The World Divided, and Powers Rampant


Drake sighed, reading another of his books, for the umpteenth time. His library was filled to the brim with books from all time periods, some even on scrolls. He snapped the book closed and grumbled, looking around his room as he stood, muttering to himself, "How all occasions do inform against me..." He had been reading Shakespeare's Hamlet, and had his soliloquies memorized, "How all occasions do inform against me, and spur my dull revenge... What is a man, if his chief good and market of his time be but to sleep, and feed? A beast... no more..."

He slammed the book down next to him on a side table, relating all too much to the words, "I need to get out.... This house concerns me... I do not find solace in these books any longer... Even my once love... the pain has dulled..." Drake spoke aloud to himself, not caring if anyone heard, not that many would regardless. He was in the ruins, a place not many went or lived.

Drake liked it here, away from all the temptations... but it was also so far from emotions. Real emotions. The likes of which he was slowly losing. He was losing bits of his humanity. The only thing that kept him from going on a killing spree. Drake moved strands of his red and black hair out of his face, then moved briskly to the door, and out of the house. He hissed under his breath at the brightness of the sun, and put his hood up as far as it would go.

Sun wouldn't kill him, but it was very uncomfortable, almost painful, especially to his eyes, which were a bright red in color. Drake walked, not really watching where he was going, but hoping he would run into someone... anyone.... in the ruins.
As the sun rised on the ruins, the beams shine into an abandoned building brightly. The rays feel warm but also hot on the boy's skin. His grey eyes shoot open quickly as he looks around. He jumps up and gets ready. He throws on a black shirt with a white hoodie over it with a brown jacket to rest above his black cargo pants that billowed down to his white shoes. He grabbed his ipod and his custom silver ice made headphones as he looked in the mirror he had in the building. He stood 5'8 and weighed a mere 135 with his silver spiked hair that outlined his gray eyes. His music was playing and it was time to go.

He ran out the door and into the streets with a smile on his face. The climate around him changed even with this warm day. A chill could be felt around him as he walked the streets. He continued to wander with only his music keeping him company. He was searching for either a friend or a victim. He didn't want to exert his power and cause a full climate change. This is why he only kept the chill around him. He wondered would he find somebody knew today or would he just end up wandering around.Either would honestly be fine with him. He couldn't wait. The excitement was eating at him.

Mood - Excited

Location - Kayla's place

Jake follows her to the elevator with a smile, "I love testing my abilities against new people." he shrugs, "Really I only get to keep in shape by training, and the occasional scrap with a friend of mine." He laughs lightly, "We like to try and catch the other with their pants down, give them a good jump and a little spar." When the elevator hits the bottom floor he takes the lead to the front door, stepping out he stops and takes a deep breath, the air smelled like it always did, there was a breeze from the north. Turning back to face her he smiles, "So you want to head to the ruins then?"


Mood - Flirty

Location - Hero City

Jess smiles lightly and stands in front of him, "Well, honestly." she looks at the ground, "I've never really met anyone else here, and you were the first person I saw that really looked interesting enough to talk to" she looks up at him shyly and giggles a little, "So i decided to make sure you weren't some creepy guy that might try to hurt me" with a smile she takes another fry and bites it, needs more salt..."So...what do you do around here for fun?" she asks turning her head to the side slightly and eating the rest of the fry.
As he listened to her, Zach frowned when she giggled. what was she laughing at?...was there something on his face? the boy grabbed a napkin and cleaned his face, then watched her eat on the fries. " order to see if I wasn't a creepy guy trying to hurt you, you just approached me and offered me food?" was she hearing herself? that's probably the worst thing you could do to someone. if she thought about it, real hard...she would realize that. "you know that guy from like..a long time ago...ted bundy always got his victims because he was pretending to be defenseless....and you know what else? you don't know me at all. I could be pretending to be this adorable, then out of nowhere I could hurt you." taking another bite of the burger, the boy looked around thinking about her last question. he didn't do anything around here for fun. he never went out of his house....never went to meet anyone. people were too dangerous. they were horrifying. he didn't trust anyone.... "I don't really do much of anything."

