The Walking Dead~


Junior Member
(PS: Daryl is a badmouth so cussing is open and you can cuss like a Dixon if you want. xD See what I did there instead of Sailor I put Dixon...No?....Okay ;- ;)

Daryl cussed at a walker that got a hold of his catches of the day. "Son of a *****. That's my deer! Look at it. All gnawed on by this... filthy, disease-bearing, motherless poxy bastard!" He smashed the already dead walkers face in and kicked it in the side. He spat on the walker and walked off. He slowly made his way up to camp, using his knife to mark trees, marking off areas. The sky started getting dark and he quickened his pace. When he broke through the tree line, closest to camp everyone was around a fire talking and telling stories. Daryl mumbled something inaudible and stomped up to his camp. stepping into his tent he stripped off his leather jacket and his sleeveless shirt. He groaned lightly and grabbed a clean shirt and some clean jeans before walking from his tent and up to the pond. He slipped off his jeans and hopped into the water. It was cold and still. He looked up to the sky and sighed as it turned a slight orange color.

Maggie yawned as she watched Dale tell a story about his wife. She smiled and watched the old man closely. "She sounds like a wonderful woman Dale." She watched Dales face light up and he kept talking. Maggie glanced over at Glenn and smiled to him. She leaned against her sister and kept watching Glenn. He was cute and boyish. She giggled lightly as she thought back to when she cracked an egg over his head. 'I'm sure glad I cleaned that ball cap.' she thought to herself. Her eyes move to his hands then back up to his face.
(( xD Oh you.))

Glenn was sitting with Maggie, Dale and a couple of others from the group. He was hugging his knees against his chest and looked at Dale absently. It was times like this, when people were remembering what their lives were like before the walkers took over, that Glenn let himself think of the future. Rick always said that's exactly what he was doing but Glenn doubted it. He tried not to but he still doubted it. What if things don't get better and the walkers stay until every last one of them was killed off? He was sure that as a kid he never imagined that his grave (a luxury that has now been taken away from them) would read, "Death by undead human". He sighed deeply and looked at the others when Maggie caught his eye. She looked nice for a girl trapped in a zombie apocalypse and she was very playful as well, his cap a reminder of that. He wasn't sure how she did it but this one look she gave him brought him back to old, optimistic Glenn and he smiled back. He would make his life worth living if it meant the walkers wouldn't get him.

Lori let out an audible exhale and put a hand on her back, stretching. She was aching with full term pregnancy and she thought her spine was going to snap in two. Carol usually helped her out when she was in pain but she was nowhere to be found, which was not a surprise since she was sitting in her tent. She kissed Carl on the forehead, who was taking a nap, and she smiled down at him. He had gone through so much at such a young age, including losing Sophia, and she was extremely proud of him. He was growing up to be quite like his father. Speaking of which, where was Rick? She decided to crawl out of the tent and put a hand on her swelled stomach. A group was sitting around Dale and she considered asking them where Rick was but decided they looked like they were having fun. She decided to wander around, not too far off the camp of course, to look for him.
Daryl jumped out of the water and pulled on his new clothes. He begin to walk up the hill to his camp as he buttoned up his shirt. He was looking down at his shirt and ran into Lori. He glared as he looked down to her. "Why in the hell are you over here woman?" He harshly half shouted to her. He moved past to her and up to his camp. He jumped up into a nearby tree and sat on a low branch. His eyes watched the treeline.

Maggie smiled as she looked to Glenn. Most girls would blush and look away but she was bold and gave him a sweet smile. She started to lean over to whisper something to him but was cut off seeing Daryl jump out of a tree and grab his crossbow. He looked around the tree line and she glared. 'stupid hick' she thought to her self 'he's too uptight and worried about nothing'. She looked back over to Glenn and smiled once again, this time blushing a bit.

(Lets wait for Liztopher to reply)
Rick was just beginning to wander back to camp from the latest area search for walkers, it was Shane's and his job to keep the area safe, especially for his pregnant wife and growing son. Wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead, he let out another sigh of relief to find the place safe as usual. No matter how many times he left, he still worried about the safety of his group and how well things were going on with them. Walkers have wandered onto the camp once, it couldn't take much to have a few more wander out of the blue. "Alright you guys," he announced, deep southern accent dancing in his familiar words. Shoving his pistol into one of his holsters while approaching the group, he let out a small smile. "The place is safe, I haven't heard from Shane yet so I'm pretty sure." The man glanced around, looking for his wife. He knew for a fact she was around here somewhere; a pregnant woman couldn't get far, especially when it grew dark. "Lori," he said aloud, finally spotting her off to the side a little bit and sauntered over to her, eyeing that belly of hers. "How are you feeling?"

