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Fantasy The War on Monsterkind OOC

I will get a replay out tomorrow afternoon, I was planning on getting one out tonight but got distracted by the need to buy groceries and cleaning all my fish tanks.
I will get a replay out tomorrow afternoon, I was planning on getting one out tonight but got distracted by the need to buy groceries and cleaning all my fish tanks.
I understand. Just post when you can.

And animegirl20 animegirl20 I may have an idea as to fix our issue. Why not have your character bump into mine. I will give more details at a later time, when I have thought it out.
And my post is finally sent! I planned on writing it last night, but I’m pretty sure I fell asleep :/

Anyway, I left it open so that you could control what happens next
Wonderblue Wonderblue
Alright, so my idea is that your character stumbles into a scrapyard, and sees my character "erasing" a group of soldiers. He sees her, and ruffles her head a bit, only to realize he missed one and gets shot in the side. And the rest, we will go from there.
alright that sounds good.

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