The Wave Has Come (open and accepting! Romance/Dooms-day)

As he arrived near his apartment, There was a little bar in the area.

A little bar that he owned.

He lifts up the screen as he opens up the bar to start a new business.

Of course it was hard doing it alone now, But he knows he will be able to manage.

He walks inside the bar as he flips the sign from " Closed " to " Open ! "

Inside was not much. just enough for a dozen of people to enter.

The lights are just luminous enough for everyone to see and stare at each other.

The sits and tables are comfortable.

And the bar counter is clean.

' Sarah, I will start a new business ! ' thinking to himself as he smiles and change to his uniform.
Inside the bar, Coko played the piano song agaij, except this time, the song sounded a bit more like a death tune.
MOlly strolled down the street. She looked at the sun beating down. And then ahead of her, she saw a boy who appeared to be sobbing. Molly's eyes widened. She adjusted her sunhat and started chewing on her long hair backing away.

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