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Fantasy The Worst Pantheon: Live and Reloaded (OOC) (OPEN)

VomitIcicle - Gaul (Temp-Boss)
Name: Gaul

Other Names: The Destroyer, The Harbinger, the Anti-Hug

Spheres: War, Disease

Aspects: Technology, Hatred, Death, Plague,Hatred

Role: Invader

Associated Religions: Many war cults worship fragments of Gaul, but scant few recognize the true level of destruction if they united, these are usually remnants of the countless Legions that once accompanied the war god, it is these warbands that have attached themselves to Gaul, aiming to further his plans of becoming whole.

Dogma: That war is the truest nature of things, that true enlightenment can be found only through large scale conflict, and on the battlefield. Though the exact details of these cults differ, those drawn to the fragments all share this belief.

Personality: He is cruel and uncompromising, but can recognized an unwinnable war, and is more than likely to put on airs and use diplomacy if the need arises.

Backstory: Gaul was once the top Lieutenant of a ROB known as Bill. Bill entrusted Gaul with his entire universe, putting the other gods under his jurisdiction. Unfortunately, Bill was also a heavy drinker, and would later smash Gaul over the head of another ROB in an alcohol driven dispute, wounding the other ROB but shattering Gaul in the process, Corven, in a rare example, remembered former flashes of his life enough to actively seek out and assimilate rival war gods from other dimensions and universes, aiming to remake Gaul once more.


Plague-Gaul is capable of spreading great diseases to cripple his enemies, this can range from small boils to cripplingly fatal diseases

Wave of Hatred- Gaul is capable of sending out waves of emotion to influence peoples emotions, driving his enemies to attack one another just as much as they attack him.

Warmind-The legionary and warband remnants, despite being as fractured as their god, still retain coordination beyond that of any other army of Alenia, able to communicate nigh-instantly.
Store Troubles

Barbas Barbas

It was yet another common day for Ocaeril. Both the planet and the god. The sun wasn’t exploding or being consumed by insane dragon gods, the afterlives weren’t looking more full than simps going to Elcore because...Dragon gods, and the world wasn’t being invaded by aliens or outer-universe terrors because of dragon gods once more. It was one of those rare days where everything just felt peaceful for Ocaeril. No one threw shit at the fan yet, at least not that he bothered to care or note while in his decade long ‘break.’

As such, Ocaeril took this opportunity to do something obvious, something any other god would have done when everything is *not* in chaos. Just enjoy the day and buy groceries.

But, you are probably saying, can’t Ocaeril just grow and summon whatever he wants? And to which I present you two facets of Ocaeril: The humble family man. A man that thinks that being a god is dumb as fuck is just a way to get bragging rights from religion and prayers that don’t mean jack and a man that think that there’s nothing more peaceful then handing a store owner gold coins and dragging likely mutated products back into his home to prepare a pie with it. The sound of the counter just makes him smile.

The doors of the store opened comfortably to reveal a humble little shop. Products of all sorts sat next to windows to show them off. Vegetables, fresh meats, and the soft glowing of seals on the side of the walls to leave off a breezy wind through the bizarre store that was a mix between modern and something straight out of a fantasy setting. Only in Ocaeril.

Bread, fresh meat, eggs, all was placed down in a little basket by Ocaeril, a soft hum exiting his mouth with a small smile. This was the life.

All things come to an end though.

Soon, the basket filled with the mortal-crafted goods was placed on the counter. Behind it, a man with caucasian skin, black and messy greasy hair and red eyes stood, wearing what was seemingly the store’s uniform. He stared at Ocaeril with intensity for a few moments, not even paying the basket of goods any mind.

...Ahem,” Ocaeril cleared his throat, the man only blinked in response. The planet god’s smile forcefully widened itself, but his eyes looked to the side. Was this kid new or something? “Ah, excuse me, I would like to...You know, buy some of your goods, sir.

...Sixty four gold coins.” The man replied bluntly, and Ocaeril only blinked. He didn’t even look at the basket.

A...Are you sure? I mean, shouldn’t--

Yes, I’m sure.” The man replied once more. His tone was venomous, and almost sounded like a hiss of sorts. His blunt expression didn’t change, though. “Sixty four gold coins, Ocaeril.

Blink. Staaare.

You know me? My, it isn’t every day a mortal--

A loud groan came from the man, followed with him digging his head into his hands. There was a mix of what seemed to be curses, sobbing, and extreme screaming coming from him. Ocaeril looked to the side. Suddenly, the exit was looking pretty nifty all of the sudden. Who the hell was this bozo--

It’s fucking me, god damn it! It’s Baldur!



