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Realistic or Modern The Zombie Apocalypse

[QUOTE="Drunk Dragon]Okay, my app has been completed.
Just a question, though; what city is the group in at the moment?

EDIT: I've reposted everything here, and added in some extra information.


Steinar Magnusson

mostly known either by his given name "Steinar" or by his nickname, "Windy".

(The nickname arose after someone took a picture of him in which his hair was being blown backwards by the wind.)




Formerly a history teacher, now a freelance photographer.



PS: John Hurt is awesome.


Steinar Magnusson was born in London to upper middle class parents, living a very uneventful childhood as the eldest of two brothers. Aron Magnusson, his father (who was Swedish), was a businessman who ran a company that made office pants, while his mother, Mary Holmes (who was a native of London), was a translator. He attended school from a young age, doing decently enough to get into a Philosophy course at a local university. Shortly afterwards, Steinar graduated and earned his first degree.

At this time, he was 26, and throughout his time in university, he had a longing to travel, He had subscribed to
National Geographic, and was impressed by the pictures he saw. As such, he had saved up a large sum of money, so that he could travel the world "when I have the time".

For now, however, Steinar remained in London, pursuing a second degree in World History course, a course from which he graduated 3 years later, at the age of 29.

By then, his mother was insisting that Steinar get a job (so that his parents wouldn't have to support him forever). As such, he underwent a teaching course, and became an English teacher at a primary school. He wasn't very fond of teaching young children, and hence, requested to be moved to a high school. The education authorities acquiesced, and Steinar was, at the age of 32, posted to a high school to teach History and Philosophy.

Here, he taught faithfully for the next 27 years, earning various awards for long service and other such achievements. During this time, he had bought himself a camera; it wasn't long before photography became a hobby for him. Whenever he wasn't teaching or marking exam scripts, he would be seen with his camera, meticulously adjusting it on the tripod and taking pictures of whatever he felt like taking pictures of.

When Steinar was 59, his 91 year old father suffered from a severe stroke that paralysed the entirety of his left side. As such, with great reluctance, both father and son retired from their respective jobs, Mr. Aron Magnusson due to his stroke (and a consistent deterioration in health thereafter), and Steinar, in order to take care of his father. (His brother, Jon, wasn't the most filial of children; he had run off to some other country upon completing his studies, and was never heard from again.)

Aron Magnusson was very well taken care of. He refused to go back into the hospital (the one time he had ever stayed in a hospital was the worst time of his life), and wanted to die peacefully, with his wife and elder son (the good one) at his side. Steinar respected his wish, and at the age of 93, Aron Magnusson passed on peacefully at 7:45pm in the presence of both of the people he loved most.

Following that, the widowed Mary Magnusson insisted that Steinar go out and do what he enjoyed most (or as she put it, "to make the most of life.)

He took his mother's advice and, with the remainder of the money he had saved to care for his late father, went on a trip around the world to take pictures. On the advice of an impressed restaurant owner (whom Steinar had shown some pictures to after his dinner one day), 61 year old Steinar decided that he could try publishing a compilation of the pictures he had taken on that trip.

It was on his 62nd birthday, just as he was planning a trip to Singapore (from another overseas city), that he found out about the new zombie disease that was ravaging the world. Being unable to travel back to London (the plane he was scheduled to take had been hijacked following the chaos of the sudden reanimation of countless cadavers worldwide), Steinar sent a message to his concerned mother, informing her that he was alright, and would try his best to get back to be with her before the inevitable came…


Steinar is known to be very patient, a trait that was useful when he was a teacher (having to deal with recalcitrant students), and equally useful when he had to take care of his bedridden father. People who knew him noted that he never got angry (the most was that he would raise his voice), which was something that they liked about him.

He is also very loyal to those whom he loves or is close to, something shown by the fact that he left his job to take care of his father.

However, he also has a tendency to overload himself with work or other things of that sort, especially as a result of his gentle nature (i.e. unwillingness to insult or burden others), and will sometimes stress himself out to a large degree, sometimes to the extent of losing sleep. In addition, he is also unwilling to reveal said conditions to other people, for fear of making them worried.


- Umbrella

- Swiss Army knife

(He doesn't know how to use guns; his home country didn't allow them anyway)


Steinar has few relatives whom he knows. Apart from his parents and his brother (who left the rest of the family very early), Steinar does not come into contact with any of his other kin.


