The War of the New World (Shape shifters vs vampires)

xD Its all good!

[MENTION=3856]AngieG[/MENTION] and @<3Lost_In_Paradise<3 Can we pause the RP for tonight and keep up tomorrow?
Name: Kin Red

Side: Vampires

Age: 265

History: Never talks about it,since he's had such a boring live. So he says anyway,but he's the type to kill and ask questions later and it doesn't matter what side there on to him.He may be with the Vampires but that never meant his evil minded ideas didn't include them,he just loved to have fun and in his own way. He never listened to anyone and never plans to,but some convince him to listen to what they have to say.




Name: Skit Husk

Side: Shape Shifter

Age: 14

History:Skit has always been alone,his parents died a long time ago and he acts pretty mature for his age.He keeps a small notebook with him that his father gave him when he was very little right before he died,Skit writes and doodles all the time in it and doesn't like other people seeing it. He's blind in his left eye and doesn't remember if it's always been that way or if something happened.




Love it. Accepted. You can start posting. :) We're preparing for battle so just throw your characters into the fray.
I don't really understand how you can be 1/3 of everything. If you want you can work with the other girl who is on neither side.
Name:alaki alan

Gender: male

age: 18

personality-sweet kind cares about everyone used to live in england london perhaps. And loves animals

race: vampire

history: has 3 cats 4 dogs pitbulls, and 4 rats.
Name : Hakidonmuya (meaning : 'time of the waiting moon'), usually nicknamed Muya / Hakidon

Side : Shape Shifter

Age : 16

History : It was a cold morning. Hakidonmuya thought it was another ordinary day, like the usual. She went out from her teepee, and quickly notice that her village is much more quiet than the usual. She checked around, and found out that there are a few people from her tribe missing, including her sister, Honovi. Her loss for her sister has damaged her, making wounds deep inside her. From there on, she sworn to kill every last vampire there is... Even though, she's not a highly trained killer. Packed with a couple of food, clothes, and a few dagger she stuffed into her sack, she traveled to find the people who took his sister and all the other people missing from her tribe. From there on, she became quite distant with others. She will only talk or interact with others who can help her pursue her goal.

Looks :

View attachment 9444<--- Human form

View attachment 9443<---- Horse / alternate form

((Text Color : Brown))

Is... Shapeshifting into a horse a - okay? .___.''
Name: Stier (pronounced "Steer" if any confusion arises)

Side: Shape Shifter

Age: 19

Back story: He was abandoned at birth and he was raised by nomadic shape shifters since he could remember. Trained in aggressive forms of hand to hand combat, he is ready to take on anything that can be thrown at him. Stier doesn't hold much venom for vampires as a general race. Only if he feels threatened will he do something about any particular vampire.

Appearance: Stier has short black hair and a full beard grown down to his collar bone. He has massive muscles earned from hard labor and training as well as scars from the fights he has had over his life.

Transforms: He turns into a massive black bull
Looks good, both of you. [MENTION=3758]MegaPatman[/MENTION] and [MENTION=3937]Yana_2306[/MENTION]
Name: Adelbert

Side: Shapeshifter

Age: 37

Back story: Adelbert fell in love with a vampire princess and eloped together. After 6 years of hiding, they were betrayed by his own family because they see him as a disgrace to their clan. They were captured and he was tortured for several days. He overhears the execution of his wife from the guards. He was then forced to watch his wife and their unborn child die in front of him. His own family laughs while the vampire prepares to execute him until he snapped. He massacred everyone in the manor, even his own family, and soon after killing them, he kills all the vampires in the manor. He spared no one until he calmed down. He burns the manor and now he has one mission: to stop the war between the shapeshifters and vampires.

Transforms: He transforms into a massive bear
not sure if this is still open for for joining in but hey u miss hundred percent of the shots u dont take

Name: Jace

Age: 20

History: jace has lived more of a nomadic life until recently he is a shapeshifter and and when msot were killed off he left the turmoil, he changes into a tiger whos fur is solid white and he favors his animal form over his human form, much of his past is unkown to him besides waking up one day not knowing where he was or even who he was so instead of worrying bout it he has learned to focus on the present and making the most of it.