A hand slammed on the counter. Money and the basket flew up in the air for a moment, as the entire store shook. Taking off his little cap, the god revealed a pair of bat ears on the top of his head. Baldur looked like he was a kid Ocaeril left on the side of the road, promised to come back to, and never did. It took a few moments of staring, but the memories of the literally never mentioned God of Darkness was slowly returning to his mind. Wasn’t he a...Bat or something or the other.

Baldur! God of Conquest! Lord of Domination! The one who fucked up the West! And apparently God of being fucking forgotten or something!” The man yelled, yeesh, he looked awfully human for a god of his type. It was weird. “What the fuck dude?! Don’t you fucking say you of all people forgot about me! You’re the one who fucked up Holey!

...Ooooh. Oooooh. Right. Baldur. It’s, uh…” Ocaeril blinked. This was beyond awkward. He swears he thought Baldur left at some point like gods of the likes of Ziji, Assyrian, and that one war god that literally spoke one word and disappeared. He’s pretty sure the ROB is just scratching concepts at this point. “Man, it’s been a while, huh? How...How’s things?

...Why is that your fucking reaction?! Quit treatin’ me like I’m some old high school friend or something!!

Ocaeril looked to the side. He scratched his ear. “Look, Baldy,” Ocaeril snickered at the double meaning of his nickname, while the god just laughed. “You never show up to the meetings, man, and you never let us know when the stuff you do is your stuff! I mean, I get your weakness is sunlight, but even so-

It’s pop music.” Baldur said, looking absolutely defeated. His head was down on the counter. “My weakness is...Pop music.


Right, uh, easy mistake.” Ocaeril laughed awkwardly, his Zyr side was flaring up in the worst way possible. He could feel how awkward this situation was. Both to him, and to Baldur. If awkwardness had a form or a god, he would probably be on the side of the store, sipping on some soda as he smiles at a job well done.

Lo- Look. Why are you here, man? What’s got you working on this store?

Baldur sighed, at this point, his face was buried in his arms, but soon, he turned up to face Ocaeril again.

It was meant to be a big thing,” Baldur said, his voice sounding like Ocaeril when he drank his sorrows away from the bar. “I was meant to invite all my followers, all my demons, to come over to the basement. There’s a huge fucking factory with what was meant to be cursed products that summon demons to conquer empires from the inside, and transform people who eat them, but.

He waved his hands at Ocaeril’s products. “Nobody fuckin’ showed up, and now I’m just workin’ by myself sellin’ third rate products. Everyone fuckin’ forgot about me, Baldur, one of the original gods.

The god then proceeded to dig his face down into his arms once again. And Ocaeril would almost feel bad, but he wasn’t feeling anything negative about Baldur, either. Sure, his plan was bad in the grand scheme of things, if not...Convoluted as fuck and nonsensical, but the only look he could give to the bat god in human form was a mix of ‘that’s rough buddy’ and ‘could be worse’

Look, uh, Baldy, Baldy.” Ocaeril tapped the god of conquest in the shoulder, who only stared up at him with one eye. “Maybe it’s time for a change, huh? I mean,” Ocaeril smiled, pointing to the outside. “Even you and me, having a chat face to face, is a huge improvement ain’t it? I mean, the ROB created us because he wanted a show. And what’s a show good if you only see the actors once in a while? Looks like you’re taking the plotting and hiding and being evil thing too seriously, man.

...The fuck am I meant to do, then? Go to the Hall in a pimp suit and demon bitches and have a chat with everyone?

Surprisingly yes, omitting everything else aside from the ‘chat’ bit,” Ocaeril said, and he had a feeling Baldur was looking at him like he was some sort of alien figure. “Look, what I’m saying is, what good is villainy if you only show it to mortals? Gods gotta know you’re there, buddy. They gotta know you’re fucked up. They gotta remember uh,

Ocaeril snapped his fingers, trying to remember Baldur’s original appearance. He failed. “...Those anime eyes and evil face, yeah, that works. What I’m saying is, a villain ain’t someone who just hides in the shadows all the time and occasionally throws shit into the fan. Sure, the fan is gonna be dirty, but someone is gonna clean it up eventually.” With a sagely nod, Ocaeril smiled. “You gotta make them try and move the fan away from you! Otherwise, what’s the fun in that?

Baldur only stared at Ocaeril for a few moments, his mouth half open and an incredulous look on his face.

...Aren’t you meant to be one of the good guys? The fuck? Did Helsa take over your mind or something?” Baldur said, clearly not aware that-- oh, damn, he isn’t aware.

I am tastefully evil, thank you very much. And make sure to pay more attention to what’s happening too, because otherwise, you won’t be able to know which fan to hit.” Ocaeril said, snapping his fingers, and pointing two of them at Baldur, before pointing at his basket. “Now, can I please buy my stuff? I gotta make a cake for my son.

