The Wonderland Project [Inactive]

Yuu Yuuka

Yuu Yuuka submitted a new role play:

The Wonderland Project - It's the last bit of humanity.... But there's more than enough left.

Miyu was your average high school girl. Talking with friends, going to the mall and movies with boys, watching the latest Korean drama while trying to find what to wear to the next school event. She was a straight A student who never missed an assignment or failed a class. Even though she was a girl, she was mistaken for a boy very, very often. She had medium length black hair, light skin, but a boyish sense of style. Her body shape was like a males, but only slightly. And of...
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So would I type it here?? 

Yuu Yuuka]Yuu Yuuka submitted a new role play: [URL=" said:
The Wonderland Project[/URL] - It's the last bit of humanity.... But there's more than enough left.

I got it right~

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So would I type it here??
Sighing, she stepped through the boys as she rolled her eyes. Her soft white hair shone slightly as the sun hit it, and her faded blue eye was gleaming as she was annoyed "Either way, I'm passing through."
Saruhiko Fushimi was watching and listening to the events unfolding in front of him a girl with white hair and blue eyes passing a group of boys calling where they were their ground 'ha like you can clam the earth but what if this goes south whats she going to do try to fight them its suicide' he was thinking to himself while he was hid in the shadows out of sight.
She watched as the boys began to approach her. She already had a rule. If someone touched her, it was over for them. One of the boys punched her in the side as she snapped. She quickly raised her leg, her heel colliding with the top of the boys head. She kicked him in the face, then she ribcage as a sickening crack was heard. She watched as the boy cried out in pain then fell as she looked at the others quietly.
Ryuu woke up in the tree he had slept in a couple of hours earlier to the voice of a girl, looking around he couldn't see anyone so he decided to climb out of the tree and investigate
'well it wouldn't look good if i was to stand by and let a girl fight now would it' Saruhiko Fushimi thought to himself heading towards where the girl had just took out her first opponent. "Gentlemen its not right to pick on lady's so now you fight me" He said in a sarcastic and cocky voice. He put a hand on his sword and got into the iaido fighting stance ready to attack at any sign's of threat.
She looked over at him, staying quiet as the boys looked at each other, nervous. She spoke softly and quickly as she narrowed her eyes at them "If you want to run, do it now before you all end up like him". The boys quickly ran off as she rolled her eyes
Ryuu jump out of the tree to see a small girl with white hair and a man with a sword, he slowly walked over reaching for his machete making sure to look around while he made his way over, "looks like the place is clear, still such a drag that someone woke me up" he muttered to himself. As he got closer he yelled out "hey sword man and noisy girl, what are you doing".
{It looks like you guys got a hold of the writing stuff! :wink: Private message me if you guys have questions. I may not have a senior title, but I used to RP here on RPNation waaaay long ago! Just a friendly reminder to try to stay IC the entire time and try to write a fruitful amount (about five or more sentences per response)! There's an OOC tab to write OOC stuff/concerns.}


MM was wandering, as usual, in a I-Just-Woke-Up haze. She had been more frivolous than most of the people around here, almost never wearing her full gas mask. She had seen people without their gas masks dead, but what was she to be afraid of? Radiation hurt people, but pain makes people stronger, right? Maybe that wasn't the right logic to go about, but she was a child. Children have dreams of oblivion that must be fulfilled.

Letting out a small sigh, she closed her eyes. "IT'S SO FREAKIN' QUIET! SOMEONE SPEAK TO ME!" Mami began to run around, hoping to find some kind of social contact. An American life was dedicated to talking! An absence of voice was uncomfortable for her, and she needed to hear someone speak.

Soon running into some men that were murmuring "Did she hurt you!? That 'ffin piece o' crap! We'll get her next time!" she fell to the ground from being bumped into them. "Oi-" she tried to say, but they ignored her. She just assumed that something happened (for the bad or good...whatever it was, she was interested!)

Mami stood up and brushed herself off, wincing a bit because they hit her shoulder. "Oi!! Anyone up there?" she shouted up the hill, hoping someone would hear her.
Saruhiko let out a deep sigh looking at the boys run away so he took his hand off his sword "well that was a let down and who might this lovely lady in front of me be" Saruhiko said looking towards the girl and in a voice that made him sound bored sarcastic and carefree at the same time and he then heard the voice of another "nothing" he replied.
She sighed before looking at the new boy who was approaching. She hadn't seen him in the group of people, so he probably wasn't with them. Sighing, she looked over at the other boy before offering her hand "I'm Sei."

