The Victorian Criminal Mind (Character Info and Sheet/5 spots left!)

Alright, I have enough spots, so I'm closing the roleplay. I'm going to make my character and go to bed.

It's 10:36pm Eastern Time, and I'll get to accepting everyone's charcter sheets around 8:30am Eastern Time. Is that okay with everyone?
mornings and night 
I can def do everything on Monday since were just getting settled in to the hotel
I'm usually available most mornings and late afternoons, occasionally nights.

Do you think we could post in order of sign-up, being that we only have six people and it would go at a fair and steady pace? But, of course, if somebody doesn't reply in a day/two days or so, their turn gets skipped. Characters in private activities in groups of two do not gave to commit to the schedule until they return to the rest of the group, maybe?
Name : Ferris Hoffman

Gender : male

Age : 27

Ability : Mind doctor

Social class : Upper

Appearance :


Sexual Orientation : Unknown. (Most people thinks he is gay but he keeps insisting he's not)

Personality : He comes off as awkward and unsociable at first...and kind of stays that way the more you get to know him, but he tends to grown on people like a little puppy that you find on the road.

He has never spent any of his time with women so he gets nervous around them and some people suggest that he swings the other way. Saying that is one way to get him mad because he reassures them that he is "most defiantly into the female gender."

Over all he is a pretty sweet guy who can be a push over.

Biography/History : Ferris was an awkward child, not doing what normal children did. He spent his time observing from afar rather than really interacting. His mother had a brain condition that made her change personalities and Ferris never knew who to expect to be waiting for him when he got home.

His fear of his mother soon turned to curiosity as he grew older that maybe this wasn't the work of the devil but a disorder. This was when he headed towards the books to learn more. He wrote two books on multiple personality disorder and has done some research on the bipolar.

When his mother died from accidentally falling out of her window he spent more time with his uncle and aunt. They are the ones who urged him to be more social and put down the books, although he finds that a task hard to complete.

Other : He is a skilled artist and can draw realistic drawings of the brain when he needs to.

He's not so great with a gun but hand to hand combat he can do.

"Victorian Killer"


ninbinz said:
Just so I'm sure, I have the Mind Doctor?
._. I thought I had the mind doctor >.>;
Name : Marc Bellvard Arbuthmont

Gender : Male

Age :26

Ability : The Privileged One:


Social class : Upper Class


Sexual Orientation : Bisexual

Personality :

Often men are written off as simplistic, lustful and selfish, in the 1800's this was most decidedly the case, in character there were very few differences between those men who bore noble blood to those men who bore the burden of a yoke. But as with any generation and species there are those few abnormal cases that rise above the norm to be more than just a man and his purple-helmeted warrior of love. Marc is one of these shining examples of the male species, though he has not a problem with devolving into amorous congress with a buxom madam or a gallant guy.

From a young age he has enjoyed reading and is rather quite intelligent, his love of fictional tales and fables of old paved the way for his on again- off again relationship with the stage and his love of assimilating new faces, names, personalities and accents. His parents groomed him for the Queen's court and his foray into the world of acting made him more then well equipped for the situation. A master of intrigue, a veritable bachelor for life, a noble, a skilled business man and a method actor. He was made for mystery.

Biography/History :

20th in line for the throne of England and the heir of a maritime trading company, Marc was made for the rest of his life. Despite his entitled background Marc was raised by hi parents to be an honest and intelligent man, they did not wish for their child to become arrogant and self entitled like many other noble born children of his age. That is not to say he didn't live a rather cushy life in his parent's country manor house. It was small and quaint by the standards of other nobles but it bespoke of the Arbuthmonts' humble nature.

He grew up with the local children, Marc's parents had funded the local schoolhouse and expected the best education for their money. During this time he first learned how to read. They were happy their son got to spend his time with children of lower classes, they hoped the experience would teach him that if the noble class help those below them then all live happy and content lives, it was a notion inconceivable to most.

Marc was 10 years old when he and his parents moved from the country into London, the Queen herself had summoned them to court, it was also time for him to be groomed for said court and the many facets of being a courtier. Much like everything; Marc had an easy time at adapting to this monumental change, he was a veritable social butterfly even at the young age of ten, he paid social visits to the ladies, he played parlor games with the lords and he tortured poor animals and children alike with the other children, though he did resent them and himself for it in the end.

At the tender young age of twelve Marc's father began teaching his son the ins and outs of the trading business; he taught him how to pay the workers, who to bribe and who to threaten. He didn't begin his foray into the world of theater until he turned 15 and he was given more freedom. Like all noble born teenage boys he looked for things to entertain himself. He had been to some plays as a boy but watching these shows was not enough, h wanted to be the characters who were portrayed, he wanted to be Romeo, Hamlet and even the Scottish King himself.

