The Victory Force - Resurrected!


Gideon M. Ohara




Victory Force



His ring allows him to manipulate and control ink.


Gideon is a gifted albeit trouble young man, abused as a child by a drunk of a mother after his father died. Eventually he was put into an orphanage where he was bullied in between his time spent at the public library reading. He studied enough to get his GED by the age of fifteen, by his eighteenth birthday he had graduated college with a bachelors in literature. He now lives by himself, pursuing his writing.


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lillybelle, how about you make her ability a bit more broad...if you limit her powers to shields, it kind of restricts how many applications there are. If I might suggest a power, how about her ring allows her to manipulate earth/stone/metal?

Peace, you're accepted, but lillybelle posted first and she got the last Victory Force spot, so you might have to change some stuff to make up for your character being Dark Force.
yeah, but I'd like for the characters to have abilities that are easily developed and changed and advanced, and force-field manipulation is kind of specific. 
Cat's bio clearly states that his character may start out with healing, but it turns out she controls the other side of the life spectrum also
  • Create Force-fields for protection from physical attacks and or energy attacks.
    Create specific force-fields to prevent things from leaving/entering.
  • Create an area for breathing where doing so can be dangerous, allowing navigation through toxic gas or vacuum.

[*]Create force-field inside and object or person, and expand the force-field so that the object or person explodes.

[*]Assimilation Shield


[*]Energy Constructs

[*]Ergokinetic Combat

[*]Force-Field Combat

[*]Platform Creation

Of course, she can't just instantly kill anyone, she would just slowly drain their life from them, weakening them at first, and eventually killing them if they stayed under the effects long enough, but Cat's character doesn't have that kind of strength to continuously sap someone's life away like that for more than a few minutes at most.
...okay, all right, you win. Force fields it is. 
I was talking about Cat's life-draining powers 
Peace, sorry dude, but the last Victory Force spot is, as of this moment, taken. Well, not as of this moment, but whatever.

Like I stated before, your character has to be Dark Force.
On Victory Force, we have...three girls and two boys I believe. On Dark Force, we have four boys...I think...lemme go check. 
Yeah, we have four boys on Dark Force xD

Harley, I suppose we can use Toni but she'll have to be on Dark Force. 
I'll edit the list to fill the last spot 
Toni's powers are more Dark Force material anyways ;)
No, there's four guys on Dark Force.

Galvan (my character)

Percival (Cat's character)

Typhus (Firelava's character)

and Gideon (your character)

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