The Ward ~ Test subject RP


One Thousand Club

At a remote medical facility, a group of seven strangers begin a clinical trial for an experimental new drug- Pro 9. As the unteasted drug begins to course through their veins, unexpected side effects start to take hold...

Trust no one. Nothing is as it seams.

Roles Needed:

1 Nurse

The Manager

Test subject 1

Test subject 2

Test subject 3

Test subject 4

Test subject 5

Test subject 6

Test subject 7

Side effects of the drug include:


Muscle spasms

unable to control movement/actions

uncontrollable screaming/crying

Feeling of living in a dream world.

Unable to think straight.

All test subjects are to follow a strict schedual and follow all of the rules


lights out at 9

respect the nurses and doctors

no electrical devices

no smoking

no alcohol

No exercise


Wake up: 5:00 am

shower/get dressed 5:00 - 7:00

breakfast: 7:00 - 9:00

Free time: 9:00 - 1:00

Lunch: 1:00 - 2:00

Free time: 2:00 - 6:00

Dinner: 6:00 - 8:oo

Free time: 8:00 - 9:00

Lights out: 9:00

Test subjects will be called out during free time to get their medication

(you can use your own forms, show me what you can do

;) )​

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15 years old.




Shaine can be a very cruel person- but only when provoked. Any other time, he is fairly quiet and reserved. He hates people and prefers to spend his time alone. Also, he is very strong willed. He will do what he wants, when he wants. Due to this, he rarely follows instructions, which often gets him in alot of trouble. As well as this, he is very lazy and does not look after himself well. It takes alot to get him to shower, which explains his greasy hair and fowl smell.


Shaine was abandoned by his real parents. He ended up in an orphanage, but soon got adopted. Shaines foster farther was an alcoholic, whereas his mother was a fairly down-to-earth women. His farther was often drunk, and never cared for Shaine. Michael, Shaine's farther, Was out very late one night. Xanthe, his mother, had been waiting for him to get home. When he finally got home, it was going on 3 o'clock. Xanthe was angry with him... She told him how angry she was... In a fit of rage, Michael killed Xanthe. At the time, Shaine was 7, and was extremely angry with his farther. He tryed to stay away from his farther, but he couldn't. Michael always got to him... Shaine was abused very badly by his farther because Shaine refused to drink with him.

By the age of 13, Michael had stopped and Shaine agreed to drink... However, he was in pretty bad condition- mentally and physically. He was covered in scars and bruises. Also, during the time he had been alone, Shaine had created an imaginary friend...

Shaine kept on drinking.... One night, when both men were very drunk, they got into an argument. They began to fight, until one of them wound up dead- Michael.... Shaine soon realized what he had done. But it was too late now.

Later that night, he was arrested and taken to prison. There, he became alot worst. He would through himself against the walls, trying to get attention from the gaurds- he only wanted to get out.

The manager of the prison decided to sell him over to a medical company to test new drugs on. So far its going well, but it all goes wrong when a new drug, Pro 9 is introduced.

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Light grey



Shaine has long, black, greasy hair. He is not one to look after himself. He sledom washed, meaning he always has a fowl smell about him, aswell as dirty, greasy hair.

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Shaine has snakebites and a tounge peircing.


Shaine loves tattoos. So far, he has full sleeves on both arms.


Due to his dark personality, he also has a very dark dress sense. He wears nothing but black. Fellow inmates describe him as 'goth' or 'emo'. He doesn't like these labels. He says he is who he is, and doesn't have a particular style as such.

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Shaines overall appearance is very scary and intimidating. He is also very dirty and unclean. For some reason, he seldom washes, and when he does, its because he is being forced.

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Shaine has had 3 girls in the past. Every one of them left him because his drinking was getting in the way.


No. Shaine hates kids no end. Shaine likes to be alone, he also likes the quiet. The moment he comes near kids, the quiet is gone. If he is left alone with a child, he gets very violent and cruel towards, even though he didnt like it when his farther did it to him.


No. Shaine isnt to keen on people as it is. He hasnt been able to keep a girl for long enough to form a real, solid relationship.


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Being alone





too much noise

(Omg omg oomg omg)

Name: lizzy hale

Age: 14

Gender: female

Orientation: straight

Bio/past: lizzy is a cold hearted person, end of, but she has her reasons, she was raped as a 10 year old child, her father hated her and told her to close her eyes, she dosent remember much else, only blood and not being able to walk the day after, she hates any tipe of human contact, even if you touch her, she will swing for you, unless she knows you, her issue with the rape didn't really upset her, it drove her to develop a passion for revenge, so at 11, she became the worlds youngest cerial killer, she was a very clever little girl, she had contacts who would hack into police databases for her, she would find out the identities of rapists and kill them, she even killed her own father and the rest of her family, who covered his tracks when he raped her, the same year, after killing over 20 people, she was convicted and sent to a high security prison, she hated it there , and spent most of the time curles up in a corner, singing to herself, without talking to anyone for year, she slowly started to lose her mind.. She became violent, and uncontrolable sometimes, so, they decided to sell her off to this top secrect company, that use her to test drugs.

Apperance: she is tall for her age, real tall, at just 14 she stands at 5'10, she is of average weight and build,apart from her hight,she has extremely long legs, that she found helpful for running in her mass murder days

Hair: dyed black, with red tips, covers both eyes

Eyes: a beautiful blue colour, but she hates her eyes, witch is why she chooses to cover them with her hair

Clothes: she is an emo, so pretty much all black an red

Personality: detached, cold hearted, dosent really give a shit about anybody's feelings, dosent care about herself, hates herself, all in all, a very negative person, she also hates the way she was used by her own father

Role: test subject 2

Likes: to be alone, quiet conditions

Dislikes: to be in crowds, too much noise, any sort of phsyical interaction

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