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Fantasy The War Between Wolves

Name: Laikas "Ghost" Vilkas

Age: Believes he is 16

Pack: Neutral

Rank: Lone Wolf




Is roughly six foot tall with deep, aggressive yellow eyes. Since he can remember, he has had snow white hair the same colour as his fur. He has a relatively athletic build, although he is quite lean and lanky. He doesn't have many clothes in his possession, the few he has include: a heavy coat, a scarf, jeans some smart shoes a plain t-shirt.



Powers: Enhanced senses in his human form. Can choose to hear the thoughts of others (it is easier to do in his wolf form), but while doing so he is significantly weakened and drained. There's also a chance that his target may resist him, but this has only happened a handful of times.

Personality: Laikas lives by the phrase "knowledge is power", something his abilities lend to quite well. While he's normally quite an honourable person, he's not above blackmailing others in order to secure his safety or to get what he wants, which can make him come across as quite selfish, though he never intends to be like that. He's normally quite a patient and diligent person who will work hard for both his own desires and for the protection of his friends. His strength is his weak point; he can hold his own but never truly win a fight, his greatest weapon in his mind. He's never quick to deal with anyone, however, and tends to reveal very little about himself, often introducing himself as "Ghost" so others do not know his proper name. As a neutral party, Laikas has sold information to all sides: both the packs and the humans, and has never chosen to side with one faction more than another -though he tends to spend more time with the Twilight Moon pack-, because of this, dealing with him is a double-edged sword and can make him seem untrustworthy. When he's not 'sharing' his information, he normally stays near the higher ranks for his own protection.

Biography (more than one line please): Laikas doesn't remember if he had a human or werewolf family, all he knows is that he simply is a werewolf. Regardless, he doesn't want to learn more of his past, at least not the bits he can't remember. His earliest memory is that of hunting with his sister, or at least another wolf, killing a deer and sharing in the crimson spoils. He remembers continuing to hunt with her for enjoyment, for the bond they seemed to share, for survival. That seemed to change when he started hearing her thoughts, at least he thought they were.

Unable to control this new ability, Laikas went near insane, scaring off this female wolf, leaving him to his own devices. Determined to shut out the voices, Laikas found his solace, at first, in slaughtering anything he came across (cause bloodshed is always fun =) ) but soon the voices began to die down. Around the age of thirteen, at least that's what he had counted, he began to control this ability of his, and, ever the opportunist, he sought to sell information to both packs in the upcoming feud. He asked for shelter, food, even hunting rights and in return he told the alphas what they wanted to know. Thus was his trade. But his lack of loyalty seems to have landed him in a situation where either side could attack him for merely having information key to their plans. He has always considered joining a pack, but he's never needed to...

Other- N/a unless needed

@RedLikeRoses (If you want me to change anything, please say so)
Baconhands said:
Name: Laikas "Ghost" Vilkas
Age: Believes he is 16

Pack: Neutral

Rank: Lone Wolf




Is roughly six foot tall with deep, aggressive yellow eyes. Since he can remember, he has had snow white hair the same colour as his fur. He has a relatively athletic build, although he is quite lean and lanky. He doesn't have many clothes in his possession, the few he has include: a heavy coat, a scarf, jeans some smart shoes a plain t-shirt.



Powers: Enhanced senses in his human form. Can choose to hear the thoughts of others (it is easier to do in his wolf form), but while doing so he is significantly weakened and drained. There's also a chance that his target may resist him, but this has only happened a handful of times.

Personality: Laikas lives by the phrase "knowledge is power", something his abilities lend to quite well. While he's normally quite an honourable person, he's not above blackmailing others in order to secure his safety or to get what he wants, which can make him come across as quite selfish, though he never intends to be like that. He's normally quite a patient and diligent person who will work hard for both his own desires and for the protection of his friends. His strength is his weak point; he can hold his own but never truly win a fight, his greatest weapon in his mind. He's never quick to deal with anyone, however, and tends to reveal very little about himself, often introducing himself as "Ghost" so others do not know his proper name. As a neutral party, Laikas has sold information to all sides: both the packs and the humans, and has never chosen to side with one faction more than another -though he tends to spend more time with the Twilight Moon pack-, because of this, dealing with him is a double-edged sword and can make him seem untrustworthy. When he's not 'sharing' his information, he normally stays near the higher ranks for his own protection.