Baldur stared, before giving a defeated sigh, and getting himself up. “Alright, alright, fuck it. You should really just get an actual kid these days, y’know. This ‘every mortal is my kid’ thing is--

Pay more attention~!” Ocaeril said, giving Baldur all sixty four gold coins. And quickly taking his groceries, picking up the plastic and wrapping it around the groceries, and already making his way to the exit. “I’ll be going now, Baaaat- Baldur! Say hi to the demons to me! Gottagonowseeyoubyebyeeee!

With a jovial wave as the door to the entrance of the store slammed behind him, Baldur only sighed before he pulled out a whiskey bottle, and started drinking from it, while Ocaeril made plans another not visiting this part of town anymore.
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Here is a prospective sheet for the first of the “False Idols”, bizarro clones of the gods created through use of Ickol and Original’s spheres.

Name: Lireaco

Other Names: The None-mother, The One Never Watching, The Critic,

Gender: Lireaco is often depicted as a female figure. As a figure resistant to change, although technically agender at ‘birth’ she refuses to change her form drastically and has committed to a single form and identity.

Appearance: Her physical appearance has not changed post-fusion, although she has taken to more relaxed clothing with a preference of comfort over style.


Stagnation :

The halting of progress. Time slows to a crawl, distance becomes a labor to travel. Strength and motivation are hard to come by, or at least to put towards productive use. If focused wholly on an area, that area will not develop in any noticeable way. Stagnated minds lack creativity, stagnated technology lacks innovation, stagnated nature isn’t developed, etc. Development, progress, any noticeable change is slowed if not outright eliminated. It erodes the will, fosters complacency and apathy.


The re-affirmation of a substance. Opposed to Void, rather than negate something’s effects, it enforces them to their peak. Voided realities are restored, Validated ones are rendered a surety. Used offensively, rather than removing an effect, it enforces that effect past the users control. Ex: Voiding Light would create darkness, Validating Light would enhance it to the point the light is incapable of being manipulated. It simply *is*. Rather than removing the effects of something, it removes the control.


Stagnation Aspects: Stagnation of Body, Mind, Nature, Magic, and Technology

Validate Aspects: Spacetime, Order, Negentropy, Stabilization, Light

Part: The Progeny

Associated Religion:​
As an imitation goddess, Lireaco does not have a natural religion. Instead, Original’s parody religions of Ocaeril are secretly devoted to her, but any further mortal worship must be actively established.

She wishes for her followers to stabilize and retain consistently. Progress should be slow, and regarded as a necessary evil. The evolution of the world has not saved it, but pushed it closer and closer to death and misery. As such, stagnation and maybe even slight regression is necessary for the survival of all life and worthwhile values. It is rumored her followers are given the choice between an apathetic eternal limbo free of pain and fear (among other things) or to reincarnate, but with their old habits and personality so ingrained they continuously live out an identical life. Of course, both of these options are likely rumors, and even if not her cults are few and far between, currently existing only by hijacking Original’s bastardized Ocaerillian Cults.​
Lireaco has a strong dislike towards Ocaeril and the Pantheon in general. She regards other False Idols as a necessary evil, and really only looks up to Ickol, believing the goddess’ contrarian nature will drive her to prefer stagnation over change considering the other gods. She is so set in this belief she is completely blind to any evidence suggesting otherwise, which is true of most of her beliefs. She respects deities that are unobtrusive or consistent and predictable the most.


Lireaco is often withdrawn and dismissive towards others. She believes in a rigid power structure, and that people shouldn’t attempt to alter it. She accepts that she is below the gods, but asserts that none can command her, and that she is above all mortals. She grows more and more disgusted with the races of Ocaeril as a whole while they change and develop, but has been shown to favor individuals that follow a rigid code, or groups that keep to tradition.

Originally tightly-wound and neurotic, Ickol’s ‘training’ and a fusion with her second Torus caused her to mellow out. She now exhibits more traits of hedonism and immaturity, and has abandoned her original values of wishing to prove the values of stagnation to the world. Instead, she no longer cares about opinions other than her own, and believes her continued success is the only validation needed to prove her beliefs correct. She is extremely stubborn, and would rather the world suffer an awful fate than evolve into chaos. Despite her more lax behavior, she still has quite the ego, only thinking her ‘mother’ above herself.


She can attempt to halt an action by Ocaeril, (counting as an action by Ickol, gameplay wise) and is believed to be... adequate at any act a mortal could conceivably do. Otherwise, she relies on her spheres for the most part, but post fusion has gained new abilities.

Reality Drain: Same effect as Zyr and Ocaeril.

Reality Fill: Same effect as Zyr and Ocaeril.

Time Manipulation: Can slow or stop the flow of time on an area, object or person if focused. Possesses a limited view of past or future events, but not as detailed as Ocaeril. Rather than the future being vague, she can see very detailed futures, but only potential ones that rely on maintaining all current factors, meaning almost every god’s action will automatically disrupt this vision and prevent that future from coming to pass. As a result, she has learned not to rely on it.

