The Void


I am the Deathkitten! Fear me!
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Without light, there is darkness. Without either, there is void. This void has always existed, a gap between the real world, and another plane altogether. Here, in this void, the worlds mix, causing, at times, odd occurrences to happen, such as all of you being taken there. You are all from Earth, all over the globe, but now have new-found elemental magic thanks to the void. It was present day that you were taken into the void by unseen forces...however... The year is now 3059, and this void has finally spit you all back out, all in the same area.

While in the void, time passed quickly. It seemed like only a month went by at most. None of you know how long for sure. This time may have been spent getting to know the others, but who knows? The void was nice, accommodating, and you never seemed to get hungry, but your abilities hadn't blossomed yet. It was only once you were all back onto Earth that they flourished and appeared.

The world of 3059 is dark, dismal, and overall depressing. You don't know why yet. In this new time, a new world order had been erected, replacing the previous governments. They even went as far as to destroy all history books they could get their hands on that told of the old times, where the government didn't have total control.

Outside of the huge metropolis, there are dark, foreboding forests that line the city like a barrier. It looks dangerous, and even feels dangerous, though it is still very much alive. You came on a bad day, a stormy day so bad that day looks like night, and it would be pitch black if not for the lights from the city. Not only that, but it is a "holiday" of sorts...


Intro Post:

The void had sucked her in, just like it had sucked all of them in. All the other kids... well... basically kids. Might as well be. Most of them were younger than her, but in the time spent, which seemed like an eternity, but really only was about a month. Time always did that to her, slipped by, but seemed like it went on forever. This little effect never made sense to her. She pondered at times if it was because of human's short existence, and that the mind just makes it seem longer than it really is, to make you happy. Really she didn't know, but it didn't bother her much. She was content with just living.

This place made her so very worried, and stressed, and depressed. It tore her sanity to bits, no matter how hard she tried to keep it together. There were a few times that she had snapped at the others, seeming all too unlike herself. She had been just writing at her computer desk her next book, while she was in her home, in her study. Then... POOF, and she was here, in the void. At first she thought that she had just dosed off, that it was all a dream, and that she would wake up in no time.

When she didn't though, she broke down crying, figuring out that it was real. It tore her to bits, and she didn't know how to deal with it. Many of the others had such hard upbringings, but she was well off, intelligent, and had perfect parents. She had a perfect life.

This void only let her keep three things. She had a katana strapped to her back, a dagger in her pocket, and a note left by her mothers. It read, Be home soon Kiki. We are looking forward to seeing you darling. We left to go on a little vacation. You know how work has been lately... we needed this. Lots of Love, Lucy and Leena. There was a picture of them taped to the note, smiling, an arm around one another.

Kiki sighed, but could barely get the breath out before the world, this void, shook like an earthquake was hitting it. A deep black hole opened up in the ground, and basically sucked her in. She didn't know where the others were, or what happened to them. Kiki was almost more worried about them than she was herself. They had become, in some ways, a second family to her, and her motherly instincts would kick in often with them.

The void spit her out into what she assumed was the real world. Her crystalline eyes shot wide open, as she took in the world around her. Kiki was just sitting there, looking around like a deer in headlights. "It looks... so... different... This has to be a dream... This is weirder than that odd void-like place..." Kiki said in her sweet, small musical voice. She looked behind her, and stared at what seemed to be a dense forest, foreboding and dark in nature.

She was just outside of this forest, and forward was a large town. If not for the bright lights coming from the buildings, and signs that she couldn't yet read, she wouldn't be able to see anything. At least, that is what she thought, though at the same time, all the darkness looked brighter to her than she remembered it to be.

This town didn't seem any nicer than the forest really, storm clouds looming above it like a beacon of despair. Kiki couldn't see through their thickness to see if it was night or day. They seemed unnatural, and fixed it place. It unnerved her more than anything else did. She was the only one here as of yet, and Kiki had no clue if any of the others were going to show up or not.