Biography (more than one line please): Laikas doesn't remember if he had a human or werewolf family, all he knows is that he simply is a werewolf. Regardless, he doesn't want to learn more of his past, at least not the bits he can't remember. His earliest memory is that of hunting with his sister, or at least another wolf, killing a deer and sharing in the crimson spoils. He remembers continuing to hunt with her for enjoyment, for the bond they seemed to share, for survival. That seemed to change when he started hearing her thoughts, at least he thought they were.

Unable to control this new ability, Laikas went near insane, scaring off this female wolf, leaving him to his own devices. Determined to shut out the voices, Laikas found his solace, at first, in slaughtering anything he came across (cause bloodshed is always fun =) ) but soon the voices began to die down. Around the age of thirteen, at least that's what he had counted, he began to control this ability of his, and, ever the opportunist, he sought to sell information to both packs in the upcoming feud. He asked for shelter, food, even hunting rights and in return he told the alphas what they wanted to know. Thus was his trade. But his lack of loyalty seems to have landed him in a situation where either side could attack him for merely having information key to their plans. He has always considered joining a pack, but he's never needed to...

Other- N/a unless needed

@RedLikeRoses (If you want me to change anything, please say so)
Name: Latte

Age: 19

Pack: Burning Sun

Rank: Healer






Powers (Please don't be too OP!): Eyes change colour depending on mood.

Personality: A nice girl who is a little too adventurous and outdoor-sy. She is very outgoing and compassionate, a great healer but a not-so-great warrior.

Biography (more than one line please): Latte is a girl who was born in London, and was known to have some sort of problem concerning her. People noticed the girl's eyes were changing colours, and doctor's examined her further after the age of four as when she was a child they were blue, but transitioned into a hazel for happiness for a while. But when they started switching to blue, red, pink and gold they were concerned. Along with this, something unknown was shown. When she was 11, she discovered her abnormal power. She was sent to her parent's basement for a while before she escaped and began living in the wild.

Other- She tends to get crushes easily.
[QUOTE="Sakura Blossom]
Name: Latte
Age: 19

Pack: Burning Sun

Rank: Healer






Powers (Please don't be too OP!): Eyes change colour depending on mood.

Personality: A nice girl who is a little too adventurous and outdoor-sy. She is very outgoing and compassionate, a great healer but a not-so-great warrior.

Biography (more than one line please): Latte is a girl who was born in London, and was known to have some sort of problem concerning her. People noticed the girl's eyes were changing colours, and doctor's examined her further after the age of four as when she was a child they were blue, but transitioned into a hazel for happiness for a while. But when they started switching to blue, red, pink and gold they were concerned. Along with this, something unknown was shown. When she was 11, she discovered her abnormal power. She was sent to her parent's basement for a while before she escaped and began living in the wild.

Other- She tends to get crushes easily.

Please read the Overview and the Rules in the OOC Chat.


Pack:Twilight Moon





Powers : Fighting spirit that cannot be tamed. The longer he fights, the stronger Eric becomes, due to his unbreakable will.

Personality:Has a stubborn and unbreakable spirit that cannot be broken, no matter what. He has a strong sense of justice and morality, and refuse to kill even his enemies, no matter what. While this does lead to tension, he still believes in doing what is right, not what is convenient. He is selfish and fearless, and will never back down in the face of danger, putting others before himself at a moments notice.

Biography: Eric has always been a strong fighter. His mother was a very moral woman, and taught him about basic morality, and what it means to be a true man. Thus, he too has grown up believing in these ideals and beliefs, never backing down from it either. In the face of war, he wishes to fight to protect his pack, but will not kill any of his foes. Instead, he simply wishes to capture them, hoping a diplomatic solution can be reached.


(^U^)( :D )(^.^)
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DaManofWar said:

Pack:Twilight Moon





Powers : Fighting spirit that cannot be tamed. The longer he fights, the stronger Eric becomes, due to his unbreakable will.

