The Victory Force - Resurrected!


Boop the snoot, you get the shoot
In modern-day Earth, five teenagers are mailed strange packages by an unnamed benefactor. Inside the package they each find a special ring and a letter, telling them that the five of them are destined for greatness. The letter says that the rings will bring the five together, and once they are together they must save the world from an ancient evil that has awakened once more.

When they put the rings on, they gain incredible powers. The rings seem to guide all of the teenagers to one spot, and when they are all together they decide to form the Victory Force and fight the ancient evil spoken of by the letter. Monsters are starting to appear in large cities and towns all across the nation, and the five set out to stop the dark forces that threaten them and save the world.

Little do they know, five other teenagers have also been given special rings, and have been instructed to destroy the Victory Force at any cost.

Only time can tell what the world's fate will be...



No godmodding.

Don't go crazy with the ring powers, since they're rings they don't give you a huge variety of abilities. Each ring only gives ONE main power to start.

Only ten people in the RP at maximum (5 people on Victory Force and 5 on Dark Force), so first come first serve. I'd like to have a nice balance of guys and girls, so keep that in mind.

I'd only like for you guys to make a second character if I say that we need a fill-in for Victory or Dark Force.

Romance is allowed, and, in fact, encouraged. "Fade to black" rules still apply.

Have fun!


Bios like this:



Alliance: (are you Victory Force or Dark Force?) (also guys, just to let you know the RP begins at a time before the Victory Force or the Dark Force are formed)

Ring: (What does your ring look like and what power does it give? you start with ONE power only, but as the RP progresses you gain new skills. However, those skills are still related to the one power you started with)

Bio: (obvious)

Appearance: (pictures are preferred, description is fine)

Put the word "RINGBEARER" in all caps at the bottom of your bio if you read all the rules

Victory Force spots

1. FroggieJay

2. The HarlequinCat

3. BlueGem

4. TheHarlequinCat

5. lillybelle

Dark Force spots

1. FroggieJay

2. Firelava

3. TheHarlequinCat

4. PeaceFu1

5. kikinavi

My Bio:

Name: Raelden Nokov

Age: 16

Alliance: Victory Force

Ring: gold, with ocean blue gemstone. Allows him to control the energy of order, allowing him to calm frantic situations, quell natural disasters and storms, calm the minds of allies to strengthen them in battle, or directly form the energy into different shapes and attack directly. The order energy is swirling white and blue colors.

Bio: Rael was a normal teenager living a normal life, until a strange package arrived at his door, containing a strange ring and a letter describing how he was supposed to help save the world. He decided to set out and search for the other ringbearers and band together with them to stop the forces of evil. Rael is carefree and witty. If you asked him, "Why?" he'd answer, "Why not?" He also makes a great leader and tries to keep the other members of the Victory Force in line.



Name: Galvan Porcelli

Age: 16

Alliance: Dark Force

Ring: Dark silver band, with crimson gemstone. Gives the ability to manipulate chaotic energy, which is extremely powerful but is equally as difficult to control and can backfire on Galvan if he is not careful. Galvan's chaos energy has the same applications as Rael's order energy, but instead of calming things down, he can instill chaos in the minds of others to make them panic and lose focus, imbue the chaos energy in his environment to cause natural disasters and storms, or, like Rael, use his energy directly to attack. The chaos energy is swirling black and red colors.

Bio: Galvan was always sort of a troubled child. He always insisted that he be alone, and never socialized save for the odd occasion. It was just him and his mother in the house he lived in, because his father had left when he was too young to remember. One day, Galvan received a mysterious package in the mail, inside of which was a ring that granted him immense power. The ring guided him to other ringbearers like him, and together they set out to eliminate the group who called themselves...the Victory Force. Galvan is cold, cynical, and a little sadistic. A proper term to describe him would be "teenage criminal mastermind". He craves power and leadership over anything else, and drives himself to extremes to get what he wants.

