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Silent Child

Such a pretty place.
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The World's Market

This was the one location known across the continent to be safe from the wars. The marketplace remained in the same spot all year long and goods from every location were sold with eager faces ready to make a living. The location was quite crowded and was hard to move your way through the really popular stalls such as health potions and adventurers gear, while other stalls were devastated by the amount of people passing them by. There were many guards, all of which looked the same. They patrolled the market, seizing anyone who made a ruckus.


Hisoshi Armedia

Hisoshi was in the crowd, being pushed everywhere they went... all he wanted was to sell one of his potions he had created, but he was shoved away by the stall owner and now he couldn't get away from the horde of people. Eventually he gave up and was pushed all the way to the entrance where he sat in wait for the place to clear up some... he lost one of his goods somewhere in the chaos... likely destroyed by now. Maybe if he waited a single hour, some of this crowd would clear... hopefully at least. He then rested against a wall and began reading a journal of sorts.
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In the bustling streets of the world market. A young boy flows by the sea of people, all from around the world and he is no different. The sun overhead shines down upon his glasses, glinting like a jewel in the sand-like crowd. Voices of buyers and sellers overlap one another, trying to reach an agreement in their transactions. He would pass street upon lengthy streets. A clear sense direction non existent to the boy for he himself appears lost.

There were persuasions attempted directly to the boy in glasses. Trying to sell goods to him regardless without the fact whether it was of his interest or not. Each time a varying new vendor would try to tempt him into buyer ng, his answer will always for him to simply decline and proceed forward with haste. It was a busy street, there was little to no time to stand in the middle of the road catch a breath, everyone was constantly moving along. To some despite his age, he cannot blame them, he appears to a be a traveler of sorts. His mahogany work gloves and boots, His rather large rucksack filled with metallic items with every shake and bumps and the hammer and handsaw around his belted waist. He Is but a young nomad to some.

It felt like days when describing the strolling around the world marketplace. He has Atleast spun around the same street more than thrice. A large archway leading outside of the marketplace, now eyeing to the exit. He would find himself out of the bazaar. The public chatter in his ears died down as he step foot outside. He strached his arms and yawned. He looked around him as to study the surroundings.
Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo [thanks for helping with this]

Ophelia Terrowin

Ophelia had just now reached the World Market, but upon first glance, she became baffled at the sight of it bustling in way above average activity. Donning her hood over her face, she smirked under its shade as she knew she was gonna have one hell of a field day in this run.

Pushing and shoving her way throughout the crowd, she's nearly lost her footing a couple of times as others were clamoring to get to where they needed to be. Ophelia saw this as another advantage however, as she continued snagging money, jewelry, and other valuables from pockets, wallets, and purses. She was suprised at how easy this was, but since she was good with the amount she's now taken, she made her way quickly to the food stands to see how many fruits she can obtain with her rewards from her pickpocket spree.

Walking down the alley of the marketplace was no easy feat, he could barely see where he was going and people were constantly bumping into him. He was actually looking for a specific stall and he wasn't about to give up now, but the crowdedness hindered his progress. "This isn't making any sense, it would take me hours to find that stall", he sighed in frustration and moved his way over to an old and empty stall and sat there on the ground and crossed his legs. Closing his eyes, he projected his astral form out of his physical form so he can find the stall he was looking for easily, due to his astral form being imperceptible he could find it without scaring anyone. eventually finding it, which is basically across the sea of people near the empty old stall he was in. He returned back to his body and got up quickly, you might be wondering what is so important that Dean must find this stall, well he got to find out that the stall was selling what is known as the Black Lily, a mysterious plant with necrotic properties. He quickly made his way to it, not wanting to miss it.

Shrub Kaimahi - World Market.

It was a bright day at the World market. Customer activity bustling in the high numbers, Stands selling lots of stuff, making their profits, the usual. But it was just today where a compassionate Florian such as Shrub himself had just arrived.

"Huh, so this is the World Market.. Hopefully the dealer said the Stand was preserved like he said.."

He noted to himself as he entered.

Being gentle enough not to bump into anyone as he made his way, a man pulled him aside.

"Shrub, right?"

"Yes, Sir.. You must be the dealer, am I correct?"

"Yep! Here, let me lead ya to your stall."

Following the man, they reached a nice stall, held with display cases and merchandise shelves.

"Thank you again, Dealer. I'll be sure to bring you some more of those Flame Lily's like you wanted!"

"Daww! Ye don't have to Shrub! No accidents with the Lava Roses so far!"

Waving his goodbyes, Shrub began setting up.

