The Void

Valkyrie felt the cold restraints slip and lock around her wrists, pinning them into place above her head. The soldiers backed away from her and she heard the door click open, echoing in the empty room. She was now fully held down against the flat, steel table. She started struggling, tugging at her robotic arms and legs. "Don't even think about it..." She froze, the voice deep and familiar. To her side, she could feel the coldness of shadows toppling over her and she could smell the faint scent of chemicals and sweat. "Your struggles are a bit in vain, my dear..." The scientist ran his hand over her bound ankles, and she couldn't help but suppress a shiver. "These bindings are made up of titanium, something even you, my creation, can't break through." She felt a frown form in his next words. "I had them made specially prepared for you just in case something like this happens..." She cringed, remembering the lifeless body of her sister lying on the floor of the lab. "You killed her!" She spat, her old tears suddenly finding their way back into her eyes. He stayed silent, but she heard the faint sound of shuffling feet over to a corner of a room. It seemed like he was preparing something, metal clinked against metal. She knew what was coming. She took a deep breath and sighed, relaxing her head against the table. It was all worth it, she thought, I will get to see you again, my sister...

A dull throb pulsated throughout her body. She woke up in a daze, slowly helping herself up by her arms. She was no longer bound, and the air was different. Am I dead yet? She wondered. If so, she praised the scientist for giving her such a quick and painless death. But why can't I remember anything...? She tried to reminisce anything about her death; but only silence answered her. She cursed herself for her inability to see. If only I was able to visualize the situation, she sighed. However, even with everything that happened, she couldn't help but feel that she had left something out. That maybe she wasn't dead. She sobbed at the memory of her sister. Valkyrie remembered how her sister would console her every night... Nonetheless, she was happy to finally be rid of the awful camp and its people. She pushed herself up off the ground and stood up, treading carefully along the solid ground so she wouldn't bump into anything. Time seemed to pass quickly while she was in the void. She met people who seemed to be just as lost as she was, but she never made any emotional attachments to any of them.

It was a normal day in the void. She was wandering, as usual, when suddenly, the floor underneath her feet opened up and she found her self dropping from solid ground. A scream followed her downwards, her heart beating so fast she thought it was going to explode. After a few seconds, she finally relaxed. The feeling of cool air rushing past her body was beginning to be exhilarating. She was enjoying the fall; the way it made her head light and her body float. This was the first taste of freedom that she'd ever had.

She didn't know how long she continued to fall for after that.

It all happened a lot quicker than she though it would. She remembered the temperature dropping, then strange but familiar sounds and smells all rushing at her at once. The first thing she felt wasn't something pleasant. She hit something. Hard. A tree broke her fall, but it was nothing short of hitting concrete. The pain shot up her body a second later, and she was almost too sure that if she still had a human body, a spine and a few ribs would've been broken. She let out a yelp of pain before she found herself toppling from the tree and into a small clearing in the forest. Luckily, she was falling dead center on a small patch of soft dirt. She whimpered as she hit the ground, throwing ashes of dirt everywhere around her. She lay there, for a bit, recovering from the impact. Surprisingly, she heard the sound of distant chatter somewhere nearby.
Wes followed behind her keeping the pace he was given. " So you really think you'll find them in the forest ?" He thought about the others again. It would be nice to see a few more familiar faces. He though to himself. But it seems Eliza hurry was of grave importance. Nevertheless he decided to keep quiet and follow her in this case two was better then one.
"My names Thane" he said as he took the two hands offered to himself. To people who said they were Kiki and Rori he gave a polite smile that showed a hint of confusion and annoyed look as he stood up with the help of the two hands.

"So if I'm not drunk and neither is anyone else then where are we? How did we get here and how the hell does a catman exist???" He spoke directing it towards the entire group as he was still very much trying to connect the dots. Then he turned to the girl called Rori. "You do realize you are talking to yourself, unless you are in truth talking to that butterfly?" He said with a curious as he looked into the girl's eyes.

