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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy The Vampire Lee Plaza Hotel.

Wanda Maxy

You're beautiful to me.








When Rping, if you are rping with someone, you must wait for them to reply.

If they do not reply within a certain period of time, you may move on.


No killing other Role players without their consent!!

Types of Vampires:

All 13 Vampire Clans From Vampire: The Masquerade RPG, Ranked


You must wait for my approval before being allowed to start rping.

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Name: Marguerite Francesca.


Age: It doesn't really matter now does it?

Species: Ventrue

Bio: She was turned at the young age of 24 when working at a brothel, Her sire had given her the gift of eternal youth for he had fallen in love with her at first sight. But his love for her didn't last, for he was later executed by the vampire council for turning a human without permission. She had been working in the brothel to support her so called husbands seek for fame. When she was turned she felt like she could do anything, so she decided to leave work early. She came home to see her husband sitting on the couch reading the news paper while drinking a beer. He had always belittled her and even hit her. She's always despised him. the only reason she ever married him was because her father had sold her to him.

She ripped the news paper from his hand and knocked the beer out of the other, he stood up and screamed at her. she grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off the ground, he started to panic and shout. So she opened her mouth wide showing off her fangs and then bit into his neck. he let out a painful scream as she sucked his blood and then snapped his neck.

After that she left the house and went back to the brothel. She brought with her a large can of fuel and started to douse the place. she yelled at all the girls to get out as she lit the place up in flames.

The girls all ran for their lives as she casually walked outside. She watched as the place where she had lost her innocence, burn to the ground.

After a few months of travelling the world she came back to the pile of ashes where the brothel use to be. She got the deed to the land and hired hundreds of workers to build her dream hotel, the biggest and the most elegant hotel anyone has ever seen.


  • Luxury
  • young men
  • red wine


  • Dirty drunks.
  • Blood stains.
  • Rude old people.

Weaknesses: Being in sunlight for too long, sharp objects to the chest area, older ventrue's and Lasombra's.

Abilities: manipulation, Dominate, stealth, increased strength, increased speed, immortality, flying and levitation.


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Trystan said:
Name:Trystan Trevanne



Bio: Born in 1534 Trystan was blessed with Parents of good reputation and financial standing, educated to the highest standard for the time,he was provided with all the training required in Gentlemanly arts to enable him to proceed into service at the Royal Court. Life was good for Trystan and court life provided him him with intrigue and interest, rising quickly in service at the tender age of 22 he was placed in charge of the comfort of visiting foreign dignitaries, a position he loved and excelled at due to his desire for learning and inquisitive nature,until one day a diplomatic official from the Royal Court of Spain secretly arrived with his mysteries Mistress to open discussions about a peace treaty with England.

During the intense late night discussions, it was Trystans duty to occupy and entertain the captivating and darkly mysterious Woman who explained to Trystan that she was more than 800 years old, suitably confused, Trystan teased her claim lightheartedly and challenged her to how this could be, divulging her secret, she offered Trystan the gift of eternal life and in his exuberant youth and zest for life he agreed.

Stepping forward the Woman embraced and kissed Trystans neck, sending and burning pain that pierced his very soul and in a split second his whole life changed, they spent the rest of the night making passionate fiery love as she explained the rules of his new life and then she was gone.

The years passed quickly at first for Trystan as he left the Court to travel the World, until he heard a whisper of a special place, a Hotel designed and built for travellers just like him.

Likes: Passion, Intrigue, Mystery

Dislikes: Being poked with sharp wooden objects

Weaknesses:Garlic, Sunlight and Crosses and pointy wooden objects

Abilities: Increased Strength, Speed and Stamina

I would be honored for you to join this rp. I would love to start now, but I believe it would be best to wait for more people to sign up.
Hi Wanda, I've been reading the site rules and it would seem Sexual Content and Violence are prohibited, its going to be a little tough to do an interesting engaging creative piece of witting with those two ingredients removed from the mix.. Vampires are famed for being the dark, brooding, lustful, passionately intense types who will bite your neck and drink your blood in wild erotic abandonment, not really the kiss and cuddle types over a nice warm mug of hot chocolate.

With that said, it is with sadness and regret that I am removing myself from the thread, and leaving the site, I fear if I continue, I will only end up getting you in trouble and myself banned... Just so you know, your idea and concept is amazing.
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That's a shame, We could just do a Light Sexual Content and violence. I see what you mean when you say that they're wild and erotic not kiss and cuddle types. but well they can be both, I guess that we shouldn't put it in full detail if Its going to cause that much trouble.

