The World of Od

Character Name: Zero ?

Race : Human ?

Description :

(Author's tag is on the picture, so I guess its fine.Im no pro in this stuff. You also could just look at my avatar in full-size, much more detailed.)
Zero's armor\clothing inherits a red color scheme, but with the colors of navy blue. His armor seems to be binded with his body,od-duck and he cannot take it off, at least without killing himself in the process. He has eyes of sky blue, and a maginificent, huge ponytail coming out of his helmet.His hair\tail color is white, probably indicating big age, or maybe it's just a dye. His age seems to be average, around twenty. Height is comparable to most men, just a little taller, almost un-noticeable.

Job/Class : Spell Sword ?

Where do you live? : He is sealed away in the cave deep in the southern mountains, waiting for his awakening.

Personality : Zero appears cold and emotionless to others. However, it is shown that he has the capacity to care for others. Zero keeps his cool under most circumstances. No matter what his enemies do to him, he is always able to come up with a retort. In spite of not viewing himself as a hero, Zero has often displayed a tendency to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. He also shows distaste for innocent deaths.

When entering active combat, however, the cool guy quickly changes. Zero gets extremely maniacal and relishing in destruction. He starts to frequently laugh maniacally and scream ferally. This behaviour wont stop until the foe is cut down mercilessly.

Things you love: Undiscovered

Things you can't stand: Undiscovered


Armor - The armor Zero wears is strong and durable, it does keep the wearer safe. It's not only that, the armor has crystalised magic force filling every socket, to fuel Zero's spells.

Saber - Zero's saber cuts through flesh mercilessly, it is extremely powerful. It's very lightweight, because, actually, it's not a sword at all, it's just a sword handle, the handle emits a controlled magic beam of huge temperature, it forms a sword, so, the user feels only the weight of the handle.

The handle himself, however, is mana fueled, so, every time Zero makes a slash or a quick "combo", he needs to sheathe it in the scabbard.

Scabbard fuels the handle, when it's sheathed, with mana it needs so much.So, Zero uses a lot of quick-draw moves.

Ah, yes, the scabbard itself is too used in combat, Zero always holds it in one hand, either with saber inside or outside it. Scabbard is used as a blunt weapon in combat, to stun or distract the opponent to open him up for a much more deadly blow.

The saber has much more capabilities, they yet have to be discovered...

Details :

Magic - Zero mostly uses short blinks (teleports), and boosts for his already impressive capabilities for a limited time. (Better agility, etc.)

Zero does not remember anything else for now.

He has those ZERO words on his armor, that's why he started calling himself like this, he had no idea what to call himself like, but..What could they mean?

History (As it develops): Zero suffers amnesia, (Yes, I know, amnesia stuff is incredibly boring, cheap, and stupid.) as he wakes up in a strange cavern, which was obviously landmarked. He appears to be chained to the four columns surrounding him, chains are rusty and weak, they obviously are old, and they get detached from the columns and Zero himself easily. He saw a bright light, it was an exit, absolutely, it was. He walked out, to see nothing but snow around him, he was inside one of the many mountains in the south, and he was at the very peak.
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Character Name: Annabel Cooper

Race Shifter

Description age:17

height: 5'6


Eyes: brown

Hair: Brown

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-7_23-58-55.png.f642040932b3f50a8e23043fff06563b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17876" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/upload_2014-5-7_23-58-55.png.f642040932b3f50a8e23043fff06563b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Job/Class: N/a

Where do you live: village

Personality: quite, trustworthy, smart, kind, Helpful

Things you love: Animals, Music, Reading, Writing, Drawing,Singing

Things you can't stand: being looked down on, rude people, chewing with your mouth open

Equipment: throwing knives, puppy named maxie (boy),journal

Details: shifts into wolf when she pleases and can talk to animals

History: Annabel parents died when she was young she has been living with her gram ever sense Annabel was raised to be polite and to never disrespect her elders



  • upload_2014-5-7_23-58-55.png
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Name: Foan

Race: half mushroom half human

Description: Light purple eyes, only wears black and purple clothes, wears a black cloak and a black bandana around his mouth and nose, 16 years old, has black hair , is 5 feet tall, weighs 100 pounds.

Job/class: is a sorcerer

Where they live: he lives on the streets but gets by.

Personality: Shy, Kind, is insecure about what people think about his mushroomness, fun, doesn't trust someone immediately, talks to mushrooms and is obsessed with them.

Things they like: mushrooms, people, magic,

Things they don't like: boat travel, burns and when his mushroom comes through.

Equipment: Golden mushroom staff, George (his favorite mushroom) and a spell book.

Details: his magic Is mainly mushroom and fungal magic but also illusion and protection spells. He looks like a normal human unless he lets his mushroom show through. It can also appear when his emotions get to high (as in if he gets very sad or mad).