Appearance: (He looks like this, but without the sword)

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Name: Percival (Percy) Anansi- 'Goldmund' (Adopted into Goldmund family)

Age: 16

Alliance: Dark Force

Ring: His ring is a vibrant emerald green stone with gold surrounding it, it's a very beautiful ring indeed; in fact, it matches his massive jade eyes perfectly. This ring gives him a power that can either be very weak, or very, very powerful if put in the right hands. It is the power of; illusion. The power to change his own form and conjure visions. If extensively trained enough with it, he can tap into other people's minds and hypnotize them; giving the illusion that they want to follow him. But at this point, he can only change his own form into either a female version of himself, a cat, a rabbit, and he can make dopplegangers of himself (clones that are temporary holographs.) This proves useful in battle, but not in much anything else. Once entirely mastered, he can tap into people's innermost fears and give them the illusion that they are facing it; but he must find it out first, which can be discovered through hypnosis of sorts.

Bio: Percy was found at an orphanage as a boy by the Goldmund family, a perfectionist wealthy family. The kids were high-achieving in popularity and spots, while he was an outcasted loner. However, he has always had problems addressing who he really is; having never been the liked child. He lives in the shadow of his siblings, and is harshly judged by everyone else. He's always been a 'Mummy's boy', especially because his adoptive father didn't speak to him much. He was ignored entirely, but this was also on account of his awful trust-issues. He got notably close with his adoptive sister, who also was a bit of an outcast at school for her size. They've bonded to become more like friends, until he became apart of the Dark Force and her apart of the Victory Force. He was born as a sickly 'runt' child, and always got ill. He has a dislike for fatherly figures, having been ruthlessly harassed by older boys in the orphanage and given affection by the women. Also, not to mention, his biological father didn't want him. Then, when adopted, he was judged and ignored by his adoptive father and coddled by his adoptive mother. He is bullied, but his new powers are becoming exceedingly present in his pranks and vengeance schemes. Percy, also has a series of pet-names by a few people; one of them being 'Fifi.' He hates it because it makes him sound like a yappy little dog, but it's better than 'Bambi.' He'd gotten these nicknames in humorous ways, actually. His sister began calling him 'Bambi' when he came into the home because of how doe-like he was, with a fawnish grace and those massive eyes; and she was too young to know any better, so it stuck. Fifi came from a irate girl at school who had a small terrier named 'Fifi', and noted that Percy was a diva in more ways than one; then decided to call him that, based on him being small and melodramatic.


Appearance: (pictures are preferred, description is fine)

He has dark brown hair (so dark it could be considered a natural black), large green eyes, and pale skin. His frame is slightly feminine, rather small for a boy of his age; but he blames it on being a 'late bloomer.' He stands at about 5'5, only weighing about 120 pounds. He has a lean-built physique, and as a girl; he is rather curvy and petite, standing at only about 5'0. He doesn't do that too often though, just know he can! (HAHA) He is a boy that is the embodiment of mischief, and his power reflects on his mischievous tendencies. He has a catlike demeanor, but an underlying raw self-loathing and hatred of the world that triggers him to the dark side. He's selfish and his pride gets in the way of humility and properly coping with situations that he is put in. He hasn't always had a villainous complex though, having been a very gentle and shy child who's properness and manners were applauded by other adults. He is expected to grow a little more, maybe being about 5'9 as an adult with a full grown height of 5'2 in his woman form; so yes, he still has some growing to do. His sister calls him 'Bambi' because of his large doleful eyes, and he calls her 'Goldilocks' because of her last name and her long blonde hair. These childish antics are leaving, as the truth unfurls; that they have been placed on opposing sides. This only furthermore cuts him off from the family, and he finds himself alone; to turn bitter and cold. He likes to wear darker, plainer colors than his sister; he isn't very adventurous. Usually he wears dark pants and a white tee or button down. However, he is fashionable nonetheless and would hate to be seen in something hideous; it comes with having grown up alongside his sister.

