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Fantasy The Wormhole (OOC)


New Member

"Republic" - Ninja Tracks

Character Sheets Thread

In-Character Thread (Under Construction)

Interest Check Thread

On May 10th, 2017, everything changed. In the early morning, a spherical object appeared on the front lawn of Seattle's Museum of History and Industry. A random jogger was the first person to notice the object, and they quickly livestreamed their severely terrified reaction to it. Most people initially thought the broadcast was a joke, or some viral marketing scheme for a movie. Their skepticism vanished when the area was immediately cordoned off by the US military.

Panic gripped the world. News outlets fanned the flames with sensationalism, as conspiracy theories flooded the internet. Religious leaders claimed it was the end of days, and stock markets took a nose dive. The United Nations held an emergency session on the matter, but the US government adamantly refused to grant other countries access to the anomaly. Protests and riots erupted around the globe, while military scientists sent robots through the sphere.

President Trump held a press briefing at his Mar-a-Lago estate, where he tried to alleviate the world's fears with footage from the other side. It appeared that the portal led to an Earth-like world, though it definitely wasn't identical to ours. The flora and fauna were bigger, the air had more oxygen and carbon dioxide, and there were no signs of intelligent residents. Dread became curiosity, and the international community demanded to be granted admittance to the other side.

When Donald Trump denied the world's wishes, the world responded by boycotting companies associated with him and his family. The President didn't budge, and his approval ratings spiked among US citizens. With the American public standing behind him, Trump quietly ordered the military to build a base on the other side of the portal. Much of the world resented how they were being treated, and dozens of countries soon imposed economic sanction on the US.

In attempts to counter their ejection from the global economy, the US government rapidly convened to draft legislation. The military saw its recruitment requirements relaxed. Corporations could bid for exclusive rights to extract the new world's resources. The wealthy were allowed to lease and purchase land on the other side, with certain restrictions. The education system was also upgraded, to ensure that many could acquire the skills needed to settle the other side.

Loyalties were tested during these tense times, but the US and its allies managed to rise above. Within a few days, the other side had a functional base. A few weeks later, extraction operations were up and running. A few months after that, a small city had been constructed. Throughout this period, the military discovered that the new world not only had prehistoric Earth species, but fantastical creatures. These factoids were classified, as were the ensuing experiments.

Today is May 10th, 2018. A whopping 1 million people live on New Earth, many of them being family members of military personnel or private contractors. The US economy is on the rise again, the federal deficit is shrinking for once, the labor force participation rate is at a record high, and the majority of citizens have at least 1 college or university degree. A huge fireworks display is scheduled for tonight, but the settlers are hardly prepared for what's coming tomorrow.

After all, tomorrow is when humanity learns that it's not the only intelligent life in the universe.

The Other Side
Humans call the world "New Earth", while the natives call it "Ðarð" in their global language. In the International Phonetic Alphabet, this local name is represented as "ðɑrð". This is an animated globe of the planet. This is an equirectangular projection, with the encircled island being where the portal appeared. Most of the supercontinent is desert, while its eastern coast is regularly buffeted by Category 5 hurricanes. There are also far fewer glaciers than on Earth, and much smaller polar icecaps.

The planet orbits at 0.99 astronomical units away from its parent star, and has a year that's 360 days long. Two moons orbit above the world, with each having the same apparent size as the Earth's moon. The inner moon has a reddish hue, and orbits every 6 days, while the outer moon has a blueish hue, and orbits every 30 days. Both of the moons align every 180 hours, and cause tides x2 as strong as Earth's lunar tides every 90 hours. This makes earthquakes and eruptions commonplace.

The air has x3 as much carbon dioxide, and x1.5 as much dioxygen. This causes the plants to grow faster, animals to breathe better, and vehicles using combustion engines to get a greater gas mileage. On the other hand, fires can start much more easily, even in the likes of rain storms. The fauna and flora can grow much larger than their Earth counterparts, thanks to natural selection and the air. There are prehistoric beings from many geological eras, and even supernatural creatures.

