The World As We Know It [Sign Up]


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ok we will be in the year 2083 as machines are slowly replacing everything and the world as we know it today is slowly fading away. machines have become so smart that people are starting to be replaced. do you notice the wrong as the clouds form over your head? if so there are somthings we will need to know about your character:



RACE: (mech or human [its okay to be the bad guy])



keep in mind there are a few basic rules

1) no ooc fighting, nobody wants to watch two people argue over somthing stupid, go somware else

2) you know as much as whatever character your posting for, if theres a mech in active camo you cant say your character passed it because YOU DONT KNOW ITS THERE

3) keep it pg....13. no extream detail in anything intimant your characters are doing, just give us some pointers and we'll get it, no further explanation required

4) no god-moding. im the only one aloud to do that just incase some ass face is giving your character a hard time, all are equal on this rp

5) your not invinsible and no killstreaks. do that and you will be asked to leave the rp and wont be welcome back,

stay on top of rules and nothing bad will happen
Name: Alex Call

Age: 19


Story: She was orphaned at the age of 4 and put in an orphanage. Right now she lives on the streets with nothing but her guitar. She has always been uneasy about the machines and somehow predicted that the they would be slowly replacing everything. No one believed her of course and they just thought she was some religious nut. She's on the search right now for someone that believes her and will maybe help her out with spreading the word.

Other: She has black and blue hair, two piercings on each ear and a cartilage on one, and a monroe. She also has a tattoo of angel wings on her back and an anchor on her wrist. She has the typical nowadays skater/scene look and doesn't care about what people think about her. She is a hopeless romantic and hopes to one day find true love even with all the madness going on.
Name: Hunter

Age: 15

Race: Mech

Story: Hunter was originallya home android built to help look after kids where he worked at an orphanage looking after the little kids. However when he became obsolete he was scrapped and sent to a junkyard, however his CPU and power source survived and he was converted into a battle machine for combat purpose.He now works for Kaze and Pist, having been found by Pist and serves them loyally executing any humans or robots who oppose them.

Other: Hunter is incredibly fast and strong, being one of strongest robots built to specifically fight and destroy. He was made for one thing only, rampage. However he holds a secret, he was built exactly like every normal robot and has a very special part.


View attachment 6993

(Sorry, hope you don't mind but I added a bit of your histories into mine so we are all connected and to make for an interesting future plot development...)
NAME: Jett Starrk

AGE: 19

RACE: Cyborg

STORY:When Jett was nine he was in an accident on a construction site. He was riding his skateboard through the site when one of the constuction machines moved on their own accord and crushed him beneath its weight. He later found out it was a mech, and has hated them ever since. His right arm, left leg and right side of his torso were replaced with Mech parts, a dangerous procedure that could have killed him. In fact, he died three times on the operating table. They implanted a chip in his brain to repair the damage caused by the deaths. Unknown to him at the time was that the gear he'd been hooked up too was designed for fighter mech's.

OTHERS: He despises Mechs and what they made him into, has a fear of construction sites and hardly speaks to people.

View attachment 7068 (minus the wings) The spike in his arm is retractable.

NAME: Natalia Hart.

AGE: 18

RACE: Human

STORY: Natalia practically grew up on the streets. Her mother was a junkie and her father was a deadbeat layabout that jacked cars for a living. Needless to say, that didn't bring much income. She started toying with robotics and CyberNetix (the base program for most technology in that age) when she was eleven and ended up getting a job fixing up Mechs and anything technology-wise to earn money. By seventeen she practically ran the company she was working for. She built her own little helper bot that she is constantly tinkering with to help her out on jobs.

OTHERS: Has a strange sense of awe when it comes to programmers and mechs.

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Okay, before i post the link here here is my character info


View attachment 7077

Name: Sarah Genisis

Age: 17

Race: Human

Story: She knows to much about the AI for her own good, one day after school she found a letter in her PE locker saying "THE REBELION WANTS YOU AS A HELPFULL RESORCE AGAINST THE MECHINES" with an adress and date labled "MEETING DAY" so she decided she would go that day, the hard part was ditching school for the rebelion.

Other: More story revieled as RP goes on

come over when your ready
NAME: Serenity


RACE: Human

STORY: she grew up the daughter of a famous cafe owner. most of the employees are robots at this point so she spends little time at teh shop. she can usually be found at the library or haging around a park somewhere. she has little tolerance for people who act like idiots.

: she has a pet hamster named Eddy.
Name : Rioko

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Pictures/Anime Guys/l_8aebb4f4c3d5e282d5a0222f25f97d2f.jpg View attachment 7084

bio : he lives on his own after moving away from his family for gang related issues. He is a hard headed person, picking fights and getting into bad things. He was sent to a school far away from his family. Once he graduated he just kind of went off on his own.

Abilities: He has telekinesis, and the ability to hear what you are thinking.

Personality: He is outgoing, trouble some, and a hopeless romantic. He is tough and not afraid to fight for what he deems correct.
I don’t have a picture as of yet, when I find one I like I’ll post it.

NAME: AIU-123 “SeeKay”

AGE: ?

RACE: Mech

View attachment 7128

STORY: Assassination and Infiltration Unit-123, better known as “Single Shot Kill”, was created with the sole purpose to learn, infiltrate, and assassinate. Because of the high learning curve of the machine, SeeKay was quickly shut down when higher ranking officials became fearful. SeeKay was eventually reactivated and somewhat reprogramed to serve the high AI.

There is a reason it is called “Single Shot Kill”, it has only fired one shot to take down the intended target.

OTHERS: Because SeeKay was built with A and I in mind, it forgoes armor and power for speed, agility, and precision. Cloaking, sensor jamming, and hacking are all skill that the machine has. The nanite body also allows for self-repair. The nanite body allows Seekay’s personal weaponry to be stored as part of the chassis. SeeKay’s armament includes the highest caliber of sniper rifles available that is powered by his core: it is a sniper sized gauss rifle. Metal of any kind can be used as ammunition. Assassination can also happen in close quarters.

SeeKay contains an extendible blade on each wrist that can double as an energy blade if needs be.

Upon reactivation, SeeKay was upgraded by the high AI. Among the upgrades include a higher learning software and removable flight pack. Cloaking and the flight pack cannot be used at the same time.

Because the learning curve of SeeKay is extremely high, Seekay is now sentient. Seekay considers it a him. He has also begun to question if he should stay allied with the Machines…..

NOTE: Single Shot Kill only applies for targets intended to be assassinated. He also carries metal slugs on person before switching to “scrap” metal.
seems ligit to me, just dont go around murdering everyone or acting invincible, dont do that and we'll get along fine, accepted

AGE: 20

RACE: Human with a robotic leg(it doesnt really do anything, he just lost his leg)

STORY: he is upbeat and loves to show off, though he is clumsy and often fails. he is as smart as his sister Serenity, but often doesnt show it, which is why Serenity gets easily frustrated with people who act dumb on perpose.

: he has a weakness for homebaked sweets.
[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] omg in in love with Kai 0.0

[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] I was going to have Alex come up to the surface soon and they could bump into each other if you want, do you can bring him in. And wherever you have him that's where Alex will come out.

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