The Walking Dead


Senior Member



The world has ended. The military is gone. The dead own the streets. One could go days without seeing another

living person, but hardly hours without running into the dead. Those that survive hide, scavenge, and fight every

day. Survivors have formed groups and travel constantly, in search of safety that never seems to come. Cities are

death traps, towns are overrun, it seems no one has escaped the plague. Danger is a constant reality, but

increasingly this is not only from the dead but from other groups as well. As time passes it is growing

quite obvious that those who have survived are losing their humanity. You are one of the last

remaining people on Earth, what are you willing to do to survive?




The gentle sky peppered with large white clouds glowed with a brilliant canvas of orange and fading purple, indicating that morning was just around the corner. A soft breeze blew across the on-going lands, and swept into the silent camp, cooling down the humid temperature that thickened the air. Rhys sat on a nearby hill which faced the rising sun, brightening everything around him but the silhouette of his thin frame. In his hand rested a book, open in the center with a dainty bookmark resting between it's worn pages. "Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising.." his mouth moved calmly with each word spoken, raising his chin to speak to, what it seemed, the sun in front of him. "Haply I think on thee, and then my state.." he continued on, obvious accent bouncing off his smooth lips. The man did not stop until the sonnet was finished before slamming the book closed and tossing it aside in the thick grass beneath him. "I've read that blasted book far too many times." he groaned, knitting his brows together and leaning forward. His forehead pressed against the palms of his hands while he listened in on the chirping of birds flourishing the air, greeting him with wonderful sing-songs of a good morning. "The infection should have killed off you bloody birds as well." Rhys shouted, standing up onto his two feet and turning away. He shoved his hand into his back pocket and pulled out a cigarette, swiftly placing it to his lips and lighting it with speed. Oh how it tasted as he dragged it harshly, filling his lungs with toxic chemicals before exhaling long and slow. "Need to take a run in town today," he rubbed his head, fluffing up his raggedy hair. "Have a feeling I'm going to be doing it myself."


"Come on.. come on." A pair of lush lips hissed, vivid ocean blue eyes set intently in the scope on her rifle. Natascha, holding that rifle dear to her, sat on a thin branch high in a tree, staring down a deer which grazed on the thick grass not too far away. The woman shook, moving her body to the right slightly before returning her slender finger to the trigger. "You better not run away, you piece of shit." she gritted her teeth, watching as the creature lifted it's head up in concern, ears twitching and paused it's rapid movements of chewing. Natascha breathed in sharply and pulled the trigger, filling the air with a loud BANG as the bullet sailed and missed, making the deer dart away in fright "Damn it!" she shouted, throwing her rifle off the branch in front of her and slamming a fist down on the thick bark beside her. "So close, so damn close!" she gritted her teeth, hopping out of the tree and landing safely to the ground. "I suppose those worthless people at camp aren't eating much tonight.." she whispered, shrugging and ambling towards the direction of her temporary "home." It was silent, other than the trees surrounding her creaking and moaning with each breeze that rushed by, making her a tad bit uncomfortable. The Russian gripped her weapon and continued on, turning her body every now and then to keep a close out eye for any of those "walkers" as she liked to call them. Suddenly, within a second of that thought, a creature hobbled out from behind one of the trees, followed by two more and snapped their rotting jaws at her warm flesh. Natascha, as fast as possible, dropped her sniper to the ground and pulled her cleaver from the holster on her leg, sinking that sharp blade into the soft skull of the first one. Using her foot, she kicked off the dead body and sprinted forward, twirling in a complete circle before slicing the head off the other. "Oh look at you," she grinned at the last one, which hobbled over with less speed and held it's weak arms out. "I'm sure you'll enjoy this more than I will.." Natascha ambled over and sank her blade into her palm, breaking the skin and flourishing her arm with thin lines of crimson. The creature frenzied, picking up it's speed and nearly running after her. With a simple movement, she kicked it down and pinned it with her heel, dripping the blood onto it's face and mouth. "Three.. two.. ONE." she counted, moving her foot across his body and smashing it down onto it's face, completely demolishing the head. Bits of bone and flesh splattered everywhere, decorating the grounds in such a wonderful manner.