The native intelligent population is around 500 million. Humans aren't indigenous to the planet, save for those recently born to Earth colonists. However, there are many types of intelligent beings, some of which aren't even humanoid. Most of these entities live on the supercontinent, nearby islands, and surrounding continental slopes. Their societies are far from becoming industrialized, due to a mix of cultural stagnation, harsh conditions, systematic oppression, and taboos about technology.

Some of the local intelligent beings include, but aren't limited to:

Dragons: These are four legged, winged reptiles that breathe fire and lay eggs. Their scales are fireproof, incredibly tough, and come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Unlike other fliers, a dragon's flight is aided by inborn magical power. They're about 1 foot tall when they hatch, continue to grow throughout their entire lives, and can exceed heights of over 100 feet. Dragons gradually age more slowly over time, giving them an average life expectancy of 500 years, and a maximum lifespan of 1,500 years.

Elves: These are long lived humanoids with pointed ears, and an average adult height of 6 feet. Elves also age more slowly over time, giving them an average life expectancy of 100 years, and a maximum lifespan of 500 years. In all other respects, they're basically human.

Fey: These are a diverse group of mystical beings that defy categorization. They can range from the size of an insect to an elf, their inherent magical power can scale from minimal to formidable, and their intelligence can be anywhere from rudimentary to superhuman. No two fey look alike in their natural forms, and their bodies run the gamut from humanoid to utterly bizarre. Each is a truly unique being, and many are also immune to the effects of aging. They're not really a species, but a type of life that's wholly dependent on magic.

Merfolk: These aquatic beings inhabit continental shelves, use infrasonic and ultrasonic vocalizations to communicate and navigate, and survive in a wide range of salinities. Their upper body is covered in flexible and pointed chitin plates, and their lower body is a large and powerful tail. Like cephalopods, they can change color to hide and signal. Merfolk can grow up to 20 feet long, they have an average life expectancy of 50 years, and their maximum lifespan is 300 years. Unlike most aquatic creatures, merfolk are viviparous.

Shifters: These aren't really a species, but humanoids infected with a supernatural pathogen that forces them to take on mental and physical traits associated with a specific therian mammal. This transition occurs whenever there's a full moon, and expends a great deal of a shifter's energy. Many enter into a feeding frenzy as soon as they transform, and temporarily lose their self restraint. This hunger is generally sated when the shifter consumes as much as their stomach will physically hold. Only powerful magic can cure their affliction.

Vampires: These are also humanoids infected with a supernatural pathogen, except their disease kills and reanimates them within 24 hours. Vampires lose some of their memories during this process, and gain an unquenchable thirst for blood. If a vampire consumes at least half a gallon each day, they stop aging, and quickly regenerate nonlethal injuries. If they consume less than half a gallon, they age normally, and gradually lose self control. If they don't consume any blood, their body starts to decay, and their sanity rapidly fades.

Among entities lacking inherent supernatural abilities, 0.1% of their people have an aptitude for such powers. This trait is often inheritable, but may require mastery to be utilized. The methods for tapping into these talents are as diverse as the talents themselves, and debates on the nature and limits of magic don't seem to be ending anytime soon. Some claim it has divine origins, others say it's an inborn phenomenon, and then there are those that argue that the source of magic is unfathomable.

In practice, magic users tend to have abilities that are few in number, restricted in application, weak in strength, or some combination thereof. Many hone their power into abstract fields, allowing them to build upon their lesser faculties through specialization. As a general rule, without any favorable circumstances, the average mage lacks the means to simultaneously injure, kill, or severely affect many people. Expert mages would be able to do this, but only using powers from their mastered domains.

1. Follow the forum rules, which you can read here.

2. I reserve the right to admit, deny, and remove whoever I see fit from this roleplay, and the right to approve, modify, and deny whatever I see fit in the in-character and character sheets threads. If I ask you to leave, or to change something, do it.