History: doesn't like to talk about it but maybe another character can get it out of him...

Other: Od duck
Name: Darius Aqua

Race: Human

Description: White Skyrim-looking helmet, Blue Animal skin for a shirt and black animal skin pants, black buzz cut hair, skinny but not weak, 5'6" tall

Job/Class: Warrior

Where they live: Nomad, but still lives in the community

Thing they like: Socializing, fighting the enemy(and winning),

Personality: Acts kind of like a psychopath for comedic reasons, but is a nice guy if you aren't his enemy

Things they don't like: The enemy, people that are too strict,

Equipment: Hunting knife with a 6" long blade and leather grip, leather sporran(pouch)

Details: When he gets really into the war he goes practically uncontrollably psychopath(he shows no mercy)

History: He wears his mask to hide his true identity, so when he doesn't wear it, he goes by a different name

other: Od duck
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Character Name: Hill, the Traveler.

Race : Half breed of elven and human, has more human features than elf.


Bright white hair, Dark, caramel skin. Grey, large comfy coat, Long (reaches his knees) red scarf, black turtleneck wool sweater with pitch black undershirt. Electric blue eyes. Strangely fair eyelashes. 5 foot 4.5 inches tall, or 164cm

Job/Class: Compounder. Makes chemical weapons of destruction...but not mass destruction, from enchanted herbs, materials, and gems, and assorted chemicals. E.G. creates a grenade from mixing dragonfire burnt twigs, soot, and sulfur.

Where do you live?: Anywhere, yet stays somewhere 2 months, to sink in the scenery.


HABITS!:Although an extremely serious, and steeled person, his voice isn't the manliest, but he's no squeaker. Think of a younger Bryce Papenbrook. (awful and cliche example i know im sorry T ^ T )

Hill has a habit of crossing his legs when he means not to, and is extremely embarrassed of it, for a reason he's never said. He snaps his fingers softly when he's waiting or trying to focus, which makes an annoying click-click-click-click noise.

Hill has an obvious soft spot for people wearing large sweaters, he think's it's cute beyond belief.


He is unfazed by sudden noises and events, keeps his cool at all times. Combat and compounding are all the same, take cover, mix, and pop something nasty out at your enemies/hated ones. He speaks clearly and without cracking (because his somewhat unmanly voice would only be made worse if it did crack, thank god) and is not an introvert, despite his grumpy and hard attitude, he openly tells interesting, and mostly funny stories he DOES NOT FIND FUNNY, but mostly other people do.

Jumps to conclusions, but only when he truly suspects something. But never one to ask too many questions, great to have conversations with if you recently meet him.

He is a master chef, but chooses to make toxins, explosives, and strange traps with his abilities to mix and create.


Cooking, the smell of smoke, long hugs, crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside foods, milk, if it's before bed, and CUTE PEOPLE WEARING SWEATERS.

Things you can't stand: Itchy sweaters, eugh.

Steam in his eyes, Salt in his eyes, dust in his eyes, embers in his eyes, harsh light in his eyes, anything that hurts must not be in his eyes.

Aftertaste (get to the point, food! I don't wanna taste the rotten milk AS I SWALLOW IT!)

People who ask too many questions.

Equipment: A 3 meter tall backpack, huuuuge, and square, tough enough to crack the blade of even the sharpest of blades, and most calibers of bullets. An entire cooking, compounding, souvenir, and ingredients collections is stashed there. A short-sword and golden dagger sheathed at his side, a staff for time telling, stew stirring, and defense, rectangular, not round at all, ornamented with intricate spirals and webs of thread, made of pure steel.

Details: He's heterosexual, but would always admit a guy in a large, comfy sweater is cute beyond all means.

His most frequently used compounds are listed HERE!

Gunpowder Breath: Powerful dust that flies forward, sounding like the exhale of a mighty dragon, upon contact with surfaces for more than 5 seconds, a single speck will generate a tiny flame/explosion, can only be contained in a container made of wood, Hill has no explanation for this either.

How it works: Thrown or shaken out of wooden bottle/shaker, duck for cover immediately as your enemies try to frantically brush it off! This stingy, powerful dust can shatter armor, and scrape/3rd degree burn skin, and set fire to flammable surfaces.

Saliva of Angel: Don't ask why Hill named it that, it's actually water, in a healing herb solvent, that heals wounds upon ingesting or pouring on, if wounds are terminal, it will keep them alive, without pain, for one more hour, to seek help, or speak with loved ones at their side. It reminds him of home.

How it works: Drink or pour on wounds, wounds, minor and severe will heal in minutes rather than days/weeks, also a nonaddictive painkiller.