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Name: Jodie Wright

Age:(Looks ) 21

Species: Malkavian


In the 1950's Jodie Wright was admitted To a Mental Health clinic at the age of 18 being abandoned by society & by his adoptive parents, those days they would just shove undesirable people in there & forget about them,& the treatment if you could call it that was just as worse, Jodie was given no remorse, & nothing to do, when he was interviewed by his therapist he would often talk about a beautiful big black cat that would watch him out side of the window at night, thought of nothing but ramblings it was recorded, but ignored.

The next night Jodie would sit on his bed looking out the window for the lovely big cat, that looked like it came straight out of a book he once read about jungle animals. he heard a low purring sound coming from the entrance doors to the dorm "how the hell did you get in?" he whispered in astonishment, Asylums such as he was in was more about keeping the inmates inside then anything else, every door had a lock.

the jungle cat pushed threw the doors, full of beans & curiosity of what could be his own delusion he followed the cat, running past the nurses station which was covered in blood spatter.

they run so far, that they get to the entrance of the asylum, The Jungle cat pushes threw the doors waiting on the other side for Jodie, He hesitates putting his hand upon the door, & pushes it slowly, to the find the cat had turn into a man with long black hair, a snazzy suit & grin that would make you melt like ice cream in the sun, He takes Jodies hand pulling him closely & bites threw the pyjamas material, Jodie squirms at the sensation never feeling so free in his life.

in 2007 the Malkavian coven he was staying with were at war with another coven, such to their dismay in the casualty of war they lost their Mansion & were forced to either go to another coven or wonder for a safe haven, Jodie had heard whispers & gossip about a hotel that serviced his kind & was more than thrilled to see what it was all about.

Likes: Yearly Holidays. T.V Dramas & eating Hula hoops, The Internet , the sensation of ripping flesh apart


1. “Global warming”

2. 3 A’s – Abuse, Addiction, and Adultery

3. Airplane low and wide cups with huge ice cubes

4. Ankle strap shoes

5. Answering “no that’s not possible” when it really is

6. Arriving at your destination realizing you forgot something

7. Automatic flushing toilets

8. Basketball

9. Being early to the airport

10. Being hit on in foreign countries

11. Being told “shh calm down."

12. Blisters the develop from a new pair of shoes

13. Burnt popcorn

14. Buying batteries

15. Buying gas

16. Car maintenance

17. Case-based classes

18. Catholic incense

Weaknesses: The Sun(without Daylight Charm), Silver, being stabbed in the heart could kill anybody. the often Gibberish from Malkavian can be misinterpreted in many ways which can lead to the following: ( Death, unwanted advances, that one more shot of vodka , no toilet paper, & being given to the wrong parents at the hospital & not switched back for a month )

Abilities: Obfuscate, the power to disappear, and Dominate , which can be used to drive other people insane


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Name: Sebastian Vince

Age: 22

Species: Human

Bio: When Sebastian was only four years old, he was attacked by a Tzimisce , they kidnap humans and tortures them not just for fun but to turn them into what they are. Tzimisces aren't considered to be vampires, they're more like wannabe vampire wizards that need to drink blood for some reason.

Sebastian screamed as the Tzimisce bastard tried to take him away, The bastard screamed at him to shut up. But poor Sebastian was so scared that he couldn't stop. The tzimisce was about to hurt him, when all of a sudden a hand burst out from the bastards chest, gripping his black beating heart. The bastard wheezed as he dropped Sebastian and looked back at the being who had impaled him. A woman with fiery red hair, fangs as sharp as knifes and eyes piercing the bastards dark soul. "You dare attack a defenseless boy in my territory!? ROT IN HELL YOU BASTARD!" she yelled crushing his heart in her hands.The Tzimisces body burst into flames and crumbled into ashes. She licked the blood off her hand as she looked over at the quivering Sebastian. "this was a new dress... Do you know how hard it is to get blood stains out? well of corse you don't, you're just a boy..." she said as she put her hands on her hips. Sebastian said nothing, afraid that if he were to say something she would hurt him. "what is your name boy? come on you can tell me"

Sebastian hesitated and then said "u-um, S-Sebastian" she smiled and said "Sebastian? ah, was a charming name, where are your parents?" she asked. Sebastian just shook his head and said quietly "They're dead miss..."

