• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern The War between City Walls CS

Name: Unknown
Nickname/Alias: Spark
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Weight: 5 ft 5
Height: 111 lbs


Personality: Spark is known to be hard working, with a powerful personality and a passion for being alive. She is known to go to extreme measures to accomplish or fulfill things she needs to do, and look ridiculously awesome doing it.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Habits/Quirks: Not good at sitting still
Hobbies: Playing guitar
Likes: Rock and Roll, Extreme environments
Dislikes: People who keep secrets/don't open up
Human Strengths: Outgoing, generally nice, determined
Human Weaknesses: Impulsive and sometimes hard to control

Affiliation: Vigilante
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2
Power: Manipulates energy and draws it from physical sources. Can freely change the color of her energy/fire energy blasts/pretty much manipulate it however possible.
Power Limits: Cannot draw power from kinetic energy that she creates
Physical Weaknesses: N/A

Extra (Optional)
Backstory: TBD
Extra: On account of her powers, her eyes and energy blasts change color depending on her mood:
Yellow: Normal
Green: Happy/Excited
Blue: Sad/Upset
Red: Angry/Irritated
Orange: Determined
Grey: Confused
Purple: Afraid
Pink: Infatuated
White: Under control from a third party(if she gets brainwashed or possessed by something or other)

Name: Tanya Devisa
Nickname/Alias: Tasha
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Instead of the above clothing she wears: A white collared shirt with dark blue jeans.
Weight: 100
Height: 4'11
Blood Type: A+


Personality: A serious and sometimes twisted person, she can have her periods of innocent chatter but most of the time she is straight to the point and doesn't deal well with failure.
Sexuality: Unknown
Habits/Quirks: Her eyes have flecks of gold in them from her power
  • Observing people
Reading books and training her power
- Winning
  • Finishing an objective/job
  • Dogs~!
  • Sweets(Though she will restrain herself >3>)
  • Failure.
  • Complaining from others.
  • Childish talking when doing serious work.
Human Strengths: (Include Skills, Good Traits, etc)
  • Knowledge of some advanced combat techniques, skilled with most weapons

  • Swift and agile

  • Sometimes Manipulative

  • Can take more than a few punches and kicks

  • Can speak German
Human Weaknesses: (Include flaws, fears, etc)
  • Dying

  • She has the body of well...a child so she is fairly fragile-not as fragile as a child due to intense training in her past life(Harsh Military family)
Affiliation: Villain
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2 or 3 I couldn't really decide

She can currently levitate objects/people that are about her weight or a little heavier(She can lift at max a person or object that weighs...200LB’s but at best most intense focus she can lift something weighing 500 lb’s) and direct their movements by something close to basic force pushing them. She can use her power to increase the speed of an object or slow said object down, so say she gets a hold of a gun and fires; she can increase the speed of the bullet that is why she has restraints on as anything she can get her hands on can become deadly. Her power also allows her to fly in some way; while she might not be the fastest person in the air at first; once she gains some momentum she can be fairly quick in the air. On that note: She can only influence things if she can get her hands on them or direct her hands at them otherwise her powers wont affect them.

Power Limits:
  • Can only lift people/objects that weigh roughly 200 pounds, anything above requires intense concentration.

  • Her hands MUST be free for her to use her power and even then she must have her hands aimed at the direction/area where she wants to direct her power

  • After intense usage of her power she begins to gain a painful migraine making her power’s VERY weak
Physical Weaknesses:
  • As I said, If you can restrain her hands in some way to where she cant point them at you or cant grab anything then you’re good.
  • Her eyes glow a shining gold when using her power.
  • Her family is a harsh one, once a part of the German military(both mom and dad were in the german army)
Tanya Devisa as said above grew up in a harsh german family - both her mom and dad lived and breath discipline and strictness as they were both in the military for a long time. So, they decided to instill the same training and punishment upon their child as she grew older; training her in firearms and close combat from a young age and only sending her to military schools she definitely grew up a no nonsense girl. That is until one day she snapped, using her power that until then had been integrated into her parents training but now used for evil means - killed both her parents in a rage filled episode before quickly disappearing from her home town after stealing cash from her now deceased parents hidden cache. Now she has arrived at Innoville unsure and confused but definitely not scared she is ready to do what she can to make a living here while things go crazy back home.
Theme song:

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Name: Bryce Sloan
Nickname/Alias: Umbra
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Anime Dude For Some Reason.jpg
Weight: 178 lbs.
Height: 5'11
Blood Type: O-


Personality: Bryce has never viewed his power negatively, in fact he see's it the opposite. He believes in the good of people, unless they are monsters or high class villains, and will always try to resolve a dispute between two people. In battle he is respectful to his opponent and gives his all every time. Bryce is kind towards civilians and will comfort them and lead them away from danger if things get rough. He was at first skeptical of the government watch over those with superpowers when he was younger, but after an event that nearly ended his life and that inspired him to be a hero, he changed that view albeit still holds a little distrust.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Right cheek muscle involuntarily twitches, has become less often
  • Always closes the door behind him
  • Reading
  • Cooking
  • Gathering information on the Freighters and their affiliates
Human Strengths: Excellent close range fighter (knows modified SPEAR and hand-to-hand combat), can cook, mental fortitude, above normal human strength
Human Weaknesses: Photophobia (not Heliophobia), occasional thinking of the incident causes minor depression and survivor's guilt

Affiliation: Hero
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 3
Power: Shadow's Gift
  • Allows Umbra to use fifteen shadow tails. He has complete control over them, able to use them for offensive, defensive, and mobility purposes. They can also be a life saving tool, similar to the jaws of life. The tails can extend to forty meters and have the potential to attack from fifteen angles. One of these Tails, simply named One, has a degree of autonomy and personality due to being around for the longest. Umbra himself has the potential to be mind controlled, but One can not and can easily snap him out of it. Shadow tails can also be tangible or intangible at will
  • A teleportation ability can be used that allows Umbra to teleport without limit, but there must be a shadow marker placed down with multiple markers capable of being placed. These markers can be destroyed by intense light however. A limit of about five to six markers can be placed
  • A shadow aura can be used to create a form of armor against physical and telekinetic attacks, but can be broken after it has taken enough punishment. This aura also increases Umbra's physical attack damage, making punches, kicks, and such dealing more damage. Can also focus onto One to increase it's speed and damage.
  • A true ranged attack is able to be used by Umbra. This is in the form of a large beam of shadows, the width of which is only the size of an arm , but can deal incredible damage and can be effective at 95 meters.
  • A shadow blade can be used on Umbra's arm for enhanced close quarters combat and despite looks is very sharp. The use of this blade increases physical attack damage and speed, allowing for devastating combos.
Power Limits:
  • Over use of the shadow beam expends to much energy and power capability degrades for the day
  • When running low on power the shadow blade is the true last resort, along with One, for Umbra in a battle.
  • In a very bright area capability of power decreases, during the day the power can be used as normal.
Physical Weaknesses:
  • Right shoulder injury can cause temporary disablement of powers for a few seconds, as well as causing minor pain

Extra (Optional)
Family/Spouse: Only known living relative is his Mother, who lives on the other coast.