(Yuuki18, Juno Cray, Créateur, C h a t N o i r, ForgeKeeper, YoungChaos, Miranae, HanaChan13, Sensei, and last but certainly not least, Djinni You may all start posting now!)
Eliza had always wondered if she could have prevented getting sucked into the Void. She wondered if she had been in a different place-- whether it be a mere foot away from where she was standing or already home-- would she have still been taken? Perhaps the Void had fixated on the group specifically for an unknown purpose. The more she thought about it, the more she didn't understand. She wanted to go home. To her mother.

However... The more time she spent with the others the more she grew attached to them. There were even some times when she didn't think about her mother at all. Eli seemed to leave behind that world eventually, focusing more on her new friends than getting back to her old life. What had she really missed, anyway? She couldn't remember. Not really.

But, for some reason, she found herself alone in the Void again. She had walked a little ways in order to find the others, but couldn't. And then, below her opened a hole that dropped her what felt like thousands of feet in just mere seconds.

The next thing she knew, she was in a different, yet familiar place. She stood on a darkened sidewalk, streetlights only lighting the way as a few people pushed passed her and headed for the same direction. Eliza turned to watch them go, and it was then she realized she had something in her hand. She looked down, and in it was a bag full of groceries, making up ingredients for one of her mother's favorite meals. She dropped it and ran in the opposite direction as everyone else.

Eli was back in the real world. It was the same, but completely different. She looked up at the darkened sky.

I need to find the others. she thought.
After years, or atleast it felt like years to Karjo, that he spent his time in the void Wandering aimlessly; thinking it might truly what insanity felt like. For all who knows Jo might actually be Insane, or well at least he thought so for the time being. Jo was always thinking about his beautiful calico cat that he use to take on for walks. Most of the time it was meant to Scare his neighbors away, but actually enjoyed other times.

Jo was always wanting to know more about the world, but he didn't actually want to be sucked in a void of "unknowing." He wanted out. He didn't want to stay here any longer... He felt trapped, caged, bound, to this void of his. He was surely not a happy camper.

Suddenly he felt an invisible force wrap around his body, engulfing him entirely, He started to feel his organs shut down slowly, The only thing he could see was a pure black hand forcing him down and down; the floor slipped from underneath him.

He was falling from the night sky, into a world unknown to him, unfamiliar, dark forests below. As he broke the barrier of the void and into the earth He felt the smoggy air envelop into his lungs. He left the wind rush by him which caught him back to his attention he was falling from the sky. Jo Started to cry for help, although he knew nothing would save him, but only a roar came from his vocal cords. There was something different about him. Before he could figure what happened to him he fell down into the forest hitting every possible branch he could hit knocking him unconscious In the middle of a dark, damp forest...
"Mello, Mo, Tohru, Jun, Nikita, Froople, Waka, Kuni, Lili, Rocco, Mom." Pandrora muttered. "Mello, Mo, Tohru, Jun, Nikita, Froople, Waka, Kuni, Lili, Rocco, Mom." She said again. She missed them. She missed them all so so much. How were they doing without her? Was her mom still waiting for her to come home from school like she always did? Waiting with that bright smile, saying "Hows my baby today? I've missed you!" Pandrora missed her too. "Mello, Mo, Tohru, Jun, Nikita, Froople, Waka, Kuni, Lili, Rocco, Mom." How much time had passed since she got here? This strange empty place.

Hours? Weeks? Years? It couldn't have been years, Pandrora was still the same age she had been when she was taken away. Sixteen. Or at least, she was pretty sure she was the same age. She had no access to a mirror, but when she looked down at her hands they looked the same. Still tiny and wrinkle free, her nails hadn't grown, and her hair was still in it's poofy pigtails. Surely if too much time had passed those things would have changed, right?

Somewhere in this blankness she had met others. More people who had been trapped here and separated from their world. But somewhere in this blankness she had lost them as well. "Mello, Mo, Tohru, Jun, Nikita, Froople, Waka, Kuni, Lili, Rocco, Mom." She muttered again, like it was the only thing helping her keep a hold on reality. ...Was this even reality at all?