3. Every in-character post must have a timestamp, which will follow the format shown below.

4. All images and music must be linked, with the banner in this post being the only exception.

5. Unless given explicit permission, you can't control a character someone else created.

6. Before you post something that will result in a character being injured, killed, or otherwise severely affected, get approval from their owner.

7. If you need to take a break, want to leave the roleplay, or have reason to believe you won't be able to continue posting for more than a month, let me know in this thread or a private message. Unless stated otherwise, your characters will be safely sidelined until you return.

8. When making a character, post the sheet in this thread. If it's approved, I'll give you a code to include in the version for the character sheets thread.

Should you break any of these rules, you'll be given a warning. Should you break the same rule after the warning, you'll be removed from the game. If you want to rejoin, you'll have to convince me that it's worth the trouble. If I remove you from the game two times, you won't be able to rejoin.

Timestamp Format
Blank Timestamp

Example Timestamp #1: "Casual Civilian Version"
Time: 9:20 AM
Date: May 10th, 2017
Place: Lake Union Park, Seattle.

Example Timestamp #2: "Detailed Military Version"
Time: 1620Z
Date: May 10th, 2017
Place: 47.6275, -122.3375, Museum of History and Industry, Lake Union Park, 860 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98109, United States of America, Earth.

Sheet Format
Full Name:
Date of Birth:





Approval Code:
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I've included some extra details about the setting in the first post. Before you ask, yes, you can play as a Ðarðling, they can be a nonhumanoid, and they can have magical abilities.
Full Name: James Vapid
Species: Human
Date of Birth: 04JAN1985
Sex: Male
Nationality: American by birth but holds citizenship in 7 other nations. (Italy, Spain, Mexico, Columbia, Guatemala, El Salvador and Brazil.)
Religion: None.
Occupation: Private military contractor and consultant.
Education: Highschool diploma, bachelors degree from University of Phoenix, completed United States Naval boot camp and BUD/S training. SWCC and Dive qualified.

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180lbs
Appearance: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8d/fb/7d/8dfb7d83363ae16538599604c263417e.jpg

Personality: Focused, task-oriented and mildly patronizing. James works hard and plays hard. He's good under pressure and keeps a cool head in frustrating situations. Any job done by him is guaranteed to be A+ work. He doesn't back down from a fight and isn't afraid to break the rules if the odds aren't in his favor.

Biography: James signed on with the United States Navy in 2005 and aimed high for a special warfare operator billet. He excelled under pressure and made it through 9 weeks of intense training in Coronado, California. He exited under the SWCC billet. He first saw action in Iraq, patrolling coastal areas and waterways for insurgents. When U.S forces began pulling out, he was transferred to a patrol combatant ship, the USS Cyclone. From there he and his team conducted covert operations against drug cartels in South America where his boat crew provided support for SEAL teams. He did that for 3 years before rotating out for shore duty. He worked with the Navy's classified R&D teams to develop new tactics and equipment for SOF teams. Soon, his contract would expire and he was honorably discharged.

Still craving action and money he came under the employment of the Red River Private Military Company. Red River was hired by companies doing extractions on the other side that needed someone to protect their employees when he they ventured into the wilds of New Earth. James was one of 20 operators sent to meet the demand.


Approval Code:
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I think I'm going to create a character who's originally from "New Earth" once the character sheet/sign up is done. I'm really excited for this rp. ^^
K Kaleidoscope

Hiya. I noticed you haven't updated the first interest check post with the latest information about "The Other Side", or the different species of Ðarðling, and about the planet itself like you did here in the OOC thread. Maybe as a sort of bump to the interest check you could update its first post? Just my two cents is all.

Also, I have a few questions. If the Ðarðling have a different language, how will they and the humans understand each other? With some sort of communicator? I realize there's an international language, but I was just a little confused is all.
K Kaleidoscope

Hiya. I noticed you haven't updated the first interest check post with the latest information about "The Other Side", or the different species of Ðarðling, and about the planet itself like you did here in the OOC thread. Maybe as a sort of bump to the interest check you could update its first post? Just my two cents is all.

