The Village of the Ninja [Inactive]


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Robertaka123 submitted a new role play:

The Village of the Ninja - rp based on the anime Naruto

Set in the world of Naruto, years before the events of the show transpired. This year's graduates seem to have lots of hidden potential and extra care will be put into their training to try and tap into that potential. You are one of these upcoming graduates, this is your story. It is up to you to decide how things will play out.
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The Graduation:

This year's final exam went splendid, every student passed with flying colors. The most notable of them being Neji Uchiha, Daniel Griffin, Riyzu Uchiha, and Aria Zakiri. The graduates have been given a few days off while the teams are being created. Given the direct order to return back to the academy for the last time in three days time at noon. After that they were dismissed to enjoy their small vacation.
Aria stretched as she walked around konoha the Hidden Leaf Village. She just graduated as one of the top 4 students in the Academy. She thought about the students that were considered gifted like and realized that she was the only girl '.....I am the only girl.....' she sighed as she remembered the girls squealing over the 3 talented boys whenever they have to show their skills. She covered her ears as she remembered how loud they were. ' just thinking about it makes my ear hurt' she shook of the feeling and continued to walk around konoha.



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Riyzu sat on the roof of Konoha Academy as he was smoking his problems away. It was boredom up here and not much has happened after graduating top of his class. He finishes one of his cigarettes and throws them into the concrete floor next to the school. Riyzu jumped down from the roof and landed on the treebranch that had the swings attached to it. He jumped down and landed safely on the ground and he starts walking out of school territory and into the village where everyone was so happy and enjoying there daily life. He grabbed his sword that was covered in a black sword holder and was hidden in a crack of a Dumpling Shop. Riyzu stared at his sword," Scarlet Muramasa....". He straps on the sword and started walking back home to the Uchiha District of Konoha.


Aria walked around the village. She was that every thing was peaceful and such. She closed her eyes and breath in the fresh air as she walked around. She then bumped into something or someone. She opened her eyes to see who she bumped into and it was riyzu"sorry...wasn't seeing where I was going...." she said awkwardly.


Riyzu took a step back from bumping into Aria," Watch where you're goi-". He looked at her and remembered who she was," Wait...arent you that girl who graduated in one of the top classes in the Ninja Academy?". He analyzed her as clumsy and too nice.

Aria crossed her arms and said "yes...sadly I was the only girl that graduated in one of the top classes in the ninja academy" she looked at him "you have a problem? Mr dark and gloomy."

Riyzu scratched the back of his head," Dark and Gloomy? I don't see myslef that way....Why do you say that?". He chuckled a bit as he puts his hand in his pocket.

Riyzu sighs and looks at Aria in a disappointing face," Really? Doesn't don't judge a book by its cover mean anything no a days?!". He adjust his sword and tightens the strap.

Aria looked at him " but you also look like your hiding a dark secret that you don't want anyone else to know about" she said with a yawn. She starred then at the sword he held tightly in his hand "....can I look at your sword?" She asked him hoping she can examine the beautiful sword he carried with him.


Neji walked away from the academy after finishing top of his class with his uchiha brother and the 2 other students. He was head heading back home to the uchiha district when he saw rizyou and aria standing and talking. Neji walked over to them. " what we having a meeting of top students or something." neji stood there and smirked and laughed.
Neji looked at her and laughed. "Aria of course I know that's what happened. You need to have a sense of humor a little bit." neji looked at rizyou they were never best fruevda but they respected each other. They both wanted to be the top in their clan.


Aria sighed, she then a bunch of squealing in front of her. She looked in that direction and saw a bunch of girls running out of the Academy and towards riyzu"riyzu and neji here come you fangirls.." she told the two.



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The fangirls were giddy at seeing their two favorites. Together! But when they saw Aria most of them put on their bitter faces. They didn't like Aria because she was advanced and got to be with Neji and Riyzu more than them.
Aria looked at them and noticed the glares. She rolled her eyes at them "hey its not my fault I am more talented than you idiots. I spend my time train while you guys made googly eyes at these two." She said as she pointed at neji and riyzu.




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Riyzu looked at the girls and then back at Aria,"....Wow That was fast...". Rizyu crossed his arms,"Well I am gonna go...unfortunetaly there is nothing good to do unless someone wants to talk to the Second Hokage for a mission of some sort...until that happens......". He leans on the wall," I am laying right here".



Neji smiled at them as they walked over "hey girls how's it going ?" but then they walked away after being yelled at by aria " ae man come on aria you scared them away."
Riyzu placed his hand on his sword and looked at Aria,"....Im gonna have to say now cause this is my dad and I don't want people touching it...". He looks at Neji," I highly doubt that....There are other people than just us who graduated".



Aria sighed I defeat "alright...." she then said "well....we have 3 days to rest before they team us up and send us out on a mission...unless you guys are really bored which I know you are we could go and ask for a mission right now..."she suggested.





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