Backstory: When he was four his first tail appeared, later to be named One. As he grew older every four years he would gain a new tail. When he was 16 his family was involved in a monster attack that resulted in the death of Bryce's father, the permanent injury to his shoulder, fear of lights (when giant bright lights from a hero that arrived on the scene), and a gash on his right cheek that resulted in his minor cheek twitches to this day. It was this event that led him to want to become a hero and when he was 20, after the appearance of his fifth tail, became a registered hero. He gradually moved up the ranks and by the time he was 23 he was a level two hero. When he was 28 the "incident" happened in Havaera that resulted in death's of numerous colleagues, including some of the world's top heroes.

Apart of a last stand force, he managed to escape after teleporting away a few sidekicks until getting to it's limit. He then arrived in Innovalle as a survivor beaten, tired, worn out, clothes ripped, all in all looking terrible. Due to the adaptive and evolving nature of his power, the immense emotional and physical event cause the remainder of his power to be released. After the realization of this during a ceremony that honored the fallen heroes from Havaera, the surviving heroes of that day were awarded medal's. With much of the level three heroes gone, the HQ of Innovalle and the government promptly recognized Umbra as a level three hero. Since then he has done what he can to protect this new city while also vowing to reclaim Havaera and defeat the Freighters once and for all, to avenge the fallen.
Theme song:

(since no one else did this one)

Extra: Returning Hero, a ten year veteran
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Name: Tanya Devisa
Nickname/Alias: Tasha
Age: 12
Gender: Female

Instead of the above clothing she wears: A white collared shirt with dark blue jeans.
Weight: 100
Height: 4'9
Blood Type: Type A


Personality: A serious and sometimes twisted child, she can have her periods of innocent chatter but most of the time she is straight to the point and doesnt deal well with failure
Sexuality: Unknown
Habits/Quirks: Her eyes have flecks of gold in them from her power
  • Observing people
Reading books and training her power
- Winning
  • Finishing an objective/job
  • Dogs~!
  • Sweets(Though she will restrain herself >3>)
  • Failure.
  • Complaining from others.
  • Childish talking when doing serious work.
Human Strengths: (Include Skills, Good Traits, etc)
  • Knowledge of some advanced combat techniques, skilled with most weapons

  • Swift and agile

  • Somes Manipulative

  • Can take more than a few punches and kicks

  • Can speak german
Human Weaknesses: (Include flaws, fears, etc)
  • Dying

  • She has the body of well...a child so she is fairly fragile-not as fragile as a child due to intense training in her past life(Harsh Military family)
Affiliation: Vigilante/Villain Choose one.
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2 or 3 I couldnt really decide She is too young to be a level 2 or 3.

She can currently levitate objects/people that are about her weight or a little heavier(She can lift at max a person or object that weighs...200LB’s but at best most intense focus she can lift something weighing 500 lb’s) and direct their movements by something close to basic force pushing them. She can use her power to increase the speed of an object or slow said object down, so say she gets a hold of a gun and fires; she can increase the speed of the bullet that is why she has restraints on as anything she can get her hands on can become deadly. Her power also allows her to fly in some way; while she might not be the fastest person in the air at first; once she gains some momentum she can be fairly quick in the air. On that note: She can only influence things if she can get her hands on them or direct her hands at them otherwise her powers wont affect them.

Power Limits:
  • Can only lift people/objects that weigh roughly 200 pounds, anything above requires intense concentration.

  • Her hands MUST be free for her to use her power and even then she must have her hands aimed at the direction/area where she wants to direct her power

  • After intense usage of her power she begins to gain a painful migraine making her power’s VERY weak
Physical Weaknesses:
  • As I said, If you can restrain her hands in some way to where she cant point them at you or cant grab anything then you’re good.
  • Her eyes glow a shining gold when using her power.
  • Her family is a harsh one, once a part of the German military(both mom and dad were in the german army)
Tanya Devisa as said above grew up in a harsh german family - both her mom and dad lived and breath discipline and strictness as they were both in the military for a long time. So, they decided to instill the same training and punishment upon their child as she grew older; training her in firearms and close combat from a young age and only sending her to military schools she definitely grew up a no nonsense girl. That is until one day she snapped, using her power that until then had been integrated into her parents training but now used for evil means - killed both her parents in a rage filled episode before quickly disappearing from her home town after stealing cash from her now deceased parents hidden cache. Now she has arrived at Innoville unsure and confused but definitely not scared she is ready to do what she can to make a living here while things go crazy back home.
Theme song:


View attachment 330325
Name: Richard Donavin
Nickname/Alias: Grave
Age: 43yrs
Gender: Male
Appearance: Richard is an intimidating man His broad shoulders and barrel chest make him look even bigger and more sturdy than he already is. Most of all his eyes seem to carry a manic and hateful gaze that can send chills up the spines of even the bravest of heroes and the most depraved of villains.
Weight: 6ft 5in
Height: 247lbs
Blood Type: O-


Personality: Richard is very obviously a very disturbed man, he tries his best to stay on the right side of the moral compass. Yet at times he can be more wicked and evil than the people he is facing off against. Even during his moments of lucidity he is known to fall into suicidal thoughts and actions which only serves to compound his problems further. In his high points when he is neither depressed or in a blind fury one can see bits and pieces of the man he was before.
Habits/Quirks: Richard has a bad habit of assuming the worst in a person, pair that with his habit of shooting first before he knows the situation and you have a man who often gets himself in more trouble than he can handle.
Hobbies: Collecting firearms, dying.
Likes: Guns, combat, alcohol, cigarettes, graveyards, fast cars, feeling adrenaline, dying.
Dislikes: Evil people, Heroes, police, the military, most of humanity.
Human strengths:
Great warrior-Due to his years as both a soldier and a police officer Richard has extremely wide range of intense training. From firearms and CQC, to Tactics and Proper tool usage he is a vicious and effective Hunter and killer.

Well connected- though his connections have been severely diminished by his addled mind becoming more and more Apparent. He still has the means to aquire military grade weapons and ammunition.

Human Weaknesses:
Cant be trusted- His growing insanity has become obvious to all who know him. It makes it difficult to trust him when you know he is finding clues that aren't there or drawing parallels that don't exist. (Need more weaknesses.)

Affiliation: Vigilante
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2 (he isn't very deadly but his raw tenacity can be dangerous.)
Immortality- Richard has found that staying dead is very difficult. He can die and has many times, but he always comes back and it always puts severe strain on his mind digging him deeper into the hole of insanity. However he gets a kind of high from his own death that seems to last an hour or so after his resurrection. Similar in it's intensity to a heroin High. He is slightly more durable than a normal human being and can regenerate from non fatal damage in a matter of seconds, however coming back from the dead takes at least an hour. (No no no no no this is overpowered)
Power Limits:
Richard cannot return to life if what killed him is still in effect, for example. If getting impaled through the heart is what killed him, he will remain dead until he is no longer impaled. Or if he burns to death he won't come back to life until he is put out. In addition to this his healing factor can be over ridden if enough damage is dealt making it easier to kill him. Neither his immortality nor regeneration can be removed by any means.