"ah.. right then" she held out her hand towards Sebastian as she said "Come on then, You can live with me in my hotel. you will never be harmed there"

Sebastian didn't know if he should trust her, but she did save his life so he owed her.

Years pass and he became forever loyal to the lady that saved him that night and became her personal butler.


  • Classic music.
  • Serving Mistress Marguerite.
  • Playing the piano.


  • Anyone disrespecting Mistress Marguerite.
  • Tzimisce Vampires.
  • Winter.

Weaknesses: anything that can lead to death.

Abilities: Specially trained to defend himself against all vampires with silver daggers.

Name: Ashlynn Denner

Age: 21 (Really 478)

Species: Assamite

Bio: Ashlynn grew up into the vampire clan. She was told all of the abilities that she would build and gain as she aged. As she grew older and older day by day she would train her abilities. Try to force some of them out and train the ones she has. She started to get bad tempers when something didn't go the way she planned though. Since she was 10 though she was already set in motion to be the best assassin in her clan. She proved herself many times since 1550 at the age of 13 as she took her first kill. Someone who had betrayed the clan. Someone close to her, who she thought would never hurt her in any kind of way. Her Father. Since then any male has to gain her trust the old fashion way. The best thing is to never betray her, she can easily kill you and no one will ever know it was her.

A man had betrayed her when she was 18 and it didn't end well. He was human, young and stupid. Thinking he could get away with cheating. He didn't know her secret so it was easier to end his life. Since then it was when she found out she enjoyed the AB blood type. She attacked him in his apartment, she was silent but very lethal. It wasn't hard to feed off him then make it look as if whatever blood he had left just boiled inside him and well found any way outside is body. Creating small holes everywhere to allow the blood to boil out of, covering the fang marks she had placed on his neck that night.

: Peaceful areas, Relaxing, AB Blood, Doing my job (Killing)

Dislikes: Snobby Vampires, People with loud mouths, Cheaters

Weaknesses: Stack to the heart, Direct contact with fire, Open sun light with no sunscreen/clothing

Abilities: Super speed, Super strength, Mind control (Only on humans, lasts for 2 hours max), Super sight, Super hearing, ability to control another vampires blood but it weakens her by a lot
AshleyBergie said:

Name: Ashlynn Denner

Age: 21 (Really 478)

Species: Assamite

Bio: Ashlynn grew up into the vampire clan. She was told all of the abilities that she would build and gain as she aged. As she grew older and older day by day she would train her abilities. Try to force some of them out and train the ones she has. She started to get bad tempers when something didn't go the way she planned though. Since she was 10 though she was already set in motion to be the best assassin in her clan. She proved herself many times since 1550 at the age of 13 as she took her first kill. Someone who had betrayed the clan. Someone close to her, who she thought would never hurt her in any kind of way. Her Father. Since then any male has to gain her trust the old fashion way. The best thing is to never betray her, she can easily kill you and no one will ever know it was her.

A man had betrayed her when she was 18 and it didn't end well. He was human, young and stupid. Thinking he could get away with cheating. He didn't know her secret so it was easier to end his life. Since then it was when she found out she enjoyed the AB blood type. She attacked him in his apartment, she was silent but very lethal. It wasn't hard to feed off him then make it look as if whatever blood he had left just boiled inside him and well found any way outside is body. Creating small holes everywhere to allow the blood to boil out of, covering the fang marks she had placed on his neck that night.

: Peaceful areas, Relaxing, AB Blood, Doing my job (Killing)

Dislikes: Snobby Vampires, People with loud mouths, Cheaters

Weaknesses: Stack to the heart, Direct contact with fire, Open sun light with no sunscreen/clothing

Abilities: Super speed, Super strength, Mind control (Only on humans, lasts for 2 hours max), Super sight, Super hearing, ability to control another vampires blood but it weakens her by a lot
ACCEPTED! Feel free to start rping if you wish, things might be a little slow at the moment though, since Christmas is coming up.

Name: Lilith Grayson

Age: Looks 20 but is much older

Species: Ventrue


Lilith wasn’t born into the vampire world. In the early 1800’s, Lilith was born out of wedlock. Her grandfather took her away from her mother and left Lilith abandoned on an empty dark street in London. Baby Lilith was crying for attention, as a dark shadow emerged from under the bridge to the little basket sitting underneath a dimly lit sidewalk. Slowly the figure reached down and picked up the baby and cradled her gently. He cooed at the baby gently before placing her back into her basket and taking her with him.