And then, just as quickly as she had been sucked in, she was spit out. With a cry, she fell through the night air, narrowly missing multiple branches until she landed with a painful thud on the cold, damp forest floor. "Ow..." She muttered, standing up and rubbing her sore hip. "Well that wasn't fun."

"Not fun, Not fun..." A tiny voice echoed. "Woke Miki up! Not fun..."

Pandrora spun around, "Who said that?" She squinted her eyes and searched through the darkness for the source of the voice.

"Funny girl hear?" The tiny voice spoke again.

"Who are you?" Pandrora called, beginning to feel a bit panicked. "Show yourself!"

Suddenly a little purple butterfly flitted out from behind a leaf on one of the big trees near where Pandrora had landed. "Funny girl hear?" The tiny voice repeated.

Pandrora gasped, looking at the butterfly with wide eyes. "You can talk?!"

The butterfly flew in excited circles around Pandrora's head. "Funny girl does hear! Funny girl hears Miki!" The butterfly landed on Pandrora's shoulder and said, "Miki stay with funny girl now. Miki happy funny girl hears! Although Miki was sleeping and funny girl made loud noise, Miki still happy!"

Pandrora was so confused. Since when could butterflies talk? "Your name is Miki?" She asked.

"Miki! Miki!" The butterfly repeated happily.

"Well," Pandrora continued, "My name's not "funny girl" so call me Rori, okay? And what's so funny about me anyway?"

"Funny girl have tail, silly funny girl. Tail not normal right?" Miki laughed like the sound of a bell.

"A tail? What..." Pandrora reached back and lo and behold, she had a big fluffy tail! "Oh!" She was about to ask Miki if she knew why all of this strange stuff was happening to her, when she heard a loud animalistic roar and a crashing sound through the trees.

"Nother funny?" Miki questioned.

"I don't know..." Pandrora started off through the trees in the direction of the roar. After a while of walking, she found a big, furry, black mass. She circled around it and found that it had the face of what looked like a jaguar! Although the mass was covered in fur, it had an almost human-like shape. It looked hurt.

"Miki don't like this funny. This funny look scary..."

Pandrora knelt down next to the creature and shook it's shoulder lightly. "Hey, are you okay? Wake up!"

This place was getting weirder and weirder by the second, making Pandrora almost wish for the familiarity of the void again.
The day Lliam was absorbed by the void was completely normal. He was on his way to his class, conversing with one of his close friends. In fact, it was one of the only close friends he'd really made at his college in the passed three years. However, he didn't really care, "the less friends you have the less drama you have to deal with." He remembered now as he walked around aimlessly in the void. It was so long ago, or so it felt, but he could still recall the details so vividly. Despite it all though, he was happy. Unlike the others he'd encountered here in the void, he enjoyed the freedom that it entailed. The freedom that the void brought him was something he'd wished for during his days on earth.

"But what about your family?" A lot of his new acquaintances would ask. "Don't you miss them?" Lliam answered with a nonchalant yes, but nothing more. In all honesty, he didn't miss them any less than the others; but he was already used to being apart from them - physically, and emotionally. Nevertheless, he was able to find joy in this emptiness. He was allowed to finally be himself. After what seemed to be a few years, Lliam was even able to learn how to wield daggers. He'd gotten a weird looks from those around him, and he knew exactly what most of the were yearning to know: Where exactly did he get daggers from? The answer was simple, he'd bought them on ebay a few weeks prior to being sucked into the void and had them within his bag. Thus, when he was sucked into the void, he had his backpack as well as his daggers.

Which is, ironically, how he was separated from his group on this day. He'd left the group to go practice his weaponry like always. However, today was different; the void felt different, more alive than it had the entire time they were all there. Lliam proceeded to walk, until he felt his leg snag on something. He found this fact completely odd considering there was nothing that could catch his leg in a void of emptiness. With a sudden glance down, he realized that his leg was snagged but being sucked downwards. "What the he--" He tried to pull up his leg, but it was no use. Lliam sunk deeper and deeper into the dark mass the more he struggled. By the time he began to call for help, he was completely enveloped.

