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Fantasy The Wolf inside (terminated!!!)

Wilt, she thought to herself, where have I heard that? " so... What are you doing around these parts?"




"You mean.., your one too!!" Cloudy was about to burst., she had so many questions " Do you belong to a pack? How long have you been a werewolf? Do you have a family? " words came rushing out of her she could barely keep up. ( be back in a bit, gotta jump in the shower)
" oh..., I'm from the pack Spirit of the River, I've been a werewolf since I was 5, I was bit....., I still remember it all.' She looked away, but then back again.
" I hope you realize there no way to get her down from there, atleat not by ourselves" she looked up at the human.

Do you think I can make a new character?, it'll be male))



He looked over the rock watching

C)) Cloudy looked around and bark, she smelled something
Gabriel heard all of the commotion, there were at least three wolves and a treed human. At treed human, Gabriel liked his lips at that. He was one of the most feared rouge wolves in the area. He was well known for killing humans and even werewolves, though only male wolfs, he wouldn't dare hurt a female, unless of course she attacked him first.

Gabriel trotted near the commotion, even though Gabriel was a massive wolf (he was even he same size or bigger than some alphas) his paws treaded lightly over the forest floor. He spotted the human in the tree, and the wolves around the tree, he snorted a bit. From what he could tell the human was an inexperienced hunter and therefore that is why she had gotten herself into this sticky situation.

He spotted the wolf waiting out the human in the tree, it had been a while since he'd seen a female wolf. As soon as these thoughts crossed his mind he got a wif of a pack member, he immediately tensed. His muscular form was ready to pounce, pack members were his least favorite of them all, after all they are what destroyed his family.
Cloudy looked backed and tensed she stepped back.. " don't hurt me!"

Jaden rushed out but stopped, realizing what he did
Gabriel stepped out of the bushes and in the line of sight. He stood there in all his glory, the majority of his scar tissue was on display for all to see. He stepped slowly and carefully toward the frightened she wolf, his perfect white teeth were bared and ready to kill.

Though the more he looked at the frightened she wolf the more he seemed to like her, he shook his head slightly. He wouldn't allow those type of thoughts to run wild through his mind.
" A rouge... Pretty impressive! " she looked at his scars, obvisily, this wasn't his first fight. She flurred her fur, not in a battle type way, she was trying to intimidate

Jaden backed up, hoping not to be spotted
"I would suggest you control yourself Gabriel. I am having a bad day already and I don't have the patience to break up a fight." I said calmly.
He couldn't help but chuckle a bit, all thoughts of romance aside. He was slightly impressed at how she didn't back down from him, she must be strong hearted, he thought this to himself and himself only.

"Oh please, I'm not going to fight her. You should know my code by now." Gabriel's voice was strong and calm. He stopped bearing his teeth and looked up at the human in the tree. "What are we going to do about that thing?"

(I'm going to be gone for a few minutes, I'll reply as fast as I can!)
"Maybe,...." She took a breath " let her run off.." She was hesitant standing next to a male.. After all next moon she would be in heat. She sat in thought

Jaden layed low in the bush

K Cinnie)))
" she might get away, but when she wakes up ( implying she's sleeping) she might have a phone, or a weapon! We can just hunt her down as a human."

She turned away, but looked back maybe she would be more comfortable with them then alone?

I turned around and walked back to the two.. And looked up at the human peacefully sleeping. Maybe she wasn't so bad.. After all she's just like us.. Humans


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