Years passed, Lilith grew up with the vampire family thinking them as her own. But deep down she knew that her parents were different somehow or rather that she wasn’t like her parents. As her twentieth birthday approached her father went away for a few months on what he said was a business trip, promising to Lilith that he would be back by her birthday celebration. On the night of her birthday her father came back and spoke with Lilith about what her father and mother really were explaining to her that if she so choose to become like they were that the vampire council was willing to let him change her since she had been with them since a little one.

Lilith hadn’t let her father finish what he was saying as she gave her head a quick nod of approval. She hadn’t known anything about her real parents but she didn’t need to when she had loving parents right in front of her. She wanted to be just like them. So on that night her father turned her. Lilith stayed with her parents to learn more about things that were acceptable and not before she ventured out into the world on her own, having heard of a hotel for vampires. She wanted to meet more and learn about them. Seeing as she was still new at all this vampire stuff, but her parents made sure to let her know the basics and how all this had changed her.


  • Lightly played piano music
  • Rain
  • Horses


  • Loud things
  • Liars
  • Gambling

Weaknesses: Being out in the sunlight, anything sharp to the heart, and her family.

Abilities: Slyness, increased strength, increased speed, immortality, light levitation (still getting used to doing this), charming talker.



Name: Kei Akiyama (pronounced key. ah-key-yah-mah)

Age: "Let's just say I've experienced a variety of forms of entertainment through the ages~"

Species: Toreador


Born in a fairly well-off asian family in the 1800's, Kei was a docile child. He took singing lessons as a mortal, and found art to be beautiful, but it wasn't until he was embraced that his passion for music was really lit aflame.

Once his sire felt confident in Kei's ability to control himself, the young man made it his mission to study all forms of art and beauty so that he might make his mark on the world. What he would have previously been content simply observing, he wanted to have a hand in creating. Having all the time in the world, he began to sing much more, as well as teaching himself how to play a variety of instruments, starting with piano.

In the 1920's he visited America, and became fascinated by the performance of a young black woman. He was so enamored that he stared forward for the entire night, able to set his gaze on nothing but her. The way her body swayed and the soulful notes which slipped past her ebony lips. It wasn't until the singing stopped that the spell was broken and he was able to gain control of himself again. He felt almost drunk on such beauty, dizzy as he left the speakeasy, but always remembering the way such a display made him feel.

With his inherant beauty and love of art, he is unsurprised that others find him to be captivating as well, and therefore he never had much trouble finding willing people to lend him a bit of their blood to keep him fit and strong. He had no need to drain someone out of desperation. Life was such a beautiful, fleeting thing that it would be a waste to simply cut it even shorter just for a meal.

Though he enjoys the flashy styles of visual kei, he also tries to dress modernly to keep up with the times, and to not appear dated. It helps with performing to blend into the current times.



• Art of many forms, though music is what he is most drawn to.

• Beauty found both in art forms and the natural world.

• Improving himself

• New experiences


• Being treated as though his passions are frivolous

• Things that are banal or boring

• Spending time with less sociable species of vampires

Weaknesses: Being out in direct sunlight for very long, becoming entranced with things he finds captivatingly beautiful, his heart being pierced.

Abilities: Captivating/Charming voice and appearance, Incredible ability to create 'art' (his favorite form being music), immortality, increased agility.
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IzzyCakes said:

Name: Lilith Grayson

Age: Looks 20 but is much older

Species: Ventrue


Lilith wasn’t born into the vampire world. In the early 1800’s, Lilith was born out of wedlock. Her grandfather took her away from her mother and left Lilith abandoned on an empty dark street in London. Baby Lilith was crying for attention, as a dark shadow emerged from under the bridge to the little basket sitting underneath a dimly lit sidewalk. Slowly the figure reached down and picked up the baby and cradled her gently. He cooed at the baby gently before placing her back into her basket and taking her with him.

Years passed, Lilith grew up with the vampire family thinking them as her own. But deep down she knew that her parents were different somehow or rather that she wasn’t like her parents. As her twentieth birthday approached her father went away for a few months on what he said was a business trip, promising to Lilith that he would be back by her birthday celebration. On the night of her birthday her father came back and spoke with Lilith about what her father and mother really were explaining to her that if she so choose to become like they were that the vampire council was willing to let him change her since she had been with them since a little one.