Allie moved as quietly as she possibly could through the woods. Her limbs were heavy with exhaustion. She hadn't slept in days for the simple fact that she had nowhere safe to rest. She was fighting as hard as she could to keep her eyelids from dropping. She knew it wasn't safe here. She had managed to sneak around a few infected people earlier. She was certain the woods were full of them. She had no one with her which made it impossible to feel safe anywhere. She knew she shouldn't let it, but sleep was about to win this fight. It had been about three days by her count that she had gone without sleep. She had managed to get out of the city and into the woods. She didn't know much about this infection but she had seen enough to know that she shouldn't get near those people. She didn't have enough food to last her much longer and she was quickly running out of water. If the infected didn't get her, starvation or dehydration would soon. "Maybe a few moments won't hurt," she muttered to herself, dropping her pack at the base of a tree. The woods seemed quiet here. Allie couldn't fight the exhaustion anymore so she sat, leaning against the trunk, ready for sleep. The breeze played with the loose strands of dark brown hair around her face. She loved the breeze. This moment reminded her of when she was a child on her parent's farm. For a moment, she was transported to a time before the outbreak. She was just drifting off to sleep when she was pulled back to consciousness by the sound of a gun going off nearby. She stood as quickly as her exhausted body would allow and hurried away from the spot. The infected would be there at any moment and she wasn't interested in being around when they showed up. As she ran, she began to realize she couldn't make it much farther. Her legs were shaky and weak and her vision was blurry. She stumbled out of the thick woods, bathed in the slowly growing morning light. She made it a few paces out before collapsing to the ground. Her last thoughts before she fell into unconsciousness were of her brother, her parents, and how peaceful sleep felt.

Sierra yawned and stretched, waking up from the most restful sleep she had gotten since the outbreak. She rubbed her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair. Standing and making her way out of the makeshift tent, she was greeted by the light of early morning. She shouldered her sling of arrows and picked up her bow. Her pale blue eyes glanced around the small camp, searching for any of her companions. She spotted Rhys on a hill and began to make her way over to him. She didn't know any of the people she was with but she figured that her chances were better with a group. All she was concerned about was her own survival at this point. She wondered if that made her a bad person or if that was just the way that the world would be from now on. "Did you get any sleep?" she questioned as she looked around the edges of camp where the woods began, scanning for walkers or for something to make a meal of. There wasn't much around camp that she could do but she was decent with a bow. It had gotten her out of some tough spots before. She remembered her first encountered with one of the monsters. She hadn't seen or heard it but before she knew it, it had tackled her to the ground. The only reason she had survived was because of an older man. He had stabbed the walker in the head and pushed it off of her. "Be more careful. No guns, stay quiet. Get out of the city" were the only words he had said to her. He was gone before she could even say thank you.
Matthew walked back up the hill and into the forest. He wanted to go out into the city so bad. But nooo, everyone thought he was too young. "I'm ******* 16." He could drive, and he was the fastest runner of the group. Instead he had to hunt. What the hell? At least he had a dead deer with him. He had heard a gunshot and there it came, running. He took his rusty old kitchen knife and BAM! Right in the head. Well, he was going to need help carrying it anymore. "RHYS! I need help with this deer!" He looked into the bright sun and couldn't see anybody. Wait. Matthew went to the wrong hill. "Shit." Time to go back down this hill.
Rhys held his breath and knitted his brows together, blowing smoke circles from his lips in a gradual manner as he fluffed up his mane of obsidian hair. The camp was still silent as ever, few people here and there plucking themselves out of their tents to greet yet another, dragged on day that would end like every other one. Wake up, survive, eat, sleep and then rinse and repeat. Everyone had their jobs to do, or just felt the need to do it, instincts so to speak. Not everyone managed to help out, but it was the best they had especially in an apocalypse. If Rhys had never formed this group, he couldn’t bother to think what would happen to all the people currently in it. Dead, alone, maybe even having their innards ripped out and chewed on. “Ugh..” he breathed out heavily, twitching his long fingers to flick the ashes from his cigarette.