In his stall, he was selling the following.

- Meditational Crystals

- Fresh and exotic Fruits

- Handcrafted Rugs

-Plant Based Jewelry

And of course, Unique Plants.


Mention/s: Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo

Dean finally got to the stall that he heard sold the unique plant. The STall was pleasing to look at, with nice display cases of all sorts of amazing plants and herbs, he also saw crystals and other minerals that looked really rare, so he knew this was the place. He then saw a person setting up the stall after speaking to another person who called the other "Scrub", so he thought that must be their name. "Hello, I heard you're the only person who sells the Black Lily, do you have it in stock by chance?" He asked
Shrub Kaimahi to Dean Wincestre ( Xen6n Xen6n )

“Hm? Oh, welcome! And yes, I do have Black Lillies in stock. How many would you like?”

Shrub smiled, his first customer!

His happiness was made apparent as a bonsai tree sprouted from his hair, a few petals landing around the display cases which added a better look to the stand.
Mention/s: Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo

Dean noticed the bonsai tree that sprouted from Scrub's hair, he smiled after seeing it and how it enhanced the appearance of their stall, which quite impressed Dean. "One would be fine, thank you"

Lunee wandered around the World's Market. She didn't have any destiny to go to or a task to accomplish. She hoped to maybe steal some pouches as her empty stomach started taking its toll and she didn't want to have to try selling stuff before earning enough money to buy some food and not get herself in trouble. Among the crowd she spotted a small figure showing their way through the masses of people. Judging by their clothes, it was nearly certain that they have a reasonable amount of money on their person. Since they were moving rather quickly and looked very young, Lunee assumed that they were lost and thus too busy to notice someone picking their pockets.
_Yua Watanabe_ _Yua Watanabe_
Shrub Kaimahi - Dean. ( Xen6n Xen6n )

"Alrighty, One black Lily it is."

As such, he brought a delicately cased Black Lily, potted in a seashell.
(Kinda like this)
1646685539184.png "As such, I have this policy: First time customers get their purchase free. Would you also like some fruits to join with it?"
Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo racoon racoon (and maybe) Xen6n Xen6n

Looking around for places to buy from, her eyes was quickly drawn to a neatly, and a rather aesthetically pleasing Stand. Upon noticing fresh fruit on the shelves, she quickly scurried towards the counter, stopping behind someone who had gotten there before her. she was clearly excited about getting her hands on something to eat.
but her focus was soon drawn to something else, feeling the presence of someone heading straight towards her, she whipped around in alarm, now noticing the girl.
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Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo _Yua Watanabe_ _Yua Watanabe_

Dean was surprised at the offer and was truly grateful for the act, it quite surprised him because nobody hasn't been this nice to him in a long time and vendors are not so generous to customers, almost ever at all. He was speechless for some seconds before regaining himself.

"Thank you.....I, that's really nice of you and yeah, I won't mind at all"

He said to Scrub as he gave a friendly nod. But he noticed a person who scurried behind him, he thought that they were excited from how excited they were. He didn't want to make them wait so he plans to leave as soon as he gets the fruits.
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World Market

As the new group assembled, a commotion was brewing nearby. A few people had been knocked unconscious already as the crowd surged by. Their bodies lay trampled and several had stopped breathing altogether. The guards were attempting to calm this mass, but instead found themselves brought along with it. It seemed like everyone had identical motives... to get to the one stall that had just opened up. This was the reason most had come, just like they do every time. They had come for weapons imbued with magic and didn't care what happened to anyone in their way.

_Yua Watanabe_ _Yua Watanabe_ Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo racoon racoon Xen6n Xen6n

Hisoshi Armedia

Hisoshi had plenty time to think outside the bazaar, especially with the dull silence all around him. This was interrupted when a young man, who looked almost his age, exit the massive swarm. He seemed almost confused about his surroundings as his gaze moved around the landscape. He clearly had never been here before since there was nothing outside the large archway... only a mile of rocks that led up to a mountain. The noise level increased, but Hisoshi didn't notice this... he was disputing with himself whether he should approach the boy. After a minute's worth of internal bickering, he approached Elroy. "You're new here, aren't you?" He raised an eyebrow to the boy though he could already tell the answer.

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Shrub Kaimahi. _Yua Watanabe_ _Yua Watanabe_ Xen6n Xen6n

Hearing the commotion of people nearby, Shrub took note that it may get his patrons tangled up.

"If you two want to, you can head behind the counter until that wave of people clears off.. I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt in that.." He said in concern for their well-being.