Lilith hadn’t let her father finish what he was saying as she gave her head a quick nod of approval. She hadn’t known anything about her real parents but she didn’t need to when she had loving parents right in front of her. She wanted to be just like them. So on that night her father turned her. Lilith stayed with her parents to learn more about things that were acceptable and not before she ventured out into the world on her own, having heard of a hotel for vampires. She wanted to meet more and learn about them. Seeing as she was still new at all this vampire stuff, but her parents made sure to let her know the basics and how all this had changed her.


  • Lightly played piano music
  • Rain
  • Horses


  • Loud things
  • Liars
  • Gambling

Weaknesses: Being out in the sunlight, anything sharp to the heart, and her family.

Abilities: Slyness, increased strength, increased speed, immortality, light levitation (still getting used to doing this), charming talker.
JohnNeko said:



Name: Kei Akiyama (pronounced key. ah-key-yah-mah)

Age: "Let's just say I've experienced a variety of forms of entertainment through the ages~"

Species: Toreador


Born in a fairly well-off asian family in the 1800's, Kei was a docile child. He took singing lessons as a mortal, and found art to be beautiful, but it wasn't until he was embraced that his passion for music was really lit aflame.

Once his sire felt confident in Kei's ability to control himself, the young man made it his mission to study all forms of art and beauty so that he might make his mark on the world. What he would have previously been content simply observing, he wanted to have a hand in creating. Having all the time in the world, he began to sing much more, as well as teaching himself how to play a variety of instruments, starting with piano.

In the 1920's he visited America, and became fascinated by the performance of a young black woman. He was so enamored that he stared forward for the entire night, able to set his gaze on nothing but her. The way her body swayed and the soulful notes which slipped past her ebony lips. It wasn't until the singing stopped that the spell was broken and he was able to gain control of himself again. He felt almost drunk on such beauty, dizzy as he left the speakeasy, but always remembering the way such a display made him feel.

With his inherant beauty and love of art, he is unsurprised that others find him to be captivating as well, and therefore he never had much trouble finding willing people to lend him a bit of their blood to keep him fit and strong. He had no need to drain someone out of desperation. Life was such a beautiful, fleeting thing that it would be a waste to simply cut it even shorter just for a meal.

Though he enjoys the flashy styles of visual kei, he also tries to dress modernly to keep up with the times, and to not appear dated. It helps with performing to blend into the current times.



• Art of many forms, though music is what he is most drawn to.

• Beauty found both in art forms and the natural world.

• Improving himself

• New experiences


• Being treated as though his passions are frivolous

• Things that are banal or boring

• Spending time with less sociable species of vampires

Weaknesses: Being out in direct sunlight for very long, becoming entranced with things he finds captivatingly beautiful, his heart being pierced.

Abilities: Captivating/Charming voice and appearance, Incredible ability to create 'art' (his favorite form being music), immortality, increased agility.

YOU ARE BOTH ACCEPTED! feel free to start rping! (*U*)
Name: Blanche Cavanaugh

Age: 18 but boy does time fly

Species: Ventrue

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/10b6c6f570e45183f681748742d3c153.jpg.22187b7b3d563e4b7eaa20933d6c9dbc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91359" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/10b6c6f570e45183f681748742d3c153.jpg.22187b7b3d563e4b7eaa20933d6c9dbc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Born and raise in a society where mistakes were never made Blanche lived a life of structure. Having classes from when the sun rose to when the moon was high in the sky. Groomed to take over the family buisness and the family secret. Though it is tougher than it looks. Her brother Demitri was the star in the family excelling in all his classes causing Blanche to fall further and further behind. Though in her blood she was not fit to follow in her families foot steps. Kind and gentle unlike her family which could strike fear into the heart of any soul that dared cross their path.

Worried about their daughter future her parents sent her off the the hotel in hopes that being with others of her kind will lead her back onto the path of greatness though none can be to sure she wil be able to succeed.