Name: Charlotte (Lottie) Goldmund

Age: 15 (about to turn 16)

Alliance: Victory Force

Ring: Her ring is a light coral shade, it's a bit translucent; but still a noticeable gentle color. The ring band is gold, just like her brother's ring. The ring gives her healing abilities, and that's all it is right now; and reflects her caring spirit. If trained well enough, her healing abilities can expand to either exceptionally brilliant talent that gives her ability to even raise someone killed. But it can also twist and contort the vitals, she doesn't know yet; but her ring is one that can eventually control life. She can torture people with it, she doesn't know this yet, with the right concentration she can reverse healing effects and tear people apart. ((That got dark very fast! xD ))

Bio: She was a spoiled rotten child, being a snobby airhead after her parents spoiled her. Then came her new adoptive brother, and she immediately adored him; they were close in age and size, not anymore though. She, to everyone's surprise, immediately accepted him. She was 6 when he moved in, and eager to share everything with him; the opposite of her selfish childhood tendencies. Now, she has always been lucky; a 'golden' child for a 'golden' family, unlike her adopted brother. Lottie is bubbly and boisterous, and is near the exact opposite of Percy. She isn't as smart as him, in fact; she's not very smart at all, but academically she does average. She is just a dimwit, an airhead, and very naive to the horrors of the world. She's 'Daddy's Little Girl.'


Appearance: (pictures are preferred, description is fine)

Lottie has blonde hair, brilliant sky blue eyes, and pinkish skin; she blushes easily. A light spray of freckles covers her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. She's always been rather 'small', in fact; she's absolutely tiny. Charlotte stands at 4'7 at the age of 15, turning 16 in a few months. She will grow to be roughly 4'9 or 4'10, but right now she is tiny. Girls make fun of her because she hasn't yet grown a massive bosom or curves, but they are there. She has a pear-shaped body, with proportionate long legs and a very narrow ribcage. She weighs less than 100 pounds, but eats a lot; it's mainly because she has a fast metabolism still. Contrary to popular belief, she is 'mature' physically; despite being a late-bloomer and a rather dainty petite girl. However, once she is fully developed; she is likely to be much more voluptuous, since she does resemble a child at this stage in her life. Unlike this photo, she is usually smiling extensively; just like her brother never likes to cry. She is usually wearing cute, frilly, and girlish clothing; lots of pastels and light colors, just like her ring.


And that extra character I said I wanted to show you ^_^

Name: Antonia (Toni) Hannigan

Age: 17

Alliance: Victory Force

Ring: Her ring is a brilliant amber shade, almost gold; but more of a honey color. The band is a deep shade of mahogany, and the stone is laced with little diamond crystals; because it possesses more than she could know. Already being a genius, she has the ring that manipulates her own emotions; it is a power that should be found on the side of the dark force. For example, in the beginning, at the beginning she has bursts of immense power based upon how she feels; if she is envious of someone she sees, rage can overtake her and cause her to wreak havoc and destruction. But, if she masters the ring's powers and correctly uses her own emotions she could bring peace upon the minds of people and potentially pull the anger from someone else; but if she did that it would slowly kill her. It seems, that Toni got a ring of eventual death; because she can also manipulate another's emotion with enough focus, and send her hatred into them. It's an unstable, and possibly destructive power. It is like Lottie's, but it doesn't effect other's bodies. She could look in the mirror, and feel self-loathing; then the mirror would crack and shatter.

Bio: Antonia grew up in a rather dysfunctional household, having a businessman for a father; a businessman who achieved greatness and the respect of everyone around him. Her mother was a laid back CEO of the mega-corporation, and the family seemed picture perfect. Toni was constantly in the shadow of her father's brilliant ideas of what he wished he'd had; and he wished he'd had a son, not a daughter. Her father began to drink more often, and his womanizing tendencies got out of hand; but Toni's mother never left the man. She had crippling self-esteem issues, and her entire life revolved around impressing this man. Her father became more violent, and she witnessed him slap her mother; then her when she got older and rebelled against him. Tragically, just as things seemed to get the slightest bit better... Her ill-minded father died in an unexpected car crash. Even though their family has more than enough money to be considered exceptionally wealthy, family problems are a regular resurfacing event. Her mother, named Grace, has a string of new boyfriends; all who seem after the riches they own. Toni has an extensive amount of freedom due to this, but you can't help but wonder how lonely it really is without parental supervision or care; and even with all those friends, she doesn't particularly like many of them. She's very secretive about these things though, and acts as though nothing bothers her. Toni is actually very easy to hate. She is sarcastic, snobbish, loudmouthed, boisterous, popular, snark, humorous, petty, needy, and self-destructive. She spends hours studying, and then throws parties; she has no limitations to what she's allowed to do so she does everything she shouldn't do. She's rebellious, uncontrollable, and impeccably clever.