Then he heard what seemed like a faint yelp. "Did um anyone here that?" he said like saying it might cause some horror movie creature to appear. "Maybe we should um check it out?" he asked openly.
Eli didn't reply. Actually, she didn't really hear what Wes was saying. She was way too hyped up on adrenaline as she ran through alleyways, down streets, wherever the treeline took her. It wasn't long before she found herself facing the city gates, which she started climbing without hesitation, yelling the names of her companions as she did so.
Zack was wandering around the void looking for people to talk too, he would have went insane if they weren't here, him socialising with them helped him keep that little piece of sanity left in him but today Zack couldn't find anyone which was surprising after what felt like a year Zack had never looked around for a couple of minutes before he managed to find someone but this time was different."Where is everyo-"Zack was cut off when he felt an invisible force wrap around him it was like when he got sucked into the void, was he finally getting out of here ?

Zack woke up lying on the grass he sat up and looked around him he saw a giant polluted city and a large ominous forest, he began too stand up even though he felt dizzy he managed not to fall back down again, in the distance he could see people outside the city Zack thought he recognised them but he wasn't sure he slowly walked towards them hoping to get some information.
"Leviathan?" Moose thought for a moment. Somehow, the parasite within her head had a conscience. She didn't think she was loosing it at all, in fact, she expected something weird like this to happen. She gave a small smile and looked up at Leviathan. "Alright, Leviathan! Will you help me find my friends?"

"Why, of course, my darling." Leviathan maneuvered his snake-like body to wrap around Moose's body while still connecting to Moose's head. He gave the air a small whiff, and looked over in a certain direction. "I can hear someone calling your name, not to far from here..."

Moose nodded, but she couldn't help but wonder how Leviathan knew her name. Perhaps she was sharing her knowledge with him, as he was attached to her brain. Picking up her tight dress, Moose trotted in the way that Leviathan had pointed in to find the mystery voice.

When they had arrived, Leviathan's early-Draculan voice rang again. "Slow down, my dear..." Moose gently stopped right in her place, looking around. Her eyes particularly set on Eli, Moose smiled with glee. "Eli! Thank goodness!" "My word!" Leviathan responded. Moose walked up to Eli, her positiveness now peaking. Her friends from the void were here with her!
"Moose!" Eli exclaimed, taking her friend in a hug. "Thank god you're here! I was so worried. Have you seen the others? You won't believe who I found on my way here!" She talked so fast, she felt like her mouth was numbing. Eventually she had to stop herself, taking a deep breath and releasing the girl from her embrace. "It's just so good to see... You?"

Eliza stared at the snake-like creature on Moose's head. "What... What's that?" she asked.
A large voice on an intercom could be heard throughout the city, and slightly on the outskirts of it, saying, "CITIZENS. PLEASE REMEMBER THE MANDATORY MEETING HAPPENING IN AN HOUR. DO NOT BE LATE." The voice echoed, completely audible, and a little eerie. Citizens of the town ignored everything else, stopped what they were going, and began walking somewhere. It was almost like clockwork.

Kiki was about to answer to Thane, but jumped at the loud intercom voice. She grimaced, and looked in the direction that the yelp was in, then back at Thane, "I don't know what to investigate first.... I'll follow you..." Kiki wasn't one for leading usually, and just wanted to get somewhere. To do something. To figure something out.
Wes looked around as he looked at the people walk around in town. " Um excuse.....Hello....Can you...." He questions were ignored as the people walked past him. " It's like they've gone robotic. " He looked over to Eliza and Moose. " So what do you guys wanna do ?" He watched as his Master's Car followed in the direction of the rest. " Whatever this meeting is, it must be big."
"What? Oh this?" Moose turned to try and look up at Leviathan, but he was literally attached to her head so instead he was just pushed back. "Well, you know that parasite I mentioned? Apparently, this is it now..."

"Pleased to meet your acquaintance, madam..." Leviathan gave a polite smile as he used his tail to perform a little curtsy to Eliza. He looked up, his mind particularly focused on the message that sounded just now.

