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Realistic or Modern The Weight of Living

Is there an age range you're expecting?


Ah~ Nevermind it's in the CS
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I have a female character in mind (one of my favorites, the precious little sinnamon role) so expect my CS tonight, when I get home~

It depends really on how many you can manage. Because it's a detailed roleplay most people go for one character but I think if you can put in the same amount of effort for more than one then you should go ahead and do it


I do a lot of editing on my tablet devices too - it's a nightmare >.<"

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Aleena said:

It depends really on how many you can manage. Because it's a detailed roleplay most people go for one character but I think if you can put in the same amount of effort for more than one then you should go ahead and do it


I do a lot of editing on my tablet devices too - it's a nightmare >.<"

My tablet is acting stupid so I don't use it anymore. I know the pain.
@Aleena this seems like an interesting rp, but do you plan on there being any specific driving plot elements or is it up to the characters to drive the story? i'm just concerned because roleplays that are only driven by the characters, especially a detailed one, usually needs very strong characters and aggressive roleplayers to move forward at a pace that isn't ridiculously slow

Thanks doll


There will be a centre plot that this story revolves around which will begin to incorporate most if not everyone into the story and then from there it will be character focused (depending on what route your character chooses to take or the decisions they make) and I will be thickening the plot as we go along to keep up the flow ♡

Aleena said:

Thanks doll


There will be a centre plot that this story revolves around which will begin to incorporate most if not everyone into the story and then from there it will be character focused (depending on what route your character chooses to take or the decisions they make) and I will be thickening the plot as we go along to keep up the flow ♡

sounds intriguing, consider me officially interested xD

This is where I wish I could BBCode but I can't ;-; Give me some time to figure out stuff, I'd use yours but I'm not a fan of the colors :S
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Yep! I am actually omg this must be fate haha

Ironically enough I was considering whether or not to use Jeongguk as a face claim or not


Don't worry love, take all the time you need. But please don't stress yourself over BBCodes and Formating >.<" I would hate to see you get stressed!

Aleena said:

Don't worry love, take all the time you need. But please don't stress yourself over BBCodes and Formating >.<" I would hate to see you get stressed!

Not stressed, not in the least, about formatting.

I just hate how I don't know really how to find hex codes so I can colorize the template to Sora's style.
i think bbcode is really fun >.< i just like making things pretty

@Xion136 i use http://html-color-codes.info. it's really helpful!

@Aleena lol so who's your bias then? i would guess it's tae but my avatar isn't a picture of my bias so i can't assume yours is (๑´ω`๑)

jk as a fc? i say go for it! i've been wanting to use joshua from seventeen as a fc ...
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If you look them up, they give some really pretty colour palettes with the hex codes included at the bottom of them or when you click on the link but I'm sure yours will be great regardless



Ahhh Joshua!

xD That precious cinnamon roll, you should go for it! I've found it a challenge to actually find gifs of Seventeen though :-/

Ah - I hate having to pick a bias because they're all so talented but if I think if I had to pick it would be Suga - he's too precious for this world haha >.<

@Milkeu you just did it hun (#゚ロ゚#)

@Aleena i found some really good gifs of him from this one photoshoot and he's so asdfghjkahhhh

i understand, suga regularly challenges my bias list >,< but jin will live forever in my heart
@growl - I never thought this day would come to be completely honest. I'm overjoyed with happiness and relief that I'm not alone~

Though I use to be a Taehyung Stan, I was just driving in his lane before I slammed on the breaks and swerved to Jin's lane.
@Milkeu rlly tho, i'm surprised there aren't more jin stans

i used to be driving down tae's lane at 80 mph but then i started swerving back and forth between tae and jin and i almost wrecked so i just calmly turned into jin's lane

don't drink and drive kids

@Aleena he looks like a prince from folklore or some sh!t
And apparently I fucked up BBCode and I have no clue how the fuck I did that. One of the slide/tabs/things is messed up. Anyone know how I did that?

Edit: Did it again. Pressed enter once to move the Personality thing down due to OCD and now I messed it up. How do I manage these things?
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