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Fantasy The Unseen World | Secret Society RP | (CLOSED)

"Our Performance Begins... once everyone else has done their CS"
Theme for Dmitry:
I don't mind it, but Jason would probably think it pretentious to claim being trained by the leader of the shadows XD
He could be more a respected and senior member of the shadows than the leader.
X3 Austin would claim to be the king of the shadows but he is a bit of a twat himself lol I don't mind it, but there isn't really a leader for any of the groups :3 they all function mostly on their own but get info from the brains on assignments. So yeah, a senior member of the shadows would be more accurate :) Or maybe he leads a small group of shadows that act together?
X3 Austin would claim to be the king of the shadows but he is a bit of a twat himself lol I don't mind it, but there isn't really a leader for any of the groups :3 they all function mostly on their own but get info from the brains on assignments. So yeah, a senior member of the shadows would be more accurate :) Or maybe he leads a small group of shadows that act together?
That was my idea, sorry it didn't make it clearer. I didn't mean to say he ruled every shadow on earth, just a section of them.
Dmitry wouldn't enjoy being controlled, he looks at things like his goals and the brain's goals align.
Dmitry must perform his works by himself, because if he works with anyone else they will ruin it. that's what he thinks.
literally one thing falls out of place and he goes unstable, possibly going on a massacre while screaming things in russian.
That would actually be hilarious. Maybe I should make Jason a bit of a troll just to make it happen XD
If something ever happens to Jason, and we don't have a smoker, I'll probably make one modeled around Vinny from Atlantis.

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