Echo Rod: Enchanted mix of Yggdrasil twig, dowsed in a strange, sound generating liquid from caverns in the east. Uses the power of sound to give vibrating effects to objects, E.G. Vibrates a sword's blade to make the cut faster, more painful, and more proficient (ability to cut through armor.)

How it works: Strike on weapon/object, make sure it snaps, or only a thunk will make the object buzz for a few seconds, rod unusable after snapping once.

History: Looking for a tragic past to explain why he's such a tough/steeled guy? You've come to the wrong place....his whole family is of overly-serious, intelligent, and resourceful people, mostly tacticians for was, educators, or chemists/compounders. He left in search of the ultimate ingredient: War God's Cologne, a liquid that smells so good, it's godlike, makes once harmless creations volatile weapons of mass destruction, by simply applying or spraying onto surface of weapon, compound, etc.

He left, without permission, for his family and village ridiculed him for believing in such a fool's legend, he knows it's out there, he will find it....

and he will make his sweaters and his grenades smell REALLY GODDAMN GOOD/DANGEROUS! 

Character Name: James Flynn (Captain Flynn, of The Red Fox) "Od Duck"

Race: James is a Witt! (Human race of water folk, most of whom are sailors or merchants, almost always dwelling close to large bodies of water.)

Description James is 23, he has an athletic build, from lots of swimming, and weighs right around 150lbs, standing about 5'10".

Job/Class: James currently has no job, though he considers himself a Captain. He has a ship, well a boat really; only 30ft in length, with a single mast, it has bee named The Red Fox.

Where do you live? Currently James lives bellow deck, in the cabin of The Red Fox, which is docked in Canterbury.

Personality James is a friendly but dangerous man, Flirtatious, loyal, and kind, but also brave, and quick to fight, as are most men of the sea. He is lighthearted, often making jokes in the face of danger, and a tad bit rash, rushing into things before thinking them all the way through. James dreams of one day become a famous and infamous pirate of the sea. Along with his fame, and perhaps a more respectable ship, a great amount of wealth would do just fine.

Things you love: James loves adventure, and money, lots of money, mountains of money, though he currently has hardly any. He is also particularly fond of beautiful woman.

Things you can't stand: James can't stand monkeys, 'those devilish little creatures!'

Equipment: The Red Fox, his ship/boat, is by far his most prized possession. Next his sword, though it is nothing special, just a common saber, made of steel, though it does have some nice brass detailing about the hilt.

Details: Sadly he does not posses any magical abilities, although he is able to hold his breath for several minutes at a time under water; he is a very proficient and quite excellent swimmer and diver.

History: James lived with his father and mother his whole life on the coast of the Gull Sea, just East of Trackle. When James was 18 his mother and father perished when a ship they were aboard was caught in a dreadful storm and sunk. After that James tore down what had been there home, and used the materials, plus some he 'borrowed' to build The Red Fox. he then sailed to Canterbury where he has lived since.
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"You could say he's pure to a frightful extent. A crystallization of martial skill."

Character Name: Bushin Hokusai (family name first)

Race: Human, though it may take you a while to get that at first sight.

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Description:Generally wears his cloak over him. His hair is black. He looks older than he is from all the phyiscal exertion and marks/scars from fighting.

Job/Class: Ruthless killer.

Where do you live?: Unknown Mountains, roaming hobo (Prefers the term Vagabond)

Personality: Hokusai has a rather abrasive , frank personality. He has only just just started trying to emulate standard human thinking and mannerisms, so he is clumsy with his words and manners. Raised in purely fighting, he lacks other kinds of training. His mind is strong in a purely martial sense, from thinking for years on the manner of war. He isn't afraid to voice his opinion. His temper is like that of a hawk, seeking opponents when at their weakest. He confronts his problems directly and bluntly. He is unfamiliar with emotions, as one of the codes the Bushin follow is that sentimental emotions are not needed for those who seek strength and the Bushin commit themselves fully to the "martial path" in order to purge themselves of unwanted emotions.

His free time is spent meditating to hone his mind in fighting or training. He has been known to fight wild animals and cut down trees with swings of his glaive.

He has no form of tactical thinking or conversational skills, as his childhood had none of it.

When fighting in a battle, he enters a deep trance taught to all of the Bushin. They blank their thoughts and synchronise their breath their body, becoming aware of their surroundings and the energy around it. While some Bushin flow with the energy and dance in this trance, Hokusai fights it with pure destructive force.

His speed and skill with the glaive are powerful from his constant training with it. His raw strength in hand to hand is also high due to his training, however he has no experience with any other weapon.

Things you love: The thrill of the fight and someone providing him with a decent challenge.

Things you can't stand: Overtly friendly people, backstabbers and someone swinging a weapon at him. Od duck as well, he would rather eat a stick. Apparently something to do with its texture being odd.

