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Fantasy The war

Name: Ember Rose

Gender: female

Age: unknown (looks to be in mid twenties)

Species: (fallen) angel/witch

(Optional) Personality:

(Optional) bio:


Hair: long (falls past her bottom) black

Height: 5'5

Build: athletic

Eyes: sky blue

Weapons: she carries two whip blade swords (one light the other dark) and a bow with a quiver full of arrows

(Pic is optional)


(Optional) fantasy appearance:

(Optional) likes:

(Optional) dislikes:
Name: Leos Reno



Age:2,100 (looks 21)

Height :6'2



Personality:a gentlemen but can be a bit cruel. he has a hot temper and Rarely smiles. if by some reason you become his friend he will protect you with his life and becomes nicer.

Bio(optional):you know the whole story of the dragon guarding the princes and the knight killing the dragon well Leos's story is different he ended up falling in love with the princes. and after creating his human form he admitted his love to her she said she had the same feelings but it was a lie. when the prince came she left Leos and helped the prince to try to kill him. on the brink of death and with his shattered heart he roamed the world setting kingdoms on fire. up until 900 years ago when he went into hiding, finally coming out he found the world was different from what he remembered.sadly he can no longer turn into a full formed dragon.


fantasy appearance:



cats (for some reason)

singing ancient songs


loud noises (except for his music)

crowded spaces


weapons: when not in his new dragon form he uses a long sword.

ill be making another character also
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Effole.png.b889baa961faad52ec60b9849c849b60.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Effole.png.b889baa961faad52ec60b9849c849b60.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>human form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/deamon.jpg.d9b75d5603fc6815b2a8086ad23f543f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/deamon.jpg.d9b75d5603fc6815b2a8086ad23f543f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>demon form

name: Salem heart

gender: Female

age: 20'ish though she dose't really know

Species: demon

height : 5"7

Personality: for a demon she is acutely vary kind and loves people. she is normally a happy person but when it comes down to fighting she becomes vary serous and can turn blood thirsty.

Weapons: synth (shown in picture) and throwing needles

bio: with her love of life she always snuck out of hell and walked among the humans to feel what it was to be normal, after finding out she was tortured and thrown out off hell. Salem thought being thrown out of hell was the best thing that ever happened to her. she roamed around and made friends she was happy, until one day she accidentally cut one of her friends which sent her into a killing spree. when she came too she found her self in the middle of a burning town and people coming after her. she ran finally after being chased from the town she decided only to be friends with people that can hand them self's, though that still wont stop her from being happy.


people, animals, well anything to do with life


talking to people


other demons

dark places

her self



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Name: Inquisitor Kaethel

Gender: Male

Age: 135

Species: Tiefling

(Optional) Personality: He has a serious demeanor and often says little to people he doesn't know well. He considers it to be somewhat of his duty to look after those that cannot do so themselves. He has no problems using ambushes and other dirty tactics when he feels the need to.

(Optional) bio: Born with oddly-colored eyes and teeth sharper than a normal human, it was obvious to everyone Kaethel's demonic heritage was obvious to everyone who knew him before he became an inquisitor employed by the local ruler's law enforcement. He spent most of his life feeling a lot like an outsider, but learned that some of the overly superstitious in his home city could be cowed into no longer harassing him. However he found little joy in making habit of terrorizing people, instead focusing his efforts on bullying the bullies and making friends with many of the other undesirables in the city. When he grew up he joined the city guard, but despite his talent many felt both his appearance and less-than-orthodox tactics did little to help with the guard's reputation. Not wanting him to go to waste he was folded into the royal inquisition's ranks, allowing him to pursue foes in ways that being a regular guard couldn't.


Hair: Brown

Height: 5'5

Build: Athletic

Eyes: Dark Red

Weapons: A crossbow with regular bolts, poison-tipped bolts, and alchemist's fire bolts. He also carries several sets of bolas, two daggers, and shortswords.

(Optional) likes:

Justice, hunting, his crossbow

(Optional) dislikes:

Tyrants, bullies, evil supernatural creatures
Name: Ruxx Ingot

Gender: Male

Age: 252 (Appears to look around twenty five)

Species: Phoenix

(Optional) Personality: Ruxx is a real wildcard of a person. He could be serious in one moment, then shouting about his love for frogs the next. Completely unpredictable, people tend to stay away from him, as they never know when he might set himself off and just start doing something else. Most of the time, he's a rather happy person, looking more with an optimistic view of things, but that usually lasts for about five hours at max before he switches to something else. He becomes completely different when fighting however, completely focused on the battle, and won't switch out to some weird personality in the midst of a fight.

Bio: Ruxx doesn't know anything about his childhood, except for one thing: He was alone. For the first fifteen years of his life, he was completely alone. Being born as a Phoenix had its advantages however; even as a babe, his inner Phoenix gave him the will he needed to find food. He first made human contact when he was fifteen, and didn't really trust them at first. He was right to do so anyway; many people shunned him because of what he was, and because of this, Ruxx went off to live in solitude. For about two hundred and thirty seven years. Needless to say, this does change a man a little, and because of those many years alone in hiding, Ruxx has turned into the fire loving madman that we all know and love today.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/images-3.jpeg.290a040c3bf8ad8d9b4137be8f4f8640.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89027" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/images-3.jpeg.290a040c3bf8ad8d9b4137be8f4f8640.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hair: Hard to tell from the picture, but it is actually neck length dark orange hair. Usually keeps it parted and not covering his face, but he can't help what happens when fighting.

