The Void

"I'm not one to scare easily." Pandrora giggled. "And I can't really make any promises. Fuses remind me of yarn, which for some reason is highly attractive at the moment, and that's a bit odd. Must be the cat thing. Sorry. Not exactly used to it yet." She smiled.

((OOC: Sooo.... I have no idea what this meeting is for.... I need to ask Kindra....))
Eliza followed Moose and Wes, trying to move as silently as possible as she moved from building to building. Something about her seemed... light. The fact that she could move so swiftly felt so different. It made her feel free. As she jumped to another building, the two she was tailing seemed to almost disappear into the crowd. Scanning through, her eyes caught someone else. Someone familiar.

"Rori!" she whispered to her loudest ability, waving but trying not to attract any unwanted attention. "Rori! Over here!" Eli cursed when she watched her friend enter the same building as the others. She ignored the cat ears and tail, already confused by Moose's tumor-friend. Scaling down the side of the building, the girl blended in with the crowd, making her way into the building.

I guess the plan changed. she thought, entering the building along with the crowd. It was pretty easy to find Pandrora, so she quickly hid behind the back row, a couple of chairs away from her companion. It seemed like she had already made a new friend, too. "Hey!" she whisper-yelled again, slowly making her way over, eventually tapping on her shoulder.

((Sorry it's been a while since I last posted.))
(Ack! Sorry I haven't kept enough track ^.^; If you want me to post, just wait a little while. If not, the meeting was supposed to basically be similar to a Nazi meeting. Brainwashing. Propaganda. New rules for the country. Other things similar to that.)
(Alright. Will do post soon. Can I just know which characters are still in this, still interested, and who is where?)
(( I am. Currently in the building along with most of the gathered citizens and two others from the Void, as far as I can tell. ))
Pandrora and Miki are here!!!!! We are in the meeting hall place waitin for the Nazi propaganda speech :P ((I count Miki as a character now... she just kinda morphed into a bigger role than I planned. lol)) 
Pandrora's feline ears twitched when she thought she heard someone whisper her name. After a moment of silence she shrugged it off and continued to wait for whatever it was this meeting was about.

When someone tapped her shoulder, she jumped a bit, hissing involuntarily. She turned around in her seat to see who was behind her. "Oh! Eli!" She smiled brightly at the familiar face, then giggled. "I just hissed, isn't that funny? I've never done that before. Next thing you know I'll be licking myself."

Pnadrora gestured to the empty seat on the other side of her. "Here. You can sit with me and my new friend Sedrian. He seem's scary at first but don't worry. He's friendly, just a little bipolar I think." Pandrora giggled again and poked Sedrian's cheek.

She really acted a lot like a child, but that was how she'd always been. Even when she was back home in New York City she always had a playful and childish streak. Apparently the Void not only gave her cat features, but enhanced her playful side as well.

"So, Eli, have you seen any others from the Void?" Pandrora asked, her eyes wide and curious.
Sedrian didn't react when he was poked, he didn't want to encourage this behavior seeing as he cureently preffered silence, but of course that could change in any instant.
Eli still had yet to take her seat, instead staying in the back with her head poked in between the two. "It's nice to meet you, Sedrian." she greeted him along with a curt nod before turning her attention back to Rori, though her eyes watched the civilians gather.

"It seems like you aren't the only one whose appearance had changed." she said. "Moose had grown herself a friend. I met up with her after stumbling upon Wes. It seems like he lives here now, but... he had never witnessed something like this."

"They blended in, same as you. I was supposed to watch from outside, but when I saw you enter the plan changed." She smiled. "I'm glad to see you're alright, though. Even more glad that you weren't alone or in danger.
"Are you from the void as well then? What style of magic do you use?" Sedrian asked Eli curiously.
Eli turned to Sedrian, tilting her head in confusion. "Yes, I am but... What do you mean magic?" she asked. This man wasn't crazy, was he?
"So you don't have any special abilities?" Sedrian asked. Maybe not everyone who came out of the void gained any powers
"I thought physical change was the only difference on some people." Eli replied. "All of this is still pretty strange to me. I haven't even thought about having any sort of abilities." She sighed, thinking it over. "Although..."
Eliza shrugged. "I mean, it's possible, I guess. I felt very different since first leaving the void. Maybe it's my new power that I feel?" she answered, still pondering over it.
"That's how I felt until I fine tuned my power. I control the element of Shadow, and I am bipolar, but I can normally control my impulses."
"I like using it, it gives me a wonderful feeling within myself. The power to take someone's life excites me, his or her life within my grasp, it feels so very good."
"Is that right? I'm surprised you laughed at my ideology, most people cringe in fear when they hear it."

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