Unlike the void, where the plains allowed for standing, this space felt heavy. He was falling down into a spiral of nothingness. The air was so full of pressure, his body began to shut down. His heart beat droned slowly as his lungs began to expand less and less. The last thing he saw was the looming darkness of his eyes shutting.

After what seemed like mere moments, Lliam opened his eyes slowly. His mind raced trying to recall what happened before he had passed out. From the slightly thump of his head and the ache that accompanied it, Lliam could tell he must of landed hard. "But where am I?" He thought aloud, wincing as he rose to his feet shakily. Lliam turned his gaze to the silent forest on his left, and felt a shiver slither down his spine. For some reason, it gave off a dark aura, "Seems like a place I wouldn't want to go." After taking a few steps away from the forest, the boy turned his gaze to the city to his right. Everything around it was covered in a dark thick fog, and he would've missed it if he hadn't seen the lights coming from within. He slowly made his way through the city entrance, not sure if he was allowed to enter or not. "Maybe the others are inside?" He thought, reassuring himself.
Jo Flicked open his Greenish eyes, At he sound of a little girl's voice. He was very wounded but th fact that his fur hid his wound seemed like he was some what alright At first he thought it was one of those annoying Girl scout girls trying to nip money from him in change for crappy cookies. But he realized that this wasn't "that" kind of world anymore. Ho bounded up in a flash of greyish black of fur in the air. pulling himself up to his full height as an Anthro.

"who are you?! I demand to know!!" He snapped his maws at the girl. instinctively his ear were pined down and his white feline teeth bared, also his black fur sprawled out seeming to bigger than normal. Although he seemed to be dangerous he was in no mood, nor need to fight. Most of his wounds were on his left side, a closer look was that his leg was spranged and popped out of place in two different joints, forcing him to shift his weight to the right side.

To no avail his pain got the better of him; he slunked down after backing away from the girl into a catlike position, with his silky black fur still on edge to the girl's presence.
Pandrora tumbled backwards when the cat-like man snapped at her.

"Not funny! Scary! Scary!" Miki cried fluttering in panicked circles around Pandrora's head.

"Sh, Miki, calm down!" Pandrora said to the butterfly. Then she slowly made her way over to the stranger. Her animal-loving instincts were kicking in and she felt the urge to help him in any way she could. "M-my name is Rori." She said to him, still inching closer, scooting her way across the dirt. "What's your name? Or, do you not have one? Did you come from the Void too?"

"No, funny girl, don't talk to scary-scary! Scary-scary bad!" Miki insisted, but Pandrora caught her in her hands, cutting off her voice.

"Ignore the talking butterfly, this place is just weird." Pandrora apologized. "So... Are you? From the Void, I mean?" She had just about reached him by now.

"Silly funny girl," Miki chirped, squirming out of Pandrora's hands. "People can't hear Miki. Only funny girl hears Miki!"

Pandrora ignored the butterfly, seeing now how badly injured the stranger was. "Oh wow... We need to get you some help... " Pandrora looked around and then shouted at the top of her lungs, "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP US PLEASE!"

Hopefully somebody would hear her...
Jo's ears pinned back again as the the girl slipped closer towards him after saying her name. He hissed slightly and patted her with his paw not wanting to hurt her, but to scare her a tad. He also glanced over at the Little butterfly but shrugged it off as nothing to e worried about.

Jo replied to her question with a hard cat-like tone "My name doesn't matter at the moment, but yes, yes I am. Are you suppose to be some type of neko fur ball or some sort?? Is this world some type of freak show?" he growled, seemingly agitated by the observation of his long black tail flicking back and forth. Obviously he hasn't looked at his arms or what not.

