The World of Wolves


One Thousand Club
Moving ahead with storyline a little (Prepare for WAMMYS)
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We can always add I'm great at writing people in

@Sh3w0lfSp1r1t sorry forgot to put if you are a Rouge please Specify where your wolf or wolves are like if your wolf (s) are in the Dead Woods at the top of your post put (DW)
Hello, amia sort of sent me here, anyway this rp seems interesting, may I join? I'll have my CS up by tomorrow, if that's alright, also, I probably won't answer this till tomorrow, since i'm going to bed now, goodnight!
yes. but it makes sense. im just confused as to why they want to keep such dangerous animals alive Five died to get them, captured.
You'll see


wolfgang said:
yes. but it makes sense. im just confused as to why they want to keep such dangerous animals alive Five died to get them, captured.
You'll see *evil laugh*
Damn how big is that Nike? Reaper is already as big as an average human female simply standing. And her being 5ft is already over the real sizing by 2ft! She was genetically modified in that lab as a pup to be extremely large haha.
Sh3w0lfSp1r1t said:
Damn how big is that Nike? Reaper is already as big as an average human female simply standing. And her being 5ft is already over the real sizing by 2ft! She was genetically modified in that lab as a pup to be extremely large haha.
Well he is part Maned wolf which is the tallest breed of wolf so I would say seven feet he has gigantisum and may grow more still my dog percsaval had it was a year old and 7ft on his hind legs
Shadora said:
Well he is part Maned wolf which is the tallest breed of wolf so I would say seven feet he has gigantism and may grow more still my dog percival had it was a year old and 7ft on his hind legs
I fucking love the Maned wolf. Ironically they aren't even wolves, Gah i want one. But they're endangered. stupid people

Dont die Willo. Cujo would never forgive himself.
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Hey Suki19 posted back to you I thought maybe she forgot to send you a message about it though

I know they are awesome I plan on running a wildlife breeding program so I can breed them and release the babies into the wild *secretly I want one as a pet as well...I will have my way*

Also Stray is a Maned wolf
Yeah, I got that from the Picture (^U^). (Just between us I Geeked, im such a weirdo).
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Lol me to I loved her so much I have tried to find a picture of an albino one but have not been able to yet

wolfgang said:
I got that from the Picture. (Just between us I Geeked, im such a weirdo).
MMMNoooo, Shadora the color changing tearor of a wolf.

Ps I was wondering if any you had a problem with me draw your Characters.

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