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Realistic or Modern THE WALKING DEAD - Our Broken World [OOC - Open]

Probably closer to 8-9 months would be better. Conrad's timeline is a little iffy but it was likely in the first few months of the community sprouting up.
Probably closer to 8-9 months would be better. Conrad's timeline is a little iffy but it was likely in the first few months of the community sprouting up.
Let's say it was Brooke, Derek, and Paul then, with Gus having been the one to mainly patch him up.

Paul also does not have a sheet yet (he's the father of Jemma) but looking to finish them all today.
Just so I have an idea of what it is, is there a post order so I know when to and when not to put out my next response?

Sorry, been a bit MIA. I came down with some sickness. I’m still trying to shake it.
Just so I have an idea of what it is, is there a post order so I know when to and when not to put out my next response?

Sorry, been a bit MIA. I came down with some sickness. I’m still trying to shake it.
There is no formal posting order. It's more "post when you want/ can" we want to give everyone a chance to post, but you don't have to wait on anyone.

So posting Darwinism
There is no formal posting order. It's more "post when you want/ can" we want to give everyone a chance to post, but you don't have to wait on anyone.

So posting Darwinism
Lol ok, I’ll try to get a post out today, if I’m feeling well enough. If not today, definitely tomorrow.
Back, going to read and try to make a post today.
I think you might have gotten a little mixed up, and I don't blame you. haha.
Unless James opted to go with that group, he was told/asked by Brooke (I believe) to go with her second group up to a different spot.
The_OverWatcher The_OverWatcher Hey, sorry, you can join but you would need to make a character first. This is the thread we use for OOC discussion.

Crono Crono R U S T R U S T Peacemaker .45 Peacemaker .45
Hey, yeah, sorry, this little mission ended up getting way more complicated than intended, haha. Yeah, James was said to go with Binna's group but I can just do a few edits so that he's with Conrad's group. If you guys needed any clarifying, please let me know!
The_OverWatcher The_OverWatcher Hey, sorry, you can join but you would need to make a character first. This is the thread we use for OOC discussion.

Crono Crono R U S T R U S T Peacemaker .45 Peacemaker .45
Hey, yeah, sorry, this little mission ended up getting way more complicated than intended, haha. Yeah, James was said to go with Binna's group but I can just do a few edits so that he's with Conrad's group. If you guys needed any clarifying, please let me know!
Oh crap I probably mid-read something but thank you for editing that post, next time I’ll make sure to read it clearly. All apologies to the ones effected ^^’

But thank you for editing that I had to read so much that I got confused you don’t mind if he’s in the group with your dude, if so I’ll edit him into binnas group.^^@Crono?
Oh crap I probably mid-read something but thank you for editing that post, next time I’ll make sure to read it clearly. All apologies to the ones effected ^^’

But thank you for editing that I had to read so much that I got confused you don’t mind if he’s in the group with your dude, if so I’ll edit him into binnas group.^^@Crono?
Just to clarify, Group A who is keeping an aerial view from an apartment building is now Brooke, Binna, Elliot, Paul, and Cassidy (I have switched James with Paul for this group).

Group B approaching the military camp from the ground are Alastair, Derek, Ray, James, Jasper, Dean, Sam, Danny , Doctor V, and Conrad.

Aerolyn is in a watchtower within the military camp.

I have sheets up now for every NPC but Jemma (still deciding on a look for her).
Josh Josh just a little clarification I wanted to make, as it might have seemed this way unintentionally. Aerolyn’s four firearms aren’t actually on her. She has her AR-15 and her sidearm. The two other weapons are in her vehicle, as with some of her other gear. She definitely doesn’t have all four on her with a back… which would be crazy heavy…
Josh Josh just a little clarification I wanted to make, as it might have seemed this way unintentionally. Aerolyn’s four firearms aren’t actually on her. She has her AR-15 and her sidearm. The two other weapons are in her vehicle, as with some of her other gear. She definitely doesn’t have all four on her with a back… which would be crazy heavy…
1. First, thanks for the clarification. I apologize for the mistake

2. In Binnas prospective, even that could be seen as " crazy heavy " lol. Look at her prospective. They're a group who try to avoid guns. They use bows, Binna uses a slingshot. Id her view point a little overreaching? Yes. But I still think it's vaild.

3. Im playing monday morning quarterback right now. I'm covering my ass from my mistake. So bare with me lol
1. First, thanks for the clarification. I apologize for the mistake

2. In Binnas prospective, even that could be seen as " crazy heavy " lol. Look at her prospective. They're a group who try to avoid guns. They use bows, Binna uses a slingshot. Is her view point a little overreaching? Yes. But I still think it's vaild.

I am also covering my ass from my mistake. So bare with me lol
That’s ok! I just wanted make sure we were all on the same page here
The_OverWatcher The_OverWatcher
Hey there! I have just a few questions about your character. At what age did he commit arson? And I assume he traveled back home at some point after the outbreak started to have grabbed his father's gun?
The_OverWatcher The_OverWatcher
Hey there! I have just a few questions about your character. At what age did he commit arson? And I assume he traveled back home at some point after the outbreak started to have grabbed his father's gun?
3 years before outbreak did he commit arson and yes he
went home to grab the rifle and a few other things,actually don't approve him just yet I'm going to update him I'll let you know when I'm done

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