Vulcanize: Same effect as Zyr and Ocaeril. Simply requires her to say the command “as rock”, and both of her eyes to be staring at the victim.

Validate: Make use of her sphere, effects described above. Can not use it multiple times in quick succession without costing an action or weakening its effectiveness.

Psychoanalysis: Rather than subject the victim to painful memories, intoxicatingly pleasant ones are used, luring in and ensnaring the victim so they would rather remain in that state than anything else.


As a False Idol, Lireaco is designed as a counter to her source material, the Evolution God Ocaeril. However, the best she can hope for is a stalemate in an all-out solo battle between their powers, not victory, as an imitation. Should Ocaeril not rely too much on his spheres or personal nature, he is likely to win, and should he be joined by any other god victory is almost certainly ensured. In fact, most False Idols are truly only at their most effective against their counterpart, and are able to be physically bodied by most gods in a physical confrontation. Although very hard to kill without resorting to their true weaknesses, a sufficiently strong non-divine could potentially brute force a False Idol’s death, and as weaker effigies to the gods they tend to fall when confronted with non complementary spheres. A False Idol’s Torus is non-absorbable, but neither do they leave a core when they are killed.

While Ocaeril is weakened by the repeated destruction of the planet or repeated mass genocides, Lireaco is weakened by the healing and progression of such events. The gradual restoration of a mass tragedy site, the survival and replenishment of an endangered species or people. Rather than successful disasters, repeated unsuccessful ones sicken her.

Post-absorption, Lireaco is capable of being dissolved by the Ritual of Lines, so long as the lines are inverted and the chants are performed backwards. Scholars aware of Ocaeril’s nature can potentially divine this answer.
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Here is a prospective sheet for the first of the “False Idols”, bizarro clones of the gods created through use of Ickol and Original’s spheres.

Name: Lireaco

Other Names: The None-mother, The One Never Watching, The Critic,

Gender: Lireaco is often depicted as a female figure. As a figure resistant to change, although technically agender at ‘birth’ she refuses to change her form drastically and has committed to a single form and identity.

Appearance: Her physical appearance has not changed post-fusion, although she has taken to more relaxed clothing with a preference of comfort over style.
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Stagnation :

The halting of progress. Time slows to a crawl, distance becomes a labor to travel. Strength and motivation are hard to come by, or at least to put towards productive use. If focused wholly on an area, that area will not develop in any noticeable way. Stagnated minds lack creativity, stagnated technology lacks innovation, stagnated nature isn’t developed, etc. Development, progress, any noticeable change is slowed if not outright eliminated. It erodes the will, fosters complacency and apathy.


The re-affirmation of a substance. Opposed to Void, rather than negate something’s effects, it enforces them to their peak. Voided realities are restored, Validated ones are rendered a surety. Used offensively, rather than removing an effect, it enforces that effect past the users control. Ex: Voiding Light would create darkness, Validating Light would enhance it to the point the light is incapable of being manipulated. It simply *is*. Rather than removing the effects of something, it removes the control.


Stagnation Aspects: Stagnation of Body, Mind, Nature, Magic, and Technology

Validate Aspects: Spacetime, Order, Negentropy, Stabilization, Light

Part: The Progeny

Associated Religion


As an imitation goddess, Lireaco does not have a natural religion. Instead, Original’s parody religions of Ocaeril are secretly devoted to her, but any further mortal worship must be actively established.

She wishes for her followers to stabilize and retain consistently. Progress should be slow, and regarded as a necessary evil. The evolution of the world has not saved it, but pushed it closer and closer to death and misery. As such, stagnation and maybe even slight regression is necessary for the survival of all life and worthwhile values. It is rumored her followers are given the choice between an apathetic eternal limbo free of pain and fear (among other things) or to reincarnate, but with their old habits and personality so ingrained they continuously live out an identical life. Of course, both of these options are likely rumors, and even if not her cults are few and far between, currently existing only by hijacking Original’s bastardized Ocaerillian Cults.​
Lireaco has a strong dislike towards Ocaeril and the Pantheon in general. She regards other False Idols as a necessary evil, and really only looks up to Ickol, believing the goddess’ contrarian nature will drive her to prefer stagnation over change considering the other gods. She is so set in this belief she is completely blind to any evidence suggesting otherwise, which is true of most of her beliefs. She respects deities that are unobtrusive or consistent and predictable the most.


Lireaco is often withdrawn and dismissive towards others. She believes in a rigid power structure, and that people shouldn’t attempt to alter it. She accepts that she is below the gods, but asserts that none can command her, and that she is above all mortals. She grows more and more disgusted with the races of Ocaeril as a whole while they change and develop, but has been shown to favor individuals that follow a rigid code, or groups that keep to tradition.