Physical Weaknesses: Besides his ability to take alot of pain, he boasts no more resistance to damage than any other human.

Extra (Optional)
Sara Donavin- wife- Deceased
Mira Donavin- daughter-deceased.
Backstory: Richard Donavin was a common boy throughout his highschool years. His life never really got interesting until he joined the army at 18yrs of age. He spent six years fighting in various wars until the chopper he was in Was shot down and he was the only survivor. He was diagnosed with PTSD, unbeknownst to him he had actually died in the chopper but came back an hour later. Upon returning home he Wound up getting a job as a police officer. He was undergoing treatment for his disorder at the same time and seemed to be making alot of progress. He met his wife Sara and the two settled down and had a daughter. It was around this time that he managed to get himself involved with some ruthless criminals. He busted a very large drug smuggling ring and their followers were sent after him and his family. One night as he was tucking his daughter in his house was shot up and burned. He and his entire family perished in the blaze that night. When he woke up he was in a coffin and after digging himself out and finding out about his family, his mind finally snapped. He methodically hunted down the men responsible and brought them the justice he saw fit... The permanent kind. Upon finishing he felt better for the first time since the war, he then began his career hunting down criminals, villains and crooked policemen. He died many times along the way and each reserrection made him fall deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. (Again, making your character immortal is overpowered and removes stakes.)
Theme song:

Extra: Grave has died 112 times in the past 10 years. (Any character who wants to have killed him, feel free :))
View attachment 330345

Name: Bryce Sloan
Nickname/Alias: Umbra
Age: 30 (The incident happened a year ago.)
Gender: Male
View attachment 330375
Weight: 178 lbs.
Height: 5'11
Blood Type: O-


Personality: Bryce has never viewed his power negatively, in fact he see's it the opposite. He believes in the good of people, unless they are monsters or high class villains, and will always try to resolve a dispute between two people. In battle he is respectful to his opponent and gives his all every time. Bryce is kind towards civilians and will comfort them and lead them away from danger if things get rough. He was at first skeptical of the government watch over those with superpowers when he was younger, but after an event that nearly ended his life and that inspired him to be a hero, he changed that view albeit still holds a little distrust.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Right cheek muscle involuntarily twitches, has become less often
  • Always closes the door behind him
  • Reading
  • Cooking
  • Gathering information on the Freighters and their affiliates
Human Strengths: Excellent close range fighter (knows modified SPEAR and hand-to-hand combat), can cook, mental fortitude, above normal human strength
Human Weaknesses: Photophobia (not Heliophobia), occasional thinking of the incident causes minor depression and survivor's guilt

Affiliation: Hero
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 3
Power: Shadow's Gift
  • Allows Umbra to use fifteen shadow tails. He has complete control over them, able to use them for offensive, defensive, and mobility purposes. They can also be a life saving tool, similar to the jaws of life. The tails can extend to forty meters and have the potential to attack from fifteen angles. One of these Tails, simply named One, has a degree of autonomy and personality due to being around for the longest. Umbra himself has the potential to be mind controlled, but One can not and can easily snap him out of it. Shadow tails can also be tangible or intangible at will
  • A teleportation ability can be used that allows Umbra to teleport without limit, but there must be a shadow marker placed down with multiple markers capable of being placed. These markers can be destroyed by intense light however.
  • A shadow aura can be used to create a form of armor against physical and telekinetic attacks, but can be broken after it has taken enough punishment. This aura also increases Umbra's physical attack damage, making punches, kicks, and such dealing more damage. Can also focus onto One to increase it's speed and damage.
  • A true ranged attack is able to be used by Umbra. This is in the form of a large beam of shadows, the width of which is only the size of an arm , but can deal incredible damage and can be effective at 95 meters.
  • A shadow blade can be used on Umbra's arm for enhanced close quarters combat and despite looks is very sharp. The use of this blade increases physical attack damage and speed, allowing for devastating combos. (This is a lot of abilities. Weaken some of them.)
Power Limits:
  • Over use of the shadow beam expends to much energy and power capability degrades for the day
  • When running low on power the shadow blade is the true last resort, along with One, for Umbra in a battle.
  • In a very bright area capability of power decreases, during the day the power can be used as normal.
Physical Weaknesses:
  • Right shoulder injury can cause temporary disablement of powers for a few seconds, as well as causing minor pain (What about the migraines?)

Extra (Optional)
Family/Spouse: Only known living relative is his Mother, who lives on the other coast.

Backstory: When he was four his first tail appeared, later to be named One. As he grew older every four years he would gain a new tail. When he was 16 his family was involved in a monster attack that resulted in the death of Bryce's father, the permanent injury to his shoulder, fear of lights (when giant bright lights from a hero that arrived on the scene), and a gash on his right cheek that resulted in his minor cheek twitches to this day. It was this event that led him to want to become a hero and when he was 20, after the appearance of his fifth tail, became a registered hero. He gradually moved up the ranks and by the time he was 23 he was a level two hero. When he was 28 the "incident" happened in Havaera that resulted in death's of numerous colleagues, including some of the world's top heroes.

Apart of a last stand force, he managed to escape after teleporting away a few sidekicks until getting to it's limit. He then arrived in Innovalle as a survivor beaten, tired, worn out, clothes ripped, all in all looking terrible. Due to the adaptive and evolving nature of his power, the immense emotional and physical event cause the remainder of his power to be released. After the realization of this during a ceremony that honored the fallen heroes from Havaera, the surviving heroes of that day were awarded medal's. With much of the level three heroes gone, the HQ of Innovalle and the government promptly recognized Umbra as a level three hero. Since then he has done what he can to protect this new city while also vowing to reclaim Havaera and defeat the Freighters once and for all, to avenge the fallen.
Theme song:

(since no one else did this one)

Extra: Returning Hero, a ten year veteran

Overall good characters. Check the quotes for notes.
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Name: "I like Jamie..." *Mumbled admin noises* "NO! NOT JANIE! JAMIE! I like it that way! I has to have a M!"

Nickname: "I'm Jamie..."

Age: "Twenty three years old you mother ******!" God damn it... "God damn!" She's seven... "TWENTY!"

Gender: "I'm a pickle" Girl actually. "I'm a pickle!" I've created a monster...


Weight: 3'8
Height: 43 lbs
Blood Type: O+


Personality: "I will bite you!" She's very angry most of the time and refuses to have anything not her way. It gets very annoying, especially when she doesn't like you. Jamie will probably demand more time from you than those she likes because eventually she'll like you. "I don't like anyone!"

Sexuality: "Wha's that?"

Habits/Quirks: "I call people mommy and daddy because it makes their face look really red like a tomato..."

Hobbies: Biting people and overall being annoying... "I eat daisies!" Good god...

Likes: "I like daisies, Bumble my cat, Food, and Souls!" She doesn't like souls, nor know what they actually are...


