The Village Hidden in the Waves

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Rank as Ninja (Genin, Chunin, or (After you clear it with me.) a Jonin.):

Hair/Eye Color:

Appearance: (Picture will be better)

Chakra Nature (Water Release, Wind Release, Fire Release, etc. Chunin and Jonin may have two. Kekkei Genkai releases such as Ice Release go here.):


Special Notes/Jutsu (Medical Ninjutsu, non-Release Kekkei Genkai, chakra weapons or augments, etc.)

Stats (Number your level of skill in each area with a number between 1 and 5. Genin have a total limit of 20, Chunin at 28, and Jonin at 32. Villains, if cleared with me, can have a total of 35.):

-Ninjutsu (Physical jutsu such as elemental releases):

-Genjutsu (Illusionary jutsu that trap opponents in a daze and attack their minds):

-Taijutsu (Martial arts that is the basis of all close-quarters combat):

-Intelligence (A ninja's know-how of things such as jutsu, tactics, and history):

-Strength (The amount of force a ninja puts into taijutsu as well as regular strength):

-Speed (How quick the ninja is to dodge or use taijutsu):

-Stamina (How much time the ninja can last in a long fight without fatigue):

-Hand Seals (How quickly and correctly the ninja can form hand seals in and out of combat):

Name: Senzai Tekina



weight:167 lbs.

Personality:self-cautious(unaware of his own power), Creative(youll know y later),optimistic,clumsy,Friendly(always makes friends), charming


Hair/Eye Color: Short Ruffled Black hair,Green


Chakra Nature: Wind Release; Earth Release (When playing Ryuusei)

Gear/Armor:Scrolls,Shurikens, Smoke Bombs,kunai knives,

Special Notes: Once a Lone Outcast, There was nothing stopping him to find his full potential of his chakra. His Ocarina,Ryuusei, was a wish come true, when he wished from a star and found it in a crater near the village. The Ocarina can help him focus his chakra to create weapons out of Earth, Buff or Debuff Friends,Opponents, or himself, and to puppeteer his weapons(Dancing Blade Jutsu). He can also cast ninjitsu with the Ocarina,but Senzai doesn't know the handseal for certain jutsu he can use with the ocarina. The only Earth jutsu that Senzai knows is Natural Eruption, and the Weapon Creation with Ryuusei, Dancing blade s a wind technique.



Total Stats 28








Hand Seals:2

Bio: It didnt take long for Senzai to mess up...he waas only 13 before he was outcasted from the sound village.It all started at the school for ninjas when he didn't know how to use any jutsu. "you'll get it next time kiddo," his dad said. That night Senzai looked at a shooting star and wished,"i wish i had something or someone to help me with my training." He heard a big boom to the east of the village, so his curious and naive self ran to the destination of the boom. He arrived to a cloud of dust and fell into a crater, there he saw the Ocarina.When he picked it up,he started to hear a voice, "My name is Ryuusei and i am here to help u...Senzai Tekina."

For the next three months, he was studying the ocarina, learning a new song everyday, and realizing the songs do. One day when Senzai was fully confident in knowing Ryuusei, he brought it to school. His teacher, Sensei Kiura, was a bit suspicious when he saw the boy with the ocarina. "Alright, young shinobi, in order to become a ninja, you have to beat me in a spar," Kiura said. She looked at Senzai with a good reason, (To see what the ocarina can do). So, Senzai was first to go up. The teacher started off with a massive flurry of kunai and shuriken. That's when Senzai played the Dancing Blade Tune on his ocarina, making the flurry of weaponry stop, and go straight back to attacking their loyal master. The teacher made three hand seals, shaped her hand int an "O" shape and blew into it, igniting the air near her with fire, melting all the kunai. Senzai, realizing that she ran out of weaponry, threw three shurikens and hopped in the trees. Kiura blocked it with her wrist guards, looking around for the boy with the flute, "Where did you go?" she asked herself. When she suddenly heard a sound of an instrument being played, than another. Turning around she saw a great sword, going mid swing for her waist, she dodged of course.

"Dammit," Senzai whispered. His hands were filled with chakra from the strength boost he just gave himself. Knowing that his teacher would come and try to sneak attack him, he got down from the tree, his teacher grabbing him from his scarf as he came down. Attempting to punch Senzai stomach, Senzai grabs her fist and twisted it. A scream of pain from the teacher with the broken wrist, sent birds flying from the trees. "Well Senzai, you pass..." the teacher said. Senzai jumped for joy as he is now a Genin of the sound village. (Yes, i finally did it) Senzai turned around, not knowing that his teacher was examining the ocarina. (That's the spirit ocarina...the ocarina that the "missing-nin want) Kiura thought. "You'll be assigned to a squad tomorrow morning, meet them at the rooftops of the school," the teacher commanded. "Yes ma'am!" Senzai smiled,as he was excited to finally pass the test.

