The War of the Seed (sign up)


Thug Na$ty
There are two groups that we need to start:

We need 3-5 Lations.

And 3-5 Seerites.

Seerites can pull magic from the surrounding environment and manipulate it with the will of their soul to accomplish tasks. The strength of a seerite depends on the strength of their own will. Seerites will be of fair complexion with various stunning eye colors and a graceful posture.

Lations absorb magic from the air and earth through their skin and channel it where they desire within their body allowing them to enhance the mind and blody. The strength of a Lation depends on the speed at which one can absorb magic through the skin and how much magic is already stored. Lations will be of tan complexion, tall and muscular with brown or gray eyes and a proud composure.





Eye Color:

Weapon of Choice:

Racial Stance(View of the opposing race):

Brief Bio:

Description:(picture is fine)


No godmodding(duh)

Be Literate, at least a solid paragraph per post.

You must be accepted

Romance is encouraged but lets not get overboard with it.

3rd person

Be literate!

No double posts if it can be helped.

OOC in this thread

Be literate!
Name: Ruinel Ador

Race: Seerite

Gender: F

Eye Color: Bright green

Weapon of Choice:

Racial Stance(View of the opposing race): Though she was raised to hate the Lations, Ruinel couldn't. Raised in a wealthy political family, her roots grow deep in the loathsome soil. Though she respects the Lations, she still has a hard time trusting them. And even if Ruinel doesn't hate them, the bitterness she was taught to have towards them has taken its toll.

Brief Bio: Ruinel was raised in a highly political family. She is very sophisticated and cold. But she does have a good side, and it tends to show at times. She's been in various disagreements with her father regarding the war, and has caused her own exile. She lives in an estate far from where her family resides. But she sneaks off in search of others who share her opinions, desperately scouring the streets for a single soul who would hear her out. She decided she would join the rebellion, if she could find it.

Description:(picture is fine)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.016e7505b072fed644eaa0606aee450b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.016e7505b072fed644eaa0606aee450b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The picture is accurate except for her eyes, which are a very bright green. 
Oops! Forgot the weapon!

Weapon of choice: Dagger/magic



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