The World In Front Of Us [Inactive]


Azula. Everyone ends up in Azula. You might of been wondering, aimlessly searching before you noticed the dark stone buildings, discovering your feet had taken you to a place unknown. Perhaps you woke up on the cold pavement, staring up at the grey sky with nothing to your name and your only possessions being the clothes on your back. Everyone ends up in Azula.

Sayen slipped through the grimy street, making sure to move away from anything dead, humming to himself idly. He carried himself as a local would, an expression of smug pride set upon his face, the look of someone who knew their suroundings, yet he wasn't foolish. Instead of walking with swagger, tall and mighty, he let himself stay to the side of the street and tried to keep out of others way, making sure not to draw any attention. As he walked, something caught his eye. He turned his head to see a faint glimmer blinking in the gutter, but as he did, forgot to look where he was walking. His shoulder brushed past someone. Sayen froze for a second. You didn't want to anger anyone in Azula. Hoping whoever he knocked didn't start anything, he began to hurry away.
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Taisie squinted at the board in front of her. A nice looking local had said that this told you directions on how to get everywhere. Taisie groaned in frustration, cursing her inability to read as she tried to make sense of the floating letters on the page. She debated about asking a local to read it for her, but decided against it because one look around said that most of the locals would not welcome her intrusion.

She felt someone bump into her and she turned to check who had ran into her, about to snap at them since she was feeling rather grumpy. But, she realized it was a young person - a kid at that - and decided that she would ask them to escort her to her hotel.

"Oh. Look. A local weasel. Just what I need! Kid, do you know the way to The Black Coin Hotel?" Taisie asked as she casually grabbed the ends of their hair and yanked it towards her.
Xavior walked down the cobblestone pathway in a back ally, his body hidden entirly all except for his parculiar hair color. He slipped his hand into the inside of his coat lifting a chained pocket watch out and checking the time. He pushed his glasses up his nose staring at the time, he needed to find a place to stay the night but such an area was far from the same as Paradox. His gloved thumb rubbed away a layer of dirt before closing the watch and placing it back into his pocket and continueing down the ally until he came to a Hotel titled The Black Coin Hotel and entered. No one stood at the front desk so he sat down by the door ready for the moment something may happen. His clothing and appearence odd in such a setting.
"A weasel? You'd better watch your mouth, bas- ow!" Sayen yelped as his was suddenly tugged back. He spun around to face his attacker. "What the hell is your problem?" It was about then Sayen noticed how tall this girl was. Visibly paling, he quickly tried to change his demeanour. "T-the Black Coin Hotel..? Oh yes, I believe I know of it! Er, follow me!" With that, he scuttled away, hoping she wouldn't follow him. But of course, she did. Sayen began to sweat. So he was stuck with some muscly chic trailing behind him, in an area he'd rarely stepped foot in. Wait a second... Muscly! Sayen quickly took a glance at her. She would do just fine. Perhaps she'd even win! He couldn't help but feel excited. Now he just had to find his bearings. Sayen squinted at the words on a nearby building. The Black Coin Hotel. He took another glance at his companion. Had she noticed it...? Deciding to try his luck, he turned around and lead her in the opposite direction.
Taisie frowned slightly as she looked at Sayen, wondering if she should have trusted him, but it was a bit late now, she reasoned as he nervously stepped away and walked in a direction, muttering about knowing where it was. She walked calmly alongside him, noticing how small he was for a boy. She guessed he must be around 12. But, he did have a certain harshness to his face that most twelve year old boys do not have, and he knew his surroundings. So, perhaps I will add a few more years to my previous guess... She thought, deciding around 15 sounded close. She stopped when he abruptly halted, squinting at a building which caused her to nearly run into him. She looked at the letters on the sign board, but couldn't make sense of them. Her companion glanced at her, looking slightly unsure but then he affected the smug look of pride he had before and possibly a hint of excitement on his face as he turned and led her in the opposite direction from the building. Taisie frowned slightly, increasingly sure that her luck had ended up in a gutter with the unfortunate people who didn't get any mercy from the Azula tourists or locals. But, considering her inability to read she had no choice but to follow him and hope he wasn't a gutter-sniping greed and crook like the rest of the locals. She chewed her lip as she reluctantly stepped out and followed him, again.
Dex was walking around the town he turned a corner and he saw a beautiful new women walking with someone that he recognized but couldn't remember the name he walked up to the woman"hello my name is Dex what is your name"
Xavior sat in his own silence waiting for another to appear. He ran his fingers through his hair before sighing and re-checking the time tiredly.
Xavier looked up, wondering who owned the voice until his gaze fell on the younger girl. He looked quite professional in his stance and held it as he spoke, "a room." The girls clothes told him she was a Mirage citizen and perhaps a traveler. But she seemed a little young.
Xavior patted the wooden area on the bench next to him with a gloved hand inviting her to sit if she wished.

"I wouldn't mind the company if you're waiting as well."
"I got no money for a room." She said. "But I'll wait with you." She plopped down beside him on the bench. "What brings you here?"
Xavier looked down at her giving a small smile as he spoke, "I'm a traveler, looking for answers much like others." He rose a finger and pushed up his glasses, "and you?"
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