Also, I have a few questions. If the Ðarðling have a different language, how will they and the humans understand each other? With some sort of communicator? I realize there's an international language, but I was just a little confused is all.
I had been wondering about that too, actually. To be honest, I had sort of hoped they wouldn't be able to understand each other at first; it could lead to some interesting problems.
Full Name: Ailli Nitaya
Species: Fey
Date of Birth: January 13, 1994
Sex: Female
Nationality: Ðarðling
Religion: None
Occupation: None
Education: None

Height: 12"
Weight: 10lbs
Appearance: Image

Personality: A proud member of the fey, Ailli is very arrogant and self-assured. She is more than willing to mock and lord her magical power over others for her own amusement despite her diminutive size and admittedly lacking aptitude for using it, and her sharp wit and intelligent mind only add fuel to the fire of her apparent superiority complex. Even when she's not openly taunting others, the glint in her eyes and smirk on her face clearly betray how amused she is by everything around her. Having grown up mostly alone, however, she also tends to be somewhat eccentric and quite curious. She'll always poke her nose into others' business and is often brusque and rude even when she doesn't intend to be. This is generally compounded by her lack of any formal education; she may be rather savvy and well-traveled, but the finer points of language and other such things that most learn in schools often elude her. Additionally, she tends to be very fickle, changing her mind constantly, never committing to anything, and pathologically lying.

Biography: Like a number of the beings classified as Fey, Ailli wasn't really born. One day she simply popped into existence, a minuscule gathering of energy where before there had been none. More and more energy was drawn to her being as months passed, eventually allowing her to gain some matter of physical form, and as she developed she slowly gained consciousness. The day she achieved sentience was the day that she eventually came to mark as her date of birth. Then, not long after she became aware of her existence and surroundings, she began exploring the environment she had found herself in: a more isolated part of one of Ðarð's many deserts, located in the center of the supercontinent. Immediately curious about everything, she often found herself in dangerous predicaments early on, but she learned from her mistakes quickly enough, adapting to survive in the harsh desert. It wasn't long before she had carved out a place for herself in the dry land.

Though most of her earliest years were spent in one area, it wasn't too long until Ailli became intrigued by the world outside of the desert she called home. She had, after all, met few others in her time in the desert, only occasionally encountering other Fey or spying the passing member of another race. It was from the few Fey that she saw with some regularity that she had learned the basics of speech, which she picked up quickly enough, but they, too, had generally known or cared little about Ðarð's other races beyond what they were called. So, Ailli left the desert when she was approximately thirteen and only about seven inches tall, seeking adventure and knowledge. Since then, she's traveled far, or at least as far as one as small as she is can, observed numerous other races, and met with many of the sundry other members of her kind.

Other: Ailli has a high amount of innate magical power, but she hasn't put much effort into learning to put it to use. It's usually only exhibited through her constant glowing, which she can stop if she focuses intently, an ability to generate moderate amounts of heat, levitation, and occasional weak telekinesis.

Approval Code:
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Certainly. Italy, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, Guatemala, El Salvador. I will edit these into my CS.
I did a quick search on some of these countries' requirements to acquire citizenship, so I'll need you to provide explanations for each country in your sheet.

K Kaleidoscope

Hiya. I noticed you haven't updated the first interest check post with the latest information about "The Other Side", or the different species of Ðarðling, and about the planet itself like you did here in the OOC thread. Maybe as a sort of bump to the interest check you could update its first post? Just my two cents is all.

Also, I have a few questions. If the Ðarðling have a different language, how will they and the humans understand each other? With some sort of communicator? I realize there's an international language, but I was just a little confused is all.
I didn't update the interest check, because I'd rather not clutter it with a bunch of data.

If they want to communicate, Ðarðlings and Earthlings will have to cross the language barrier. There are multiple options, such as pantomiming, images, and magic. Depending on how the plot progresses, Earthlings may develop the necessary translation software.