Mary Magnusson née Holmes

88 years old


Mary Magnusson is the mother of Steinar Magnusson. She had always been very close to Steinar, and vice versa. He always attributes his full head of hair and his physique (both very good for a 62 year old) to the fact that she breastfed him (rather than give him chemical-laden powdered milk) and, as he grew up, spent time cooking nutritious meals for him.

She was always supportive of whatever Steinar planned to do in his life; to her, the most important thing for her son (the good, filial one) was that he did something that he enjoyed, rather than slave away at a high-paying but tiring job.

Following the death of her husband, Mary encouraged Steinar to pursue his dream of travelling the world as a photographer.


(no picture available)

Jon Magnusson

59 years old


Jon Magnusson is the younger brother of Steinar Magnusson. After completing a degree in Mathematics, Jon took his savings and flew to the United States; since then, Steinar was completely unaware of his whereabouts, though he heard his father mentioning something about "that extravagant heathen".



Steinar does not have a very large number of friends; however, those whom he knows are close, despite the fact that he seldom gets the opportunity to meet them face to face very often.

He used to be in a romantic relationship with one Rachel Dawson when he was an undergraduate; however, they never got engaged, and subsequently lost touch with each other.

Due to his wide travelling (and other reasons), many of Steinar's friends come from around the globe, though the majority of them were born in the UK. The most notable ones are listed below.


Yes, it's Alexander Alekhine.

Victor Tiurin

Виктор Тюрин

50 years old


Victor Tiurin, a Russian-English accountant working and living in London, met Steinar at a café when the latter was 55. As the establishment was extremely crowded, Victor was forced to share a table with Steinar. They had a long conversation with each other, and subsequently decided to remain in touch.

Since then, the two of them have met up regularly in the park, where they had lengthy chats about politics, movies, books, and just about anything that they could think of. Upon Steinar's announcement of his intentions to travel the world, Victor became a vocal supporter of his friend's endeavours, promising to buy a copy of his book once it was published.


(no picture available)

Jason Selkirk

63 years old


One of Steinar's friends in university, Jason often went to watch movies and plays together with him. They became quite close to each other, and while Steinar decided to enter the workforce as a public student, Jason remained in academia, earning a doctorate in Bioethics.

The two maintain regular correspondence, but seldom meet up face to face.

When news of the zombie apocalypse got out, Selkirk invited Steinar to move to Switzerland, where he owned a large private mansion cum fortress in the Alps; Steinar politely refused, citing the fact that, before he could do anything else, he had to go back to London to ensure that his mother was alright.


(no picture available)

Richard Wang Rui-Jie


27 years old


Steinar met Richard Wang during his time as a high school history teacher in the UK. (Richard was a student in the school in which Steinar taught.) They grew close to each other, and after Richard graduated, the two maintained correspondence with each other by sending letters and, after much technological advancement, email.




- Aside from photography, Steinar also enjoys playing the piano. He used to have formal training as a child (under the ABRSM syllabus), but stopped after reaching Grade 8.

- He suffers from mild podagra (foot gout), which he inherited from his mother.

- Steinar enjoys eating fish, especially salmon, which he likes best when grilled. However, he refrains from other kinds of seafood, especially cuttlefish. He also avoids red meat, due to his gout.

- Being concerned about his own health, Steinar makes it a point to go jogging thrice a week, and to lift weights once a week. Though he never seems to make any progress in the latter, 15kg is enough, since, as Steinar notes, his job and lifestyle doesn't require him to lift anything above that weight.

- Sex was not something that had ever concerned Steinar; however, he had a brief relationship with a girl of the same age when he was doing his first degree in university. Upon graduation, they lost touch with each other. He has not heard from her since.

- Steinar enjoys playing chess, though he is (self-admittedly) quite terrible at it.

Accepted, one group is in New York and the other is in Virginia.

  • Cassidy Falcon



    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.ed584759a4958dfad48fdc69528ed413.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84794" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.ed584759a4958dfad48fdc69528ed413.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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  • James Falcon


    Parkour Instructor

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.38e782170c7c60ec3bf30f457a488d18.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84800" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.38e782170c7c60ec3bf30f457a488d18.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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  • Lindsay White


    None, but was training to be a professional horse rider

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.9ddac5058c89802ea37ee43991bc8714.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84804" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.9ddac5058c89802ea37ee43991bc8714.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • image.jpeg
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ClickyVikki said:

  • Lindsay White


    None, but was training to be a professional horse rider

    View attachment 190769

All characters are accepted, but remember people are not born with such strength that the can kill someone with kantata no problem