Cloudy Days


Listening to others


Disrespect towards others

close-minded people

Thunder Storms

Weaknesses: Sunlight, large crowds, Arguements

Abilities: Charming, Good conversationalist



  • 10b6c6f570e45183f681748742d3c153.jpg
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Name: Vanessa Dupique

Age: Appearance 17 – actual age is almost 300 years old

Species: Brujah

Bio: Vanessa was born in 1823 and lived a relatively normal life with a well known wealthy family. The moment she turned 17, she was prepared to marry the man that her family had chosen for her, a financially stable twenty seven year old man named Phillip. However, her plans were cut short when she had tried to rush in getting home as the sun had started going down, but was suddenly stopped by a group of men, red eyes and hunger clearly visible. She of course tried to run, but wasn’t prepared for their speed, or strength. She stood no chance, and they turned her without much of a struggle, their strength outweighing hers easily.

As the years went on, Vanessa adapted, the vampires that had turned her giving her an ultimatum, either she leave her life behind or they kill everyone she loved, so she obeyed and followed them. For a long while, she remained close to the clan, over a hundred years after being turned, before she decided to walk away and become a lone wolf so to speak. She spent her time terrorizing people, killing, stealing, and just finding herself. After over 200 years, she finally settled down in a home where she has been ever since, an old Victorian house that was for sale. The wandering woman had saved up for a long time, able to buy the house and live in comfort, away from the outside world. She kept her feeding vessels, humans that she employed to provide her with their blood, though she did not kill any of them.

Now however, after years of hiding out, the clan that turned her has come to take her back, of course reluctant, Vanessa went on the run once again. Heading out of town, searching for a new home.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/dainora__s_soul_by_ultramelodic-d4978642.jpg.142c8fed227fc8a6767e30997f5fd8fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/dainora__s_soul_by_ultramelodic-d4978642.jpg.142c8fed227fc8a6767e30997f5fd8fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>







Classy people



Dirty people





Weaknesses: The normal vampire weaknesses, she can be in the sun but not for long, stake to the heart, wooden weapons.

Abilities: Super speed and strength, visions, and manipulation of the mind.​



  • dainora__s_soul_by_ultramelodic-d4978642.jpg
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Aio said:
Name: Blanche Cavanaugh
Age: 18 but boy does time fly

Species: Ventrue

Bio: View attachment 203185

Born and raise in a society where mistakes were never made Blanche lived a life of structure. Having classes from when the sun rose to when the moon was high in the sky. Groomed to take over the family buisness and the family secret. Though it is tougher than it looks. Her brother Demitri was the star in the family excelling in all his classes causing Blanche to fall further and further behind. Though in her blood she was not fit to follow in her families foot steps. Kind and gentle unlike her family which could strike fear into the heart of any soul that dared cross their path.

Worried about their daughter future her parents sent her off the the hotel in hopes that being with others of her kind will lead her back onto the path of greatness though none can be to sure she wil be able to succeed.


Cloudy Days


Listening to others


Disrespect towards others

close-minded people

Thunder Storms

Weaknesses: Sunlight, large crowds, Arguements

Abilities: Charming, Good conversationalist
Mina said:

Name: Vanessa Dupique

Age: Appearance 17 – actual age is almost 300 years old

Species: Brujah

Bio: Vanessa was born in 1823 and lived a relatively normal life with a well known wealthy family. The moment she turned 17, she was prepared to marry the man that her family had chosen for her, a financially stable twenty seven year old man named Phillip. However, her plans were cut short when she had tried to rush in getting home as the sun had started going down, but was suddenly stopped by a group of men, red eyes and hunger clearly visible. She of course tried to run, but wasn’t prepared for their speed, or strength. She stood no chance, and they turned her without much of a struggle, their strength outweighing hers easily.

As the years went on, Vanessa adapted, the vampires that had turned her giving her an ultimatum, either she leave her life behind or they kill everyone she loved, so she obeyed and followed them. For a long while, she remained close to the clan, over a hundred years after being turned, before she decided to walk away and become a lone wolf so to speak. She spent her time terrorizing people, killing, stealing, and just finding herself. After over 200 years, she finally settled down in a home where she has been ever since, an old Victorian house that was for sale. The wandering woman had saved up for a long time, able to buy the house and live in comfort, away from the outside world. She kept her feeding vessels, humans that she employed to provide her with their blood, though she did not kill any of them.

Now however, after years of hiding out, the clan that turned her has come to take her back, of course reluctant, Vanessa went on the run once again. Heading out of town, searching for a new home.