the girl gave you a burger for crying out loud boy! take her somewhere fun.-The voices boomed in his head, making him flinch slightly as electricity sparked up his arm. he stood up and stuffed down his burger, forgetting table manners, and then looked around as he was still chewing. suddenly pointing outwards. "mmmghnnfung." well, that didn't come out right. Swallowing the burger completely, he glanced back to the girl and cleared his throat. "We could find something fun...if you wanted to."
Jet was looking around at his surroundings as he walked. Hero City was pretty. Not very heroic he'd seen. Looked fairly normal. Maybe a bit too high tech for his tastes, but normal. Some girl in a short dress walked by & caught his attention. He'd been staring at her & not watching where he was going. "Oof!" He ran right into someone, nearly knocking him off balance. He looked to see who he hat hit. It was a dark haired girl nearly half his age. Great, looking at one woman & running into another. Not what he expected. & to make matters worse she wasn't alone. With her was a boy also nearly half his age. A couple. Nice. Just what he wanted to run into. & it had to be a young couple too. Not only did it remind him of how alone he was, but now he suddenly felt old. The boy seemed to have a fast food bag.
His eyes emitted a small glow as he continue to run through the ruins. Snow flakes began to fall around him. He had altered the molecules within the atmosphere. His silver hair blending with the snow that falled on him. He didn't care where he was going or where he was going to end up at. He was on the hunt for friend or foe. He was losing his mind. A chilled laughter escaped his lips as he continued his wandering. Not caring where he ended up. This was his hunt. His eyes glistened as he continued to search.

She looked at him with a large smile, "Yes. Ruins sound nice. Unless you want to go all the way to the Hero city, cause some destruction." She winked at him, then stuck out her tongue, "Maybe that can wait until later. If I plan an attack with you, I gotta know how strong you are." With that Kayla pulled him along again, going towards the Ruins.

In no time they were there, at the border between the town and the forest, just beyond being the ruins. A short trek through the forest led them to the sudden and stark contrast that was the Ruins. The land went from green and full of life to a dull grey and brown. Here and there plants could be seen, trying to take over a building. Kayla sighed, a little upset at people for doing this to the land, to towns.

She looked at him, waiting for him to make the next move, to say where to go or what to do. She didn't know at all what he had in mind.


He kicked a rock slightly too hard, nearly hitting someone in the head. It looked like a boy, oddly chilling. The rock whizzed passed the boy's head and Drake blinked, moving towards the boy, "I apologize Sir. Did it hurt you?" He knew it hadn't touched him, but manners reminded him to be kind, and ask before assuming. The boy had snow on him, and Drake raised a brow, finding it interesting.
Rain felt like there were a lot of people around. She could sense a lot of movement in the area, and she wasn't particulary happy about it. Standing up, she decided to keep moving. Someone was bound to come across her eventually if she stayed in one place, and she didn't really want that. She avoided people like the plague, and they always did the same for her. She pulled her hoodie around her tighter and walked quickly, hoping to avoid the people nearby.
Frost felt somebody near him. He hit the pause button on his ipod and looked towards the man speaking to him. He sensed something odd about the man but said nothing about it."I'm fine sir" He said with a smile. His silver eyes glistened as his psychotic tendencies stirred up in his head. He decided this would not be his victim. He wanted to make a friend. He extended his hand out towards him."Hi, I'm Frost. You are?" He awaited the man's reaction with a twisted smile on his face.
"Drake," He said, taking the man's hand in his for a firm shake, then retracted his hand, "You live here in the ruins? Not many a person do. Most fear it here. I for one find a small solace in the crumbling walls. Though, it is a bit too sunny for my taste." He flashed his fangs with a fake smile, then sighed and placed his hands in his pockets.
Jyxter sat in waiting. He adjusted his pants so that they would stay up, and his shirt and jacket so that they weren't bunching and restricting his movement, glad he didn't have anymore awkward sheaths to adjust. There he was... Jake exiting the building. However he had this girl with him, which was unexpected. Before he could re-strategize she was dragging him towards the east. So he took flight and followed them, thankful for the cloud cover coming in with the northern wind. He followed them all the way through the city, and out of a patch of vegetation. He perched on a branch just to find a point of reference. He had already restrategized on the flight here and now just was getting set. He needed to practice two vs one combat, and he never got the chance seeing that no one ever wanted to play with him and Jake. So he decided to get JD's new found friend involved. 'Three, two, one... Go time'. He jumped into the air and let off a deadly accurate volley at Jake (not any fatal places just in case JD didn't move fast enough). He then launched a smaller volley towards his companion. The volley launched at her was aimed within inches of her body. He hoped she wouldn't try to kill him... During or after the scrap. He then banked into their line of view, so that at least Jake would know that they weren't in any real danger. He then hovered about 10 feet off the ground and waited for the counter-attack.
(too tired for my pretty little format thingie...a lot on my plate as of late)


