The Wonderland Project [Inactive]

"I'm not following you we just seem to be going in the same direction" Saruhiko said in his usual carefree attitude.

She stared at someone moving corpses and into the graves. The person left his watch, and she crept up, nearing the bodies and the horrifying stench. The blue haired girl stared at the vacant eyes f the dead as they stared aimlessly at the darkening sky. This was something she could never get used too. Steeling her nerves, she plunged her nimble fingers into the cold lifeless pile of the dead, searching for valuables that could be sold for money.

Flipping through a girl's clothing no older than her, she discovered a ruby necklace. This should pay for a day's meals for me and Esther. She thought to herself.

"Sh*t." She cried as she heard the grave digger's approaching footsteps, and scurried off, leaving behind a slightly disrupted pile of corpses.
Ryuu look at MM with disbelief that she was ok with dying, "you know what I take back feeling bad about calling you an idiot, why would someone be alright with dying, i have been through hell to be sitting here right in front of you and you think that slowly dying is ok" he said with anger in his eyes. Ryuu stood up and walked towards the tree he had slept in, slowly dusting himself off as he looked at MM, "Baka" he said as he poked his tongue out and slowly climbed the tree.
Mami was thrown aback at how he acted, but then thought for a moment—Why wouldn't anyone be okay with dying? "I may not be the smartest..." she shouted up the tree, "but why would I bother to live...when everything has been taken away from me? I want to be with dad again..."
Ryuu look at MM with tears in his eye's, "many people in this world want to be with other that aren't here anymore, but killing yourself isn't an option, i've lost too many people in my life yet im still here, and I owe it too them to be alive still". Ryuu put his hood over his head as he looked away, all that ran through his head is the people that sacrificed themselves for Ryuu and why he left the groups he was with.

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