Personality:Has a stubborn and unbreakable spirit that cannot be broken, no matter what. He has a strong sense of justice and morality, and refuse to kill even his enemies, no matter what. While this does lead to tension, he still believes in doing what is right, not what is convenient. He is selfish and fearless, and will never back down in the face of danger, putting others before himself at a moments notice.

Biography: Eric has always been a strong fighter. His mother was a very moral woman, and taught him about basic morality, and what it means to be a true man. Thus, he too has grown up believing in these ideals and beliefs, never backing down from it either. In the face of war, he wishes to fight to protect his pack, but will not kill any of his foes. Instead, he simply wishes to capture them, hoping a diplomatic solution can be reached.

Read the rules in the OOC Chat.


Name: Zyra Eli'o

Age: 25

Occupation: Healer and Hunter

Powers: Zyra has a small amount of magic that she uses to power her simple spells, found in a tattered spellbook her grandmother gifted her. She can do simple things, like levitation of small objects, throw small fireballs, etc. Her energy is not limitless and if she strains herself she falls asleep for hours or days. Zyra also is a healer, dabbling in plants that paralyze the nervous system, prevent infections and any else that grow on the island. For this, she is seen as somewhat of a Shaman to the villagers.

Personality: Zyra is inquisitive most of the time, and not afraid of trying new things. Sheis known to be somewhat feisty, but she simply refers to it as "not putting up with bullshit." She is a bit of a loner which causes her to be isolated from the rest of her people.

Biography: Zyra grew up in a small village on the island with her grandmother. The two lived on a hill, slightly secluded from the rest of the villagers due to their practices of magic and healing. Her grandmother was a wizened old woman who taught the girl everything she knew. Zyra's parents were killed when they had gone hunting when the girl was nothing but a baby, and her grandmother took her in. Magic had been passed down for generations in all the woman in their family, and although Zyla's was weak it still had its uses. Her grandmother passed, but before she died she gave her spellbook to the girl. Now she's the villages healer, but they fear her even though she does nothing but help them.

Other- tribal-like tattoos cover her body


Coal said:


Name: Zyra Eli'o

Age: 25

Occupation: Healer and Hunter

Powers: Zyra has a small amount of magic that she uses to power her simple spells, found in a tattered spellbook her grandmother gifted her. She can do simple things, like levitation of small objects, throw small fireballs, etc. Her energy is not limitless and if she strains herself she falls asleep for hours or days. Zyra also is a healer, dabbling in plants that paralyze the nervous system, prevent infections and any else that grow on the island. For this, she is seen as somewhat of a Shaman to the villagers.

Personality: Zyra is inquisitive most of the time, and not afraid of trying new things. Sheis known to be somewhat feisty, but she simply refers to it as "not putting up with bullshit." She is a bit of a loner which causes her to be isolated from the rest of her people.

Biography: Zyra grew up in a small village on the island with her grandmother. The two lived on a hill, slightly secluded from the rest of the villagers due to their practices of magic and healing. Her grandmother was a wizened old woman who taught the girl everything she knew. Zyra's parents were killed when they had gone hunting when the girl was nothing but a baby, and her grandmother took her in. Magic had been passed down for generations in all the woman in their family, and although Zyla's was weak it still had its uses. Her grandmother passed, but before she died she gave her spellbook to the girl. Now she's the villages healer, but they fear her even though she does nothing but help them.

Other- tribal-like tattoos cover her body


Coal said:


Name: Zyra Eli'o

Age: 25

Occupation: Healer and Hunter

Powers: Zyra has a small amount of magic that she uses to power her simple spells, found in a tattered spellbook her grandmother gifted her. She can do simple things, like levitation of small objects, throw small fireballs, etc. Her energy is not limitless and if she strains herself she falls asleep for hours or days. Zyra also is a healer, dabbling in plants that paralyze the nervous system, prevent infections and any else that grow on the island. For this, she is seen as somewhat of a Shaman to the villagers.

Personality: Zyra is inquisitive most of the time, and not afraid of trying new things. Sheis known to be somewhat feisty, but she simply refers to it as "not putting up with bullshit." She is a bit of a loner which causes her to be isolated from the rest of her people.