Jake was actually starting to get used to this girl dragging him around, in fact, he might even say he was starting to enjoy it. He smiles internally as they near the ruins. Taking a few steps away from Kayla he gets ready to start the spar when he hears a sound behind and above him. Normally this wouldn't bother him, but he knew what was coming. With a slight grin he dives forward placing his arms out in front of him. As his arms make contact with the ground they burst open and the bone in his forearms join together and widen out into a kind of shield. Quickly getting to his feet from the roll he spins to see the attack also coming at the girl behind him. Splitting his arms apart they become two smaller shields. Using these he deflects the attacks easily. With a grin the shields crumble. "That all you got?" he yells at their assailant, who he knew to be none other than Jyxter, his oldest friend. He glances back at Kayla with a wink and a thumbs up, "Lets get him down to our level, shall we?" Holding his left arm up the bone again tears through his flesh, only this time in a bunch of small blades. Breaking them off with ease he begins throwing them at Jyxter, aiming to maim, not kill.


Jess smiles as Zach stands up and offers to go find something fun to do. With a small hop she stands next to him and motions for him to lead the way. 'I wonder what he is really capable of?' She thinks to herself as she waits for him to lead them somewhere. 'Surely he could even manage to catch me off guard with one of those bolts' her mind quickly begins to wonder. She immediately begins to run through scenarios of the two of them fighting, and what would happen if she was just a little off the ball with getting out of the way, she shudders lightly at the thought of being burned to a crisp by those bolts. 'Scary stuff, glad he's on my side'.

(EDIT- wow i must have been tired (much as i am now) i didn't even notice that bumping into thing...SORRY BOUT THAT!!!! Nice save though! I'll be able to post again soon, been doing a lot of research and coding and totally forgot to get on here and now its 6 am and i have to work in 5 hours, >.<)
zach frowned as he watched Jess, walking as quiet as a mouse. he wanted to strike up conversation, but what in the world could they talk about? what did they have in common besides their love for fast food? what if she was luring him into a trap!?

she'd have done something by now, wouldn't she? Zach huffed a bit, about to speak up to break the silence, but then Jess bumped into some tall guy with a hump on his back. "whoa." stepping back, he frowned and looked up at the man, static zapped through his fingers and he raised an eyebrow at him. "what's the big deal, mister?"
Jet looked at the kids before him. "My big deal? It's not my fault some little-" He stopped himself. He'd almost forgot there was a female present & referring to women in such a manner right now probably wasn't his best idea. "Sorry. I was... Distracted. Not watching where I was going. I was focused on... Something else." Yeah, like something in a too short dress, but again not the best thing to say. He already felt old around these two who were both half his age. He didn't want them thinking he was some pervert too. "Sorry I ran into your girlfriend." It was a half-hearted apology. He was sorry for actually physically running into her, but he wasn't sorry for what he was doing that distracted him in the first place & he also wasn't sorry for now having people to talk to. He was... Lonely. Weather he wanted to admit it or not, he had been for some time.
A dark shadow is seen moving across the rooftops of the ruins at incredible speeds and ease. the figure bounds across the rooftops and down over the side of the building. His feet hit the crumbling remains of the side of a building as he slid down it. Quickly, the figure grabbed his footing and bounded down from there. With each moment, he gains more and more momentum as he continues to head down the side of the building. A glimpse of metal is shown as he plunges his hands into the wall causing him to slide down. The bricks ripping apart from the builiding as his feet finally touch the ground in the alleyway. The wall crumbled from such an amount of force as the figure looked towards the exit. He needed to get out of this shallow area. He could smell others around him. He wondered if they would be interesting or not.This was due to his raising from the animals in the wood.