Originally tightly-wound and neurotic, Ickol’s ‘training’ and a fusion with her second Torus caused her to mellow out. She now exhibits more traits of hedonism and immaturity, and has abandoned her original values of wishing to prove the values of stagnation to the world. Instead, she no longer cares about opinions other than her own, and believes her continued success is the only validation needed to prove her beliefs correct. She is extremely stubborn, and would rather the world suffer an awful fate than evolve into chaos. Despite her more lax behavior, she still has quite the ego, only thinking her ‘mother’ above herself.



She can attempt to halt an action by Ocaeril, (counting as an action by Ickol, gameplay wise) and is believed to be... adequate at any act a mortal could conceivably do. Otherwise, she relies on her spheres for the most part, but post fusion has gained new abilities.

Reality Drain: Same effect as Zyr and Ocaeril.

Reality Fill: Same effect as Zyr and Ocaeril.

Time Manipulation: Can slow or stop the flow of time on an area, object or person if focused. Possesses a limited view of past or future events, but not as detailed as Ocaeril. Rather than the future being vague, she can see very detailed futures, but only potential ones that rely on maintaining all current factors, meaning almost every god’s action will automatically disrupt this vision and prevent that future from coming to pass. As a result, she has learned not to rely on it.

Vulcanize: Same effect as Zyr and Ocaeril. Simply requires her to say the command “as rock”, and both of her eyes to be staring at the victim.

Validate: Make use of her sphere, effects described above. Can not use it multiple times in quick succession without costing an action or weakening its effectiveness.

Psychoanalysis: Rather than subject the victim to painful memories, intoxicatingly pleasant ones are used, luring in and ensnaring the victim so they would rather remain in that state than anything else.


As a False Idol, Lireaco is designed as a counter to her source material, the Evolution God Ocaeril. However, the best she can hope for is a stalemate in an all-out solo battle between their powers, not victory, as an imitation. Should Ocaeril not rely too much on his spheres or personal nature, he is likely to win, and should he be joined by any other god victory is almost certainly ensured. In fact, most False Idols are truly only at their most effective against their counterpart, and are able to be physically bodied by most gods in a physical confrontation. Although very hard to kill without resorting to their true weaknesses, a sufficiently strong non-divine could potentially brute force a False Idol’s death, and as weaker effigies to the gods they tend to fall when confronted with non complementary spheres. A False Idol’s Torus is non-absorbable, but neither do they leave a core when they are killed.

While Ocaeril is weakened by the repeated destruction of the planet or repeated mass genocides, Lireaco is weakened by the healing and progression of such events. The gradual restoration of a mass tragedy site, the survival and replenishment of an endangered species or people. Rather than successful disasters, repeated unsuccessful ones sicken her.

Post-absorption, Lireaco is capable of being dissolved by the Ritual of Lines, so long as the lines are inverted and the chants are performed backwards. Scholars aware of Ocaeril’s nature can potentially divine this answer.

Eh, she seems a little OP, but I'll allow it for now since I haven't actually made the demigod creation system yet. Expect to have to rework her a bit though when that is introduced.
Eh, she seems a little OP, but I'll allow it for now since I haven't actually made the demigod creation system yet. Expect to have to rework her a bit though when that is introduced.
That’s fair. Although I will say most False Idols are not going to be this strong in their abilities, it’s more a result of her being Ocaeril’s counterpart than anything. And if you actually manage to land an attack on her, I’d say she (and probably the False Idols in general) only have about 3/4 of their counterpart’s health bars, and unless specified otherwise tend to be physically weaker outside their powers.

Space Buddha

Main Name:


Other Names:

Sekhmet, The Mad Lady of Cats.

Gender: Female






Beasts, Predation, The Unknown, Savagery, Cats.

Role: Outsider

Associated Religion:

Cat-Worship is a phenomenon that has occurred many times throughout history, often in small villages that present offerings to Bastet as a folk deity, one that offers protection from wild beasts, luck and tends to represent good cheer given her association with heavy drinking. She has no churches or centralized religion, acting more like a local superstition than anything else. The most recent forms of this have appeared in some towns in the Western and Eastern Void Deserts, though Azran is largely devoid of it. Not all forms of cat-worship are so positive, however, as some variations praise the archetype of Sekhmet, a vicious monster-goddess, rather than the more benign bastet. There have been many incarnations of this throughout history, the most recent popping up right around Bastet's awakening. These cat-cults are often mere pirates and highwaymen, erecting shrines to Sekhmet, who is revered as a matron deity of monsters, of the two-legged variety. On the few occasions where Bastet is sober enough to lapse into the state of Sekhmet, she may bless these criminals with improved luck, and so it is customary on many pirate ships and in bandit caravans in the remote corners of the world to have a cat onboard. Very rarely, in an instance where cat-worship becomes very prevalent in a village or piratical organization, a priest of sorts will appear, preforming rites and sacrifices and giving sermons. Otherwise, cat-worship never reaches a more developed level.