Human Strengths: Well, she's strong willed- "LIKE A RHINO!" And good at making herself known

Human Weaknesses: Way too over confident, too nervous to actually try and truly grown up, not strong, extremely underweight, prone to self harm or harming others. "I don't do that!"

Affiliation: Villain in a way "RAWR!"

Threat Level: 1

Power: Jamie is a vampire
-So she has a sort of silver tongue (Not unlocked yet... No where close)
-Fangs that can puncture skin to drink or spread the disease (Only changes others when wanting to)
-Wings (Not used for flight yet)
"No! I chase flappy thingies every day!" That's not flight...
-An extreme sense of smell that can track down a wound or the best blood

Power Limits:
-Cannot use most of her powers yet "I CAN TOO!"

Physical Weaknesses:
-Sunlight without cover can cause severe burns within half an hour of full exposure (If cloaked fully, can stay out much longer but still run the risk)
-Stake to the heart (That would kill anyone...)
-Garlic allergy (Not that vampires are all allergic)
"I don't like stinky bread! It makes me itch!"

Family/Spouse: N/A
Backstory: We'll get to it. Let's start with a hint at what she used to be

"That's not me... It looks weird!"
Theme song:

What have I done...
I've added more notes.
I think I'll just make a new character from scratch. Lowering his respawn time would break the character. And I strongly disagree with the idea that immortality gets rid of stakes, one still has others to worry about, one can still be entrapped, and one can still be Injured. But alas it's your Rp so I shall begin anew.
Overall good characters. Check the quotes for notes.

I don't see anything wrong tbh. He was able to use the shadow tails expertly before, only difference is more of them. The migraines came with over use of his teleportation, but now that he can use it without limit he doesn't get them. He still has to place down a shadow and has a set limit. I thought I explained this.
I don't see anything wrong tbh. He was able to use the shadow tails expertly before, only difference is more of them. The migraines came with over use of his teleportation, but now that he can use it without limit he doesn't get them. He still has to place down a shadow and has a set limit. I thought I explained this.
Okay. Accepted.

Name: Tanya Devisa
Nickname/Alias: Tasha
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Instead of the above clothing she wears: A white collared shirt with dark blue jeans.
Weight: 100
Height: 4'11
Blood Type: A+


Personality: A serious and sometimes twisted child, she can have her periods of innocent chatter but most of the time she is straight to the point and doesnt deal well with failure
Sexuality: Unknown
Habits/Quirks: Her eyes have flecks of gold in them from her power
  • Observing people
Reading books and training her power
- Winning
  • Finishing an objective/job
  • Dogs~!
  • Sweets(Though she will restrain herself >3>)
  • Failure.
  • Complaining from others.
  • Childish talking when doing serious work.
Human Strengths: (Include Skills, Good Traits, etc)
  • Knowledge of some advanced combat techniques, skilled with most weapons

  • Swift and agile

  • Sometimes Manipulative

  • Can take more than a few punches and kicks

  • Can speak German
Human Weaknesses: (Include flaws, fears, etc)
  • Dying

  • She has the body of well...a child so she is fairly fragile-not as fragile as a child due to intense training in her past life(Harsh Military family)
Affiliation: Villain
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2 or 3 I couldn't really decide

She can currently levitate objects/people that are about her weight or a little heavier(She can lift at max a person or object that weighs...200LB’s but at best most intense focus she can lift something weighing 500 lb’s) and direct their movements by something close to basic force pushing them. She can use her power to increase the speed of an object or slow said object down, so say she gets a hold of a gun and fires; she can increase the speed of the bullet that is why she has restraints on as anything she can get her hands on can become deadly. Her power also allows her to fly in some way; while she might not be the fastest person in the air at first; once she gains some momentum she can be fairly quick in the air. On that note: She can only influence things if she can get her hands on them or direct her hands at them otherwise her powers wont affect them.

Power Limits:
  • Can only lift people/objects that weigh roughly 200 pounds, anything above requires intense concentration.

  • Her hands MUST be free for her to use her power and even then she must have her hands aimed at the direction/area where she wants to direct her power

  • After intense usage of her power she begins to gain a painful migraine making her power’s VERY weak
Physical Weaknesses:
  • As I said, If you can restrain her hands in some way to where she cant point them at you or cant grab anything then you’re good.
  • Her eyes glow a shining gold when using her power.
  • Her family is a harsh one, once a part of the German military(both mom and dad were in the german army)
Tanya Devisa as said above grew up in a harsh german family - both her mom and dad lived and breath discipline and strictness as they were both in the military for a long time. So, they decided to instill the same training and punishment upon their child as she grew older; training her in firearms and close combat from a young age and only sending her to military schools she definitely grew up a no nonsense girl. That is until one day she snapped, using her power that until then had been integrated into her parents training but now used for evil means - killed both her parents in a rage filled episode before quickly disappearing from her home town after stealing cash from her now deceased parents hidden cache. Now she has arrived at Innoville unsure and confused but definitely not scared she is ready to do what she can to make a living here while things go crazy back home.
Theme song:


Now her personality and appearance don't match
Oml, I would like for her to be short in the average height ya'know but ill make adjustments...

edit: Edits have been made again..
Bush Bush
Name: Benjamin Robertson
Nickname/Alias: Barracks
Weight: 143lbs
Height:5ft 8in
Blood Type: AB+


Personality: Benjamin is an unusually relaxed young person, he always seems to look at a situation with acceptance and apathy. He can at times be lazy, but he rarely fails to rise to the occasion. He has courage, never seeming to fear his own destruction and selflessly worries about others before himself. He does at times have internal conflict, wondering if his thoughts are his own or a remnant of the programing.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Habits/Quirks: Benjamin has a habit of tracing his scars and burns when he is nervous.
Hobbies: As odd as it sounds Benjamin loves people watching. He loves observing people either up close or at a distance and attempt to guess their Mindset.
Likes: Junk food, soda, Watching people, helping people who need it, being around others
Dislikes: being alone, being restrained, the dark, dangerous people, his scars.
Human Strengths: Benjamin is exceedingly friendly and good at talking to people, he is an excellent judge of character and is very good at reading a situation. He also is a skilled athlete and acrobat due to the rigorous training in the facility.
Human Weaknesses: Ben is very passive, he usually tries to avoid confrontation and

Affiliation: (Sidekick
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2 (alone Benjamin is not much, but when paired with a hero he can potentially yield block busting power)
Weapon Form- Benjamin is capable of transforming into any kind of weapon imaginable, but he has to have knowledge of how the weapon works. If he becomes a bladed weapon the edge will never dull and it will be nigh unbreakable, when becoming a ranged weapon it will never run out of ammo and will maintain itself. With the exception of explosives which are single use.
Power Limits:
Without someone to wield him he is essentially powerless, granted he could turn into a sword or shield to survive an attack, he would need to immediately shift back to be able to move. In addition any explosives weapons such as a grenade, rocket launcher, or a mine are only a singly use but can allow him to cover distance quickly as he can chose to reform wherever the explosive hit. (In the case of rockets and grenades.)