"Did you get any sleep?"

A voice behind him piped up, nearly scaring the living daylights out of him; if there were any. Who it happened to be was the blonde girl with the pale blue eyes, Sierra, approaching him with her nifty bow and arrows she used for a primary weapon. Rhys, turning his body to face her, inhaled deeply again and scratched his forehead. “Not much,” he mumbled, voice low and almost dry while he raised neat brows. “I was on watch most of the night, but that’s fine.” he shrugged it off, darting eyes towards the brilliant sun. “Someone has to do it.”


A gunshot rang through the trees, scaring off the birds that were singing sweet good mornings and making them flutter away in panic. Rhys flicked his cigarette and crushed it with his heel, clenching his hands together into fists while listening to such racket. “Bloody hell.” he hissed, “That better not be Sascha making all that noise. It’ll attract all those damn walkers.” The camp nearby came to a stop, people glancing around and chattering among themselves in worry, hoping and even praying to god that it wouldn’t do anything.


Running a slick tongue across her palm, Natascha licked the small cut and cleaned all the excess blood from it before wiping it quickly. “More where that came from.” She snickered, taking a few steps to the side and brushing the guts from her boots as well, crinkling her small nose. “I made quite a mess.” She shrugged, slinging her sniper onto her shoulder and making her way out from the woods, keeping a close eye out for those idiotic walkers. “Дождь, дождь, уходи.” she sang softly, voice dim and almost eerie in it’s own way while it echoed through the empty forest. With each step she took, it was slow and casual, almost like she had no worry in the world. “Приходи в другой день.”

“Oh?” The young woman hobbled out of the brush and noticed a young female laying in the grass at the edge of the woods. Taking out her war cleaver from the holster at her hip, she creeped closer, holding it up so she could sink the blade into it’s rotting flesh. Three.. two.. wait. Natascha, seconds before she was about to bring it down, stopped herself, watching the rising and falling of the woman’s body. Breathing? She was breathing? “No way.” she whispered, bending down and running a couple of fingers across her skin. She was warm, unlike walkers who had skin as cold as ice. “Hello?” she questioned aloud, knowing whether or not this survivor would wake up.

translation: rain, rain go away : come again another day
"Oh, damn," Sierra muttered. "We should go back to camp," she said to Rhys before bounding down the hill. They were much more powerful together. Unfortunately, the same went for the walkers. She gathered as many of her companions as she could. "Hopefully nothing will happen," she said, thinking aloud. She held her bow ready, arrow already pulled back. She scanned the woods anxiously, looking for any signs of walkers. Looking around camp, she realized they wouldn't survive if a large herd of the walkers came through. Sierra had been pushing for them to leave the area anyways. They needed to find a place better suited for settling in: somewhere they could grow food and build defenses. She wasn't much of a leader but she sure as hell could fight. Maybe that's why she was having so much trouble convincing everyone: she didn't know how to talk to people. She was much better just using brute force.

Allie's dark green eyes flickered open. She sat up too quickly and let out a small moan as everything began to spin. She looked at the woman that had woken her. "Hi," she said weakly, pulling her backpack to her side. "I passed out. I haven't slept," she said, trying to explain. "I wasn't bit or anything," Allie added quickly. Allie stood, stumbling slightly but managing to keep her footing. "I should go," she said, shouldering her pack. She knew nothing about this woman and she was nervous. Humans could be just as dangerous as the infected. She had seen people kill each other for the items they carried in the streets outside her apartment. Honestly, Allie knew she couldn't make it much longer on her own but what she had seen in the city made her distrust automatically any people she came in contact with.