Jo winced as the girl screamed out for help; his ears rotated like a sonar as he heard flapping of wings from birds that the girl startled.
Kiki stood, and ran towards the shouting, the voice vaguely familiar. In a short period of time, she came across a girl, a butterfly, and an anthro cat of some sort. "What happened? Is everyone..." she began, then winced as she saw the man's injuries. "I am not a nurse... but maybe I can do something for him..." she knelt down beside his leg, and looked at him, "This is going to hurt." Then, without further warning, she popped the two joints back into place, one at a time, wincing each time, knowing it would hurt horribly. Kiki looked to Pandrora, "I know you... don't I? The void. I think we met in that weird place. I am surprised. I wonder if everyone is here..?"
As Lliam entered the fog covered town, he noticed that not only was the town surrounded but it was filled with fog as well. Fortunately the fog was considerably less thick inside the town than outside. "Where the heck is all this fog coming from?" He thought as he continued down the town roads. He glanced from left to right, taking in the site of an actual city. Inside the void, there had been nothing, only a few select people who were also sucked inside. Although he wasn't sure how long he was inside, he found the site of the buildings to be rather intriguing; however, it wasn't the buildings themselves that interested him. Their structure was what caught his immediate attention - their style wasn't like anything that he remembered from his own time. They were rigid and resembled renaissance based. But what he found even more strange was that the townspeople didn't wear any garments from that time period. "Seems like the freshman history class did pay off a little," he mumbled to himself as he passed down the roads.

Initially, the fog clouded his site making it difficult to see, but after almost 10 minutes of walking his eyes adjusted. Although this didn't help him, considering he didn't even know where he was. With a sigh of relief, he moved over to a small building that had the logo of "Town inn" labeled above it. As he was about to enter, a young child ran passed him - clearly in a hurry. Lliam sat outside the shop, not wanting to enter and draw suspicion to himself. "These people could be hostile to foreigners for all I know," he thought cautiously. Being in a new land and remaining safe was his top priority. Lliam drifted over to a nearby window that allowed him to peak inside the building. Luckily for him, the window was slightly cracked and he was able to eavesdrop. He heard the young boy ranting inside about a black beast and a young girl outside of town. What caught his attention was that the girl outside was apparently speaking to the beast. "Is that even possible? Maybe in this world magic exists?" If he was back in his world, he would've shrugged it off as nothing more than a naive idea; however, after living int he void, nothing was impossible.

"And then a blonde girl with blue eyes ran up towards them..." The young boy from inside shouted. Lliam chuckled to himself a bit at the outburst.

"You'd think they'd never seen a blonde here," He said humorously. However, the thought struck him that maybe it was kiki. Although he wasn't sure, it was worth a shot. The problem that remained was that he didn't even know where the boy saw them. He had no way of even knowing where they were. Lliam waited mere moments more, pondering several ways to search for the "could-be" kiki. However, the best route would be to somehow get the young boy to show him where they were.

Suddenly a shout was heard from inside, "A beast? This close to the city? Show me where it is?" Lliam glanced into the window once more to see an older man and a younger boy running out the door. Luckily for him, they were so entranced with finding the beast they ran right passed him. Lliam wasted no time following the boy and the older man. However, what concerned him the most was that the older man had a weapon in his hands; but the fog was so thick that he couldn't tell what the man was carrying.

The two males ran through the city, traversing several streets and taking several turns, before stopping at what looked like another entrance into the city. The older man told the young boy to stay back, as he approached and opened the gate. As the doors opened Lliam could see Kiki standing outside with a black tiger-like beast, and another young girl. He wanted to alert the two girls, but the older man was already shouting. "You girls come over here, no sudden movements or he might eat you."

Lliam wasted no time running passed the young boy and older man to Kiki, "Are you alright?" He asked referring more to ending up in this strange world rather than the tiger. After living in an empty world for such a long time, the sight of a tiger actually didn't really phase him.
As Eliza traveled further down the sidewalk, the less people she began to see and the faster she ran. She called out the names of her companions, wishing she could find just one of them...

