt of the oncoming car to save Muse B’s life. Muse B is badly shaken from witnessing the accident and gets ushered away from Muse A before they can see the other’s face. Tragically, Muse A passes away while Muse B is being questioned by police. One week later, Muse B attends Muse A’s funeral to pay respects after learning their savior’s identity through the police report. When Muse B is about to leave the cemetery, they encounter someone who feels eerily familiar, though Muse B’s never seen them before. Muse A isn’t sure how it’s possible still, but they’re certain that they’ve been sent back to look after Muse B until Muse B draws their last breath. Muse A does their best to explain this to Muse B, who seems to be the only one who can hear or see them and their angelic set of wings.
(For this plot I would like to be Muse B)
Plot 2

In the prime of their life, Muse A perishes in a tragic car accident. Shortly after, Muse B, who is in desperate need of an organ transplant, gets the call that they’re next on the list for donation. Muse A was an organ donor and because Muse A and Muse B were a perfect match, Muse B becomes a recipient of the vital organ from the recently departed Muse A. The transplant surgery goes well, however there are unforeseen side effects. While in the hospital, Muse B begins to see flashes in the corner of their eye of a person they’ve never seen before, Muse A. At first, Muse B dismisses the creepy sightings, assuming it has something to do with the medications they’re on. Once Muse B’s allowed to go home, the sightings become more frequent and Muse A’s non-corporeal form becomes more vivid. Muse B experiences the shock of their life when Muse A actually begins to speak to them one day, suggesting that they’re now connected somehow because of the transplant. Muse A may be dead, but they’re still hanging around and only Muse B can see them. Muse B is stuck with Muse A’s spirit at their side, and they have to learn how to live together for an indefinite future. Muse A can also hear Muse B's thoughts
(For this plot I would like to be Muse A)

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I'd be interested in either plot if you'd like ^.^ If I had to choose one, then I'm more interested in plot 2 than plot 1, but I can go with either if you feel strongly about it.

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