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Fantasy The War Of Clans (Actual RP)

((@ParzivalOftheOASIS detail - his helmet was off since his second scene in the RP (and left behind I suppose) I made sure? Check out posts #6 and #17 || Are the men Shadowscars men?))

"Incoming...is that our direction?" Theren said, watching the elder get ready for a fight. She shook her head. "Hey, hey, stop! If it is, then they are just coming here to help, like I said someone would, they are our clan members." She sighed and held a hand to her forehead, other hand gripping her hip. "Excuse me, I don't... I do not hold any untrust towards any of the clans, no one has done anything to wrong me back in Colfury." Certainly, there were people disagreeing with her, but one could not go through life without that, especially when one had any involvement with magic and those people feared it for whatever reason. She was even surprised there were any people like that.
(Oh yeah. And, no. One is Fallencry, the other is a Stonefury rogue)

"You can't be sure of that. We need to be ready." His eyes glowed white, and his voice went deep. He then turned to Jotnar. "Where are they?" A shield appeared on his arm and he got into fighting position and moved cautiously. He noticed them coming nearer. He walked back. "Let's go!"
Jotnar uncurled his wings. And gave the two Shadowscars another look. He could pick up the scent of more men incoming. He let loose a bellow while starting to hover in the air. “As you say” he rumbled.
He ran past the others and stopped just behind their line of sight. "Damn..." He sheathed his swords.
Leon was watching the events unfold with some disinterest . All this fuss was probably just over some rogues who decided not to join a clan. Things really did seem bleak for the clans and Leon was trying to readjust to this different atmosphere.
Theren frowned at the dragon and elder disappearing in the woods to chase after two unknown men. Why did they chase, ready to fight? Attack first, ask questions later was not the good way to go. Assuming the worst would create unnecessary enemies. She folded her arms and sighed, wincing as Sare landed on her shoulder. The help was there. Spinning around, she smiled at the approaching men, two quite enough.

"Hi there."

She was not willing to join the elder's frenzied search, her role in it was over. They seemed to have noticed something happening, but said nothing.

"So, uh, this boar here...," she spoke, pointing at the carcass with her arm. "Care to help? Well, clearly, since you're here. Thank you. Leon, coming?" She just wanted to get away from there and have a peaceful day. Fighting without her staff was not a choice, not for her.
An arrow flew past Silenus, and he spun towards the source: A group of Stonefury archers. "Archers!" He yelled. But, when he was readying for attack, someone ran in front of him and set them aflame, then somehow shoved them away. "Who...are you?" He asked? They replied shortly. "Othirex. You?" Silenus didn't reply, instead he looked for Jotnar, s he was the mos reliable.
"Yeah." Leon said walking by her side. He wasn't that interested to get into a fight at the moment with possibly another clan. " It's crazy how quick these have changed between the clans. I didn't envision it being like this." Leon said with a hint of frustration. This seemed to be only the beginning, more fights will eventually break out in the future.
Upon hearing about archers Jotnar swooped to the ground and furiously looked around for the threat. Angry hisses could be heard as fire frothed at his mouth. Looking about for the enemies. Noticing Silenus alone, with a stranger he narrowed his eyes, the thinly veiled threat of flame clear to see.
Theren could not suppress a low shout of surprise when she saw a flash of flames between the trees. What was that dragon thinking? He would burn their entire forest down.

Muttering to Leon and the other two words she herself did not know what were, she sprinted back to the village, the usually protruding roots of trees as if hiding from her to aid her. Fire! In a forest like that! People were going mad.

Sare curled on her herb pillow and watched her tamer grab her staff and disappear not long after with an emergency potion satchel. They will likely need that there, and her new clan had no use of the many she had accumulated over the past days to keep her mind off the separation of Colfury. Off the separation from those men who were now fighting.

She found the three Shadowscars still there above the boar, waved at them, and rushed towards the fight.

She was not looking to fight. No, no. After all, her skills lay in potion-making and herbalism. The odd bit of magic for fighting was for protection. However, it was a useful thing to have, one she thanked for when she saw the arrow sticking from a trunk behind the merry band of Silenus, Jotnar, and some new fellow. She raised the satchel in her right hand.


At least her left hand was no longer holding air.
Silenus stared intently at Othirex. How.... "Jotnar, does this person look familiar to you at all?" Silenus shook his head. "Apparently not at the moment..." He asked Othirex. "Are you rogue or survivor, or...do you have practice in the arts of magic?" When he asked this, he heard a voice in his head. I am both. And, yes, I do. This startled Silenus, as he had felt something back at main base.

( Yahhah Yahhah )
The dragon looked back and forth surprised at this stranger's behavior. He shut his jaws together. Snuffing out the fire, and causing smoke to slither out of his nose. He stopped growling for a moment. He didn't need to show threat to be threatening. Dragons were famous for their threatening nature.
Silenus muttered randomly. "We need to go back. Immediately. I will make an announcement later on in the day, and we will see what happens." He turned and began to walk back to Steelbrand territory with Othirex behind him.
Jotnar followed them slowly, sniffing the air. Trying to watch their flank. The dragon gave his wings a rest and walked the way towards Steelbrand. Still not entirely sure about this stranger.

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