The figure walked out of the alleyway into the light. He stood 6'0 tall with a 200 Ib muscular build. His long black raven hair flowed above his red slitted eyes like that of a dragon that rested on his face. Small metal studs ran across the outline of his eyebrows, down his nose, in both forearms and elbows. His clothing was a tight black shirt that outlined his muscles that cut off just above his belt that held his black cargo jeans which flowed down into his black boots. His arms were scarred from living with the animals. His look was that of a wild person and his attitude was one to match it. A smile ran across his face showing his sharpened teeth as he looked around the area. Would this be his new playground or would he meet people that finally interested him. He didn't know but the interest was enough to fuel his desire to wander. He took a few more steps and kept the pace as he walked the streets.
Rain heard the sounds of scraping metal, something- or someone- colliding with the ground. A wall of a nearby building fell into crumbles, and Rain hid herself behind a nearby building, looking around the corner to see what was going on. A very tall man, with black hair and very strange eyes, had just stepped from the alley and was looking around. She'd never seen someone like this before, and she wished she knew if he was a danger to her. He was more than twice her size. But even though he may be dangerous, he'd still piqued her curiosity, and she watched from a safe, yet short, distance away.
He felt eyes on him as his smile continued to grow. The teeth glistening in the light and the sharpness like a sharks. His nostrils flared for a few seconds. He had a scent and he knew it was female. He decided to walk a few more steps before bolting in the direction of the scent. He acted like the was going back up the building. Jumping from wall to wall before heading over the building. He pounced across the rooftops with silence and ease. He scaled down the building not making a sound. He quietly landed behind the smell he had acquired and noticed a young woman. He decided he would let his voice startle her. "Can i help you?" His voice calm but powerful.
The man was suddenly gone, and a moment later Rain heard a deep voice behind her. Turning around, her blue eyes saw that the man from across the street was now standing right next to her. He was even more interesting up close, and she wondered what else he could do other than move at super-fast speeds. He seemed annoyed that she'd been watching, and questioned her about it. He may be fast, but in the blink of an eye she could freeze him in place with the rest of the world and make an escape, so she wasn't terribly concerned. The first move he made towards her would trigger her flight reaction, and then she wouldn't have to worry about it. She crossed her arms. "Not really," she said in a calm, even tone. "Just curious. You're the first person I've seen around here for quite some time... Even though I can tell there are others nearby as well..."
He smile as he smelled the scents of others around. He looked at her as his red eyes slitted even more. "Curiousity killed the cat, but you're no cat. You would be the first i've seen in awhile. you would also be right about the others nearby." He stared for just a second then extended his hand."I'm Gajeel. You are?" His voice was calm and he had took interest in the girl before him. Something quite unusual for him because usually he wouldn't get near people but he didn't want to be rude after coming back from the wild.
He didn't seem like an enemy. Thinking for a moment before doing so, she extended her hand and shook his. "Most everyone calls me Rain, now." she said. No one still living knew her real name other than herself, and she didn't mind keeping it that way. She liked being disconnected from others, so that she wouldn't have to worry about hurting anyone with her actions. She dropped her hand back down to her side. "I don't believe I've ever seen you around," she said. "And I've been around for.... well... A really long time." We'll leave it at that, she thought. "Are you from around here?"
His red eyes slitted even more until black and red was almost combined. He kinda laughed to himself at how controlled she acted but he knew it was distancing her self. He just continued to smile for a moment before answering. "Nice to meet you Rain. I'm not from around here." He outstretched his finger pointing towards a forest in the distance. "Thats where i came from, where i was raised." He kept his smile on his face. He loved being raised by animals and letting his instincts control his actions. He was proud of his upbringing and even more interested the girl infront of him hadn't ran.
She looked in the direction he was pointing. Surprisingly, he was motioning towards the wooded area behind the ruins. "Really? That's interesting." She said almost thoughtfully. "How were you raised in the woods?" Surely there were no people out there, or someone would have known about them. She almost brought up her upbringing as well, but something held her back. She didn't want to give out too much information. Not that she didn't trust people, just that she didn't want anyone to know who she really was. She wouldn't take a chance of the organization that murdered her parents finding out their daughter was still alive in the city.
He liked the fact that her interest had been sparked. He looked towards the forest for a moment then turned his attention back to her. "I was raised by the animals. Its the reason people amuse me." He kept his smile. He wanted to be polite and was also curious."Are you from around here?" He asked. Waiting for an answer his eyes slitted back to normal so the red was really noticeable. He didn't want to let his instincts completely take control. He wanted to remain calm.
She noticed the slight change in his eyes and wondered why they were different than a moment ago. Maybe it was connected to emotion or adrenaline or something... She didn't say anything about it, instead listening as he asked her the dreaded question of where she was from. "I..... guess you could say that." She said softly. In truth, they were only a couple blocks away from where she'd grown up. But now that the city lay in ruins, she wasn't really from anywhere anymore. She hadn't been in many years. Her oceanic eyes scanned the area. There were a lot of memories here. "My home is pretty much wherever I am, now, though." She said, trying to draw attention away from the sadness and lighten her mood a little.
He noticed her eyes looking around but decided not to ask any further on the subject. He knew what memories could do to a person. He simply smiled."thats interesting. So you have no ties? Do you travel alone?" His voice seemed concerned and caring. His facial expression slowly changing back to a stoic appearance. Something about the upbringing and constant watch seemed to catch him, but this was not an issue he wanted to press on.

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