View attachment 203497







Classy people



Dirty people





Weaknesses: The normal vampire weaknesses, she can be in the sun but not for long, stake to the heart, wooden weapons.

Abilities: Super speed and strength, visions, and manipulation of the mind.​
You are both accepted into the Rp. you may start rping, no need to feel that you have to rp more than once or twice a day. I don't want anyone to get left behind.

@Mina @Aio
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.f7f869f173995148f9f69095c86560d4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91373" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.f7f869f173995148f9f69095c86560d4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:sarrena shrooder

Age:looks 18


Bio: she was turned at the age of 16 she killed her brother because of her crazyness of being what she is she ran away from her family at 17 she didnt want to kill enyone else she hid herself but found the in








Being acused

Being mean

Burnt popcorn

The color orange


Haveing someone love her and she knowes

Abilities:can shift to enything and enyone and can make things appear/disappear as she pleases



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Name: Kain Veilborn

Age: Through the passage of time he has cared not to pay attention. If one must know he is a
Methuselah 5th generation.

Species: Lasombra


Bio: Kain was born into a high noble family in the early beginnings of Ancient Greece. He was sired into the Lasombra clan after he prevailed his sires trials even exceeding expectations. Eventually he grew through the ranks of society till he even ruled his own province. He even would come to join the Kings and queens of shadow. Those who take part in mortal institutions, exerting influence, gathering resources and in general keeping the mortal population unaware of the vampires among them. Most have distanced themselves from regular Sabbat activities to maintain their Humanity. Little else is known about him except he was a renowned praetorian in the roman empire a nick name was given to him. To his enemies and allies alike he was know, as the Torva messor.

Likes:Only thing he is known to enjoy is the blood of other kindred.

Dislikes:Any who try to stand against him, those who do not show respect in his presence and any who threaten his plans.

Weaknesses: Lasombra vampires cast no reflections. They cannot be seen in mirrors, bodies of water, reflective windows, polished metals, photographs and security cameras, etc. This curious anomaly even extends to the clothes they wear and objects they carry. Many Kindred believe that the Lasombra have been cursed in this manner for their vanity. Additionally, due to their penchant for darkness, Lasombra take an extra level of damage from sunlight.


Shadow Play: Move and shape the natural shadows around you

Shroud of Night: Blanket an area in a cloud of unnatural shadow that obscures light, sound, and heat

Arms of the Abyss: Summon black tentacles from the shadows to assist you

Black Metamorphosis: Encase your body in nightmarish armor and grow black tentacles from your sides

Shadow step
: Teleport from shadow to shadow

The Darkness Within
: Cover a target in a horrid shadow that drains them of blood

Oubliette: Lock one person in an Abyssal prison

Tchernabog: Temporarily blot out the sun in your area

Banishment: Send someone to the Abyss for an extended period of time

Ahriman's Demesne: Blanket an area in a darkness that devours everything it touches

Inner Darkness: Draw the shadow into yourself to gain great power

Dark sight: Watch and listen through any shadow in the world

Fortify Against Ahura Mazda: Your shadows summoned through Obtenebration become resistant to sunlight
Lord Anubis] [B]Name: Kain Veilborn[/B][B] Age: Through the passage of time he has cared not to pay attention. If one must know he is a [/B][URL="http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Methuselah said:
Methusela[/URL]h 5th generation.

Species: Lasombra


Bio: Kain was born into a high noble family in the early beginnings of Ancient Greece. He was sired into the Lasombra clan after he prevailed his sires trials even exceeding expectations. Eventually he grew through the ranks of society till he even ruled his own province. He even would come to join the Kings and queens of shadow. Those who take part in mortal institutions, exerting influence, gathering resources and in general keeping the mortal population unaware of the vampires among them. Most have distanced themselves from regular Sabbat activities to maintain their Humanity. Little else is known about him except he was a renowned praetorian in the roman empire a nick name was given to him. To his enemies and allies alike he was know, as the Torva messor.

Likes:Only thing he is known to enjoy is the blood of other kindred.

Dislikes:Any who try to stand against him, those who do not show respect in his presence and any who threaten his plans.

Weaknesses: Lasombra vampires cast no reflections. They cannot be seen in mirrors, bodies of water, reflective windows, polished metals, photographs and security cameras, etc. This curious anomaly even extends to the clothes they wear and objects they carry. Many Kindred believe that the Lasombra have been cursed in this manner for their vanity. Additionally, due to their penchant for darkness, Lasombra take an extra level of damage from sunlight.