( If no one claims Shane here soon, I'll play him. )
Lori smiled towards Rick as he made his way over to her, all the insult she had taken to heart from Daryl fading away. She was glad that she and Rick were in good terms, even after she had told him about Shane possibly being the father. Even though she was wondering (in the back of her mind) where he was she decided looking behind Rick for him was the wrong move. She placed a hand on her stomach and sighed deeply, shaking her head slowly. "He's a kicker, I'll give him that." For now she could only assume the child was a boy since she had no clue what gender the baby was. They didn't exactly have the technology for that kind of thing. This brought up another problem and Lori glanced at the group, leaning forward to whisper to Rick. "I think I'm due soon. What are we going to do?" It was bad of her to throw this on his shoulders now but they needed to figure this out now.

Glenn tore his eyes away from Maggie as Daryl came crashing through the clearing. Sometimes the way Daryl treated the others really irked him, but it was a lot better than his brother Merle once was. At least Daryl knew when to shut up. Glenn should feel guilty about leaving Merle up on that roof back in Atlanta, but the only thing he felt guilty about was being sure that it was the right thing to do. Something seemed wrong this time and Daryl was not just throwing a temper tantrum. "Something wrong?" Glenn asked, standing on reflex and tensing his body up.
Daryl looked back to Glenn and looked back to the trees. "Thought I seen somethin' " He eyed the trees and lowered his crossbow. He glanced at Maggie and glared at her seeing she was watching him. He looked up over to Rick. "We cant stay here forever. We need ta move." He stalked over to Rick and Lori.

Maggie watched Daryl and looked up to Glenn as he stood up. She stood up as well and moved closer to him hearing Daryls words. He seen something? What was it? Is at a walker? Questions reeled through her mind as she watched Daryl stalk over to Rick Maggie looks up to Glenn and whispered to him. "Daryl wants to move. We need to get ready incase Rick agrees."
Lori's began to feel exhausted as Daryl made his way towards them. Immediately, as always, Lori disagreed with moving again. She shook her head vigorously and repeated the word no over and over. She hoped that Rick would see why they couldn't move again. As long as they were on the move when she had the baby she was a a walker beacon. She didn't care what happened to her as long as the baby was okay. Besides, it had been too soon since they left Hershel's farm to move again. Maggie could probably handle the moving from place to place well but she wasn't sure if Hershel or Maggie's younger sister would be the same. She decided that in the end Rick would have the last say, and hoped for his sake he would make the right decision.

Glenn hadn't expected Maggie would be so close to him and he was at a loss for words for a moment. He looked at the group sitting around Dale and opened and closed his mouth as he did so. Finally he nodded in agreement and watched Rick and Daryl. "What do you suggest we do first?" He asked. Packing everything up could take about an hour and a half if they were moving slowly. Glenn knew they should find an efficient way to get everything up and out of a place at a moments notice but they never had the chance to. Hershel's farm had seemed like a solid place to stay, but nowadays that wasn't to be expected from anywhere.
((Okie, er, Hi, I'm new so I'm sorry if I'm posting in the completely wrong place but I couldn't find the OOC. Is it alright if I make an OC for this RP? I'd totally love to join in, and see Shane and Rick ;3 I can also play any characters anyone needs me to play.))
(Just to inform you guys Luka will not be back on RPC so she gave me this RP I will be playing her characters)

Daryl moved away from Rick and Lori and over to the group. He glanced at everyone "Pack up. Now." He mumbled the las part before walking off to his camp and packing his things. He placed everything into the RV and packed what he could on his Harley. He strapped his crossbow across his back and glanced over at the group. "Great...."

Maggie flared up "We can't leave this is our farm what the hell are we suppose to do?!" She blurted out as her father calmed her. She looked over to her fathers old pick up. "Dad take Beth and go pack." She turned toward Beth. "Pack my clothes, pack food and water LOTS of water. Im bringing a horse." She looked over to Glenn. "Want to ride a horse?"

(By Luka's wishes we will not be going by the original story line of the show. This will be a random journey that leads the group to a crazy place. [MENTION=3348]Liztopher[/MENTION] and [MENTION=4246]Uncultured-Buffoon[/MENTION] )
Andrea crossed her arms and watched the group from the RV, shaking her head at everyone. They were all out arguing while they should have just been preparing in case anything went wrong. Of course they seemed pretty safe but she still didn't trust people much. A small sigh escaped her lips and she stood up, walking over to one of the little shelves in the RV. Her eyes scanned over it, searching for a book with an interesting title. It would have been nice to brush up on her literacy since she wasn't helping out with trials any more. There was a small book and she picked it up, moving to the table and opening up to the first page. It was one of those great Stephen King books. Andrea leaned on her elbow and she began to read, wanting to get lost in her own little world. This apocalypse had been hell to go through, and now she needed to immerse herself in an amazing story.
Lori bit her lip in defeat. She would give Rick hell for this later, but was going to let up quickly since he had no actual say in them leaving. Daryl was being his usual huffy self. She couldn't help but imagine how much worse that would be with Merle around. Deciding to break away and do what she was told she stalked off, placing a hand on her inflated stomach. First things first was to get Carl, and as she passed by the trailer she noticed some movement from the inside. Andrea passed by the window and didn't look like she was in any rush so Lori decided to come in. Andrea had a book in her hand and looked like she was having a grand old time. Lori let out a soft laugh and looked around the trailer. "You haven't noticed all the commotion outside?" She asked.

