The Wave Has Come (open and accepting! Romance/Dooms-day)


New Member
Elle waited on the porch, her hair being lifted on slightly the the wind. Her whole WORLD was coming to an end. Her parents, both dead. Her friends, all dead. Family, nowhere to be seen. And her older brother had left off to collage right before The Wave.

The Wave had started a few days ago with tornadoes and hurricanes. Then, some soilders from everywhere around the world started invading her little home state, Hawaii (which is where she was right now). And then, some volcanoes started erupting, and her friends and family were caught in either them or the soilders(now called BlackFaced because of their masks.).

She'd survived, but that didn't matter since her whole life was destroyed. Could she survive the rest of this, AND find some allies? She didn't know.


She needs more than just hope. She needs love.







History(with/without The Wave):


Name: Elle Besley

Appearance: View attachment 9637

Crush: I'll edit this one when someone comes...


Personality: sweet, loves nature

History(with/without The Wave): ABOVE

Other: NONE! :)
Name: Alex Sentari

Appearance: Spikey, black hair, black eyes, pale skin, fair physique,

crush: heart has hardened scince the wave, but he had a gf named dana


personality: silent, adventurous, finds it hard to trust others, and is surprisingly artistic.

history: Before the wave, he was made fun of by the others for his strange actions (like curling up in a chair) and not saying much. Dana didnt find that wierd. in fact she liked it. they dnded up going out. Now, he just roams the dead earth, mourning for dana, who died during the wave.

other: skilled fighter and is ver smart.
Name: Chrome Raizen



Personality: She can be kind but is also a bit of a hot head. She likes to have fun and challenger things everyday. It takes her a while to turst someone so she can be rude and distant.

Residdent: Resident

Job: Mechanic, Delivery

Background: Chrome lived in the bad parts of Lumenia. Her parents argued everyday so to pass the time and get away from the fuss, she would explore the parts of where she lived but never went to the rich side. The side where people have food, good clothing, school, and such. When people saw her they would call her a street rat. She scowled and began to hate them, hate those that didnt give so she traveld to the deeper parts where she me t someone name Ralph. He taught her everything her parents didnt. Word, numbers , how to do this and that. He taught her mostly on reparing , and boulding things. She was able to biuld her own robot with the parts she found. One day when Ralph wasnt home she went back to her own place only to find her mother hanging from the broken down van with a knife in he stomach. She screamed in terror trying to find her dad only to find him in the tub with is eyes rolled back and the water being blood. She covered her eyes and ran out running back to Ralpj's house hopeing he could comfort her but instead found RAlph surviverly beaten to death and left with nothing. She fell to her knees screaming an crying. A few day sitting by Ralphs's side she burried him and began to walk the streets mummbling words that she repeated ove and over. " left me..all alone" To make matters worse the wave began as soilders from every cornner barged in

Hobbies: Fixing things, biulding things, running, challenging herself, fighting

Likes: Anything with machinery or anything that deals with biulding or fixing, food,

Dislikes: Rich People, Her Parents, The ones who killed ralph, bad food,anything rich

Other: Straight

View attachment 9941
Name: Kyo Ryuu

Appearance: Long, waist length white blonde hair, ice blue eyes, and is about 6 feet tall. He wears a black hoodie, and bagy blue jeans.

Crush:none yet

Age: 17

Personality: at first he is quiet but once he feels as though he can trust people, he starts to open up and is very friendly.

History(with/without The Wave): He was orphened when he was a kid and hasnt had a place to call home scence then, so the wave didnt effect him as much as others.

Other: He has a hard time trusting women, and is gay, but keeps it a secret.

Accepted for all. :) Also, I need to know how they all know Elle, unless they don't which if they don't Elle might never trust them, just letting u know, and she might get whoever is protecting her to kill them... :D
Name: Tom Curtis

Appearance: View attachment 10308

Crush: None yet.

Age: 18

Personality: Caring, doesn't like to be alone, prefers to follow others.

History: Some days back, Tom had just turned 18, one day his father (the only person who he lived with) went to work as usual, but a tornado teared the building where he worked apart, Tom saw this on the news along with many other tragedies and could not believe it, he stayed home for the following days hoping his dad would be alive and return home, but instead things got worse as soldiers started invading homes.

Other: Tom has gone hunting so he can handle a few guns.