Interacting with: Silent Child Silent Child

Nothing but the rocky landscape for miles although he appeared quite content with the view. Putting his hands on his toolbelt filled to the brim with hammers, handsaws, and leather pouches. Although one would assume he is a carpenter of sorts despite his age. His minutes of fresh air was interrupted when he heard footsteps coming closer. It sounded like a boy asking. He turned his head slightly. To notice a boy about his height with a blank expression on their face.

"Just here to gather my breath, cannot catch those with all that ruckus inside. May I help you?" Now fully turning to face them. It only took a quick glance from head to toe just to get a full appearance of the flowy-haired boy. Giving a small reference to the now increase of volume inside the marketplace, on which he occasionally glanced at when it became more audible despite the walls. Elroy, even with his friendly grin was starting to become weary to the voices on the exit and the boy.
Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo racoon racoon
looking concerned about the sudden crowd of people, she looked to Shrub and nodded quickly
"..Yeah i would- uh..appreciate that..Thanks"
she said in a nervous voice. before slowly heading behind the counter, making sure to give lunee an uncomfortable look as she walked off.

she sat over In a corner, taking a sigh of relief as she couldn't be seen that way. After all that she couldn't help but check to make sure her cloak hadn't los3ened.

Shrub Kaimahi
_Yua Watanabe_ _Yua Watanabe_ )

“Would you like some fruit in the meantime? It come as a first time bonus with your first purchase, which is free.”

Shrub offered. A fair and generous merchant is a good merchant. He’s seen how others deceive buyers for the sake of profit, and it bit them in the ass soon after.

Shrub was a different case. He was honest, he didn’t flaunt, but rather humbly described each product.

Their prices were high, his prices were adapted to become affordable for all.
Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo _Yua Watanabe_ _Yua Watanabe_

"Yeah sure, I don't know what's going on but someone's going to get hurt"

He looked at the brewing chaos that was coming to the stall he was in, he was quite tempted to cast a spell but he was conflicted to do so. He walked behind the counter quickly before he would be swarmed into the crowd of people. "If it's getting out of hand, I can cast a spell to lessen the chaos from the crowd? It's just a suggestion, I don't need to do it" He asked as he stood near Scrub and looked at the crowd, he also noticed the girl was behind him too who looked more nervous than he was.
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Xen6n Xen6n Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo
had forgetting about her stomach due to the arise in chaos, she stood up clearly content with that sort of offer.
"yeah, uhm do you have mango's?"
upon hearing the mans suggestion she, looked at the crowd of people once more before giving him a light tap on the shoulder.

keeping her head down she began to speak, in awkward manner.

seems she's not used to socializing.

"i- honestly like the idea, plus people are most likely getting hurt you know?"
As Ophelia turned around and faced her, Lunee almost jumped in shock. "I've misjudged this girl." She thought and quickly walked away to disappear in the progressively growing crowd around the newly opened stall. The situation didn't look very safe but although Lunee got closer to the centre of the commotion not completely deliberately, her curiosity hadn't let her leave. Of course she didn't plan to let herself get hurt but she wanted to know what was going on.
_Yua Watanabe_ _Yua Watanabe_ Xen6n Xen6n racoon racoon

“I’m not so much of a fan of violence.. I only fight when I have to. But yes, here’s a basket.”

He gently said as he handed her a fresh straw basket of ripe juicy mangoes.

Seeing the crowd around his stand, he quickly got to tending their orders.

He had also noticed another girl trying to avoid getting hurt by the crowd, so he helped her out by stealthy bringing her behind the counter as well.

"Are you alright, Ms.? Hopefully the crowd hadn't pushed you around too much.."
Hisoshi Armedia
The boy responded. "Just here to gather my breath, cannot catch those with all that ruckus inside. May I help you?" Hisoshi shook his head. "No, rather... I had thought you to be lost. Nothing is out here for a while." He turned to the commotion. "Seems that stall finally opened up... about time" Looking off into the distance, he spoke once more. "I'm waiting about an hour until it calms down since it usually does when it gets dark." Sure enough, the sky had darkened a little bit... nightfall was on its way.
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo racoon racoon
She nodded in thanks as she was already starting to eat away at the Mango's she has gotten

"Thank you! I appreciate it!"

once lunee had gotten into the stall she immediately went to keep her distance.
Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo _Yua Watanabe_ _Yua Watanabe_
"Oh, yes. Thank you for asking." She replied, surprised by the man's kindness.

She turned her head around for a split second as she saw Ophelia leaving the stall.

"Um... How can I help you, sir?" She looked back at Shrub, assuming he must have needed something from her if he spoke to her out of the blue.

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