He solved his first crime at the age of 16, one of his close friends in the upper class had suddenly disappeared from sight. He was gone for a month, he was known for his many bad habits and had the tendency to go missing for a week or two at a time. His acting classes were going well and his teacher often praised him as one of the best actors he had ever seen. Marc also had the connections, he knew who was who in the museums, the opium dens, the game parlours and the clubs. Another week passed before he received a clue from a maid who inadvertently handed him his friend's handkerchief; embroidered with his family crest and initials. Suffice it to say; one of the butchers was not selling beef cuts but rather cuts of Walter.

That case opened his eyes to the world of crime and intrigue of the world that hid just beneath the porcelain facade of the English nobility and in solving that first case he found something else; a new means for entertainment.

Now at the age of 26 he's come a long way, he's had well over fifty cases tucked under his belt, he has eyes and ears in every nook and cranny in the royal palace of Buckingham from the lowest servant to the queen's own handmaiden. Few things happen without his knowledge of it. Eyes and ears are all good and fine, Marc unlike so many has the money to keep them all healthy and performing at optimum levels. Universities, the church, the royal family and criminal organisations; he knew all their dirty little secrets and he knew the strings and buttons he could pull, push and cut when the time was right.

Other :

He's lean and strong, smart and cunning, charming and seductive but most valuable of all he's an actor with resources. He's a good shot with a pistol and has won many a drunken brawl. He's much better with a rifle, hunting is one of his favourite passtimes.
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Pap : Your character sheet looks good to me!

Doctor : I totally agree with you. I've been in several group roleplays where things would've run smoother with a loose posting order. I think your idea is the way to go. :)
Name : Ryan Roman

Gender : Male

Age : 26

Ability : The Thinker

Social class : Upper

Appearance :

  • Height: 5'9
  • Weight: 153.3
  • Eye color : Hazel
  • Hair color: Dark brown
  • Hair style: He has shaggy hair that hangs over his right eye depending on how he positions his head .
  • Facial wear: Nothing
  • Clothing (what he wears all the time) Ryan wears black loose pants that have trousers straps hanging down. The bottom of his pants hang over his feet. He rarely wears shoes due to the fact if you walk shoeless, its good for building the calf muscles and your able to hear things by the vibrations of the ground. He four pockets . Two in the back and two in the front. He has a golden watch that's chain hangs on the front left belt loop. For his shirt he wears a long White dress shirt that are not buttoned up at the bottom. He has the shirt a large size up so it can hang over his hands. The shirt is buttoned up except the top two .He wears a black top hat , but only when he feels like it . He has the average muscles but not that of a body builder. He has eight abs and his café muscles are great. His posture is good but varies from sitting straight up and hunching over.
  • Other details: He has clean medium finger nails . He sleeps the opposite way from the head board. He only sleeps with thin sheets. When he sits in a chair his legs are up and close to his chest. His teeth are perfectly white and free of cavities even though all he eats is candy.

Sexual Orientation : Pan-sexual

Personality : Ryan is quiet when it comes to talking about their past, or what they like. He will listen though only because he believes in the saying. Knowing is half the battle. Because he likes to stay quiet, when he is asked a question weather it be simple or complex he will only answer with one word. Depending if he doesn't like you all that well he will answer your question with another question. He can be extremely sarcastic even when he is not talking. It could be a simple nod of the head while smiling. Or acting like he's laughing but not really. When he is searching something on the computer and someone thought they mad a joke he would type louder. When someone does manage to lock him in to a conversation he tries his best to wrap it up. Observing is more of his style than wasting his breath on someone he wont bother to call later. He hates to be bothered when he's working. This aggravates him the most and he is not afraid to open his mouth and tell you off.

Behind this mask of his , he can be caring. He will share information with you just so you won't get in to trouble or at least you know what your up against. He can cook pretty well, so he would cook for you if you have nothing to eat, or you suck worse than anyone in the world. He has a view quirks though that can irritate someone or just get thought about him being weird. He tends to stare in to space a lot, not really paying attention but he is. When he's talking he would transition from English into another language then before ending the conversation he would pick back up on the English. When he writes it not in any foreign or their language but in code. He quotes things from books and movies, along with plays and riddles. When he has nothing to do with his hands he would either fiddle with them or put them in to his pocket. Ryan sleeps with his eyes open and his hands together as if he was being restrained. When he gets really upset or no one understand what he's talking about he says Chee for along period of time.