Just be realistic with the weapons is all i'm sayin :)
Lonelytaco said:
All characters are accepted, but remember people are not born with such strength that the can kill someone with kantata no problem
Just be realistic with the weapons is all i'm sayin :)
Yeah, don't worry, James has quite a bit of strength and has trained with katanas before. ^-^

Hehe.. saiyan
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Name-Ian Hunt

Age- 28

Occupation- Chemistry Expert

Appearance http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm122/WILEYSBOIS/l_a46b543bbdcc340111919d528283a0f8.jpg

Biography/History: Ian has always had a knack for chemistry in the most odd ways some could say he has the sense and noise of a blood hound because of the insane amount of knowledge through experiences and studying, ian has become resistant to some poisons and has a iron stomach because of the many years doing this. They were about to lay ian off from a big company so ian decided to get back at them he stole a load of useful and not overly harmful chemical days before his final pay check he also found a ship load of money which the assistant carelessly dropped and so he stashed in a hole still he come back for it. Not many days after the pay check and the money had been sorted life went boom for the whole as he watched the news.

Weapons: Home made explosive vials and stuff along that line that he can carry with ease

Relatives/Friends: Surrogate Dad Earl

Hometown: London
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Leo Radomir]Name-Ian Hunt Age- 28 Occupation- Chemistry Expert Appearance [URL="http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm122/WILEYSBOIS/l_a46b543bbdcc340111919d528283a0f8.jpg said:

Biography/History: The virtues of hard work were always stressed to Ramsey even a young age by his grandmother. Those virtues were what fueled his passion for school as well as his drive to succeed in life. If anything it wasn't just for himself, it was also for his siblings who he knew needed a good role model. The only other figure of authority in their life was their father, an extremely wealthy man, who wasted his money on drugs and his figure of authority in their life was their father, and extremely wealthy man, who wasted his money on drugs and his innessecant need for gambling. In spite of his fathers lack of a good influence Ramsey always felt the need to receive good grades, an effort that earned him the recognition of quite a many colleges around the world. Around the age of 16, he received a internship to America for the summer, where he's been ever since with his host family. Though he misses his family he knows he's doing well by them.

Weapons: Home made explosive vials and stuff along that line that he can carry with ease

Relatives/Friends: Surrogate Dad Earl

Hometown: London

Name: Derrick Young

Age: 23

Occupation: Unemployed; Currently serving out a 10 year sentence.

Appearance: Just by appearances, a first look at the boyish in appearance and mannerism Derrick Young, most would never guess that the man is a jail convict. He doesn't fit the jail stereotypes; he's neither big nor is he muscular, being more lanky and short in stature then anything else. The most that gives away the true personality Derrick hides behind a boyish mannerism would have to be the hawkish, often bemused glint of his brown eyes. They are sneaky eyes, though his one fatal flaw is the fact that all of his emotion flashes in them.

Biography/History: Derrick was born a foster kid, the child who no one ever wanted because he was to skinny, his eyes were to sad, his hair to bright a color. On occasions Derrick would go to the occasional foster home though these interactions were always short lived. He grew up knowing that the system thought him nothing but trash, a waste of tax dollars, and after a while he begin to believe it himself.

In classrooms Derrick was always the trouble kid, the one who made taunting jokes towards those in authority and always had a sharp comment to back it up. It didn't help that his sarcastic and uncontrolled tongue drew the attention and amusement of the class. This bit of acknowledgment was enough to make Derrick think the behavior okay and continue.

School seemed a useless task to Derrick; why school was useful was never explained to him thoroughly and even if it had been the boy had already made up his mind that mischief was more useful a task for his future. It seemed it was as his freshman year Derrick was recruited into a local gang, the Brotherhood they called themselves. Derrick considered them his family, the one people who would never betray him.

Upon their insistence and encouragement he dropped out of high school his junior, passing the graduation test with flying colors. Legally, however, Derrick was not an emancipated youth, making him still nothing more than a ward of the state. But once he was no longer in school he was promptly thrown from the foster system and told that he could take care of himself.

For a while things were good, there was no shortage of things to steal and when things got bad the gang would switch towns. However a mission gone wrong which resulted in the death of a shop clerk resulted in a hefty jail sentence for 3 of the members, Derrick included. He'd served out five years of his sentence when the disease begin to spread on a large scale.

Personality: Sharp hawkish eyes reveal Derricks perceptive nature - he notices everything whether he reveals it or not. He has a sharp, uncontrolled tongue that he uses to lash out at those who dare argue or annoy him. He tends to notice the flaws in others first, and his trust or loyalty is rarely extended to those he doesn't know.