Shadow Play: Move and shape the natural shadows around you

Shroud of Night: Blanket an area in a cloud of unnatural shadow that obscures light, sound, and heat

Arms of the Abyss: Summon black tentacles from the shadows to assist you

Black Metamorphosis: Encase your body in nightmarish armor and grow black tentacles from your sides

Shadow step
: Teleport from shadow to shadow

The Darkness Within: Cover a target in a horrid shadow that drains them of blood

Oubliette: Lock one person in an Abyssal prison

Tchernabog: Temporarily blot out the sun in your area

Banishment: Send someone to the Abyss for an extended period of time

Ahriman's Demesne: Blanket an area in a darkness that devours everything it touches

Inner Darkness: Draw the shadow into yourself to gain great power

Dark sight: Watch and listen through any shadow in the world

Fortify Against Ahura Mazda: Your shadows summoned through Obtenebration become resistant to sunlight
@Lord Anubis Very well done! you are in, obviously. feel free to start rping whenever you want, take your time. Love the picture by the way, very nice. ah ha-ha. (> :D )
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Name: Serena Fucillo

Age: "..they say age is just a number but we're not getting any younger." -unknown

Species: Venture

DOB: 05/15/1834

Bio: Serena was born into a poor family until a very particular family came into town. They were from a very prestigious noble family and the wife of the husband could not bare children but they adopted a little girl at the age of seven when her parents had died at home during a fire. They raised her like it was their own daughter and loved her unconditionally and Serena returned the same love to them twice as much. They took their daughter everyone showing her off, and showering her with gifts to fill her human needs. They explained to Serena about their families past and the species they were since Serena never saw them come out in the sunlight. It was Serena's nineteenth birthday when the she fell terribly ill when she was close to death, they had no other choice then to turn her into their own kind. She has a nice personality once you get to know her but at times she will be shy and quiet if she doesn't know anyone too well. She is smart, wise, shes a doer, and a performer when it comes to playing the piano. She has a whole lot of expectations for herself, and she tries to not let anyone tell her what to do but that is impossible with her noble parents and how she must act when she is around people. They are very hard on her when it comes to appearance; that means she has to be polite, well mannered, respectful, and her mother always nags her about her posture but when they aren't trying to perfect her they are very mellow, and relaxed with her. She has only a couple of friends in the community that she is in since the rest are snobby, and way too cocky for her. She has a pretty hard time keeping her mouth shut when it comes to expressing herself which usually gets her in trouble. Her family keeps a low profile in the community that they are in but they are pretty well known.

Likes: Blood, long walks, werewolves (Has her reasons to it), dancing on her free time, piano playing, reading books and honest people but the truth hurts her sometimes.

Dislikes: dishonest people, hates the smell of garlic, wooden stakes, 'forced' marriage, rude people, mirrors since she cannot see herself which irritates her sometimes, and people just to conclusion/accusing her of something.

Weaknesses: betrayal, sunlight, and giving her 'heart' out to those who she knows will break it.

Abilities: Power to manipulate people into loving them or make them fear. listed here http://io9.gizmodo.com/all-13-vampire-clans-from-the-em-vampire-the-masquera-1622282920



(She is wearing a red dress with a black sheer over the dress.)
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@sprouhtt You're in, just a few things about your sheet, Ventrues's can't control the weather, they have normal vampire powers. Including scaring the hell out of other vampires and humans that they'd piss themselves and making them fall head over heels for you. It says what Ventrue's can do in the link. http://io9.com/all-13-vampire-clans-from-the-em-vampire-the-masquera-1622282920

Also when writing, take your time and look back at your work. Just to make sure that everything makes sense, making sure there's pauses (comma's) and full stops.
Wanda Maxy] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24972-sprouhtt/ said:
@sprouhtt[/URL] You're in, just a few things about your sheet, Ventrues's can't control the weather, they have normal vampire powers. Including scaring the hell out of other vampires and humans that they'd piss themselves and making them fall head over heels for you. It says what Ventrue's can do in the link. http://io9.com/all-13-vampire-clans-from-the-em-vampire-the-masquera-1622282920
Also when writing, take your time and look back at your work. Just to make sure that everything makes sense, making sure there's pauses (comma's) and full stops.
Alright, I'll make sure and I'll make those changes.

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