Weight: 4lbs
Appearance: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LEsVT2TeFw0/WIuTDElH8cI/AAAAAAAAEM0/4K5jeyYKjE00286TMCZBkTjjO913_QoEQCLcB/s1600/01+intro+1.jpg

Biography: ...Now, her interest has been piqued by rumors of a strange race inhabiting an island to the distant south.
Just to double check, does Ailli only weigh 4 lbs? If so, she's only around 5 times denser than air at sea level. This presents a number of problems, such as extreme vulnerability to injury, and getting carried away by strong winds. If you'd like, you can increase her weight, and give her magic powered flight.

The image is fine, though I'd prefer you condense the link. Something like "Image." would suffice, minus the quotation marks.

At present, only a handful of Ðarðlings know about the humans. I'll either need you to remove that portion of the biography, or provide an explanation as to how they learned about the rumor.
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Just to double check, does Ailli only weigh 4 lbs? If so, she's only around 5 times denser than air at sea level. This presents a number of problems, such as extreme vulnerability to injury, and getting carried away by strong winds. If you'd like, you can increase her weight, and give her magic powered flight.

The image is fine, though I'd prefer you condense the link. Something like "Image." would suffice, minus the quotation marks.

At present, only a handful of Ðarðlings know about the humans. I'll either need you to remove that portion of the biography, or provide an explanation as to how they learned about the rumor.
Whoops, haha, I didn't notice that I didn't change her weight; I had been indecisive about her actual size and it looks like it turned out a bit odd.

Also, I wasn't sure if the Ðarðlings actually knew or not, so I just made that last bit up. I'll remove that.

Edit: Should be fixed now
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I didn't update the interest check, because I'd rather not clutter it with a bunch of data.

If they want to communicate, Ðarðlings and Earthlings will have to cross the language barrier. There are multiple options, such as pantomiming, images, and magic. Depending on how the plot progresses, Earthlings may develop the necessary translation software.

That makes sense. Thank you.

Also, can the Ðarðlings also have religions that they follow, and if so, do we just make them up in our character sheets?
Apologies to everyone that's shown interest, but I won't be able to start this roleplay. I may be starting multiple jobs soon, so the free time I'd be able to dedicate to this will likely disappear. If anyone wants to take up the role of Game Master, by starting your own version of this roleplay, you're more than welcome to do so.
Full Name: Sakarya Droski
Species: Elf
Date of Birth: December 31, 1953
Sex: Female
Nationality: Ðarðling (From the western Arctic Tundra region of Kyassvirr)
Religion: Winter Pantheon, led by Yvasstyre, God of Earth and Romaya, Goddess of Sky and her dress of stars
Occupation: Merchant
Education: Personal tutoring of trade from father

Height: 6'2
Weight: 158 lbs

Sakarya is usually quite calm and level-headed, having a mind well suited to business. She is not easily confused or upset, proving well adaptable to new situations. She often comes off as cold an unattached to others, although this isn't completely true. She has a curious personality, and loves discovering new things, although it has led her to trouble in the past. She has had no experience with love, or of things she could not readily understand.
Biography: Sakarya was born to the mildly successful merchant family of the Droskis. Her father, Lovti travelled far and wide, becoming fluent in several languages as he traded with many different peoples throughout the supercontinent. She learned to ride early on, on the lithe horses of the northern tundras. Being the only child of Lotvi and his aristocrat's daughter wife Morsi, she was raised to succeed her father in his business. She lived a life of travel between towns, rarely staying in one place for long, with only the stars of Romaya's great dress as familiar sights. As she grew up, she continued to see the world, discovering what lie within it. However, as a rule, their merchant caravans did not cross through the barriers to the southern end of the continent. She learned enough of a few local tongues and the continental trade tongue to be comfortable seemingly anywhere, and her knowledge of customs and trade among the other peoples of Ðarð made her a valuable asset to her father. She of course, did not hear of the presence of humans in the world, as the knowledge did not yet have time to spread upon the supercontinent's major trade routes. Perhaps however, she'd make her way across the trade routes, eventually finding the humans on her way.
Other: She has no magical capability.
Approval Code:
I could do it as well, but I'm inexperienced, and I'm afraid I'll just turn this into something else.

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