Biography: Zyra grew up in a small village on the island with her grandmother. The two lived on a hill, slightly secluded from the rest of the villagers due to their practices of magic and healing. Her grandmother was a wizened old woman who taught the girl everything she knew. Zyra's parents were killed when they had gone hunting when the girl was nothing but a baby, and her grandmother took her in. Magic had been passed down for generations in all the woman in their family, and although Zyla's was weak it still had its uses. Her grandmother passed, but before she died she gave her spellbook to the girl. Now she's the villages healer, but they fear her even though she does nothing but help them.

Other- tribal-like tattoos cover her body


I love it!
Name: Frost

Age: 27

Pack: Nuetral

Rank: Lone wolf


Human- N/A


Powers (Please don't be too OP!): Elemental magic, Illusion magic and Dark magic.

Personality: Frost is not one to be social with others, but she shows no fear of those stronger than her. The only time she is ever truly happy is when she has the chance to gaze at the stars during the night or enjoying the sunrise of each morning. Even though Frost was born mute she has a fierce temper to be cautious of. She also has a somewhat dark side to her and will cause problems for anyone for her own entertainment, be them friend or foe.

Biography (more than one line please): Her parents, Amy and Vokda, were together while Amy was pregnant with Frost and just as soon as the war began, her father being human and her mother a werewolf. Unfortunately after learning that all werewolves were to be shipped to the island Arcore her father was furious. When the King's soldiers came to take away her mother, Vokda fought against the soldiers, killing all but two who managed to escape and later return with more soldiers. As much as they hated it her parents had no choice but to leave their home, fleeing for their lives as they snuck aboard one of the many ships heading for Arcore. With no supplies or food they barely made it through each day, struggling to survive one day longer. It was even more difficult with Amy pregnant and close to giving birth.

Soon enough Frost was born during the middle of the night, but made no sound of a cry or laugh. Her parents almost mistook her for being stillborn had she not begun moving. Her parents did their best to raise her while trying to survive; Vokda having to hunt during the day while Amy looked after Frost. Her father was successful in his hunt, returning with a dead wolf that had attacked him after finding it ensnared in one of his traps he set up. Unfortunately the deceased wolf had been part of the Primal Edge pack. Shortly after the incident a small pack found them and attacked her father. Amy ran off with Frost, hiding her pup in an abandoned rabbit hole before going back to help Vokda.

Neither one of them returned.

After the devastating event Frost barely managed to survive on her own, having to repeatedly train herself to hunt on her own and take care of herself. Now she lives in solitude, hunting or looking for her own entertainment.

Other- Frost was born without a human form as well as being born mute. Her body is bigger and taller, being at least 7 foot when standing on her hind legs and 3 to 4 feet at the shoulder when on all fours. She can walk and run on her hind legs like any other human and her front paws almost resemble human hands. Obviously it would not be difficult to spot her among other wolves. She is very talented at crafting useful things such as traps, nets, a fishing spear, clothing, a rabbit-skin satchel, ect. (:
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WerewolfPirate said:
Name: Frost
Age: 27

Pack: Nuetral

Rank: Lone wolf


Human- N/A


Powers (Please don't be too OP!): Any form of magic.

Personality: Frost is not one to be social with others, but she shows no fear of those stronger than her. The only time she is ever truly happy is when she has the chance to gaze at the stars during the night or enjoying the sunrise of each morning. Even though Frost was born mute she has a fierce temper to be cautious of. She also has a somewhat dark side to her and will cause problems for anyone for her own entertainment, be them friend or foe.

Biography (more than one line please): Her parents, Amy and Vokda, were together while Amy was pregnant with Frost and just as soon as the war began, her father being human and her mother a werewolf. Unfortunately after learning that all werewolves were to be shipped to the island Arcore her father was furious. When the King's soldiers came to take away her mother, Vokda fought against the soldiers, killing all but two who managed to escape and later return with more soldiers. As much as they hated it her parents had no choice but to leave their home, fleeing for their lives as they snuck aboard one of the many ships heading for Arcore. With no supplies or food they barely made it through each day, struggling to survive one day longer. It was even more difficult with Amy pregnant and close to giving birth.