"CITIZENS. PLEASE REMEMBER THE MANDATORY MEETING HAPPENING IN AN HOUR. DO NOT BE LATE." Everyone had stopped what they were doing immediately to listen, then resumed like robots when it was over. Moose looked over at the citizens in confusion. "This definitely isn't my home... We never had meetings like this... What should we do?"
Wes looked at them and then to Moose. " Beside the fact that this place is definitely not what i expected. Maybe we should check this meeting out." He looked at Moose. " On second thought, maybe we should just have one of us go in." He looked at the people. " I wonder what happen to make the people go like this. The place seem so lively before. Well as lively as this place can be."
Eli smiled at the parasite, awkwardly waving to it. "Uh.. Hi there. It's nice to meet you, too." Her sights lingered on the strange little thing for a few more moments, but her attention was easily grabbed by something very loud.

Eliza stopped to listen to the message, and it was strangely eerie. Mandatory meeting? She couldn't help but look back at the smog-filled city, imagining the people she had seen before; quite a few seemed to be marching in a certain direction a little ahead of time. "I don't like this." she said, shaking her head. "But... If we heard it the others might have, too. And, honestly, I'm curious as to who would summon the entire population into a single area... And why."
As Thane heard the message over the loud intercoms something told him that it wasn't a simple city hall meeting. There was something about it that made him edgy and doubt the people around him. "That didn't sound so friendly" He said uneasily. He looked around at the people near him, just who were they? Could he trust them?

"I think we should start with that thud first then work our way to the city" He suggested. He reached down towards his duffle bag and unzipped it. He shuffled through it then pulled out a sturdy wooden baseball bat that seemed to have a few dozen nails pounded in it. He looked up at the other people wondering if he should give an explanation. "Ummm it um puts my nerves to ease" he said giving a crappy forced grin trying to lighten things. He zipped up He took off walking towards the sound of the thud then looked back "um anyone is welcome to check it out with me if they want" He said unsure then resumed walking.
Vi sat up slowly, flexing her robotic arms. "Aish... that hurt..." she frowned. From the distance, she could hear a booming voice. "Is it possible that I'm near a city...?" She mumbled, her eyes lighting up. If she was near the city, that could only mean one thing -- that the void had spit her out into the real world. But why...? And where...? She composed herself and tried to visualize where she was. She was in forest, and a very big one too. Considering that she could hear the speaker from here, that must mean that there is a city somewhere close.

Sitting on the ground, she was barely making out the conversation that seemed to be taking place very close by. Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming closer. They were heavy -- male footsteps, to be exact. She could make out a few other people following him. She leaped up and faced the noise, ready to defend at the first hint of danger. She stood confidently, even though she could feel a tang of nervousness biting at the back of her mind.
Wes looked at Eliza. " Maybe we should follow the crowd and see what happens." he looked to the people all keeping to one another in an orderly fashion. " If we don't follow they may think something is out of order and next thing you know we drawn more attention then we had hoped." He looked back at the forest. " Besides you may be right. They might catch on to the same idea and we'll meet up with everyone soon."
(Sorry I wasn't able to post yesterday, been busy with homework. I'll catch up and post today :] ) 
Lliam watched in apathy as Kiki approached the boy who had fallen from the sky. Apparently he had no recollection of being in the void; in fact, he had the strange idea that he was drunk. Lliam scoffed to himself, "How the heck can you not remember living in emptiness for god knows how long?" His friend kindly introduced herself to the new boy, but Lliam had no interest in him save for the fact that his amnesia was amusing. Therefore, he turned his back to Rori who was still mumbling to herself. He was puzzled to say the least and as he was about to ask the question that was probably on everyone's mind the boy from behind beat him to it. Despite wanting to ask the question himself, Lliam shrugged it off and proceeded to the question asked to him. "The names Lliam and yes I came from the big empty blob in the sky like you" He said with a slight bit of sarcasm in his voice. Lliam approached the girl and gave her hand a slight squeeze; although he was a bit cold, he wasn't a complete jerk.

As he was about to begin with another sarcastic comment about how it wasn't neccesarily nice to meet her, a loud voice rang through the city. "CITIZENS. PLEASE REMEMBER THE MANDATORY MEETING HAPPENING IN AN HOUR. DO NOT BE LATE."

