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More toxic less flow
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
IN A GALAXY FAR AWAY, The Yadei work to keep intergalactic peace with a mixture of technology, mysticism and some good old fashioned enforcement of the rules. The Yadei is a collaborative effort brought about by the galactic council enlisting sentient species with potential to learn the ancient mystic techniques of the Yagi.

Basically a special police force of Jedi that investigate and deal with potential threats to the galaxy.
Terrorist organizations, rebel forces, evil robotic bioweapons and more...
If you choose to play you would make a Yadei agent freshly assigned to the good ship Y-D6, a battle hardened team famous among the Yadei Order referred to as "The cleaners"

But why has team Y-D6 been hand picked by the galactic council? Because the Cleaners get rid of mess, not only do they eradicate any problem they come across but the Cleaners track down and determine what caused said messy situations.
Then eradicate/imprison accordingly.

Team Y-D6 is being sent to planet Wolar, a oxygen rich environment on the edge of council territory.
The Wotans are tribal humanoids who have protected their home for centuries with savage strength and primitive mysticism.
Drastic changes to Wolar's atmosphere have been recorded, also their planet is dying as is most of the population.

This was believed to be rebel forces recruiting Wotans and stealing resources, but as planet Wolar is dying much like the other planets outside council territory... It's been decided that answers are needed before this mysterious death plague kills our homes.
Sci fi fantasy, mix borderlands with star wars and mass effect and your probably on the same page as everyone else.
If people like the idea I'll go further with explaining the story but all that's really needed is for people to know you can rip off almost anything and it can fit into the story in some way.

You want a all blue all female species of alien that's culturally obligated to bang other humanoid aliens? Sure!
(but stick to rpns rules no writing smut)
You want a energy sword that can be thrown around with one's mind? Have at it!
(But know I will limit the sheets to have a sense of equality between characters)
You want to make a krogan in everything but name? Why not!
(Call them krogan if you want idc)

Mind you while I say almost anything can fit I will most likely turn down unsuitable characters and bullshit devices

like if you post someone having the a omnitrix from ben 10 ima just tell you no.
If you post some sort of alien monster that cannot communicate or fit inside a standard room ima say no
Etc etc

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