Looks: white hair thats long to his chin in length and a full beard from one side of the face to the other thats white as well he stood bout 5'10 he as muscular but not to massive extent his eyes always looked like that of a tiger and he wore simple cloth pants and sleveless hirt.
Name: Tier


race: Shape shifter

She was small when the disease took over her family killing them slowly. so she traveld to her cousins. unfourtanetly as soon as she made it the blood vampires were eating them. Fear and anger struck her all at once. She wanted to kill them but she was still to young. so she ran. she met with her uncle a few weeks later. He teained her of all he knew before dieing by the disease. she was now left alone. She was not scared or sad she was angry ..furiated with the vampires. it was her goal to kill them all.

human form

View attachment 9831

wolf form View attachment 9832
Name: Zhang Kaztelo [nicknamed Z, hell tell you if you can call him Z or not]

Side: Shapeshifter

Age: 28

Back story: Zhang was adopted by the Tiger Clan of shape shifters when he was discovered as an infant outside their village, his baby blanket left in the middle of a field. They knew not where he came from or who his parents were. n They raised him to be a superior warrior like they would their own children, they taught him the fighting styles natural to the tiger clan and natural fighting styles to feline shape shifters. He learned them well enough but it wasn't his natural fighting style and all could tell this easily. When he first transformed it wasn't until his mid teens. This made it hard on him as he was rejected by almost everyone his age and up. This drove him to enjoy the company of younger people first and foremost, and he has always had their respect as they think him a cool and mysterious guy. When he transformed it was a surprise to find that he was a Rhino shape shifter, they were supposed to have gone extinct over a hundred years ago and have not been seen in this land for longer then that as they were a reclusive clan. But it explained his size being os large compared to other teens his age and the unnaturalness of him fighting in a feline form. He then began training in forms that elders had learned from the elephant and other such clans, and one elder even had ancestors who had taught rhino style combat all the way down their lineage. These fighting styles quickly became his art, he perfected them to the pint that he can now beat several elders in one on all of them combat without a weapon almost every time. He is seen as a clan prodigy and is treated as anyone else in the clan would be treated if they were born into it. His adoptive parents and the elder who taught him rhino fighting styles were all killed by invading vampires and he now has a personal vendetta against them. He kills all of them without warning, and one of them needs to be fast and a damn good talker to live through an encounter with him. He has killed several high ranking vampire military heads and is now known to them as The Horned Scourge. He travels the lands killing those of the vampire kind he meets unless they give him a damn good reason not to.


Transformation looks: [except he is standing on his hind legs]

[ [MENTION=3856]AngieG[/MENTION]: Also a bit of the background of the rp of what is currently going on and where i should probably go would be helpful if thats fine?]
Name: Raxenite

Side: Vampire

Age: 539

History: When Raxenite was a child, she was one of the elusive humans, and was under a different alias; Rosen. Seeking romance and adventure, she was often flirting with men, but she never chose anybody. That was until she met Joan. His intentions were far more sinister than Rosen's intentions, but something stopped him from fulfilling his thirst. Whether it was the look in her eyes, or the soft cheeks she had, Rosen will never know.

As the years progress, Rosen disappeared from the human civilization and gave herself a new alias; Raxenite. (Rax- 'stretch' -inite 'join' Nicknamed 'Raxin') Both Joan and Raxinite made many enemies, but one particular got the better. Joan was beheaded after they were ambushed in their home. Raxinite escaped with the loss of her love, and home. The moment haunts her to this very day.

Raxinite continued what her love would want: For her to explore. The moment she heard of this new land, she travelled to the major city where the boats were shipping out. Little does she know that the boats she took were military vessels; Raxinite was an unintentional stow-away.

Now, in the present, she is in a war between her race, and a foreign race that can be anything, anyone, anywhere. She only wants to explore the country.



P.S: If humans don't exist, I'll change the history.

P.S: If Vampires are not immortal, give me their life expentancy and I'll edit the age.
i think the age is fine but there not immortal :/ they do die haha and i'm not sure if there are humans or not O.o

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