Appearance: (pictures are preferred, description is fine)

Toni is a lovely girl, in fact; she is more than just lovely. In the rare occasion that someone can push past that thick-skinned exterior, she really is an enjoyable person. Of course, you would always deal with her cocky attitude, irritating antics, and extensive knowledge on everything; but underneath it she is rather self-conscious, anxious, prone to panic and anxiety attacks, and she just needs someone to watch over her. She stands at 5'1, done growing. As much as she loathes it, she will never be very big; and her body shape is dainty. Her hips are wide, her bosom only an 'A Cup' or so, and her stomach flat and narrow. Toni has dark brown hair and deep dark eyes, her skin is pale; but tans better than most people with such a fair complexion. She doesn't weigh too much, for the record; and it is easy to overlook her small beauties for her personality flaws. She does wear makeup, and is brilliantly skilled with it; she knows how to make herself desirable, but in the end; she may be more appealing without all her tricks to make herself 'pretty.' You can tell when she's been up all night learning, experimenting, and studying because she'll have purplish black bags under her eyes, a slouched frame, messy hair, and will have forgotten to eat anything but coffee. She tends to abandon herself when she's sucked into something, having an addictive personality.


Put the word "RINGBEARER" in all caps at the bottom of your bio if you read all the rules

Name: Typhus Preyton

Age: 15

Alliance: Dark Force

Ring: the ring he bears is a gold band with a pair of gems in the top. the gem closer to his hand is a ruby and the other a peal. the gems are both a half circle pushed against the other gem. his first ability is the ability to summon a blindingly bright light in his hand shaped like a pearl. his other ability is the ability to extenguish all light sources within 5 feet of him and become nearly invisible. he can develop to then cause a dazziling burst of light or a dark cloud around him. he is nearly invisible inside the cloud and others in the cloud start to get dizzy and and feel very sick.

Bio: Typhus is a complete loner. he has never liked crowds but works suprisingly well in a group. heis a very thoughtful and is always overanalising things. he is very good with computers and both wood and metal working. he is always hyper and never seems to sleep. RINGBEARER

Appearance: Typhus is very thin with long black hair and Tanned. he sticks out it crowds as he is about 6'8". his eyes are a mix of icy blue and stormy gra. he is ussaly wearing grey clothing of any greyish shade.
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Thanks for opening this again, I was really enjoying it! I'm gonna revamp my character a little, hope my character is still up to snuff. I revamped him a bit, but left his core the same.

Name: Dakota Kelly

Age: 16

Alliance: Victory Force (can easily be dark force if characters are needed there)

Ring: Simple silver band with a small uncut stone of desert silica, a glass like substance that is slightly opaque. It gives him the ability of scrying, to see far away events. Scrying is also linked to foresight, but in the beginning his abilities are only in the present, within a limited radius. After learning to control the ring better, it can be used to affect how the people he is watching think, and read their minds. This power is still restricted to area, and is limited by his ability to control the ring. The control required to do either of those is difficult to achieve, and hard to keep stable. Think of one of those balancing games, where you're fine until you let it tip a little to far. Then you try to correct, and basically it all goes downhill.

Bio: Dakota is a video game junkie who has a very "dive in head first" personality. His adventurous attitude and reckless nature sometimes get him into trouble with his parents, but with his friends he is always the one who is doing things. Although he is somewhat socially awkward, he does have a few close friends. He and his friends often go into the city to attend video game tournaments, visit the mall, and get coffee or dinner. Playing games for him is less for the game play and more for the story, even if he wont admit it to his buddies. This love of stories pulls over to his love for books and movies. Surely, when he gets a offer to live in as grand a story as this he'll do all he can to be involved.