Weapons: a crow bar, as well as a gun stolen from one of the police men's bodies.

Relatives/Friends: N/A

Hometown: Holland, North Carolina

Other: Deathly allergic to nuts.
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Fallacy said:
Name: Derrick Young
Age: 23

Occupation: Unemployed; Currently serving out a 10 year sentence.

Appearance: Just by appearances, a first look at the boyish in appearance and mannerism Derrick Young, most would never guess that the man is a jail convict. He doesn't fit the jail stereotypes; he's neither big nor is he muscular, being more lanky and short in stature then anything else. The most that gives away the true personality Derrick hides behind a boyish mannerism would have to be the hawkish, often bemused glint of his brown eyes. They are sneaky eyes, though his one fatal flaw is the fact that all of his emotion flashes in them.

Biography/History: Derrick was born a foster kid, the child who no one ever wanted because he was to skinny, his eyes were to sad, his hair to bright a color. On occasions Derrick would go to the occasional foster home though these interactions were always short lived. He grew up knowing that the system thought him nothing but trash, a waste of tax dollars, and after a while he begin to believe it himself.

In classrooms Derrick was always the trouble kid, the one who made taunting jokes towards those in authority and always had a sharp comment to back it up. It didn't help that his sarcastic and uncontrolled tongue drew the attention and amusement of the class. This bit of acknowledgment was enough to make Derrick think the behavior okay and continue.

School seemed a useless task to Derrick; why school was useful was never explained to him thoroughly and even if it had been the boy had already made up his mind that mischief was more useful a task for his future. It seemed it was as his freshman year Derrick was recruited into a local gang, the Brotherhood they called themselves. Derrick considered them his family, the one people who would never betray him.

Upon their insistence and encouragement he dropped out of high school his junior, passing the graduation test with flying colors. Legally, however, Derrick was not an emancipated youth, making him still nothing more than a ward of the state. But once he was no longer in school he was promptly thrown from the foster system and told that he could take care of himself.

For a while things were good, there was no shortage of things to steal and when things got bad the gang would switch towns. However a mission gone wrong which resulted in the death of a shop clerk resulted in a hefty jail sentence for 3 of the members, Derrick included. He'd served out five years of his sentence when the disease begin to spread on a large scale.

Personality: Sharp hawkish eyes reveal Derricks perceptive nature - he notices everything whether he reveals it or not. He has a sharp, uncontrolled tongue that he uses to lash out at those who dare argue or annoy him. He tends to notice the flaws in others first, and his trust or loyalty is rarely extended to those he doesn't know.

Weapons: a crow bar, as well as a gun stolen from one of the police men's bodies.

Relatives/Friends: N/A

Hometown: Holland, North Carolina

Other: Deathly allergic to nuts.

-=- Name : Viktoriya Yunevich -=-


-=- Age : 22 -=-

-=- Occupation -=-

Viktoriya is an ex-military service member. She operated as a field medic for the United States Army, assigned specifically to the 42nd Infantry Division (commonly referred to as the “Rainbow Division”). Within her roughly 4 years of service she saw active deployment three times. Her first deployment was within the United Arab Emirates, essentially acting as a guard against terrorist threats that resided close by. Contact with the enemy was never made in this deployment, leaving her still labelled as a greenback. Her second deployment is when she finally was removed from a stagnant role in the military and assigned to Syria. The Rainbow Division was crucial here in the beginning raids against Assad and his new ally, The Russian Federation. The Greenback quickly became a seasoned survivor and veteran, performing dozens of field surgeries while under heavy fire. She gained the nickname ‘Patch’ after soldiers began simply saying “Patch!” instead of “Patch me up!”. Two years after her deployment the war against Assad and The Russian Federation was rendered useless and too expensive and the United States shortly withdrew Thus she was stationed in the Glenmore Armory, New York. Soon after the infection started, the Glenmore Armory fell apart and the station became divided. The Rainbow Division split into pieces, leaving Viktoriya to strive on her own.