The next morning, Senzai was late for the meeting. Senzai played the ocarina to give him a speed boost so he could attempt to not be that late, unfortunately it didn't matter, as his sensei wasn't even there when he met up with the students. Kikasu, a ninja specializing in lightning release, and Amara, a medical ninja that specialized in Earth release. They got along great together as they coversated,while waiting for their sensei to come. Finally their sensei came, with a big smile and a bowl of ramen. "Hello, Squad 15 I'm your Sensei, Furiano Kasimakee." (He seems the jolly type...) Ryuusei said,(Yeah no kidding, he was eating while we were waiting for him.) Senzai replied. So, I want all of you to telll me your names and your chakra nature," Furiano said. After the other two Genin introdced themselves, it was now Senzai's turn. "I'm Senzai Tekina and my nature is Wind release!" Senzai said proudly. The man's face turned serious as he saw the ocarina strapped around a necklace on Senzai's neck. "And what is this around your neck?" The sensei asked arching an eyebrow. (Don't tell them my real name Senzai) Ryuusei said. "This is my ocarina, i carved it myself" Senzai said with a convincing smile.

A few months later came the Chunin Exams, and Senzai was ready for anything, as for the past few months he's been learning new songs and new techniques on Taijustsu thanks to his sensei, specializing in the trait. The written part of the Exams were easy, even though Senzai got help from the girl in front of him,thnks to Ryuusei. The tough part was the trip through the Forest of Death, as he came across an unexpected visitor. As they were facing anoter squad that wanted their scrolls, an unknown squad came into the mix, knocking the rivaling squad out. The man with the western hat, who seemed to be the leader, chuckled, "Now... who do we have here, the boy with the magical ocarina, Ha i've seen better." The man said. Senzai stepped back as his teammates were fighting the other two men, "What do you want with my ocarina?!" Senzai asked. "Oh no, it's not only your ocarina we want, it's you too kid, you see you're special for the operation, and nobody else can play that ocarina except you, your life forces are entwined so we can't kill you. Now if you can just come with us, and your friends won't get hurt." The man said. (Could this be true?) said Senzai, (Unfortunately, yes we are bonded now, so that means if you die, i die. But we can't let him take us, we must fight!) said Ryuusei. Senzai turned round to find that his teammates were unconcious, with kunais to their necks. "I'm getting impatient kid," The man said pulling out a huge club. Senzai took out the ocaarina and played the Blade Possession tune, which made the weapons attack their loyal masters. "Your dead now kid!" The man made four hand seals, than waved his hand up wards launching razor wind at Senzai. (senzai hopped on the tree dodged one razor sharp wind and bought enough time to play the natural eruption tune, which made the ground shake under the man and lava erupting from under him. The man was able to dodge it, but his foot got scorched, along with a swing from his own club in the back. That's when Senzai found his Kekkei Genkai, Earth Realease.

The mem were scared away, and Senzai played a tune to heal his friends' wounds. In the cost of not using Ryuusei for 15 minutes. The fighting matches were interesting for Senzai, witnessing many abilities from ninja from different villages. Senzai made it to the finals, his opponent, a grown man named Shuuryu, a personal guard for Lord Ani, also specializing in Wind release. After a long hard fight, Senzai ended up barely winning, as he was the last one to hit the ground unconcious. He ended up being friends with the now knowned Jonin. As they returned to the Sound village, Senzai was requested to join this organization, called the missing-nin. Senzai didn't like the feel, but he joined to fin out what it was all about. As soon as Senzai found out their secret plot he immediately wanted out, but the missing nin had different plans. 7 men attacked him as he was running to the sound village, he was overwhelmed by genjutsu after taking out 3 of them, luckily Senzai had a kunai and stabbed his leg to come back to his senses. But now what, he's cornered, afraid , and almost out of Chakra. That's when a pack of Ten ninja came in taking all of the enemy ninja out. The leader was no other than Shuuryu. "Shuuryu!?" Senzai said in disbeleif. "Never thought you would be into trouble Senzai. I was sent by Lord Ani himself to reecruit you into his personal guard. Do you want in?" Shuuryu asked. Senzai couldn't pass down the oppurtunity, he ended up moving to the village hidden in the waves. a few weeks later, he walks into Lord Ani's throne room and asks, "When do i start?"
Name: Tôketsu yuki!

Age: 24

Height: 5'11''

Weight: 170lbs

Personality: Calm, Kind-Hearted, Precise, Protective, and Respectful. His personality has developed to likeness of the Orca Whale. Since he had been taken in as a follower of the Orca and raised like a family member under their teachings (In their realm) this isn't unorthodox. Tôketsu does not express any sort of hostilities to newcomers and welcomes most of everyone unless they wish to harm him or his family. (The Orca)

Rank as Ninja: Jonin (That's his predetermined rank but you may review the info and give me your feedback. I will gladly notch his rank down because technically in his story he never really applied himself to the academy, like Uzumaki Naruto.)

