The World In Front Of Us


Character Bio:




Element/s: (You may have two at maximum. Please also include how the character prefers to use their elements.)

Appearance: (Picture is preferred, as long as it's not real. Also note that the characters hair must be the same colour as one of their elements)


Birthplace: (Must be one listed under maps)

History: (Optional)


This roleplay must have equal genders, meaning 2 male characters, and 2 female characters!

Elements list:

Fire- Taken

Water- Taken


Earth (Nature)

Earth (Ground)- Taken

Light- Taken


Ice- Taken

Metal- Taken


Electricity- Taken

Psychic- Taken

If you wish to add another element to the list (it can be almost anything), please PM me~


Name: Sayen Loune

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Element/s: Fire and light. He mainly relies on fire, and can only use light for patching up wounds that aren't serious. His favourite way to use his fire powers in to dual stream fire out of his palms.


Personality: Sayen's powers certainly do not define him. Fire, brave and reckless? Nope. Light, calm and kind? Not at all. He's greedy, incredibly so, and will do almost anything for a good pile of money, selfish and will always sacrifice others if it means saving himself, and cowardly, not to mention horribly grumpy in the mornings. Despite this, he gets attached to people easily, but will never admit it.

Birthplace: Azula

History: Sayen grew up in the slums of Azula. Although it's known to be a dirty and dangerous place, the slums have a higher survival rate then the crowed and busy parts of Azula, due to the sparse population filled with people who are always willing to help. He lived with his older brother, Kaider, and mother figure, Junelie. He worked in the local clinic from the age of 9, due to his powers of light. Three years ago, his brother simply disappeared. Sayen waited until he considered himself old enough to leave the slums, and is now looking for a group to travel across the world with him, since he wouldn't dare do it alone.

Other: He's short and will get pissed if you tease him about it~
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Name: Merlyn

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Elements: Electricity and wind


She's fairly long and very thin, giving her temptation to tease Sayen about his height.


(I love her... :3)

Personality: Happy go lucky when her guard is up. She is a liar, she is secretive but only because she doesn't want anyone to get hurt. She has a strong heart and cares about everyone very much, while she runs away from something she is afraid of and pretends to be joining the journey just to travel.

Birthplace: Gondan. She's not a fan.

History: Not much to say except she was forced to hurt somebody close to her and is now running away from them.

Other: She's impulsive and acts without thinking. Does horrible in hot weather.
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Name: Dex Victor





Personality:He's a bit of a prankster and a joker. Loves to laugh at others expense. Ambitious and willing to risk everything for someone he cares about, but he is careful whom he trusts and who he let's into his affections. He comes off as a very carefree, happy-go-lucky kind of guy.

History: (Optional) no one knows, whenever anyone asks about his past, he just makes a joke, laughs and changes the subject. He also enjoys making up random histories, but they change from person to person, so it is uncertain which, if any, of these stories is true.grew up in Azula

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I'll post my female character tomorrow ~ 
Name: Kyte

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Element/s: Metal, Earth (ground). With the ground element she usually levitates nearby rocks or stones to use to cause damage, or creates earthquakes. She uses her metal element to give extra mojo to metal weapons, like blades or guns.


Personality: She is very quiet and rarely speaks, but is eccentric and has an unnerving affinity for weapons.

Birthplace: (Must be one listed under maps) She was born in Mirage, but has spent most of her time in other towns.

History: (Optional) Orphaned young, she adopted a nomadic life at an early age. She wanders from city to city, thieving to get by.

Other: Pic credit :
Name: Xavior Sheer

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Element/s: Psychic and ice, Xavior prefers to stay farther away from his opponent so he would mostly use his powers to keep distance and throw things from farther away. As well as his Psychic powers he control's Ice but he uses it rarely mostly only to build barriers to protect someone or something.

Looks slightly younger then in this photo

Personality: Xavior thinks before he acts, never being one to become angry easily or to shout. He is calm and collected and is known to be selfless in all situations, he is caring and kind warming up to most quite easily. He looks old for his age and people imagine him to be selfish and full of himself before really knowing him.

Birthplace: Paradox, City of Time

History: Xavior was forced to grow up fast by his god parents, this causing him to be polite and quite mature on the surface though that's not entirely who he is.

But he believes there is nothing truly exciting about him and his life, his mother and father had abandoned him and left when he was 8 leaving him with his godparents.

After this he began to question why his parents would leave him, this question had knawed at him for years until a couple days before his 19 birthday. On that day he decided he wanted to travel and try and figure out the answer, this being his only reason to the moment.

Other: Xavior loves cats and sweets but has a fear of heights and compact areas. Living in the city of time for so long had sped up his growth causing him to look older then he is.
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Name: Taisie

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Element/s: Water and Ice (since it would be more strange to have all different powers, I checked with the author and she said I could have them, even though they have been used.) She likes to form a fist of ice over her... well, her fist. She uses this to punch people really hard. other then that, she uses them in lots of different ways to surprise her opponents.


Just ignore the maid dress, yo.

And her hair is white.

Jasmin is a buuuutttttttt

So are yooooooou

Suuuuusshh ya butt

No! I am weiner!

No no no, weiner is me.


*Becomes weiner*

You can't be. BECAUSE I AM.

All lies.


It would be jeans and a white leather jacket with sparkly blue snowflakes on it instead...

Personality: Taisie comes across as a annoying and brash person who insults you a lot of the time, but inside she is a sweet and lovin- No, she's just mean. Taisie likes to insult people, because it was standard in the tribe to do so to test your response and strength. She loves to make people uncomfortable. Taisie paired up with everyone because she wanted people to travel with, a.k.a. Earn money for her. She always teases Sayen about his height because she is so much taller then him, being about six feet. She is much stronger then him and being so, he can't win a fight against her. But, once you get to know her she is alright, if you ignore her occasional niggle, as well as being very quirky. Taisie isn't that mean, but she has difficulty making friends cause she is blunt and always says the wrong thing.

Birthplace: Taisie lived in one of the tribes up north until she decided, screw it, I'm going to travel everywhere and see everything!

History: Well, as stated in the above comment Taisie lived in one of the Rural tribes in the north of Nithe and was brought up in that world view. She struggled to like urban life and hates noise. So, she decided she would travel to all the cities and therefore wouldn't have to put up with too much noise. Living in the tribe came with certain disadvantages, while Taisie is intelligent, she was never taught to read. She can do simple maths - enough to get by that is.

Other:Despite having Ice and Water Taisie hates being cold. If it gets too cold, she freaks out.  

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