The World As We Know It [Sign Up]

you like him! i kinda just made him up on the spot..... he is actually in abroad. i wasnt sure when i wanted to bring him into the story. if your character ends up alone he might jump in. but i figured he would show up my some sort of mega express train or something.try talking to Serenity first, cuz she will be picking him up from the train station.

Ok well my character has been alone this whole time xD I guess I'll pass the station on my way to rebellion. I guess you would post before me? [MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION]
Time for another chara!!!!


AGE: 15

RACE: Cyborg

STORY:she is shy and introverted, but hates to see people get hurt. she was in a gas fire accident which cost her most of her body. doctors managed to reconstruct her, but she has low self esteem due to the fact the only human parts she retained were her heart and brain.

:her parents are wealthy over protective business owners so she often sneaks out of the house.

**she looks the way she does because doctors managed a few skin grafts in order to give her face back.
name: Suna No

age: 29

race: human

story: in college in robotics. always claiming that he has a better design for the ai in the robots. knows an amazingly big amount of inside info on the robots including their mechanics. nothing huge has ever happened to him and he thinks there is something wrong with himself for it. he really enjoys plugging his tricked out laptop into the robots and messing with them. when he finds a random piece of hardware he saves it and plans to eventually finish his own better version of the robot.
coolio, just remember the robots are fast and smart so dont be doin the whole plug in thing to many times, i accept your character, go ahead and send your into in the rp but its closed untill Ali and Star get back latter today
NAME: Coppélia Romaov

AGE: 17

RACE: Cyborg

STORY: Coppélia was born into a wealthy family and was the only child as well. Coppélia was kept away from most of the outside world beyond the private school she was sent to. She had a naive view of the world and was mostly ignorant to the mechs' growing presence in the world. She felt she would have a mostly easy life and took no time to learn about many of the mechs beyond what she had to. She had it pretty easily until she turned ten. She got into a car accident and her body got messed up. They had to replace her right leg and both arms and parts of her nervous system. Coppélia was frighten by her new body and hated herself. She had kept herself mostly away from people, but sneaks out at night to finally experience the world.

OTHERS: Coppélia use to have long hair but it was cut when she had the surgery and now grows slowly. She has a strong love for literature.

NAME: Wave

AGE: 7 years since being build and programmed

RACE: Mech

STORY: Wave was created to appear human in an attempt to create a sort of spy robots. They would appear human and have the necessary knowledge of humans to pass enough to infiltrate or gather enough information to pass on to their human master. Wave was one of the first created, but it's body was too mechanic to pass as human and so it was sold off, meant to be taken apart for parts and possibly rebuilt into something else. They were mid-way through taking Wave apart when it was somehow turned on. Due to it's programming being half intact, it went berserk and killed the humans around it. It attempted to fix itself, but it's sensory systems were gone and it could not probably fix the damage nor rebuild itself. Instead it did what it could and fled. Unsure of it's purpose Wave hid itself from the world. Wave was eventually found and most of it was rebuilt by someone but the government, having tracked Wave, came and killed it. Wave was mostly rebuilt expect for some of the old programming and it's face. It can still "see" through heat signatures.

Wave does not care about human or mech life and rather cares only for itself. It will kill in order to get what it needs regardless of who is in it's way.

OTHERS: Wave is skilled in weaponry, mainly guns. It's skin is also made of steel under the "flesh" part of it as well. It also has some of the prior programming and so is capable of deception to a point and of stealth to a point.

finaly a creative character (here the sercasm in my voice? oh wait im typing) it seems like the first one is partaly a knock off of Jett but ill give her a chance, they are bpth excepted,better dazzle me ^^ (sorry if im being rude, im extreamly tierd i swear im not normaly like this)
Name: Eriks Lefthold

Age: 17

Race: Human


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Story: He has an edgy past. He didn't know much. He doesn't really have a reason to destroy the mechs or to rebell against them. He doesn't have a reason to rebell even now. He was preasured into joining and now the only person keeping him in is the daughter of the bastards creator. He fights for what she thinks is right because if the daughter of Genisis thinks the mechs are wrong then they must be.

Other: He seems to have a high up place in the rebelion army but that placing has been made confidential due to an unknown reason.

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