No evidence of cat-worship has ever been documented in Nekomatus, save for a godlike entity they know as the "Corpse-Chewer", matron goddess of the evil yokai that inhabit the land. This being is hated as a devil rather than praised as a folk deity, however.


Cat-worship is often devoid of any religiosity, and Bastet is only really venerated as a sort of folk deity, and often in addition to more mainstream religions people might follow. It is more of a superstition than anything. This weaker level of influence is often attributed to her origination from another world where she had been forgotten for a long period of time, resulting in her ability to influence people diminishing.

Bastet does not operate any afterlife as humans would know it, but does have a small pocket dimension under her own control, in which she draws the souls of cats, providing a cushy interlife period for such creatures where they are gifted with sapience, and allowed to live among their own kind as a civilization of their own. Cat Heaven manifests as an expansive desert, with plentiful oases and lots of mice to eat. A great city of pyramids, resembling elgeyan architecture, provides housing to the cats, until they deem it time to return to Ocaeril. Upon deciding to return to Ocaeril, cats are offered a choice to join a family of sapience and live in even greater luxury than in Cat Heaven, or join the Wild Hunt, living as a stray and following the path of Sekhmet.


Bastet comes in two distinct personalities, corresponding to her level of alcohol intake. In her natural state, the state of drunkeness, Bastet presents as an upbeat, carefree party-girl, often slurring her speech and tripping over things. She is of a kind sort in this state, but often prone to morbid fascinations that leave others uncomfortable, such as watching a wildcat tear into its prey, or in extreme cases even killing and eating birds or squirrels. As such, she tends to put her fellow deities off when casually eating live or freshly-killed rodents in the hall of gods, but otherwise she is tolerable. As one might expect, Bastet drinks heavily, and no one is quite sure why, though it is thought she does so either to suppress Sekhmet, or to draw her attention away from some horror in her past. Being a goddess, she is able to somewhat maintain her faculties despite this constant alcohol intake, and would never suggest such a lifestyle to anyone else, unless they were a gnome.

Alternatively, in the rare instances where she has failed to imbibe enough of her favored brew, Bastet begins to change, becoming cruel and vindictive, and her feline features accentuate to the point that mortals often distinguish the two personalities, knowing this one to be Sekhmet.

In either state, Bastet is known for one unusual trait, that of homophobia. It doesn't manifest often, but she gets really pissed off if she thinks another woman is coming onto her. No one is quite sure why, but it makes it really easy to mess with her by implying things about her sexuality.

One final fact worth noting, Bastet has a bizzare verbal tic, where she will make a cat noise at the end of a sentence or paragraph. This noise varies depending on whether she is located on the western or eastern hemisphere of the planet, as she will say "Meow" on the former and "Nya" on the latter. When in her own dimension, or otherwise offworld, she defaults to Meow.


Bastet was among the outsiders, having come to Ocaeril during its creation from a world that had forgotten its gods. She rarely speaks of this world, but it is known she was once held in esteem in some great desert kingdom, and the asthetic of this ancient world lives on in much of her work. She never speaks of the pantheon from which she came, and so nothing is known to it, not even to her most loyal priests. During Creation, despite her domains, Bastet did not directly create any of what would come to be known as monsters, all that was Xorju's doing, rather she only contributed the common housecat, and the race known as the Nekomatus, though, it is known she did not create them as they are now, and following some great heresy among their people, Bastet abandoned them to their fate, leading them to their current form of nature-worship. Otherwise, the only other depictions of her ancient works include bizzare, humanoid variations of many monsterous creatures known to exist. men with serpent tails, women with the wings and horns of dragons, ancient Alpha-Slimefolk capable of bending ordinary ones to their will, and all other such beings. They do, however, no longer exist, and most consider them just an extinct oddity at best and an old myth at worst, like the brontosaurus. Sekhmet, at the time, swore vengeance against Ickol for the destruction of her elevated tribes of monster-folk, but over time, as she began to drink more and more divine nectar, becoming the mellowed-out party goddess she is known to be today, she admits Ickol was probably right to get rid of those things. That won't stop her from trying to bring them back, of course...


Good Omen: Bastet can create a projection in the form of a black, hairless cat, (pictured above) and through it observe and interact with anyone, anywhere in the world, regardless of distance. This form is, however, unable to speak directly, and can only communicate nonverbally, that is, with humans. Her cat-form is fully capable of speaking to other animals.