Extra (Optional)
Family/Spouse: N/A
Backstory: TBR (if that's ok, if not I can post something.)
Extra: Technically Benjamin isn't human, he is an artificial lifeform. As such he is a little... Weird.

Name: Tanya Devisa
Nickname/Alias: Tasha
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Instead of the above clothing she wears: A white collared shirt with dark blue jeans.
Weight: 100
Height: 4'11
Blood Type: A+


Personality: A serious and sometimes twisted person, she can have her periods of innocent chatter but most of the time she is straight to the point and doesn't deal well with failure.
Sexuality: Unknown
Habits/Quirks: Her eyes have flecks of gold in them from her power
  • Observing people
Reading books and training her power
- Winning (A bit strange.)
  • Finishing an objective/job
  • Dogs~!
  • Sweets(Though she will restrain herself >3>)
  • Failure.
  • Complaining from others.
  • Childish talking when doing serious work. (Same here.)
Human Strengths: (Include Skills, Good Traits, etc)
  • Knowledge of some advanced combat techniques, skilled with most weapons

  • Swift and agile

  • Sometimes Manipulative

  • Can take more than a few punches and kicks

  • Can speak German
Human Weaknesses: (Include flaws, fears, etc)
  • Dying

  • She has the body of well...a child so she is fairly fragile-not as fragile as a child due to intense training in her past life(Harsh Military family) (And here. These last three notes are strange that she would have childish descriptions for a 17 year old.)
Affiliation: Villain
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2 or 3 I couldn't really decide (I recommend you choose 2.)

She can currently levitate objects/people that are about her weight or a little heavier(She can lift at max a person or object that weighs...200LB’s but at best most intense focus she can lift something weighing 500 lb’s) and direct their movements by something close to basic force pushing them. She can use her power to increase the speed of an object or slow said object down, so say she gets a hold of a gun and fires; she can increase the speed of the bullet that is why she has restraints on as anything she can get her hands on can become deadly. Her power also allows her to fly in some way; while she might not be the fastest person in the air at first; once she gains some momentum she can be fairly quick in the air. On that note: She can only influence things if she can get her hands on them or direct her hands at them otherwise her powers wont affect them.

Power Limits:
  • Can only lift people/objects that weigh roughly 200 pounds, anything above requires intense concentration.

  • Her hands MUST be free for her to use her power and even then she must have her hands aimed at the direction/area where she wants to direct her power

  • After intense usage of her power she begins to gain a painful migraine making her power’s VERY weak
Physical Weaknesses:
  • As I said, If you can restrain her hands in some way to where she cant point them at you or cant grab anything then you’re good.
  • Her eyes glow a shining gold when using her power.
  • Her family is a harsh one, once a part of the German military(both mom and dad were in the german army)
Tanya Devisa as said above grew up in a harsh german family - both her mom and dad lived and breath discipline and strictness as they were both in the military for a long time. So, they decided to instill the same training and punishment upon their child as she grew older; training her in firearms and close combat from a young age and only sending her to military schools she definitely grew up a no nonsense girl. That is until one day she snapped, using her power that until then had been integrated into her parents training but now used for evil means - killed both her parents in a rage filled episode before quickly disappearing from her home town after stealing cash from her now deceased parents hidden cache. Now she has arrived at Innoville unsure and confused but definitely not scared she is ready to do what she can to make a living here while things go crazy back home.
Theme song:


Name: Benjamin Robertson
Nickname/Alias: Barracks
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Weight: 143lbs
Height:5ft 8in
Blood Type: AB+


Personality: Benjamin is an unusually relaxed young person, he always seems to look at a situation with acceptance and apathy. He can at times be lazy, but he rarely fails to rise to the occasion. He has courage, never seeming to fear his own destruction and selflessly worries about others before himself. He does at times have internal conflict, wondering if his thoughts are his own or a remnant of the programing.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Habits/Quirks: Benjamin has a habit of tracing his scars and burns when he is nervous.
Hobbies: As odd as it sounds Benjamin loves people watching. He loves observing people either up close or at a distance and attempt to guess their Mindset.
Likes: Junk food, soda, Watching people, helping people who need it, being around others
Dislikes: being alone, being restrained, the dark, dangerous people, his scars.
Human Strengths: Benjamin is exceedingly friendly and good at talking to people, he is an excellent judge of character and is very good at reading a situation. He also is a skilled athlete and acrobat due to the rigorous training in the facility.
Human Weaknesses: Ben is very passive, he usually tries to avoid confrontation and

Affiliation: (Sidekick
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2 (alone Benjamin is not much, but when paired with a hero he can potentially yield block busting power)
Weapon Form- Benjamin is capable of transforming into any kind of weapon imaginable, but he has to have knowledge of how the weapon works. If he becomes a bladed weapon the edge will never dull and it will be nigh unbreakable, when becoming a ranged weapon it will never run out of ammo and will maintain itself. With the exception of explosives which are single use.
Power Limits:
Without someone to wield him he is essentially powerless, granted he could turn into a sword or shield to survive an attack, he would need to immediately shift back to be able to move. In addition any explosives weapons such as a grenade, rocket launcher, or a mine are only a singly use but can allow him to cover distance quickly as he can chose to reform wherever the explosive hit. (In the case of rockets and grenades.)

Extra (Optional)
Family/Spouse: N/A
Backstory: TBR (if that's ok, if not I can post something.)
Extra: Technically Benjamin isn't human, he is an artificial lifeform. As such he is a little... Weird.
Approved! (For DoomyFish)


Name: Echo Cunningham
Nickname/Alias: Formerly Breeze
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Weight: 5'5
Height: 103
Blood Type: A+


Personality: Echo used to be a rather shy nervous person who would only speak if spoken to. She used to run her mouth about everything and try to help. Not so much anymore. Not she rarely talks, save for a smile. She barely functions now, unable to really feel for herself anything but that heavy weight on her chest. Most of the time she'll think about Havaera and what could have happened there. She doesn't recognize anyone but the heroes she used to work with, not even acknowledging her family members who come to visit.

Sexuality: Asexual

Habits/Quirks: Echo bites her knuckles now to the point that they bleed. She also pulls off her heart rate monitor a lot or simply sleeps

Hobbies: Seeing the Therapy dogs that come to visit her unit, having her favorite nurse give her a ride around the hospital, watching cooking shows

Likes: Hoping her old comrades might visit, trying to call the HQ, petting the animals

Dislikes: The therapists that she has to see, Doctor Morgan, the News, being forced to stay in the hospital

Human Strengths: She still can use her powers a little, good at working with her body, not too bad at smiling

Human Weaknesses: Her body, the state of mind she's in, her flashbacks, lots of things

Affiliation: Former Hero

Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: N/A

Power: Air Manipulation- The ability to draw upon the surrounding winds and use them to
A) Lift herself up
B) Lift others up, or
C) Pick up objects. This can only be effective on others within a range of ten feet

Power Limits: She cannot use them like she used to, now only about to lift at most a small computer to her

Physical Weaknesses:
This is gonna be a long one
-Her heart condition
-Being deaf in her right ear
-Only having her left arm
-Missing up to the knees on both legs
-Constant pain
-Needs her medicine daily

Family/Spouse: Mother, Father, and extended family

Backstory: Let's leave it as traumatic after the heroes fell...