Height: 5'10.

Build: Ruxx looks a little more scrawny than he actually is. He does have muscle mass, but he tends to lean more towards the skinny side.

Eyes: Pale Gold.

Weapons: Ruxx can use his Phoenix powers to form nearly any weapon he needs out of his fire, but he prefers the use of dual Sai in combat, though his style itself is a mixture of both fire and weapons.

Likes: Fire, Burning things, Frogs, Firewood, Volcanoes, Birds, and (for some very odd reason) Sporks.

Dislikes: Water, People who put out fires, Wasps, BEES!, Ice, Glaciers, Deer, and spoons and forks.



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Name: Horace Duvalier

Gender: Male

Age: 115

Species: Human (Warlock)

(Optional) Personality: Cold and distant however more sociable once trust is earnt. Thoughtful and methodical in planning and strategising. Often reluctant to use full extent of powers, will not use powers where avoidable.

(Optional) bio: Horace was a typical human growing up around a myriad of terrifying and powerful creatures. His yearning to compete with them led him to wizardry however a lack of focus and inert power caused him to fail. His search for power had him forge a deal with a powerful archdemon. He was granted dark powers and immortality (cannot age, can be killed). In return the demons was granted ownership of his soul and can command Horace to do his bidding, cancelling his immortality if Horace refuses. After nearly a century of being in service to a dark entity Horace seeks a way to be free from his contract so he may live without being forced to do the vile things he is often commanded to.

He will never outright dismiss a creature as evil. He knows this first hand, being bound to such an evil creature and using evil powers, not all that seems evil is as it appears and he will first try to redeem or help something before killing it.

Appearance: Haggard and gaunt face, tall, scarred. Wears long black robes with scarring and sigils down his right arm that glow when power is exerted.

Hair: Thin, black, short.

Height: Tall

Build: Frail, not well built.

Eyes: Blue

Weapons: No physical weapons

(Optional) likes: Justice, knowledge, wisdom, exploration, freedom.

(Optional) dislikes: Corruption, causing pain, ignorance and people who choose ignorance, enslavement.
Name: Cathrina Petrova

Gender: Female

Age: 19 1/2

Species: Vampire/ Shadow person

bio: To be revealed


Hair: Long, goes past her butt, It's a ice blue on top then goes to a lavender purple. In one braid, with flowers in it.

Height: 5'7

Build: in shape

Eyes: black. Ever see demons eyes, and there a shinny all black? That's hers.

Weapons: An all black, transparent, Synth.

Don't mind the guys lol.
Name: Rias silver streak

age:? looks to be in older teen years last count about 450 years or so

Gender: female

Species: light/darkness gate keeper

(Optional) Personality: depends on who she's dealing try to be reasonable and loves to flirt and such but if she loves you you'll know in the most subtile ways

(Optional) bio: will find out full detailed later but as a tid bit such one works between the land of the living and the dead for human and other worldly beings

Appearance: http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii319/RoyCyntus/Anime Women/celestialknight.jpg

Hair: long (falls past her bottom) black

Height: 6:0 foot even

Build: booty licious

Eyes: light lavinder

Weapons: she carries one blade but this blade is not ordinary it can change it's size and shape and density it can draw mana or and flesh heal her, she can also summon creatures from her realm to fight by her side and has other spells such as barrier and such she has to be very careful not to draw to much mana and such otherwise the plan around her could start to implode on it's self.

(thanks for the like also just an idea but no grammber nazi's i'm in an rp with some and right now and it's annoying as a hell)
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Name: Arcturus Raynor


Age: 550

Species: Lich

(Optional) Personality: Plotting, driven, and often focused on whatever he considers a priority to a fault. Arcturus also shows a protective instinct towards his own underlings considering them surrogate sons and daughters, whether they like it or not. Savvy people that have encountered him have noticed bargaining with him goes much better if they have something he's specifically after.

(Optional) bio:


Hair: White

Height: 5'5

Build: slim

Eyes: grey brown

Weapons: His magic, along with his lifesized combat marionettes


(Optional) likes: Magic, learning, expanding his cult's operation, most of his underlings

(Optional) dislikes: Holy powers/people, chaos, werecreatures
Name: Abaddon

Gender: male

Age: unknown

Species: archangel

(Optional) personality: follows orders and resorts to violence if it's deemed nessessary

(Optional) bio: an archangel sent from the heavens to find and destroy his fallen siblings, the primary target being Ember.


Hair: long blonde

Height: 6'7

Build: muscular

Eyes:golden honey


(Optional) fantasy appearance:


(Optional) likes:

(Optional) dislikes:

Name: Somiss Horen

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Species: Dark elf

Personality: Dark humor, Very easily tempered, serious, cold, ignorant, violent.


Hair: Silvery black with a bit turquoise streaks, long shoulder length.

Height: 6'0

Build: Muscular, slim.

Eyes: turquoise blue

Weapons: double sword, and a ice staff.


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