The story of Viktoriya Yunevich is one that could be described as rather cliche. Her father, being of heavy Russian descent, was a soldier for The Federation. Viktoriya’s mother, a British Journalist who was allowed access into the country met the young soldier during an interview. Quickly the two fell in love and inevitably, Viktoriya was made. During her pregnancy her mother moved to Moscow to live with Viktoriya’s father. The woman began learning Russian, beginning to lose touch with the outside world. Viktoriya was born months later in the rather shitty hospital that was closest to her family’s home. While being raised in Russia for a year or two - her father was soon faced with charges of mutiny against Russia. Desperately hoping to escape the country the Yunevich family fled to the Americas, where they found refuge amongst the government her father was leaking information to. In trade for their continued freedom, the United States requested that her father be placed into active duty. He was soon deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, only returning every few years. Viktoriya grew up this way - only seeing her father a few times a year from ages 4-17. Viktoriya utterly admired her father, Instead of reading her books at bedtime he would tell her all about where he'd been and who he'd fought. It made Viktoriya dream of becoming a soldier just as seemingly invincible as her father. However as most of these stories end, her father wasn’t as invincible as she had imagined. Mere weeks after Viktoriya turned 17 her father was killed while in combat.

Hoping to continue her father’s legacy, Viktoriya was enlisted into the military with her mother’s permission months after her father’s death.

-=- Personality -=-

Viktoriya can appear to be extremely cold and harsh - but so do all soldiers at first glance. She was put through rigorous training and exercises to make her a metaphorical vault of information, immune to most torture methods and able to control her tongue in a tense situation. She takes time to assess and plan out her course of action, as violent as that action may be. It would not be unlike her to do anything to protect herself or anyone she values as resource or ally.

-=- Inventory -=-

Leather pouches/holsters.

Gray tank top, black jeans.


Survival Multi-tool.






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[/Tab] [tab= Basic Information]

Name: Alexandria Paris

Age: 16

Occupation: Artist/ Musican



[tab= Detailed Information]

Biography/History: Alex grew up with her mom, older sister, grandma, dad and grandpa. They were a poor family but they manger, her mother died of illness when Alex was 13, her father became obsessed with puppets for odd reasons, when the apocalypse hit, Alex was away with her friends when she saw thes news, she ran home to find her greedy sister, putting all there food into a duffle bag, Alex ran downstairs, where her father continued to make puppets, her grandparents had passed away by then, so Alex took care of the family, her father refused to leave and she couldn't drag his body upstairs. She begged and cried him, by then he spoke no words and almost didn't seem to hear anybody, even when they shook him.

She had to flee when the zombies broke in, her sister had already run for the hills with the food and she had no choice but to leave her father behind, and she's been surviving on her own since.

Personality: She's a definition of a young badass, she's mean, cold, sarcastic, but of a smartass, she looks out for herself no matter what the cost, she doesn't care who she kills in the way, and she's Impatiant and short tempered.

Weapons: Silenced sniper rifle, a powerful revolver, and a katana.


Friends: Dead (assumed)

Sister: Alive (hates)

Rest of family: Dead

Hometown: Paris, France.

Other: loves art and music, she carries paint and a paintbrush with her in her bag.

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DarknessSpirit said:
[/Tab] [tab= Basic Information]
Name: Alexandria Paris

Age: 16

Occupation: Artist/ Musican



[tab= Detailed Information]

Biography/History: Alex grew up with her mom, older sister, grandma, dad and grandpa. They were a poor family but they manger, her mother died of illness when Alex was 13, her father became obsessed with puppets for odd reasons, when the apocalypse hit, Alex was away with her friends when she saw thes news, she ran home to find her greedy sister, putting all there food into a duffle bag, Alex ran downstairs, where her father continued to make puppets, her grandparents had passed away by then, so Alex took care of the family, her father refused to leave and she couldn't drag his body upstairs. She begged and cried him, by then he spoke no words and almost didn't seem to hear anybody, even when they shook him.

She had to flee when the zombies broke in, her sister had already run for the hills with the food and she had no choice but to leave her father behind, and she's been surviving on her own since.

Personality: She's a definition of a young badass, she's mean, cold, sarcastic, but of a smartass, she looks out for herself no matter what the cost, she doesn't care who she kills in the way, and she's Impatiant and short tempered.

Weapons: Silenced sniper rifle, a powerful revolver, and a katana.


Friends: Dead (assumed)

Sister: Alive (hates)

Rest of family: Dead

Hometown: Paris, France.

Other: loves art and music, she carries paint and a paintbrush with her in her bag.

Name: Candace "Candy" Addams

Age: 6

Occupation: Elementary Student.


Biography: After her parents were killed, it had always been Marco,her older brother, and Candy left. That was until one day, Marco disappeared, leaving Candy all alone to fend for herself. She misses her family and will sometimes pretend life is normal, that the apocalypse never happened.

Personality: Generally quiet, she can be sweet, but only to friends, or people she trusts.

Weapons: slingshot and an axe.

Relatives and Friends:


Brother: unknown

Rest of Family: Dead

Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee.

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