Equipment: Glaive/Guan Dao, as shown in first picture. Inherited by the Bushin he grew up with. Forged from some unknown demon material close to a strong metal, it remains constantly sharp and is ridiculously hard to break.


When fighting in a battle, he enters a deep trance taught to all of the Bushin. They blank their thoughts and synchronise their breath their body, becoming aware of their surroundings and the energy around it. While some Bushin flow with the energy and dance in this trance, Hokusai fights it with pure destructive force.

His speed and skill with the glaive are powerful from his constant training with it. His raw strength in hand to hand is also high due to his training, however he has no experience with any other weapon.

History: Hokusai was born with no name. A war orphan in times of strife, he has no knowledge of his parents. All he knows is that he was as a child picked up by a small secretive group of demons known as The Bushin (God of Military Arts). A Bushin is someone who secludes themselves from society and dedicates their life to achieving the pinnacle of a "path". All their warriors were nameless and known as Bushin by name. As they are all seeking different "paths", some do so alone while others do so as a group living together. As Bushin apply themselves to continuously honing and refining a "martial path", the Bushin here learnt to fight after becoming old enough to train alone.

As a Bushin, fighting was all he did. He fought for his food by attacking convoys and would attack armies to hone his skills. He became renowned as a skilled killer known for his powerful sweeping attacks and keen instincts. Within time, he was feared in his area. Known as a Bushin, that was his name.

Currently he is on his path which in his case, is alone. Almost like a warrior pilgrimage, he seeks challenges of the world. The only sentimental feeling he once had was one time when he took down an entire mini army and while recovering from it, was cared for by a shrine maiden at a a lonesome temple at the edge of the mountains.

This woman cleaned the mans wounds and healed him from his injuries. In the month it took for him to heal fully, she would engage in discussion with him about near everything. At first, the Bushin did not respond at all, merely listening. After time, he would question various things she said. As a man only in war, he knew nothing about how to live in any other way.

During this month period in healing, this woman taught him the principle of humans, valuing life and not mindlessly killing. She explained to him foreign concepts such as justice and simply not fighting. The Bushin would try to grasp these concepts, attempting to learn them. In one sense, he was like a very old child, where a large part of the world was unknown to him.

After he healed, the Bushin began training again. This included meditation to hone his thoughts taught by the woman and cutting trees with simple swings, which she said scared him. Fear was an unknown concept to the Bushin, so he couldn't understand this. By 3 months he was in his full dangerous self again, though with some human knowledge.

He once again he set out, though now with the changed course to Westershire, which the maiden spoke of. With a map in one hand and his glaive in the other, he set out to the land the woman spoke of to see what there is in the wide world.

Would there be more to kill? Or maybe (somehow) meet and befriend people? Well, as they say.

"Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present."
Markanth Torg



196 cm

90 kilos, pure muscle.

One green eye, one white eye.

Can only see slight movements with his right, white, eye.

Blonde hair, medium length hair.

A scar from ear to jaw from early age.

Looks rather childish, always a smile on his face even when killing.

Markanth is a mercenary, a sell sword.

Markanth lives where the money takes him. He settles for the cheapest taverns until he gets to go out fighting again.

Markanth is trying to make enough money to start his own company, to be able to take bigger contracts and even take a side in all the wars that are waging around the country.

His habits are cleaning his weapons every night before sleeping. Carefully wiping off any kind of dust on them over and over again until falling asleep.

He is very fond of taverns, but not to drink rather to start fights. He can settle for a beer or two sometimes as well.

He spends most of his time thinking about his big dream about leading a full legion of soldiers.

Markanth love to fight. He is only picking on those who deserve it though. No body innocent gets his blade or fist.

He loves the fresh air and the surge of power in a battle.

Markanth hates injustice.

A light leather armor which allows him to move quickly and softly.

One crossbow with 7 arrows in a small quiver on his right leg.

Two bigger daggers, around 45 cm each.

And a pair of gloves with hardened steel on the knuckles.

Markanths right eye is a protective spell put on him by his Father, whom is a long lost magician. The spell is activated when Markanth is on the verge of dying and will teleport him to his hometown of Canery

Markanth was tossed out by his mother and his 8 older brothers when he was 8. He lived on the street for a year, stealing and taking from those he could. He then joined up with a mercenary company, since he at age 9 already looked like a grown man. He wandered with the mercenaries and was taught the way of them. That money was the factor of power in the world. That with money you could buy anything. He was taught the way of justice, that he should always be fair and square. But one day, at his 16th birthday, the company he was in was utterly obliterated. Only a handful of men survived, Markanth and three of his closest friends, who then created a small band of mercenaries. But during the next two years, harsh conditions claimed the three friends and only Markanth was alive. Now he is strolling in to the next town looking for the next contract.

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