As she trails through the woods on the edge of the plateau, Ahriannah can hear sounds from what seems to be a camp of survivors. Crouching low to the ground her hand tucking back a stray piece of hair behind her ear, hedging her movements just in case there are walkers anywhere near. She moves stealthily through the brush and twigs working our whether or not to approach this group, but in need of water and food soon. Once she can see their camp she hears a distant gun shot ring out. Dropping down flat on her stomach and waiting for the firefight. When it doesn't come she stands and dashes forward to the camp, her hands up to make sure they know she isn't a threat. "Hello? Can some one tell me why there is some one shooting up here? the Walkers are attracted to sound." Walking carefully prepped to grab a weapon if needed.
Grass and trees. Very boring. Matthew could only remember the days when the city was boring and the forests were the prettiest sights to see. Well, all good things must come to an end, Matthew thought. He finally pulled the deer up the goddamn hill. But what he didn't do was hear the rustling in the bushes. A walker came out of the bushes, catching him by surprise. Matthew fell back and dropped the deer. The walker tore into the deer, barely even noticing Matthew. He took his knife and dug it into the walkers skull. Blood splattered all over Matthews face and he looked down at the deer. Well there goes the food. Matthew frowned and headed up the hill. He finally saw Rhys and that one girl Sierra. "You won't be getting any food from me. Walker grabbed the deer I had caught. What happened with Natasha's catch?"
Rhys hovered his twitching fingers over the weapons at his side, nodding and following after the woman down the steep hill. Stepping carefully, he leaned his frame to the side and slid down it smoothly. While doing so, he knew he would have to reassure the people in the group, especially the children and older people that were pretty much helpless if a horde of the undead managed to reach them. "It's alright, folks." he shouted, raising his hands and waving them in a gentle manner while sauntering over. "Those who have weapons stay alert, those who don't, stay close. Hopefully Sascha's mistake won't be the cost of us." he grumbled, turning his tall frame around and scanning the unknown before them.

"Hello? Can some one tell me why there is some one shooting up here? the Walkers are attracted to sound."

A voice piped up, immediately making the man take his weapon out and hold it up. He furrowed his thin brows, lowering it when seeing her hands above her head as she approached them through the thin crowd of humans. "Because the one who did it was a complete idiot." he hissed aloud, waving the woman over and sliding the pistol into his holster. "What's your name, and where are you from?" he asked, placing a set of hands onto his sides. "As you can see, we have a large group here from many areas, young and old. We are very-" Rhys cut his conversation when being approached by Matthew, empty handed yet again. "A walker got it?" he questioned, keeping his voice low and leaning in close. "Just one, was it? Sascha was trying to shoot that same deer, I suppose."


Immediately jumping back, Sascha gasped and nearly toppled over when seeing those set of emerald eyes flicker open and the body of this woman sit up, moaning. She was surprised, and somewhat relieved she was awake. "Hi there." she greeted firmly, flashing a shaken smile and putting away her long blade swiftly. "Are you alright, or..?" she questioned, ambling over and bending down slightly beside her, eyeing her closely. Boy, did she look absolutely exhausted; no wonder she looked like one of them. "Exhausted? I'm sure it isn't safe just passing out in the wild like this, especially when those biters are wandering around." she raised her brows, tapping tiny fingers on her sniper rifle at her side. She could tell this woman was nervous, especially around her who was wandering around in this forest carrying a sniper rifle and blade. "I'm not going to hurt you, may look like it, but certainly not." she assured, words short and sugared with a heavy Russian accent. "No no, you can't go. Come with me back to the camp, it's safer there."
"My Name is Ahri... Ahriannah. I'm From San Diego..."

She slowly puts her hand down and waits to speak again wondering if it was a good idea to try to meet up with a group after all.

"The Walkers over took the city, I've been heading east, to try to find my brother. Anyone know how close we are to the Texas border?"

She looks around to see the faces of about six or seven people, just as haggard as she is. She thiks back to before the outbreak when her biggest woy was that her brother would re-enlist, now she wished he would have.
i was walking through the town scared and alone, i am only 15 and i cant find my parents anywhere. i saw a group of people talking and i walked over to say hi. "Hey! umm..... My name is Elizabeth..... or Lizzy what ever. can you help me? my parents didnt come home and ive been alone at home for a couple weeks. can you guys help me?" i ask shyly. my hands are shaking and i have a gun in my belt and i knife in my boot. i dont wanna take any chances.

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