Lliam flinched at the thunderous voice, his heart beating against his chest like a rapid drum. "What the heck? That sounds a bit sketchy" He said aloud. He hadn't intended to say it as loud as he did, but his perception of hearing was slightly off - his ears were ringing like crazy. He turned to Kiki, who was still standing next to the guy, however he was no holding onto a bat with rigid nails coming out the sides. "Wow, what's that for? Going to club someone to death?" He chuckled, his tone playful and slightly sarcastic. Although he hadn't been following their conversation, Lliam assumed they were headed into the forest. "I'm not sure which one is worse. The gloomy city of mystery, or the forest of apparent death?" He spoke aloud, "In any case, I can't just leave Kiki alone. So I'm coming with you. Although it is a bit dangerous considering we don't know what the sound was." He looked at Thane, examining him further; he was quite interesting and Lliam could tell by the skeptical look in his eye that he wasn't very comfortable with the group yet. With a small chuckle he approached the boy, "I said it before but i'm not sure if you heard it, you know with you feeling drunk and all; but, the names Lliam." Although he appeared to be polite, Lliam had his eye on the boy. "Keep you friends close, and enemies closer," he thought.
Just as Zack began to walk towards the people he could see in the distance he heard a loud thundering voice echo from the city "CITIZENS. PLEASE REMEMBER THE MANDATORY MEETING HAPPENING IN AN HOUR. DO NOT BE LATE."A mandatory meeting ? Zack thought to himself, where was he, it was like earth but it was way too different to be possible he could feel the smog enter his lungs as he breathed he wouldn't be surprised if it rained acid.

"I've got too find the others soon, I hope there here or else I'm screwed" Zack mumbled to himself.Zack decided to begin to walk into the city and see what this mandatory meeting was about, hopefully if the others where here they would do the same.
Eliza nodded. "I suppose... But I don't know if I can keep it up. Besides, Moose kind of stands out with her new friend sticking out of her head." she replied. "Maybe one of us should blend with the crowd, while the other two follow from a distance?" Eli let out a sigh. "I mean, I'm just... not entirely sure about this place, you know? It all seems way too weird and suspicious to me."
Wes looked up. " I'll go in and check it out. Besides if i don't show i'm sure i'll end up in trouble in the long run With the Head Butler and the Master of the house." He looked to Eliza and Moose. " You two should find a place to keep cover. " He walked into the crowd and kept with them slowly. He didn't want to go in alone but he knew it was the better choice. He looked at them all. They were all just walking no emotion, no thoughts just robotic. He followed as they grew closer to their destination.
Moose balled her hands into fists in protest. "But, we can't just let one of us go off alone like that!" She gave a small frown, turning to Eliza. "Eli, I'm going no matter what. By any means..." Moose gave a look to Wes who gone off without them.

"That can be arranged." Leviathan wrapped his head around the top part of his body, then wrapped the bottom part of his body around Moose's neck. "It might help to look like some type of flair... A beret and a necklace..."
Eli almost protested in her argument, but eventually decided that this wasn't the time for bickering. "Alright, alright... But I'll keep an eye on both of you. Any sign of trouble and i'll be there, okay?" she said. She looked off to where Wes had gone, watching him vanish within the crowds, then looked back at her friend. "Please be careful, Moose."
Ever since Jack was thrown in The void or as he thought hell he stay away from the other groups he saw since he thought they were same.

Everyday was same in this so called endless hell of weirdness because of that he lost track of time.

Has been days or months since that day. as always whenever jack thought he got clear pic of his brother lying there with blood gush from left side of his head.

jack immerse himself in regret and self loath but most of it hurt that was according to him his punishment. while he was lost in his thought the floor cracked and suddenly jack was falling he start screaming "What the hell. i am going to deeper in hell please no, not this. Anything but this please god. give chance to repent my sin plea...!" Jack never got finish his sentence as he pass out.