What if i'm all alone?

No! She couldn't think like that. She had to focus on finding the others and figuring out what happened and where they are. She didn't like this place one bit, and the air around it seemed almost suffocating.
Karjo howled As the woman Immediately popped his joints back in place. He hissed at her, spatting curse words left and right. He shrinked away after she was finished with him, flicking his tail back and forth wildly.

"Damn woman" he muttered under his breath, as he tended to him self. Only then he started to realize he was actually not himself. more cat-like obviously from all the fur, and the tail. Only then he realized he became a cat himself, Which It seems like he doesn't mind one bit.
Kiki looked at the older man shouting in confusion, "It seems people haven't changed too much..." she muttered, then smiled big as Lliam approached, "Lliam! Gods, I thought you'd been lost to me! I got tossed out of the void, and then this and that. Wow!" She hugged him tightly, then pulled away, looking at him still, "Yes. Yes yes yes. I am fine. Aren't you happy to be out of that void?"
Thane found himself in the void as he was walking home from base ball practice. He was carrying his duffle bag that had about six baseballs and three baseball bats including his "special" bat. The void was strange and at first he thought it was a bad dream but as time past reality sunk into him that it was not just some dream. He handed it with a steady calm. He kept his distance from anyone or really anything in the void. Sometimes he would see glimpses of people but he would never talk to them.

The vast emptiness over time started to get to him. Am I dead? He would wonder. If this is heaven what is hell like? If this is hell what is heaven like? Questions like that pounded inside his head for what seemed like forever just as it was getting to him most and he thought his head would explode the darkness spat him back out.

He ended flying face forward about a foot off the ground into the hard trunk of a tree. His face slid down the rough bark of the tree till his body hit the ground. Then magically the duffle bag he was carrying appeared above his head and with a loud thud made contact with his skull. "Owww.....son of a....." He mumbled to himself as he shook the duffle bag off of him, sat up and turned around to lie his back against the tree. "The universe must hate me..."

He then looked around and saw there was a group people crowded around a tiger? cat? furry thing? What is that thing? He thought to himself. "I must be drunk" he said out loud. "Are these the people I had partied with?" he asked himself. If so someone is going to have to pay for tossing me face forward into that tree, he thought.
Lliam smiled slightly when the girl responded to him. Although, he had hoped it was here, he couldn't be too sure; but seeing Kiki was definitely a relief for him. When the group arrived in the void, she was one of the few that he'd actually had contact with. Due to his closed off nature, he really only talked to a few people in the void. Kiki was one of them, for some reason this girl caught his attention. He wasn't sure if it was her genuinely kind demeanor or something else entirely, but he was certain this girl was friend worthy. Not to say he didn't like any of the others, he just hadn't had much contact with them. In any case he was definitely glad to see her safe. He gave her a smile pat on the back as she hugged him with glee. "I wouldn't say I'm exactly happy to be out, but it is indeed feels strange to be here."

The older man cleared his throat, reiterating his existence to the odd group outside the gate: two girls, a boy, and a tiger-like beast. "You guys need to step away from that monster, before it eats you." The older man said, concerned about the group of young people.

Lliam glanced over at the man, almost forgetting he was even there. "It's okay sir. I know you don't know what's going on, and quite frankly neither do I, but-" He looked around at the other beings standing next to him. No one seemed hurt, and Kiki was safe. "I don't think we're in any danger here. I mean if this tiger thing wanted to eat them, it would've done so already. So...yeah...we're fine. We can handle it from here" Lliam gave the older man a look that questioned why he was still there before turning back around. There was another girl present, and there was a twinge of familiarity to her. He gave her the quick glance over, but didn't recognize her from anyone from the void. "Are you a friend of Kiki's? Or do you own the tiger thing?" He spoke to the girl and pointed to Kiki and the tiger as he asked his question.