Theme song:

Extra: She is usually confined to a hospital since the accident
Name: Lyle Larson
Nickname/Alias: Crush
Age: 24yrs
Gender: Male
Weight: 1298lbs
Height: 8ft 9in
Blood Type:???


Personality:Lyle has a bit of an unfortunate condition caused by the mutation he was born with. Due to this he is a bit...slow. while capable of speech he doesn't talk much. He is very anti-social having spent most of his life hiding and being attacked. He chooses to seclude himself and if his seclusion is disturbed he will invariably react violently.
Sexuality: Asexual
Habits/Quirks: Lyle has a habit of beating on his own head when frustrated, or smashing whatever is causing his frustrations.
Hobbies: Collecting rocks, collecting Large club like objects.
Likes: Being alone, shiney rocks, Hard club like objects, Large amounts of food.
Dislikes: Things that confuse him, loud noises, big crowds, and dogs or rather they don't like him.
Human Strengths:
Hiding- Despite his large size Lyle is good at remaining largely unnoticed.
Intimidating- If need be Lyle can be very terrifying, crushing stone in his hands, beating things, and throwing a tantrum are usually more than enough to send most people fleeing for their life.
Human Weaknesses:
Intellect- Lyle is severely lacking in the brainpower department, with no education to speak of and fleeting human interaction he can barely speak let alone read or write.

Gullible- Lyle is very easy to trick if one puts fourth the effort, granted he is always looking out for being duped so it must at least be a little believable.

Appearance- the way Lyle looks makes it hard for him to get a positive response from anyone, most view him as a monster and so he views most as his enemies.
Affiliation: Villain
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2 (Lyle is very hard to stop once he gets going and his strength makes him capable of dealing a considerable amount of damage if left unchecked, however his low intelligence and mobility make it easy to contain his rampage.)
Super strength- Lyle is immensely strong able to through most if not all classes of vehicle. He can rend steel and grind stone into powder with just his bare hands. Few things can withstand a blow from this man.

Super durability- Lyle is also quite durable able to withstand blows as severe as he can dish out. Bullets and small explosives are virtually useless against him, as are most forms of damage.

Dual impregnability- Both his mind and body are immune to manipulations. Telepaths cannot read his mind, illusions will not work on him, drugs and chemicals either. Abilities that would manipulate his body find that they cannot go past his skin, blood benders cannot use his blood, magic cannot effect his internal functions or his brain.
Power Limits:
Strength- Lyle has been seen struggling to lift anything over 30 tons. This means buildings, planes, large boats, and similar things cannot be moved by him.

Durability- while bullets and small explosives might not hurt him, large explosions can cause him to get dizzy, heavy enough impacts can stagger and even hurt him, and vast amounts of heat or cold are problematic for him.

Dual impregnability- Altering his mind in any way is impossible, yet while he may be impervious to the effects of poisons, smoke inhalation, and even natural chemicals, he still needs oxygen to breathe. As such he can perish via drowning or even suffocating if the smoke or chemical is thick enough.

Backstory: Lyle was born with his mutation already beginning to take ahold. His skin was a dark shade of grey from the day he was born. He never met his parents, and so he never found out why. He was left at the doorstep of saint Clair's orphanage as an infant and raised there. He wasn't very surprised to find that no one had adopted him. Especially since at the age of just five he was already 5ft 9in and weighed nearly 250lbs. He was about to start school when he was bullied by the other children and lashed out injuring several of them and killing one. After this fit of rage he was treated horribly by staff, other children, and even the people of the small town he had lived in at the time. Fleeing from their treatment he left to grow up alone as a recluse. His strength and Toughness got him through the unforgiving wilds, and now that he is fully grown he has become less skittish and more confrontational. This has led to him eventually making his way to the outskirts of the city.
Bush Bush
Name: Fifth Skald
Nickname/Alias: The Black Goat
Age: 18
Gender: male
Cloaked_figure.jpg f9db52dfc8148fa474caf92c2543d5ad--cool-anime-guys-hot-anime-boy.jpg
Weight:125 lb
Height: 5'5"
Blood Type: o-


Personality: he is not quiet reverent or anything else that would be normally associated with a cultist. While outside his robes he's outgoing happy person who is actually quite flirtatious. He looks for exciting people who normally bring a level of danger into his life such as Heroes or villains. But he enjoys nerds as well finding their innocence through it all or shyness adorable.

While in the robes however he is very laconic. he keeps his knife drawn almost constantly and refuses to refer to himself as anything but the dark goat. He will spend long hours at night meditating in lightless Chambers. He works hard to gain the proper sacrifices needed for his rituals.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Habits/Quirks: when he isnt doing anything he will begin to hum the dark hymns.
Hobbies: writing drawing working out
Likes: knives, Danger ,dancing ,and quiet Dark Places
Dislikes: large-scale religious institutions of any current religion other than his own, people who don't understand the value of silence
Human Strengths: He is extremely resistant to pain, great knife fighter, great at drawing and writing
Human Weaknesses: he is easily seduced out of robes, he is terrible at holding his alcohol, and he can be easily agrivated by people challenging his religion

Affiliation: villain
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 3
Power: eldritch_horror_by_ramsimation-d5d205q (1).jpg
if he wills it or if he is fatally wounded he will undergo a horrific transformation turning him into a abomination without equal. The long tentacles that lead up to his torso are immensely strong allowing him to easily use them to hook into and climb cement buildings as well as propel him self extremely fast in any direction he wills. Along with this they can allow him to hang easily off of ceiling for very long periods. Very little can hurt his tenticals but the upper shell and his pinchers on top of his body is excruciatingly hard damage. His princes are very sharp and covered in the same material as top of his head mixed with his tentacles strength he can hit as hard as a Canon ripping easily through tank armor. On top of all while in this form he ceases to see normally holes in the front of his face are not eyes ,but rather than array of sensory organs for smell, heat, even breathing or simple heartbeat can give away a everything nearby since he mostly uses echo location which normally comes from the clacking of his sharp pinchers against the ground. He is this form tail to pincher if they are pushed out in front of him is 14ft long. granted this is also if his long tentical mound he calls a tail is fully Streatched out if not he is only 8 ft normal from tail to head. he is around 425 lbs of pure muscle and horror.
Power Limits he can not while on holy ground and use his powers willingly
Physical Weaknesses: if he's on holy ground you cannot use his powers willingly and cannot attack anyone there if forced into using his powers
Extra (Optional)
Theme song:

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Name: Caelan Kaladesh
Nickname/Alias: Null
Gender: Male
Weight: 195lbs
Height: 6ft 3in
Blood Type:???