Glenn let his gaze shift from Maggie to Daryl and back, his eyebrows set in torn confusion. He wouldn't pass up a chance to go with Maggie, but at the same time Daryl might need some help. Finally he inspected Maggie, who was looking stubborn. The most Glenn could do at the moment to help was to talk her into leaving the farm. "Yeah, I'll tag along." He said, his city accent standing out amongst the southern accents.

((I'm sorry I wasn't on. Something sudden popped up. I swear that will never happen again without me telling you guys.))
Daryl huffed at Maggie's outburst then to Glenn. "That boy is whipped" Daryl laughs at himself. He pushed his harley a few yards ahead of the RV, Rick's SUV, and Hershel's truck. He was not ready for a Journey and it was later in the day so they wouldn't get to far. Daryl sat on his motorcycle and started it up looking back at the group.

Maggie saddled up a horse for Glenn and a horse for herself. She nodded to Glen and took off stopping in front of the RV and behind Daryl. She hopped off the horse and quickly ran over to the house. She grabbed any medical supplies she could carry and walked outside. She dropped her fathers bad and ran over to the truck dropping the others in the back of the truck. She ran over to the bag she dropped and turned around. There were walkers everywhere. "DARYL! GO!" She shouted as she hopped on the horse and took off after Daryl making sure everyone was following.
Andrea looked absorbed into the book, reading about some man-eating dog. It seemed fitting for the situation that the world was in now, but she was interrupted by Lori speaking. Her eyes travelled up to the pregnant woman, and she gave a small shrug, not looking too interested in the fact that there was commotion going on outside. "I don't want to get involved, it's your husband's call." The ex-lawyer said, and then she stood, feeling a little rude. She moved over, gesturing to the seat so Lori could sit down. The woman was pregnant after all, and she had to be watched over. "How are you feeling? I can't imagine what's going through your head with the baby and all that's going on." Andrea said, closing the book and crossing her arms over her chest.
Carol noticed Daryl having already started up his bike, and he seemed pretty annoyed at everything going on. She frowned a little to herself and started to walk towards him, to try and say something to him before they left. She was almost to his side, when someone touched her arm. She turned around to find Carl standing in front of her, and she smiled gently at the boy. Sure, he had been disrespectful that one time, but, there was a lot going on and she couldn't put it against him.

"Carol, I'm sorry." Carl said quietly, looking down and frowning. Carol kind of patted the boy's head, on the sheriff's hat, and nodded.

"It's alright, Carl. I understand what you mean. I really do." She murmured. She turned back to head towards Daryl again, but changed her mind for now. She'd say something to him when they stopped again. Carol looked towards where her daughter had been buried and frowned, feeling close to tears, and than slipped into the RV, sitting at the small table there. She was ready, if they were.

((Hope I can jump in. (: ))
((I did it! I added them on the Character Sheet! (; ))

((May I role-play now?)

ArinOlsen said:
Carol noticed Daryl having already started up his bike, and he seemed pretty annoyed at everything going on. She frowned a little to herself and started to walk towards him, to try and say something to him before they left. She was almost to his side, when someone touched her arm. She turned around to find Carl standing in front of her, and she smiled gently at the boy. Sure, he had been disrespectful that one time, but, there was a lot going on and she couldn't put it against him.
"Carol, I'm sorry." Carl said quietly, looking down and frowning. Carol kind of patted the boy's head, on the sheriff's hat, and nodded.

"It's alright, Carl. I understand what you mean. I really do." She murmured. She turned back to head towards Daryl again, but changed her mind for now. She'd say something to him when they stopped again. Carol looked towards where her daughter had been buried and frowned, feeling close to tears, and than slipped into the RV, sitting at the small table there. She was ready, if they were.

((Hope I can jump in. (: ))
I'm just quoting my thing.

((Did I scare everyone away? What the heck?))
You guys shouldn't wait for Uncultured any more. He's passed away. It happened about 3 days ago. I was very close to him in real life and he always talked about this website. I'm sorry you guys had to come to a stop, but you can continue now.

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