Suddenly, he heard a loud thud from behind him. Lliam turned around to see a boy slouched up against a tree with a douffle bag next to him. He glanced up and soon came to the realization that he too must be from the void; although, Lliam hadn't ever seen him before. "People are just raining from the skies today. You're either from the void, or it must be common for people to fall from the skies."
Wes put on his suite and tie and looked out the window. It almost seem like it was all a dream. He enjoyed his time the Void. He was truly himself when he was in the void and the people he met during his stay made the place more like paradise. He hated that he was back in the real world ready to take orders from his new master and his off springs.

Wes walked out his room. " Just smile and say Yes Mi'Lord or No Mi'Lord" he replied as he headed down to the mansion. He looked at all the others. Each one with a plastered smile on there face. He laughed to himself. They were all pets to an entire family willing to jump through hoops if they were told to and sadly he was one of them. He hated this feeling. All his training he endured, all the lessons he learned only to be common slave to a wealthy family.

He got into the car with the Master and nodded with every thought an idea his Master replied. He could care less about what he truly had to say but he had no choice. Just smile and say Yes Mi'lord or No Mi'lord. He thought to himself as his eyes shifted to the other direction to the odd streets and highways. He wondered about the people he met in the Void. Were they still in the paradise or did they also had to move on. He only could hope for the best and wonder.
Karjo folded back his ears at the guard. Seeing how he was saying "a pet of some sort, Or it will eat you"Jo growled and huff out a sigh crossing his arms. I am no tiger like beast.. Hmpph.. This guard should know better than that. If only I revert back to my normal form..

Hhat the guard said was a blow to Karjo's self esteem. Like any human being, no one would like to be called a beast even if they are one, Literally. He glared at the guardsman threatening him with his eyes to say another thing about him. Yet Lliam was not phased by the fact we were in a different place altogether, not even knowing what planet we're on, matter of fact no one seemed really phased by that fact.
Eliza had to stop to catch her breath for a moment, only to let out a frustrated yell when she did. Kicking the side of the building helped calm her down somewhat, but she was still worried. Where was the rest of the group? Were they even with her? Maybe she had left at a different time than the rest, like Wes, who had just suddenly vanished.

This sucks. she thought, kicking the building once more, this time making the wall crumble a bit. Eli let out a sigh. Alright, can't give up yet. Just have to think... If they're not in the city with me, where else would they be? Eliza looked around as if searching for some sort of clue, and after mere moments she found it-- just passed a few buildings, and perhaps outside of the city, were a bunch of trees. That ominous forest looks as good a place to start as any...
Wes looked out the car window. He was a familiar face kicking the side of the building. It was her she was one of the few people he had met in the void. So the others did get out. He thought to himself. But how was he going to get to her ?

The Driver stopped and his Master asked Wes to do a few errands outside. Wes smiled for once it seem that the fates were on his side. He quickly got out the car and bowed undoing his tie as soon as the car sped off. He quickly dashed for Eliza hoping to catch her before she headed off. " Eliza!!" he called out as he ran for her.
Kiki looked at Lliam and shook her head, then walked over to the guy who flew into the tree, "Hey, are you alright? I don't think that you are drunk. I am not. I don't really drink much, and haven't had a drink in a long time. The universe hates all of us I think." Kiki offered him a hand to stand up, with a smile on her face, "My name is Kiki. Yours?"
"So many funnies here. So many funnies." Miki trilled, flying up to pirtch herself on Pandrora's ear.

"Miki, that's not nice. Stop calling people funny. You're the funny one, butterflies don't talk!" Pandrora insisted.

Miki heaved a teenie-tiny sigh. "Funny girl going to make other funnies think she crazy if she keep talking to Miki..."

"Oh just hush!" Pandrora huffed, crossing her arms. She was a little miffed about the leopard-man calling her a neko. Sure she had a tail.... And cat ears... but.... okay, maybe she was a neko now, but the way he said it made it sound like an insult and she didn't like it!

