"Hold on." Ventemal motioned. He turned against to that Colgom, the man who had spoken of that sight of the giant that came into Sarcago. "What happened then? Did that giant just leave, on his own, while the one he had pursued was still in there?"
Colgom answered, "At that time we did not understand that giant was after just the one man. A giant waiting out there was a threat we understood to all of us, if any of us were to leave going out that way, the one way any of us went in or went out. But we saw through the small windows that armed men, the ones serving to protect order in Sarcago, approached that giant, and the giant saw they would come to attack, and he then hurried away, going the other way, which led to the road to the gate of Sarcago. The giant might have gotten away, but none of us there saw. Perhaps other armed guards might have slain him. Or he yet did some further damage before escaping."
Ventemal said, "Then, with knowing that, we should go toward the gate, and maybe learn anything further from someone nearer to there who would have seen more that we could be told. Thank you for your time, both of you, to have us learn about that. Come, Colin, we will go there now."
Colgom answered, "At that time we did not understand that giant was after just the one man. A giant waiting out there was a threat we understood to all of us, if any of us were to leave going out that way, the one way any of us went in or went out. But we saw through the small windows that armed men, the ones serving to protect order in Sarcago, approached that giant, and the giant saw they would come to attack, and he then hurried away, going the other way, which led to the road to the gate of Sarcago. The giant might have gotten away, but none of us there saw. Perhaps other armed guards might have slain him. Or he yet did some further damage before escaping."
Ventemal said, "Then, with knowing that, we should go toward the gate, and maybe learn anything further from someone nearer to there who would have seen more that we could be told. Thank you for your time, both of you, to have us learn about that. Come, Colin, we will go there now."