The Zodiac Children.


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Noodles submitted a new role play. @Noodles, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Name: (first and second)

Age: (16-19)

Gender: (please put down which male or female you are, ex: I am female 1)

Appearance: (you can use pictures or words or both.)

Personality: (fun, buhbly sarcastic, horrid ext.)

Short back story: (ex: what kind of parents did you have? Abusive? Loving? Ext. What kind of neighbourhood did you grow up in? And anything else you want to add in.

Misc: (anything that doesn't fit in anywhere above.)

**** ***** ***** **** **** **** **** ****

My character:

Name: Lola Leneyod

Age: 18

Gender: female 1

Appearance: short blonde Messy hair cut just below her chin with dark murky green eyes. Her round face is dotted with freckles and her smile is huge. She has long gazelle like legs and long spindley arms. She has dirty hands and knees most of the time. She wears a light brown tank top with a leather belt and just above her knee denim shorts. Sunglasses on her head and a rucsack on Her back with her wind and fire wheels together hanging off her rucksack.

Personality: likes to take charge of the situation.

Keeps her word and will never break it, she will keep all types of promises, even the bad ones. She is a girl full of pride and mischeif . she always wants to get right into the action. Not a lot of planning goes into what she does in any scenario. She is optimistic and full of energy. She is quite stubborn also.

Short back story: she had been given to a middle class family who lived in a nice little cottage. Her human father was a man full of pride and taught her to keep her chin up and smile even in the worst of times because you will get through it. Her human Mother was a kind gently woman who kept every single promise she ever got. She was always smiling whenever Lola saw her. She left her home at age 17 when she found put she was a daughter of the stars. She did not want to bring danger to her family and left to find her siblings.

Misc: she acts like she has no weaknesses but she is terrified of thunder and is super ticklish.
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Alyxandria Destinée




Female 3




Alyxandria is the optimistic one mostly of the times. She is happy and haves a lot of energy. She wants everyone to be happy like her. She smiles to everyone and will even cover it if she feels not good. She keeps her problems for herself.


Alyxandria had been given to a rich family and she lives in a manor. She thinks that life is boring in her home but she lives with that. She got used to it. Her parents are never there so she lives alone.


Alyxandria always have a notebook to note the strange dreams that she does and a book that explains them to understand their meaning.
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Name: Yukimura Sonajiro

Age: 18

Gender: Male 1

Appearance: (you can use pictures or words or both.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-6.jpeg.ba195e13b80d1f9b96713cc379865114.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-6.jpeg.ba195e13b80d1f9b96713cc379865114.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He's very courageous and has no problem with risk. He prefers to make plans on the fly and adapt to the situation at hand rather than make long term plans. His confidence has been described as admirable. He likes to fool around alot and so he's not really serious all the time, he's especially good at trash talk. It must be the Aries in him, because he has the qualities of a leader.

Short back story: He was given to a rich family, but not a stuck up one. His father taught to be brave and strong, most importantly how to be a man. His mother taught him to be caring and value friendship and the like. He found out he was a child of the stars at when he was 16. He left because he knew he didn't belong and that a new life of awesomeness awaits.

Misc: He can summon the Golden Fleece and convert it into his golden armor.



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Name: Ava Steel

Age: 17

Gender: female 2

Appearance: Ava has wavy auburn hair which reaches to just below her chest. She has deep brown eyes and reasonably fair skin which is clear and smooth. She has a sharp jawline and small lips which hide her perfect teeth. Ava is petite and has a muscular figure but not bulky.

Personality: Ava is extremely smart and at times can be manipulative and controlling. She is flirty and like to have fun. She is also very stubborn and doesnt like to be told what to do. Once she has an opinion or thought about something she will not be convinced otherwise as she always thinks she is right. A person must earn Avas trust and if they do she will be very loyal to that person and will be there if needed but if the trust is not earned or broken Ava will be likely to hold a grudge against that person and may even seek revenge. She is very intuitive and most times can sense how a person is feeling and can use this to her advantage.

Short back story: Ava was given to a couple who was only just managing to get by but they were two of the most caring and loving people on the planet even though they couldn't give her much they tried their best to provide for her. They taught her to be grateful for what she has and stand up for what she believes.

Misc: Ava is very cuddly and touchy feely person which tends to bother some people.


Byung-Soon Gwon




Male 2

Appearance: (you can use pictures or words or both.)




Byung tries to find the best in everyone, since he was never given a chance. He isn't one to become angry and act on emotions, but can become irritated. He works terrible under pressure, and is known to speak Korean when stressed or agitated. But Byung is a sweet and caring boy, hating to see others hurt. He'll sacrifice himself and his happiness if it'd help another, but is startled quite easily.

Short back story: Byung moved earlier in the year to (wherever we are) from North Korea with his Step Father. All his life he had been given high expectations in his studies, naturally thought to have the greatest grades. Which he does, but that was because his father would easily punish him physically if he where to get anything lower then an A. His mother died when giving birth to his little sister, who then passed a couple days later.


Byung hates heights and deep water with a passion.

Name: Darius Black

Age: 16

Gender: Male 3

Appearance: (would a realistic pic be preferred?)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/FlutePlays.jpg.682e2f13ef502bf06f586f991e086aa9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17996" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/FlutePlays.jpg.682e2f13ef502bf06f586f991e086aa9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Darius is high energy, fun to be around in a group setting, and seems to try and please everyone. Not by saying 'yes' to everything, but by finding the happy middle that everyone can agree on, and finds himself incredibly uncomfortable when there isn't an immediate solution or the others are just not willing to compromise. He finds himself having a hard time making a decision, especially when it comes to invitations. He absolutely hates making a choice between one or another, but this also extends to being put in 'choose a side' situation or any conflicting propositions. Despite all his doubts and worries, Darius puts on a happy face and keeps on a'smilin'.

Short back story: Darius grew up as part of the lower class. Not exactly poor, but not exactly comfortable either. He learned quickly the value of hard work, yet he himself, despite his efforts, never seemed to be able to make a dent in his parents' debts. His parents instilled in him one thing and one thing only, no matter what Darius did, he was not to fully tie himself to it. This extended to friends, and even to his first girlfriend. Unable to escape his parents' values, but unable to feel satisfied following such a decree, Darius coped by trying to treat everyone equally. For if all are treated equal, then no one person has any more of him than the other. Then he wasn't tied to any one thing, was he now?

Misc: (if he knows about his power) Wishes he could extend the time of his duplicate so that he could send it to one event while he attended another (therefore not having to decide one over another).



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