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Realistic or Modern The Voices ( Occ Red Scarfed Children)



Dish Breaker
This is where questions are asked and we get to know each other and our characters better.
Just an update on my character creation processes, a few questions, and checking in to say hi!

Question 1: What ranks are available to the kids? Do certain promotions have age requisites? Are squads led by adult soldiers or are the kids also taking positions of localized authority? Who do they answer to?

Question 2: Going off of that, will we be choosing ranks for our characters or will they be assigned upon acceptance?

Question 3: What was the drafting process like? Were they forcibly detained and put into service, or were they expected to report on their own volition once drafted? What happens to draft dodgers and their parents?

Confirming that I'm making 2 characters! A brief overview of each is here, as follows:
  • Winona Frieze-Delancey, 15. Female. A rough past and the death of her sister have turned her into a tireless, hardened drill-sergeant, but she retains strength enough to keep a smile on her face as she struggles to hold it together enough to pull everyone through.
  • Avery Vernon Capaldi, 12. Male. A wealthy young business heir displaced by the rebellion finds himself a street rat, ends up enlisting to save himself from becoming worm's meat. The world seems at its cruelest when the government that used to hold you up in prestige is now using you as bait...
I'm writing out CSs, but I likely won't post them until the more threads are up and some questions have been addressed. Talk to me about stuff you'd like me to incorporate, thoughts, or feedback!
Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
Realistic/Modern - Red Scarfed Children Lore

Here is the updated lore page that has a little bit more info on ranks. Along with places and a small amount of info on uniforms. I would have more but I worked today.

What I don't have in ranks currently is that Adults have there own ranking system and are in charge of the child soldiers. All officers under 19 must report to their Adult counterparts.

Ranks will be chosen by you. Since I think it can help create a more grounded backstory and developed character.

As for the Draft. In the beginning, they were forcibly taken in by force. As of now all parents or those who wish to become parents are forced to register the fact that they have children. Thos who attempt to dodge the draft or assist in draft dodging will find themselves tried and executed. Since it is seen as treason.
1. How long has it been since the first child was taken. I need some reference for how old my character can be.

2. Does it matter what kind of picture we use? (ex. realitsitc, anime, digital art, etc.)

3. Is it possible for my character to have colored hair? <-----most important question obviously.

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