Pandrora studdied the blonde girl for a moment until she recognised her. "Kiki! We did meet in the Void! But it wasn't for very long..." Then she noticed the boy next to Kiki. "Although I don't recognize you..." She stood up off the ground brushing dirt off of her dress and knees, then she extended a hand to him. "Nice to meet you, my name's Rori. I take it you came out of the Void too?"

"Funny girl should stop asking other funnies that. Maybe not all from Void you know. What is void?" Miki questioned.

"I said my name is Rori!" Pandrora snapped at the butterfly. "If you're going to insist on talking could you at least call me Rori and not "funny girl"?!?" Pandrora sighed and then smiled appologetically at the unfamiliar boy, hand stil extended. "Sorry about her, she hasn't shut up since I got here."
Eliza turned, her jaw dropping. "Wes?" she said. "Oh my god, Wes! You're here?" She smiled, grateful she could find at least one of her friends, even if she wasn't really hoping to find him. "Please, I need your help. I think the others are here also, but I don't know where..."
Wes looked at Eliza and nodded. " Sure thing. The only problem is where ? This city is huge you know." He looked around the tall buildings and streets. " It may take some time to find them unless you have a few leads." He looked to Eliza. " You do have a lead right ?"
Eliza nodded, then gestured towards the forested area beyond the buildings. "There. I've been running around for a while, but no sign of them. So maybe..." she trailed off. "We should hurry. I don't want to miss them." Eli didn't wait for a reply; she took off running towards the forest.
Moose lay silently in a hospital bed, her head attatched to a monitoring device that would have given anyone there a visible diagnosis of her brain parasite. It wasn't looking too great, with Moose not reacting well with anything. Her family walked inside, looking at her as her skin was a very zombie-like blue.

"I don't want to be living like this..." Mumbled the stressed Moose. Her thoughts were mixed in with the ones the parasite in her brain had made for itself. "I want to practice... Why can't I practice? I-I-I can't practice... Please help me..." Her parents and siblings each grabbed her hands in worry. "What should we do?" Asked the mother. "She looks so painful..." Mumbled her brother. "We can't let her suffer like this. We have to end it."

It had been days of discussion and heart-wrenching tears, but upon Moose and her family all in agreement to end her life, she was scheduled for it the next day. On this particular day, in her hospital bed, Moose had mysteriously disappeared. Nobody knew where she went but her family was worried that she might have committed suicide before she was purposefully killed. What really happened was that she was pulled into the Void by some unknown force.

It had been quite a long time that Moose had spent in the Viod. She appeared sickly in her current state but somehow she felt alright, instead of weak and helpless. She could also think clearly, something she didn't exactly understand. She was happy for her condition, but miserable and confused to what had happened.

She didn't seem to be alone. There were others with her in the Void. At first it was quite difficult to talk to eachother seeing as they all didn't know what happened, but after a while things smoothened out. She was happy, in the contrary to some of the others who went mildly insane and wished to be with their family again (not like Moose didn't miss them). She attempted to socialize with everyone there and was pretty good at it, from he point of view. Though, somehow that all ended. She had tripped on something she couldn't exactly depict, and fallen into some form of abyss that pulled her through. She couldn't breathe that well, nor did she try to. She was sucked up and spat out somewhere unknown to her.

Moose woke up groggily, her head hurting more than anything else. "Nghh... Wait... Where did everyone go?" Moose pushed herself up onto her legs, rubbing her eyes. She got a basic view of the new environment; dark, lined up with buildings that let out few light so that some people could see. It didn't look like home at all. "Where am I...?"

"That's, indeed, what I also want to know!" A skeletal snake-like creature stretched it's head down to look at Moose straight at the face. "I'm gladly feasting on the greatness of a human's body and suddenly I find that my host has shrunk. Tell me, laddie, do you have any clue as to what might have happened?"

Moose shook her head no, then realized from what he had just said that this might have not been any normal talking snake. "Wait, you're the parasite?" She asked, poking it on its cheek.

"Why yes. You may refer to me as Peter Rellington the fourth. But, if you enjoy using nicknames, you may also call me Leviathan."

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