Commune with Beasts: Bastet can talk to animals, specifically carnivores but on occasion omnivorous and herbivorous creatures too, should the public eye deem them to fall under her domain. An animal under the influence of this ability may appear more intelligent than before, though it itself will not realize its sudden acquisition of sapience. Unless Bastet makes a concerted effort to turn an animal sapient, this effect will wear off as soon as Bastet leaves the area.

Elevate the Mind: Elevates a lower life-form to human-level intelligence.

Always Land on your Feet: Bastet, through her aspect of the unknown, influence probability in subtle ways, allowing her to ensure incredibly lucky coincidences as a free action. She can also use this to make someone she favors luckier than normal.

This Cat has Claws: Gives a +1 modifier to all damage inflicted in PVP.

Catlike Grace: Gives a +1 modifier to all defensive rolls in PVP, due to natural evasiveness.

Weaksauce Weakness:

Upon encountering cow's milk, if it is contained in a metal saucer, Bastet will be unable to resist drinking from it, and upon doing so will temporarily transform into an ordinary, unpowered housecat for the remainder of the day. She can be killed as any normal cat could in this shape. Additionally, inhaling dog dander will render her mostly unable to use any of her miracles, making fighting her much more convenient. It also renders her vulnerable to conventional weapons for a time, but no where near as much as milk does.​
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Kingly K Duel - Traxel
Back in Black, the King is here!

Sheet Template Username: Kingly K Duel Kingly K Duel

Main Name: Traxel, the god of Dingodiles

Other Names: The Burning Ender, The Real Destroyer, The Hellfire Dingodile, The Last Cardy.

Gender: Male

Appearance: crash_4___dingodile__fanart__by_taylortrap622_de33d94-fullview.jpg

Sphere: Realization (essentially makes things real)
Aspects: Destruction, Creation, Forging, Breaking, and Fire manipulation (Because he's making real fire)

Role: The End

Associated Religion: Nukemporsium, a religion based upon the three C's: Conquest, Carnage, and Cataclysms. Followers range in various droves, from the meek and cowardly to the brave and relentless, as all are welcome to come and go, but all can revel in the joys of making and breaking things.

Dogma: Nukes are the defense of Ocaeril, Burn all the Ponies, and revel in the joys of war & peaceful destruction. New members of this group must undergo a trial by fire, literally sitting in a pot over fire for three minutes at 200 degrees farenheit. Exemplary members, called Burners, are given the Mark of Fire, a brand of tattoo that allows full immunity over all things fire related, save for holy fire. The most trustworthy of these members, the Scorchers, must roast 5 live ponies in any manner to achieve this feat, and to those that succeed are given another boon: the Mark of Searing, which allows one to become literally fire without even feeling burnt at all.

Personality: Wild, thinks about breaking things a lot, enjoys cooking on the side, loves burning everything on sight but refrains from going overboard.

Backstory: Found encased in a block of glacier in the frozen wastelands of the glorious penguin republic's territory, Traxel had been solidified ages ago during an unknown confict that had erupted sometime during the constant shift of power between the current ongoing struggles between the gods of Ocaeril. Considered largely by the penguins to be likely the last "Cardy" given his hybrid form between Dingo and Crocodile, a Dingodile, Traxel boasts more than his appearance suggests. His sphere, Realization, is just as strange as it brings dreams, thoughts, even elemental effects to reality, a sphere that many can say is versitile. Armed with a self-modified cannon, the armament shoots out cannonballs, solid blasts of wind, and a highly destructive purple beam that can tear a hole in a mountain clean, as its destructive nature is nothing to sneeze at.

Miracles: Marks of Fire, Marks of Scorching, Fiery weather, wondrous construction, biological creation, destructive force imbuement, fires igniting in places or on things that normally can't be burnt.

Weaksauce Weakness: Traxel's sphere temporarily doesn't work for a time if showered heavily in water (can still swim though), and can permanently be killed by pure salt, but not saltwater.
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Sheet for second False Idol, will hopefully be made next turn.

Name: Fen

Other Names: The God of One Presence, The Rising Order, The One That All Should Be, The Sated One, The White Servant, The Observant Scholar, etc.

Gender: Agender, refuses to be ascribed masculine or feminine characteristics or take any on their form.


Normalcy: The rejection of the bizarre or unearthly. Manipulation of the natural order becomes difficult, magic is rendered inert, practicality is the only thing that can be relied on, those that fall outside the norm are brought back down, breaks in reality are smoothed over, etc.


Physics, Realism, Mundanity, Sanity, and Cosmos

Part: The Naturalist

Associated Religion:​
As an imitation goddess, Fen does not have a natural religion. Instead, Original’s parody religions of the Cosmos cults are secretly devoted to Fen, but any further mortal worship must be actively established.




Can attempt to halt an action by the Writhing Cosmos, (counting as an action by Ickol, gameplay wise)

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Behold the new
Sheet for second False Idol, will hopefully be made next turn.