Personality: Caelan is a vindictive and Malice filled individual, yet he masks it perfectly. He is poised and elegant always showing his best Face and never showing a break in his calm and collected demeanor. Yet internally he is always preparing to bring swift death to a foe.
Sexuality: Asexual
Habits/Quirks: As a subconscious tick, whenever Caelan is thinking about killing someone he will adjust his glasses.
Hobbies: Caelan enjoys collecting "Trophies" from his kills. Usually these come in the form of a patch of skin from their forehead, this skin patch is representative of him opening their third eye, granting g them enlightenment post mortem.
Likes: Killing, Pain, Oolong tea, Superhumans, studying ancient secret societies, Becoming Null.
Dislikes: Humanity, His childhood, Rudeness, Fear, People who simply welcome death, Kal.
Human Strengths:
Physique- Caelan is in peak physical condition for a human male, rigorous and extensive training keep him as such.

Martial arts prowess- Caelan is trained in 107 different forms of martial arts including several weapon specific styles. Of these several styles he has mastered 26, including seven different styles of swordplay.

Genius Assassin- Caelan though fairly disturbed is a brilliant military genius. Having received advanced military grade training he is able to Build explosives in the field and is lethal with everything from a firearms to a teacup.
Human Weaknesses: Caelans powers are not always Active, when he isn't in his Null mindset he is nowhere near as skilled, or as dangerous.

Affiliation: Villain
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 3 (Nulls ability, makes him a huge threat to individuals who rely on their powers. And his skill as an assassin make him a worthy adversary for skill based heroes, However those with advanced technology do have an edge against him.)
Split personality disorder- Caelan is a superhuman, but due to the extensive psychological torment he endured as a child he created a split personality called Null. Null thoroughly enjoys pain, he is very strong due to Caelan's physical strength combined with his own addled mind letting him lift nearly 1400lbs. He also displays scary resilience often withstanding bullets without so much as a grimace (they still hit him and damage him, he just doesn't acknowledge it.) Any and all Psychic abilities, that target Nulls mind suffer terrible backlash which feels like an extremely bad migraine. By far the weirdest trait he gains is that damage done to Null is gone when he shifts back to Caelan and vice versa.
Power Nullification- The actual superpower that Caelan possesses is repressed so that it only is in effect as Null. It's pretty simple, Superpowers won't work within 30 yards of him. He will use this combined with his stealth and Skill with blades to get in close, and kill the powered individual before they realize he is near. This ability effects naturally occurring powers, superpowers that are a result of circumstances, And magic, however gadgets and technology are effected.
Power Limits:
Only Null has the superpowers, Caelan isn't aware of the powers, nor is he aware of anything that Null does. If Caelan is killed Null dies as well. Also Nulls powers don't work Lyle Larson due to his dual impregnability.
Physical weakness:
The locket- Caelan has a locket that belonged to his mother. Upon seeing this locket Null will immediately give control back to Caelan. This is a surefire way to snap him back. While the King Of Cartels ( Ghost Toast Ghost Toast )
Holds the original, a copy would work just as effectively if its a good enough replica.

Extra (Optional)
Adilade Kaladesh- Mother-in-law Deceased.
Backstory: Caelan is the product of the cruelty of mankind. When he was only six months old his mother and father were assassinated by the order known as the Guilded Blade. This ancient assassin's organization extended back nearly 2000 years operating as a shadow organization, they helped to steer the world in the direction they saw fit via assassination, intimidation, and Political blackmail. The assassin who killed his parents was not without heart however. He took the infant to an orphanage where he was raised until the age of 5. It was then that the assassin came back for him. He was brought into the order and trained to be a member. Here he endured Rigorous training, Brutal psychological torment, Even going so far as to be castrated at the age of 12. They took his Humanity from him, or at least tried to. The Terrible way of life brought out a terrible inner demon within him, Null was born. The second personality came out whenever he was to undergo training, be "tested" as they liked to call the torture, or spend long periods of time in solitary. As such Null began to be conditioned to hate the world. He always wanted to kill everyone, everything, and just end Humanity and their miserable existence.
When the Assassin who murdered his mother and father gave him her locket and explained to him what had happened, he let Null get his wish. Caelan blacked out and Null took over. Null Eliminated the entirety of the Guilded hand in only two and a half weeks. However he had sustained alot of damage and was near death so he gave control back to Caelan giving him one condition, "Keep our body strong, Keep our mind stronger, and I will keep anyone from ever hurting you again." It was sometime after this when Caelan met Arnold Hatcherson, Somehow ending up On his payroll.
Extra: Surprisingly enough, Even Null seems to like The King Of Cartels. He has never once lashed out at him, his henchmen aren't always so lucky.
dark_assassin_by_rob_joseph-d7fk0pz.jpg this is the armor of the Guilded Hand. It is jam packed with armor plating and bladed weapons, the mask serves as a rebreather as well, allowing the wearer to breathe in toxic gasses, smoke, and even water with no problem.
Name: Miyasaki Hasumi
Nickname/Alias: Kitsune
Age: 28
Gender: Female

Tian 2.jpg
Weight: 5'3
Height: 119 lbs.
Blood Type: A-

Personality: She's brash, graceful, and a bit charming. Hasumi since she was young hasn't always followed the rules, well at least the ambiguous and ones nobody cares about kind of rules. She's laid back and drinks a lot. When she's drunk Hasumi has two stages, a surly giggly drunk or an aggressive drunk. Despite all of this she harbors great respect for her superiors and does follow the rules, in her own unique way.
Sexuality: Heterosexual

  • Drinking, even before the incident
  • Tells it how it is
  • Doesn't really have hobbies, if anything it would be getting a drink but that's something she's been holding back on
Likes: Beer, cute things, the times she's had with her old sidekick
Dislikes: Her family nagging at her about what she should have done, the Freighters (not as intense as others though)
Human Strengths: Knows Judo, Karate, and other East Asian fighting styles. Despite her appearance she is very durable
Human Weaknesses: While she doesn't think about it a lot the death of her sidekick does get to her, an odd fear odd gelatin

Affiliation: Hero
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 2

  • Kitsune Physiology: Hasumi has the capability of becoming a strong, agile, and powerful Kitsune. While she isn't a Kitsune herself, let alone having the full abilities a Kitsune would have, she heavily resembles one. In this form she is much more durable, has higher stamina, and can have claws on her hands.
  • Fire Manipulation: Just like some Kitsune in legends, Hasumi has the ability to control fire at will. These flames are a spirit blue and are very powerful in their own right, having the ability to fire gush of intense flames and light the ground on fire. When she gets invested into a fight the tips of her tails and Kitsune ears light on fire as will, while also turning her hair a dark blue as well. This essentially signifies that her flames are more powerful than before.
Power Limits:
  • When she gets invested this part of her power only lasts for twenty minutes before extinguishing. While she can still move and fight normally afterwards, her flames are weaker after.
  • While she can stay in her Kitsune form for a while, pretty much all day actually, the moment she goes out of it the accumulated time hits her hard. If it's an hour or two its fine, but if it is more than twelve hours then after she leaves the form she becomes really sore. At that point she'll lay around like a fox and do nothing except maybe get booze.
Physical Weaknesses:
  • When in her Kitsune form if you scratch her behind her ears, she'll stop fighting for a moment and make one of those purr faces. After a few seconds though she'll reel around and punch that person in the face, unless it's someone she let's do it. (This is honestly a gimmick lol)
  • If she stayed in her Kitsune form for to long and feels sore from using it, that's her most vulnerable. She can still fight back, but can't go into her Kitsune form or control fire until she rests properly (like a few hour nap).