Hair/Eye Color: Blue Hair / Orange Eyes


Drew this myself although not pleased with the lack of editing tools I have.

Chakra Nature: Water Release, Wind Release, Ice Release

Gear/Armor: Left Arm Guard "Todoroki Otomi" or "Roaring Ocean"

A steel plated gauntlet with an intricate décor representing the wild waves of the sea. This is the only piece of chakra armor on his body and not only amplifies the left arms strength but acts as a solid guard against brute force attacks. When operating in sage mode, he uses Todoroki Otomi to swing a summoned weapon known to be the transformation technique of his beloved friend Ankā.

"Anchorca" (Anchor + Orca = Anchorca)

A massive whale sized anchor with a lengthy heavy duty chain to follow. This is Ankā's transformation into Tôketsu's Sage mode weapon. Since it is so heavy, it can only be picked up and applied effectively when he's transformed his body into Orca Sage state. Along with his appearance taking some change (Skin color, Various Anatomical features, and so on) his strength becomes increased beyond reckoning.

His Bushi Blade is his primary weapon. It's a standard blade that takes on a few properties when he applies his knowledge of Kenjutsu, Shurikenjutsu, and Bushido.

And what ever shinobi carries from time to time also apply to Tôketsu's arsenal. Kunai and Senbons.

Special Notes/Jutsu

His style of fighting closely resembles Hoshigaki Kisame, with some jutsu mirroring (Minor tweaks to Kisame's original jutsu) and even adopting a sword into to his already unique Ice Dancing Taijutsu. These skills developed when Tôketsu studied up in his history lessons under the teachings of the Orca. It was vital that he understood who the natural enemy was before Tôketsu's time. So in response he mimicked the enemy in admiration and respect but never lost sight what that enemy stood for against the Orca. The Shark after all being the natural enemy of the Orca.

Total Stats: 32

-Ninjutsu: 5

-Genjutsu: 1

-Taijutsu: 4

-Intelligence: 4

-Strength: 4

-Speed: 5

-Stamina: 4

-Hand Seals: 5

Bio: After the Third Great Ninja War the Yuki Clan had to go into hiding for their sake of survival. This was due to the growing fear against users of Kekkei Genkai and especially against those who were known to be shinobi. Fortunately the parents of Tôketsu hid away in the country side of the Land of Snow. There he was raised along side with a few other Yuki Clan kin and tucked safely away from the prejudices of the ninja world.

By the time he came of age, he went out to pursue the teachings of the closest ninja academy in order to become a grand shinobi of the Yuki Clan. When a friend of his had gone missing, Tôketsu was concerned and proceeded to the home of Haku Yuki (The missing friend). Upon arrival he had noticed the house was punctured with gigantic ice spears. In his teachings among the kin of the Yuki Clan he had heard of a jutsu particularly familiar to what he saw in the aftermath of the home. There was a growing worry that those who had attempted on Haku's life would find their way to the other homes. Sure enough upon his return, he found his home in desolation.

Tôketsu never knew about the prejudice against bloodline users until that day. He had lost his family and all of his friends and was on his own for the time being. For a while he still kept up with his studies in the Yukigakure Ninja Academy, but reclusively held the secret of his blood rite. A while without friends or a home, he began to feel a bit isolated and saddened by his loneliness. Whilst wallowing in the winter, he sat at the northern shoreline looking down at the ocean water reflection of himself. What happened next would change his life and direct him on the path of obtaining the pride to revive the Yuki Clan.

A baby Orca emerged from the deep blue chilling waters and spoke to Tôketsu. Often under the assumption that only humans could talk, he was shocked to say the least but welcomed any sort of company. The little Orca introduced herself as Ankā and kept with him for the entire day at the shoreline. Everyday ever since, Tôketsu found reason to go up to the Northern shores and spend time with his new friend. As the years pressed on, he not only grew in skill but knowledge as well and Ankā had grown into an adult whale. By the time he was seventeen, she decided to share with him the secret of the Orca Arts.

Gladly accepting the Orca as his companion in battle, he signed the contract of summoning and pursued the training that followed it. It only took him a year to master the summoning of all possible companions but when it came to his attention that there was a Sage rank among this majestic creature, he wanted the honors of obtaining it and forever serving with / under the Orca Whale. Although he was profoundly skilled in summoning his companions, the sage art took him six years to master.

At the age of twenty four he now presses onward to see what he can accomplish for the sake of his clan, friends, and family. He is now Tôketsu the Orca Sage of Yukigakure.

(OOC: Since the time period is one hundred years later, it can be easily rewritten to match the timeline.)

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