Name: Fen

Other Names: The God of One Presence, The Rising Order, The One That All Should Be, The Sated One, The White Servant, The Observant Scholar, etc.

Gender: Agender, refuses to be ascribed masculine or feminine characteristics or take any on their form.




Part: The Naturalist

Associated Religion:​
As an imitation goddess, Fen does not have a natural religion. Instead, Original’s parody religions of the Cosmos cults are secretly devoted to Fen, but any further mortal worship must be actively established.




Can attempt to halt an action by the Writhing Cosmos, (counting as an action by Ickol, gameplay wise)


Who is this a false idol of?
New sheet template for demigods everyone! Put your abominations and femboy demigods here!




Associated Domain:

Mythological Role:




Username: (Obvious)

Name: (Obvious)

Parent/Creator: (Probably your main character)

Associated Domain: (A concept or element that your demigod is associated with by the public. Their control of this varies, but it is really just a nominal thing.)

Mythological Role: (How they fit into the religion of your main god, you can be pretty loose with this.)

Abilities: (Superpowers, essentially, you make pick up to five.)

Personality: (Self Explanatory)

Personality: (Self Explanatory)
Username: Churl

Name: Lireaco, the Progeny

Parent/Creator: Ickol, using Ocaeril as a template

Associated Domain: Stagnation and Validation (Anti-spheres/Toruses of Evolution and Void)

Mythological Role: Viewed as Ickol’s daughter by the Still Liars, Original’s parody religions of Ocaeril push the idea that she is the true Ocaeril, and the real one’s form is a lie invented by Ickol.

Stagnation :

The halting of progress. Time slows to a crawl, distance becomes a labor to travel. Strength and motivation are hard to come by, or at least to put towards productive use. If focused wholly on an area, that area will not develop in any noticeable way. Stagnated minds lack creativity, stagnated technology lacks innovation, stagnated nature isn’t developed, etc. Development, progress, any noticeable change is slowed if not outright eliminated. It erodes the will, fosters complacency and apathy.


The re-affirmation of a substance. Opposed to Void, rather than negate something’s effects, it enforces them to their peak. Voided realities are restored, Validated ones are rendered a surety. Used offensively, rather than removing an effect, it enforces that effect past the users control. Ex: Voiding Light would create darkness, Validating Light would enhance it to the point the light is incapable of being manipulated. It simply *is*. Rather than removing the effects of something, it removes the control.

Psychoanalysis: Similar to Ocaeril’s ability, but rather than subjecting the victim to painful memories, intoxicatingly pleasant ones are used, luring in and ensnaring the victim so they would rather remain in that state than anything else.

Dissimilate: Opposite of Ocaeril’s Assimilation aspect, Lireaco can reject changes to her form or being.

Vulcanize: Same effect as Zyr and Ocaeril. Simply requires her to say the command “as rock”, and both of her eyes to be staring at the victim.

Lireaco is often withdrawn and dismissive towards others. She believes in a rigid power structure, and that people shouldn’t attempt to alter it. She accepts that she is below the gods, but asserts that none can command her, and that she is above all mortals. She grows more and more disgusted with the races of Ocaeril as a whole while they change and develop, but has been shown to favor individuals that follow a rigid code, or groups that keep to tradition.

Originally tightly-wound and neurotic, Ickol’s ‘training’ and a fusion with her second Torus caused her to mellow out. She now exhibits more traits of hedonism and immaturity, and has abandoned her original values of wishing to prove the values of stagnation to the world. Instead, she no longer cares about opinions other than her own, and believes her continued success is the only validation needed to prove her beliefs correct. She is extremely stubborn, and would rather the world suffer an awful fate than evolve into chaos. Despite her more lax behavior, she still has quite the ego, only thinking her ‘mother’ above herself. She also only views Ickol as her mother in an assigned way: it is more of a label than any sense of attachment or familiarity. Despite this, she is surprisingly dependent on her creator and does not simply leave her despite being more irritated by her antics than most.

Background: The first of the False Idols, it is only fitting that Lireaco be a reverse of the last of the initial gods of creation. After earning the Imitation sphere, Ickol decided to test if she could combine it with her natural one to create an anti-god, a weaker oppositional force to a deity certain to cause conflict. Using several rocks to cheat the system by recognizing the planet itself as Ocaeril, she was able to create the first two Torus’, and out of Stagnation Lireaco was formed, taking the form of a kitsune as an inherited trait from the being absorbed by her original. Ickol paraded her ‘daughter’ around to observe this new being and watch as Aco struggled to make sense of the world, finally bestowing the second Torus of Validation upon her. This didn’t affect her form at all, due to the nature of Stagnation, although Aco did become much more passive and lazy and decided to simply wait to spread her designs. Whether this is due to the fusion or just giving up entirely is unknown.

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