Family/Spouse: Father, Mother, Grandmother, Aunt, Uncle, and her Younger Brother. All of whom live in Japan
Backstory: Born in a small town in Japan, Hasumi was raised to become the caretaker of a local shrine in her town. It quickly became apparent that she didn't want that at all, and wanted to be her own person not follow her family's footsteps. When she was young she one day woke up looking like a Kitsune spirit, with her family and town in disbelief. Some even said she was possessed by the spirit of the shrine she was supposed to take care of, but she refused that conclusion stating that Kitsune are only myths. As she grew older her powers and personality developed and made her choice. Already knowing English at a young age she secretly scrounged up enough money and flew to Havaera. She quickly signed up as a Hero, as it was a well paying job, and fought against the evil forces of the city. When she was 23 and already a level two she took in a younger Titanium as her sidekick and trained him to develop his metal fighting skills even better.

Just a few years later her family found out where she is and what she does for a living. A few days before the incident, Titanium told her to visit her family and she reluctantly did. When she arrived she was surprisingly greeted warmly and asides from a few hiccups here and there she and her family reconciled. Before she was about to fly bacl she heard the news of what happened to Havaera and the survivors, saddened that her own sidekick despite fighting well according to civilian survivors was killed. She then took a small flight back to America and landed in Innovalle, where she met the head of the Innovalle Hero Center and Umbra. After talking for a bit they all came to the conclusion that Hasumi would be off the records and go undercover in Havaera and periodically send information back to Umbra. Gathering intelligence that they were planning to launch an invasion into Innovalle, she quickly left the occupied city and arrived in Innovalle.
Name: William S. Freight
Nickname/Alias: Union
Age: 45
Gender: Male

Weight: 132lbs
Height: 5'9
Blood Type: AB-

Personality: The biggest ego on the planet. He sees himself as a God and treats himself as one. He gets absolutely furious when things don't go his way. He is overall crazy and insane.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Habits/Quirks: He would scream and freak out when things don't go his way. He would even set his soldiers on fire and torture them.
Hobbies: Torturing, killing, burning, and brainwashing people. Along with destroying structures.
Human Strengths: A doubled sided blade is the weapon he's the most skilled at. He knows how to hijack and drive any vehicle. He's smart in the arts of terroism, industry, Innovalle's city layout, and leadership.
Human Weaknesses: William sees himself as a God, invincible, immortal, meaning He doesn't show concern for his danger. He sometimes loses his mind once he uses his powers too much. Overall, he's just crazy and treats his soldiers like garbage.

Affiliation: Villain. Leader of the Freighters.
Rank in Affiliation/Threat Level: 3
Power: Fire, Smoke, Ash, Coal, and Steam. He can create anything using those substances. Ex: A giant fire, a storm of smoke, weapons and people made of ash and coal, and steam that blocks vision.
Power Limits: Using his powers hurts him and makes him slowly lose his mind and energy.
Physical Weaknesses: William is physically weaken by water.

Family/Spouse: None.
Backstory: William S. Freight's family history has been in railroading. He was destined to continue the family tradition. William was trained (puns) to take control of the company Atlantic Unity when he was old enough. Even though William had a metal disorder, it seemed like the perfect job for him...

...Until he enjoyed being a criminal. William was in a criminal gang in the city of Havaera. They commited so many crimes; each one being worse than the last one. Their first crime was robbing banks and their last one was bombing the city hall, which killed 987 people, along with the governor of Havaera. It was no longer a criminal gang; they were a terrorist group. Since William helped get supplies with the use of Atlantic Unity trains and railroads, they have been nicknamed the Freighters.

Eventually the leader got himself killed, along with another member, causing the terrorist group to be rid of the city. William and other members of the Freighters tired to escape the city by train, but the train went too fast on a blend, causing the train to derail into a train.

Now Havaera is a strange city with strange activity. Somethings can't be explained. This statement was proven true that night, when William absorbed the fire, smoke, ash, coal, and steam. He had became a fuel source for a train and was permanently scarred.

Years later, after being on the run and going through city and city, he has built a new terrorist organization, which he called the Freighters. The people that followed him worshipped him as a God. The organization began committing terrorist attacks in other cities, but William sought for Havaera. Wanting revenge and to give thanks, he lead his organization to Havaera, where they planned on taking over.

And that's exactly what happened. The incident was the Freighters killing the heroes, similar to Order 66. The city of Havaera fell to ruins. The Freighters left, knowing their work there was done. Except it wasn't. The survivors lived on, so William made it his last duty to destroy any remains of Havaera and superhumans in general.
Theme song:
Tyson Rekka

"Ashes to ashes"

Age: 30
Gender: Male
Weight: 180 lbs
Height: 6' 9"
Blood Type: O+
Personality: Tyson believes that society has degraded since modernization, that humanity has estranged from their 'true path', and the only way to reconcile is to burn and explode everything back into the good ol' days. This includes people who do not submit to his cause, animals, buildings, vehicles - it it catches fire, he'll make sure it's on fire. The guy's a total nutjob.

Sexuality: Masochist

Intrigued by flames, tends to stare at matches or candles.

Setting everything flammable on fire. Trying to set everything that isn't flammable on fire.

Likes: Gasoline, kerosene, diesel, matches, smoking.

Dislikes: Fire extinguishers.

Human Strengths:
The amount of time Tyson has spent burning things has left his skin so rubbered to the point that fire causes him no harm, and his lungs do not suffer from even thick inhalations of smog.

Human Weaknesses:
His psychological dependence on seeing things burn has left him crippling nyctophobia, being left in the dark will cause anything between anxiety and seizures.
Affiliation: Villain, thinks he's a vigilante.

Rank: 2
Power: Firewall
Rekka's superhuman ability manifests when a physical object, such as a bullet or melee weapon, comes in contact with him. Seemingly from nowhere, a searing flame will spark at the contact point - melting small caliber bullets and resisting the force of blunt weaponry. Punching him is rather painful.​

Power Limits:
Large caliber bullets or energy weapons are not negligible by the effect. Physical damage is only partly absorbed. If doused with water, the effect is useless.

Physical Weaknesses:
Darkness will send him into hysterics.
A dusty flamethrower.
10ga shotgun, incendiary rounds.
A lotta Molotov cocktails.
Revolving grenade launcher. You guessed it, incendiary grenades.
Family/Spouse: Parents and siblings deceased. Cause of death: immolation by fire.

Vulcan has amassed a number of followers who joined up either out of fear or blind faith. His followers do not posses superhuman powers, but will do his fiery bidding.

Theme song
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