Gem and Harley are accepted! Harley, let's leave the third character out for now unless it turns out we need her to fill a spot, okay?

Firelava, I have some qualms with your character. All of the characters in this RP are essentially normal teenagers until they receive the rings, so you'll have to change the backstory. The character's history is more sci-fi, and not entirely suited to this type of RP. Also, the character's ring power needs tweaking. None of the rings actually physically change the user, other than giving them their powers. Can you make his ring give him a different ability, one that's not so...overpowered, perhaps? Thanks dude.
Firelava, so are his abilities confined to simply lighting things up and making darkness? What kind of applications does this ability have? 
You're accepted, I'm just curious 
Btw everyone, I think I'll make a second character to be on Dark Force.
Froggie- If we happen to use Toni, I forgot to mention that her ring gives her the ability to meld herself with weaponry when she trains herself well enough. Because, she has a ring of destruction :P So her mood can affect things, and break them, but she can also mend things if she masters it entirely (never people, just objects) and yeah... ^_^ I feel like I may end up having to use her cause people aren't joining a bunch xDDD
honestly i figured i would find ways to use it cause i sat there for half an hour looking at the keyboard trying to think of something that wasn't immediatly obvious or overpowered. i am open for sugestions on alternate abilitys
Firelava; I think that your power could be used as ultimate stealth. Like your guy could bring complete darkness, or blind someone temporarily with clouds of darkness or blinding light. It wouldn't be illusion like Percy, where he is a shapeshifter and makes faux illusions that may eventually become real with enough training... But it could be like a darkness that messes with your mind- like it can make people dizzy, temporarily paralyzed, or feel like they are on acid (hanging to reality by a thread.)
Yeah, that could work. Maybe with enough practice, he could focus his light enough to burn things?

Okay, Cat, I guess you can use Toni. 
All right I'm gonna post my Dark Force character now I guess
Thanks that is a decent enought power. i liked the idea of light and dark with the opposite colored jems
Name: Heidi Kurkova

Age: 17

Alliance: Dark Force

Ring: Heidis ring is a platinum band with a clump of crystals at the end in an odd formation. This ring gives Heidi the power to control water.

Bio: Heidi was the daughter of German, high class, business people. She enjoyed her life in Germany, traveling around Europe. She worked, doing part time modeling jobs while finishing school. After establishing a very successful business, her parents moved her to America in hopes of expanding her modeling career.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb3c0f10_Gentle-and-lovely-blue-hair-anime-girl_1280x800(3).jpg.5e7fa09da18865bc916a41d6be511eda.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb3c0f10_Gentle-and-lovely-blue-hair-anime-girl_1280x800(3).jpg.5e7fa09da18865bc916a41d6be511eda.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her hair is black.




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    Gentle-and-lovely-blue-hair-anime-girl_1280x800 (3).jpg
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kiki how about she just controls water? kinda overpowered to be able to have both

and instead of conjuring water by pulling it atoms out of the air, how about she sucks the water out of things around her, like plants (and maybe even humans later O-o)

so she can control water, and even in places where there isn't a lake or anything, she can suck the water out of nearby plant life (killing them, obviously) and use the water from them
okay sweet 
okay I'm gonna open a recruitment thread so that we can get these last few spots filled
Name: Lyric Dreygonair


Alliance: Victory Force

A lot like the picture. Her ring gives her the ability to create shields out of thin air. Later she can use her shields as weapons (throwing them, creating them in side of things etc.)

Bio: Her past was fairly uneventiful (except for the whole power ring thing) so she really prefers not to talk about it.


Put the word "RINGBEARER" in all caps at the bottom of your bio if you read all the rules
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Yeah, sorry, healing is taken. 
Yeah, sorry, healing is taken. I like the character though, I'll accept if you change her ring's powers

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