(Holy crud, this is so confusing)
Ryuu slowly made his way up further as he rubbed his eyes, he heard another voice from down the road, "oh great more people just what i didn't want", he muttered to himself. Ryuu knew that the more people there were the more danger it could cause him. Ryuu decided to stop and sit in the middle of the road he had been walking up, Ryuu slowly pulled out an energy bar as he watched the peoples actions.
'This should to be fun' Saruhiko thought to himself as he knelt and took the hand she was offering giving it a kiss "The name Saruhiko Fushimi and its a pleasure to meet you Sei" Saruhiko said returning to his feet, trying to stop himself from laughing and looking at her to see the reaction she is giving to see if it was what he was expecting or not.
She looked at him, clearly unfazed as she spoke softly* "How long do you plan on following? I have to go somewhere."
She climbed up the hill, hearing voices. Once there were signs of people, she let out a little laugh. Finally! she thought to herself rather filled with blithe. MM was excited at the chance of speaking to someone. It looked like they were in the middle of an introduction, and she didn't want to interrupt. But gladly, there was a man who was idled and not induced in prattling.

"Yo," she says rather loudly to Ryuu. "What's got you here? I mean...Uh...I don't know the Japanese word for it...uh...Let me say it in English." Mami thought for a moment before speaking, "Why is there, like, a gathering here? I'm curious to know!"
"Wow heartless little thing an't ya and to be honest we haven't even been walking so how can i be following you for you know this might just be where i sleep" Saruhiko said in a carefree voice 'that reaction wasn't worth it' he was thinking to himself.
Ryuu looks over to see another female coming up the road, "oh great just what i needed another person" he muttered to himself. He looked at her seeing she had no mask on, all he though at that moment was "what an idiot", but instead he yelled out "baka" looking straight at her. Ryuu sat there in awe for a minute at what he had just said then face palmed at how much of an idiot he had just made himself out to be. Ryuu decided to stay where he was but instead lay down at the moment he muttered "man this is such a drag, not seeing people is so much easier".
She looked at him before speaking softly again "You're too close to me. When I took a step back, you came closer. So, in my opinion, you're following me." She turned and began to walk back to the base before seeing the boy and another girl.
MM was kind of offended at the word baka since it had been used so many times against her. In fact, she might've punched the guy if she wasn't so nice. Mami let out a little growl underneath her breath, as she fixed her nozzle a bit, to get in more "radioactive air." Sometimes she wished she could just take in all this radioactive air and die, but her lungs' will to live was too strong.

"Don't be rude! I could be your next ally!" she said honestly before sticking her middle finger at him. She rolled her eyes before giving up on adjusting her nozzle and taking off her mask entirely. "I'm Mami, but you can just call me MM."
"Well maybe ill continue to follow you " Saruhiko said with a smile on his face and in a carefree voice while he was following Sei. When he noticed the two others he put his hand on his sword just in case he then started thinking to his self 'O yeah because a sword can be used at range great work me'.
(not much has happened so you should be able to read it all quickly)

Ryuu looked up to see the girl giving him the finger, "I guess I deserved that for speaking my mind" he said, "Hi im Ryuu im not much of a people person as you can see with me kinda you know lying in the middle of the road". Ryuu pulled out a compass as he laid there to check his bearings, "so im north-east from them, good that's far enough away" he muttered.
She ignored his murmurings as she sighed. "It's nice ta' meet you, Ryuu...not really good with the traditional Japanese mannerism or whatever, so forgive me. I'm a 外人*...or whatever you call it." She bowed her head a bit as she stared at his compass. "It's not very safe to lay out in the open...yeah? I mean...not like cars can hit you, but you're pretty easy to spot."

(外人 is the Kanji (a Japanese way of writing things, adopted from Chinese characters) for "foreigner." It is literally outside [外] person [人]. I hope that was clear enough. It's written in Romaji as gaijin.)
Ryuu looked back at MM " yer but at the moment im the one with no weapons exposed, I'm the least of people worries" he said smirking, " why aren't you in cover making sure you don't get shot huh", he said seriously.
She let out a snicker, and said back truthfully, "It's because I'm not afraid of dying." Mami proceeded to swing her gas mask in front of Ryuu's face with a grin and cheerfully said, "Life is about risks, whether you are a coward to not take one or brave enough to take one. I take quite a few, like walking around without a gas mask. It doesn't do too much respiratory damage, yeah? Maybe equivalent to slowly kills you. But we all die anyways, right?" She continued to blabber on with a grin slapped across her face. But then, the female pointed to her sword. "I also got this, just in case of an emergency. Although it can't handle or dodge a gun, it does a great deal on saving my life!"

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