"oh" Jack woke up in forest but felt sore as some beat bunch bats, but the sky was getting darker towards what it looked like end of forest also there tiny faint light but something was pulling him in towards forest but he decided ignore it and walked towards opening only to find headlights of town but if it wants for lights he would had miss it since it was covered in thick dark fog then suddenly he heard roar and girl´s voice calling for help from the forest first he hesitated because of the strange draw towards the forest but then it hit him like lightning maybe this draw was something god gave so he could repent by helping people.

it didn't strike him odd that felt draw towards the forest ever since he woke up.

Jack ran towards girl's voice but he got there he saw two girls and and injured human looking black beast but what struck him the oddest was the girl with brown hair since she had tail and cat ears.

Jack stay hidden since he notice the draw or maybe feeling pulled came from deeper in forest.

the weird monster crew and 18 maybe 17 year old blonde which now recognize as one of people who was in the strange hell since he saw her few times helping others even ask him to come with her which he wanted but denied which made not want to come forward. the group stood up and beast or black tiger was leaning on the blonde as they walked towards the town, jack was quietly following unseen.

As group left forest Jack starts feel sick and strange feeling and it's draw was getting stronger like something was calling for him so much that he was running towards it as he pass maze of trees guided only by strange and even controlling feeling he emerge at pond which looked filth and polluted, but the strangest thing was draw was most intense in towards pound and Jack slowly walks to it and like he was on automatic he touches the polluted water with his hand then it is like the whole pound light up. wow did I just do that

Yes you did my savior, you saved me as i was dying but it took you long enough. I been calling for you since i felt your presence just pop up.

Jack stood there frozen as he shocked since no one was there but he was certain he heard male voice," Who is there and you better show your self because if you don't I will f... you up cause you don't know who you messing with man."

I am right here and who you going to mess with puny human with call of water.

Jack start get angry start to wonder what can punk he is dealing "What the hell do you mean you are right here stop hiding come out you freak." Suddenly the water starts spinning to middle pound forming a into human shape which freak Jack even more. "okay this day has officially become the most f..ed day of my life first tiger with seemingly human limps, girl with cat ears and tail and now water that from into man and it speaks. whats next the sky will fall." but what came next was voice calling "CITIZENS. PLEASE REMEMBER THE MANDATORY MEETING HAPPENING IN AN HOUR. DO NOT BE LATE."

Not sky falling but close don't you think said water man which pissed of jack even more since star find this water man quite annoying. " shut up i still think you are weirdest thing that happened to me. just my luck water with attitude. by the way do know what that meant, water man."

No, i don't since you were kind enough to mention that i am water so i cant leave the pound and it is the first time i manifest. by the way my name is not water man, it is Stale pound but you can call me Stale, mister i am so normal said Water man named Stale Pound.

Jack looked Stale " What do you mean it you first time to manifest?"

Okay mister slow you gave me form by that weird thing you did.

" What weird thing i just touch you for god sake!" Jack scream Stale.

I don't know but hey i like it anyway also i get bad feeling from weird call earlier if i was you i wouldn't go."

for once Jack agreed with Stale since he felt that it gave off a bad vibe.
((Sorry I haven't posted in forever :/ ))

"Right, I'm going too." Pandrora said, moving toward Kiki and Thane, although she was a bit wary about Thane's baseball bat. She was eager to get out of this forest. Then she remembered the scary cat-man and turned back toward him, a worried expression on her face. "Are you coming too? Or are you going to stay here?"

"Miki come too! Miki come too!" The butterfly announced, flitting around the heads of Pandrora, Kiki, and Thane.

"Miki, stop. You're too annoying to come along." Pandrora sighed.

"But... but... Miki stay with funny girl!" Miki protested, landing on Pandrora's bangs and shimmying to the ends of her hair so that she was hanging down in Pandrora's face.

"I told you I'm RORI! And no. No talking butterflies allowed." She swatted Miki away.

"Funny girl..." Miki said saddly, then she flew into the trees and disappeared.

"Okay, now that that's taken care of we can go!" Pandrora said with a smile, turning back to Kiki and Thane. Without Pandrora realizing, Miki flew back in from behind a branch and latched herself on the skirt of Pandrora's dress.
(I don't remember what I was doing last in this Rp, but this weekend was nuts! Sorry for the delay. Will post momentarily once I get back my bearings!)

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