He is also comical and hardheaded. When someone decided to say his proof or plan is wrong he gets easily irritated and show them proof. He also has the habit of throwing other issues on to other people so he could have more time to think about things. He wants to be four steps ahead while the enemy is 1 step behind. He is always thinking, never stops. He takes terms into a logically manner and will explain in good detail. The only real time you could shut him up once you've got him started was if you handed him something sweet or you nod as if you understand. He hates people who lack the knowledge of understanding and never quitting. Even something is to hard then that should urge you more to try and crack it. He hates when female's cry or they scream. He hates when males chew with there mouth open or when they think there the best.

Biography/History : When he was little he kept being told that he was destined for greatness. All he could say was. "That is possible if I had the means of exceeding that of another. The only destined one is god yes?" Speechless his mother was but his father completely understood. His father was a genius. He was scrapping the roof of Einstein's territory. He had saw great things in his young son who already learned four languages when he was seven. He taught him all he knew and more. He had at first gone to a public school but because of his intelligence he was bullied. It soon stopped when he changed his image from a boy who wore suits and a small clip on tie to a boy who wore jeans , shirts and no shoes. They stopped messing with him when he skipped classes. He found little interest in his father anymore since he past him. His IQ level was higher and he was more durable than he was. He thought the only reason why his father fell behind was because he stopped thinking. Soon the boy began to make plans. Robberies just for fun, building his own safe. He couldn't do it, he never really tried.

He continued to skip classes, thanks to the money his father had and the boys scholarships. He decided to take up a hobby on chess. He like the game because you had to think about the right move to make and fast to take the king and put them in check. A few times he lost till he got the hang of it. When he made his move he always made sure to be four steps ahead so his opponent had no chance of winning. After the game of chees and all his trophies he decided to stop. It wasn't fun anymore because he knew all the moves, all the fastest ways to get check. He decided to drop out of school and browse the web. You could say he was another Bruce Wayne. He stayed in his house taking lessons from here and there. Browsing the web and reading his fathers filled library. Not really seeing a purpose in leaving his house , so he just stayed bottle in making plans, traps.

Other : While in his home he had a few lessons from some teachers. A hand to hand combat military officer. He learned to use the opponents weight against them. The fastest way to get out of a fight, and the fastest way to take down someone. He had a fencing teacher who came by on Saturdays. He is good with sword but he would say he's exceptional. He is not bulky like a military man but he is reliable in many ways.

"Victorian Killer"
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Goddess, you're biography and personality is fine, but the setting of this roleplay is Victorian Era London, which consists around 1850-1900. In this period, there would be no shaggy hair, modern clothing, tongue rings, black fingernails and toenails, ect. If you look to Pap's sheet, the appearance has a more classical approach. Would you mind changing that around, please? 
Also, he can't "watch Sherlock Holmes". Anything of tht sort needs to be changed as well.
Name : Charlotte Meriwether

Gender : Female

Age : 26

Ability : The Medical Doctor

Social Class : Middle

Appearance :

(Also, imagine her 5'2, 110 pounds, no makeup, and in typical Victorian era peasant wear.)

Sexual Orienatation : Straight

Personality :

Charlotte is a very fiesty sort of person. When she speaks to others, she's very firm and sure of herself, and may even come across as rude. She acts on impulse, not very keen to following orders but will if she must. Charlotte also has her moments of insecurity, especially with her social stature and appearance. However, she hides it rather well. In fact, she hides a lot of her emotions in her pastel blue eyes.

While being feisty and independent, she is also very logical. She is very experienced in her medical expertise and refuses to give a wrong answer, but makes an attempt to listen to other opinions, although she doesn't like to. Charlotte is also very adventurous, passionate for others who are kind and intelligent and becoming witty and cold towards the opposite.

Biography/History :

Charlotte was born to a very happy, loving family. They raised her rather properly until her mother died of disease when Charlotte was 16. Afterwards, she was raised by her emotionally troubled father until she was 19, when her father sunk deeper into depression until he shot himself in the head in a successful suicide attempt. Up until his death, Charlotte spent her extra time reading deeper into the disease her mother was diagnosed with, childishly dreaming of someday finding a cure. After her father died, Charlotte emotionally shut herself off from any relationship or friends she had, including her medical ambitions, moving from a small rural area in England that she used to call home to London.