About knowing Elle, she'll be starting on her porch right? Tom could be her neighbor, if I'm accepted of course.
Well I was thinking they have talked a little because of being neighbors but they still don't know each other that much, thanks.
Name: Bronwin Reese (Bronwin is pronounced with the 'o' sounding like 'ah'.)

Appearance: Long, bright red hair, blue eyes, and a Monroe piercing. (I can post a picture in a little bit.)

Crush: Tom

Personality: She can be very friendly if she knows someone else is too. Yet, only if need be, she can be very tough. She is also a hopeless romantic and is very caring to others. Bronwin is almost never confident in herself except for when she is singing.

History: Just a few months before Bronwin's 18th birthday, her parents got a divorce due to her mother having an affair. So she swore that as soon as she turned 18, that she would move as far away as her savings would take her. And at 8 o'clock in the morning on her birthday, Bronwin packed a suitcase, picked up her guitar, got all of her savings, and headed to the airport there in Atlanta, Georgia. She bought a plane ticket and headed to Hawaii. Now, a few months later, she lives in the house next to Tom and as they have become friends, she has developed a huge crush on him. She lives with an elderly couple who had an extra room. She pays for rent by acting as their housekeeper, and gets extra money by going and playing her guitar on the streets. One day she came back and the couple was gone. She continues to take care of the house, and hopes that the soldiers won't realize she lives there and come back for her.

Other:Knows self defense, and how to use a bow and arrow. She has an absolutely amazing singing voice. Close friends call her Bron or Bronny.

I was thinking that if it was ok with [MENTION=2787]Dead Eye[/MENTION] that I'm good friends with Tom, then I could have met Elle when hanging with him. Plus Elle and Bronwin are only one house away so they have probably talked before. But if Dead Eye isn't ok with Bronwin and Tim being really good friends, then I will have to edit it.
Name: Molly Kline

Appearance: View attachment 10368

Crush: TBA

Age: 16

Personality: Molly is very shy often hiding behind her hair or large sunhat from the outside world. She mumbles whenever she speaks making it hard to hear her. She always feels comforted around a large group of friends. Her favorite kinds of people are the people who listen to your troubles. Yous houldn't expect to hear anything from her unless you take the time to become her friend. She isn't quick to fall in love and often rejects any sort of romantic advance.

History: Heiress of the large Kline fortune Molly is daughter to Richter and Sabine Kline. Richter a successful business man and Sabine a politician were both killed in the wave. Besides that Molly hasn't had very many traumatic experiences. She never had much time to spend with her parents and grew attatched to her nanny Gisele. Some of her hobbies included drawing, sewing, and reading. When she grows up Molly would like to be an author-illustrator. When she turns 18 she will be allowed to use the money in her fortune.

Other: Molly sews most of her own clothing
Name: JasonTyler Waters. Goes by Jason to close friends, but mostly goes by Tyler

Appearance:View attachment 10639

Crush: None yet..

Age: 18

Personality: Tyler is very restricting. He is harder to get through to. Heshares little about any past. He goes through dramatic mood swings so he doesn’treally have a set mood. When he gets close to people he tends to get overlyattached.

History(with/without The Wave): His mom had him when she was thirteen, andraised him the best she could without his father. His father was present, butmostly drunk. Both of his parents died during the wave so he has pretty muchnowhere to go. He had a lover in the past, but he doesn’t talk about it much.

Other: Smokes weed sometimes.
Name: Makira Kaiser

Appearance: View attachment 10657

Crush:None yet


Personality: Shady, Serious, Caring

History(with/without The Wave): Was once a bartender who enjoys serving people and works with his wife, Until the catastrophe struck . Taking away his right and and his wife.

[ I posted but i can't find my post ? did you delete ? ]
((I love the sound of that. Could Tyler be someone who used to go to highschool with Belle, but she never payed attention, because he was absent alot?)) Tyler walked along the street with his old back pack. He looked down on the ground trying not to cry. He remembered his fathers word "Men don't cry" and chuckled. Why he was remembering his drunken fathers words was beyond him. It seemes almostt like a joke to even think about the man.
[ In my Skelly i made a mistake, " Right eye ** " just adding ]

Makira stands on top of a debris of what was left of his Bar, The sign that once says " Paradiso " was now in pieces . He sighed as he told his right eye, Which was now covered by an eye patch. " Sarah.. " He muttered the name of his dead wife, Taken away by the catastrophe. He then Knelt down on one of his knees as he lays down a bouquet of flowers and say his respects. He then stood up and continued on his way back to his apartment.

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