The Vampire Princess(Nero & I)


Elder Member
It's an early fall morning, the leaves have fallen off the trees and the cool wind is blowing. Lily wakes up first in her household since her fall prefers to sleep during most of the mornings. She dresses in her school uniform and makes her lunch before leaving out. It's been over 30 years now since Vampire are able to live somewhat peacefully with the humans but like most Vampires, Lily decides to keep herself in secret to blend in with the humans. She arrives at school just as the other students do. Lily comes over to her friends when the wind stares picking up and she smells blood, a fresh type of blood that's starting to drive her wild. Lily looks around for the person with that blood.

'This is bad, I can't get out of control here..' Lily thinks to herself.
Wakes up to mother screaming her a** off at me. "what now?" I get up and get ready for school "well at least I'm going to dads." I think aloud. Something feels strange. I shrug it off and walk to school.
Lily covers her nose, her friends looking at her confused. "What's wrong Lily?" One of them ask and she shakes her head. "N-Nothing I'm fine." She smiles but inside getting nervous.
Sorry ) "well another day of my life takin away by my freakin life it's retarded Jack" says one of Jacks friends "huh what did you say you have a bad life well my mom beats me the only days I look foward to I'd with my dad and school" feels strange like someone is watching over me yet again shrugs it off "must be the wind" 
D*** spelling check) 
Bell rings I get up grabs my bags and walks out of the class yawns then grabs books and heads to chemistry "yay more learning this is my favorite class" "jack you don't have a favorite class" says his friend "True" sits down.Teacher "we are going to make a cure for the vampire infection" I say " but we are kids and not scientists plus what if they don't want it"
(Sorry, I didn't get the alert.)

Lily walks through the hallway, taking small breaths since she's having one of her moments when her blood lust kicks into over drive. 'Just breath...small breaths..' She thinks to herself as she walks into her next class. Science. "Lily over here!" Her best friend Emma calls out as she comes over, taking her seat. "Do you know what we're doing today?" "Nope, not a clue, I was out sick remember." Emma says.
(Neither did I ) "why? That's my question because I have to know. Some vamps might not need it and I actually like vampires. .My dad was turned a year ago don't know by who. So this should be their choice so plz we need to stop"
Lily sighs as the last students walking into the classroom and sitting down. "Okay class, today where going to work on a secret project that no one else should know about." The teacher says, handing everyone an apron. "And when I mean no one should know, that means everyone, do not speak out the project outside the classroom got it?"
(Didn't get the alert)

Puts headphones in ears " well science seems ffed up ". Sits down looks around and listens to music ignoring the teacher and his teaching about something that was 'secret' just ticked me off like what the h*** this guy has some problems why would he do this s***
"Okay. I've already picked your partners for this secret project.." The teacher says, going off the list of students. Lily frowns when she hears that her friend would be working with someone else. "Lily you'll be paired up with..Jack.." Lily turns around and looks at the guy before grabbing her things she goes over and sits next to him. Seeing that he doesn't seem interested in talking at all.
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Looks at lily"Hi" extends hand"Its nice to meet you." smiles "so I wonder what this assignment is." Looks over at the teacher."Whats the assignment sir?" Takes out a recorder and slides it into my pocket and presses record.
Lily looks closely at Jack before smelling him, seeing that he smells good but knowing she can't make any moves. If she makes a move then people are going to know about her and maybe attack. The teacher clears his throat. "Like I said, it's a secret." He narrows his eyes at Jack before giving out aprons.
"then why in the h*** are we doing this if its secret and you want us to do it then tell us" looks at the teacher angrily "Then and only then will I participate in this bull crap"
The teacher stares wide eyed at Jack. "You two...since you can't seem to handle this project then both of you can write me a one hundred page essay. I want one writing out in pen and the other typed out. I want it on my desk by the end of this week." He turns his attention to the other students. "Great.." Lily mumbles.
Looks over at lily "I got this you don't need to do anything" whispers. "Besides you out of all people" winks.

"But at least I don't judge" Smiles.
Lily blushes a little. "No, I think it's fair that we both do the work." She says, getting out her notebook and pen. "I have a bad feeling about this project.." She whispers out of nowhere. "Our teacher is already creeping and to top it off when he said secret project..I don't like it.." She says to Jack.
"Neither do I but it'll be fine." looks at lily reassuringly "I'm positive whats the worst that could happen."[my internet went down and I wont be on tomorrow] Looks at the teacher "Im debating whether to ignore his 'secret' assignment or not"whispers silently.

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