Soon enough Frost was born during the middle of the night, but made no sound of a cry or laugh. Her parents almost mistook her for being stillborn had she not begun moving. Her parents did their best to raise her while trying to survive; Vokda having to hunt during the day while Amy looked after Frost. Her father was successful in his hunt, returning with a dead wolf that had attacked him after finding it ensnared in one of his traps he set up. Unfortunately the deceased wolf had been part of the Primal Edge pack. Shortly after the incident a small pack found them and attacked her father. Amy ran off with Frost, hiding her pup in an abandoned rabbit hole before going back to help Vokda.

Neither one of them returned.

After the devastating event Frost barely managed to survive on her own, having to repeatedly train herself to hunt on her own and take care of herself. Now she lives in solitude, hunting or looking for her own entertainment.

Other- Frost was born without a human form as well as being born mute. Her body is bigger and taller, being at least 7 foot when standing on her hind legs and 3 to 4 feet at the shoulder when on all fours. She can walk and run on her hind legs like any other human and her front paws almost resemble human hands. Obviously it would not be difficult to spot her among other wolves. She is very talented at crafting useful things such as traps, nets, a fishing spear, clothing, a rabbit-skin satchel, ect.
Please explain what you mean by "any form of magic" and read the Rules in the OOC Chat.
GoldenChari said:
Name: Marth Flames

Age: 5

Pack: Burning sun



Human-View attachment 230978

Wolf-a white pup with a black muzzle and black ear tips

Powers (Please don't be too OP!):too young as of now


Biography (more than one line please):Marth spent five years with his mother until she suddenly vanished. Now he has to meet his father he never knew



Okay, so please read the rules in the OOCC AND can you please promise me that your posts will be at least 3 lines long.
Ebony Blanc

Rough (Emphasis on rough) Character Sheet:


Pack: twilight moon

Rank: warrior







  • Strong for her stature.
  • Agile and quiet almost ghost like.
  • Skilled fighter in hand to hand and long range combat.
  • Brilliant sight and hearing.

Personality: Bone has a cold ruff exterior, she is very much the anti-hero; the kind of person who does bad for good. Often sarcastic, blunt and truthful people tend to dislike and even hate her due to the fact she tells them the truth they don't want to hear.

By nature she is unkind and uncaring to those who she doesn't know, but people she gets close to (currently no one) will learn despite her ruff exterior she, deep down, is kind.

Biography (more than one line please): Ebony neither likes nor dislikes humans and the same goes for Wolves. She's fairly nutral but has deep set hatred for certain individuals not the races that come from.

Through out her life her father walks abuse her and her mother, Ebony loved her mum but daddy killed her and in return she killed daddy. But before Ebony could manage this he had her under lock and key mentally and physically.

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Name: Aurelius Valentine



Appearance: Not a very tough demeanor, but relatively medium-built.



Powers (Please don't be too OP!):Stealth, Manipulation via words

Personality:Plays both sides of the coin. He could be in your hand one moment, and against you in the next. He is cynical, yet fearful.

Biography (more than one line please):He lived with humanity all his life, only because he felt safe there. Although why he left he will not tell, he lived alone for the longest time. He had a brother, but what happened to him is a mystery. It may have something to do with why his personality is so tough, yet so defensive and cowardly.

Other-I'd tell you more, but Mr. Valentine turned down our request for an interview...
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JokerValentine said:
Name: Aurelius Valentine



Appearance: Not a very tough demeanor, but relatively medium-built.



Powers (Please don't be too OP!):Stealth, Manipulation via words

Personality:Plays both sides of the coin. He could be in your hand one moment, and against you in the next. He is cynical, yet fearful.

Biography (more than one line please):He lived with humanity all his life, only because he felt safe there. Although why he left he will not tell, he lived alone for the longest time. He had a brother, but what happened to him is a mystery. It may have something to do with why his personality is so tough, yet so defensive and cowardly.

Other-I'd tell you more, but Mr. Valentine turned down our request for an interview...
Accepted! (You are one of the scarce few people who actually read the rules in the first place!)

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