Upon moving to London, she came to terms with a kind innkeeper who went by the name of Steven, who she began to date and become vulnerable to. After a few months of developing a relationship, he was murdered in a crossfire if two arguing men. Instead of shutting herself off like she had previously, Charlotte began to reindulge herself in the medical field. She became an expert surprisingly quickly, studying every book she could find and sneaking into public autopsises whenever she was given the chance, followed by becoming an emergency service nurse to pay for her small apartment/flat, and occasionally assisting Scotland Yard in their diverse medical cases, surpassing the knowledge of even the most experienced and acclaimed surgeons.

Other : After losing two of her beloved men to gun violence, she learned to become contentment with a pistol herself, even though suh a thing was looked down upon during this time. She is also able to perform hand-to-hand combat, but not very well.
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Name : Murray "Murry" Watson

Gender: Male

Age : 27

Ability : The Quick - Eye

Social class : Middle - Class, Lower - Class origins.

Appearance :

He is surprisingly short and of average weight, standing at 1.71 meters tall and weighing at around 72 kilograms.

Sexual Orientation : Heterosexual

Personality : Murray is a simple man of simple tastes, a generally likeable and well - adjusted lad with a normal grasp of reality. He has confessed of being agnostic, or a terrible Catholic at that, considering he did his first communion at an early age and went to church periodically until he was around 10. He is a humble and loyal man, not one to look for ambitious goals or worldwide fame, just a small, solid reconnaissance of his hard working life, by most definitons, a quiet, simple urban life. He can be trusted, keeping secrets safe as money in a Swiss bank, altough the man can lie when it is imperative. He is friendly, altough he can be sarcastic and even be considered mean if he particularly dislikes somebody. He also isn't one to make ornate or elaborate answers or questions, he prefers to go straight to the point instead of fooling around, altough he usually knows what to say, in his short manners.

Biography/History : Good fellow "Murry" was born into a rather poor family emerging from Glasgow, a family that moved to the Greater London area when he was around six years old, more specifically, to the Islington part of London, which was flourishing when the family arrived, thanks to the groups of displaced workers in favour of the new railway stations, a great innovation that fascinated him. His family was rather large, he was the youngest of five brothers and three sisters, Murray not included. Two of his brothers died before he even reached adulthood, though. His siblings were generally nice to him, his family being full of love, making up for their lack of money. His father worked as a railroad worker, a job with a miserable pay that could barely keep the family running well and away from debtor's prison, so he and his brothers were forced to find a job to help out in the family while the women did the housework. (One, named Sarah, later went in to work as a maid in an hotel near White City.) The oldest brothers, Thomas and Rhys, joined their father in the railroad works, while his middle brother, Jackie worked as a domestic servant for a rich family in Finsbury, and Murray got a job as a shoe polisher at Finsbury Park, when he was aged 8. One fine morning, he happened to polish the shoes of a professor at the recently chartered University of London. He managed to start a conversation with the man, a man who was interested in educating some of London's poorest. The conversation trailed off until the subject of the railroads being built sparked into it, a subject Murray was knowledgeable in, thanks to his brothers and his father. This surprised the good professor, which made him think that small child could one day be the living proof that every one, even from the lowest and poorest of families could educate themselves to a better life. With permission from the family, the professor took Murray into his home near Manchester Square, in the Marleybone area. Murray turned out to be a fast - learning, brilliant child, who adapted well to the change, even though he would still visit his family often, who were in a slightly better economical position after he left. He stayed with the professor until he turned 18, at which time he wanted to learn just as much as he had when he was a child but he had now become greatlly interested in anthropology, literature, and economics, subjects he thought to be "spectacular", and he hoped he would one day be mentioned in an encyclopedia, or a historical text so he would have been proven to leave a mark on mankind for future generations. At that same time, the professor had become terribly ill with a serious case of tuberculose, a disease he succumbed to some weeks after Murray's birthday. His mentor's death greatly affected him, but, in his memory, he fought his mournings and retook his studies, and enrolled into the University the professor had worked at when he met Murray, thanks to a place secured by the professor himself shortly before his illness. Shortly after graduating, he found himself helping a few constables solve problems around Marleybone, as well as getting a place in the House of Commons Library when he was almost 24, three years ago, thanks to his data processing skills and his impeccable memory capacity. Throughout his studies, he helped his relatives secure a life in their home in Islington with money he sent from other jobs he got while living in Marleybone, his brother Jackie later becoming a biologist and moving to Cardiff with Murry's help. (I know it's a rubbish and improbable story, but I needed something to make a poor boy live a well - acomodated man's life, I mean, not all characters can be from the upper class, but, hey, I was in a rush.)

Other : (physical skills, ect.) He earned marksmanship from his father, helping him hunt since being a small child whenever he went hunting with some of his fellow workers.

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