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Fantasy The Wyrd of the Black Dogs | Interest Check! [OPEN]


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  2. Group
The Wyrd of the Black Dogs

‘The king is dead. Long live the king!’

In the year of our Lord, 1325, his highness Edmon Reyard—Edmon the First—passed away at the hands of an unknown assassin. The court of the Duinar Empire, located in its capital Ironway, is now in shambles. Two princes, Edmon the Second and Half-Jon, fight for the right to rule; and all the while a third force, Frei the Malcontent, is amassing forces in the provincial south. Of the assassin, there is no hint and news, although some suspect the Chain had a hand in it. The Duinar Empire, once one of the mightiest empires of the continent of Eld, is slowly breaking apart. Civil war is on the horizon; decadence and hedonism is leeching money from the empire’s coffers; and corruption, violence and theft are on the rise. From outside the Empire, there are troubles brewing in the continent of Eld, in the Varian Republic and Dreadgloom. Everywhere people are turning their plowshares into swords. The time for peace is over.

Amidst the chaos in the capital arrives the Black Dogs: a professional mercenary company made up of misfits, outsiders and various other people from all over the continent and outside of it too. They have a long history of participating in small wars and skirmishes against the barbaric tribes of the Cantons. Now they are looking to make a buck from what is perhaps the biggest conflict to happen in the continent for decades. Will they succeed? Or are they digging their own graves? Only time will tell!

Fantasy - The Wyrd of the Black Dogs | OOC
Fantasy - The Wyrd of the Black Dogs | Lore
Fantasy - The Wyrd of the Black Dogs | Characters
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Interested- reminds me of Stormlight archive
Not what I had in mind, but it's definitely of the same stripe!
Yeah, mysterious assassin is the only thing that reminded me- everything else is cool
Also, if anyone has any interesting ideas or any specific roles they want to do, shoot
intrigued, might do the 'newbie' among the Platoon leaders, heading up the newest formation of the Company
Hoping my character can be a bit more inexperienced and awkward at the start but then slowly get better. Not a prodigy tho only hard work 👀👀

Who doesn't like hard work? (I don't. I like laziness...)
So I have two characters in mind: Blind Assasin (Former Brotherhood blinded him as ritual or punishment- will decide) and the squire (Maybe bastard child) of a well renowned member, though the hero recently died (Due to their clumsiness) and now the squire is trying to pretend to be their dead master (He never removed a set of giant armor he is known for)
Exactly!! Excited for this (and also same here)

The idea is still somewhat rough, so I'll work on a proper lore page and I'll get something up in the next few days.
So I have two characters in mind: Blind Assasin (Former Brotherhood blinded him as ritual or punishment- will decide) and the squire (Maybe bastard child) of a well renowned member, though the hero recently died (Due to their clumsiness) and now the squire is trying to pretend to be their dead master (He never removed a set of giant armor he is known for)

Ooh, the second idea is pretty interesting.
Gears Gears Jam._ Jam._ ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe

Here is the OOC page!


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