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Fandom The United States Pokemon Region- A Possible multi-Crossover... Redux

Daeshim Yang/Mason Lauder
Daeshim listened as their destination was announced, a city called Benton. There was a mention of camping out if they got tired which was no real issue to either teenager, Daeshim tended to camp out when he moved around and Mason was used to sleeping heat or cold...all types of weather. "What's so important about another town in Missouri? Don't worry about us, we're used to camping arent we Mas?"

Mason didn't respond but did give a jerky nod, not really caring where they went so long as it wasn't any longer in the city they were currently leaving. The girl, Cherry, she asked what they liked to do. Letting Daeshim reply, Mason pulled out his half-filled carton of cigarettes and pulled one out before lighting it against the evening air and slipped the lighter in his pocket along with his pack of Marlboro. "I like reading," said Daeshim. Mason seemed to have lost all ability to speak or maybe he just wasn't comfortable with talking for he didn't mention anything that he may have liked or disliked.

"I smoke," was what Mason finally said, drawing on the cancer stick that dangled from his mouth. Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow

Sheik Medwinter
Alakazam and Sheik appeared within Richmond, MO. The teenager looked around and headed towards a small Pokemon Center there. He removed Pikachu's pokeball, recalled Alakazam and handed that pokeball over, the Eevee in his arms was passed on over and then his own Eevee's pokeball. "On second thought," said Sheik and just pulled all of his pokeballs and handed them over to be looked at and healed, Nurse Joy's eyes widening. He then headed to the cafeteria to get a bite to eat where afterwards he would get a room. It would be here that he decided on his next path but he would rest here for a while.
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Daeshim Yang/Mason Lauder
Daeshim listened as their destination was announced, a city called Benton. There was a mention of camping out if they got tired which was no real issue to either teenager, Daeshim tended to camp out when he moved around and Mason was used to sleeping heat or cold...all types of weather. "What's so important about another town in Missouri? Don't worry about us, we're used to camping arent we Mas?"

Mason didn't respond but did give a jerky nod, not really caring where they went so long as it wasn't any longer in the city they were currently leaving. The girl, Cherry, she asked what they liked to do. Letting Daeshim reply, Mason pulled out his half-filled carton of cigarettes and pulled one out before lighting it against the evening air and slipped the lighter in his pocket along with his pack of Marbolo. "I like reading," said Daeshim. Mason seemed to have lost all ability to speak or maybe he just wasn't comfortable with talking for he didn't mention anything that he may have liked or disliked.

"I smoke," was what Mason finally said, drawing on the cancer stick that dangled from his mouth. Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow

Sheik Medwinter
Alakazam and Sheik appeared within Richmond, MO. The teenager looked around and headed towards a small Pokemon Center there. He removed Pikachu's pokeball, recalled Alakazam and handed that pokeball over, the Eevee in his arms was passed on over and then his own Eevee's pokeball. "On second thought," said Sheik and just pulled all of his pokeballs and handed them over to be looked at and healed, Nurse Joy's eyes widening. He then headed to the cafeteria to get a bite to eat where afterwards he would get a room. It would be here that he decided on his next path but he would rest here for a while.

Cherry looked at Mason and gasped. She did think that she'd ever catch wind of what Mason had for a habit. But she listened to him tell her about his habit and looked at a distance away ahead of where they were now... to shake the idea from her head. But she was more attracted.

Cherry: I sing part time. Doowop and 60's music. But i haven't done that in a while. Since this all began... i been mostly on the attention of doing this Journey. But Mason... Not that i'm against it... persay... but i gotta ask. Why are you smoking? What got you into doing such a thing?

Cherry was curious and as she was thinking more... She felt as if she was about to ask something that would change her and put her in risk of never being able to return home. Or to face her team or her original crew ever again.
Daeshim Yang/Mason Lauder
What the ever loving Arceus was Doowop? That was a genre that neither teen was familiar with. Daeshim looked to be enjoying himself though, wondering if there was any Poison or Dark-Type Pokemon around that he could attempt to catch...maybe a Gastly would be his next catch even if it was only half-Poison, having a Ghost-Type might be a good idea. As Cherry attempted to get Mason to talk, the older teen eventually closed his eyes against the darkness while continuing to walk in a straight line. Mason did not respond at first to Cherry picking at him, blowing out some smoke into the air in front of him before taking another drag on the cigarette. "Easy thing to swipe," was all he said. Whatever it was, his tone and demeanor made it apparent he didn't want to talk about his past. Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow
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Daeshim Yang/Mason Lauder
What the ever loving Arceus was Doowop? That was a genre that neither teen was familiar with. Daeshim looked to be enjoying himself though, wondering if there was any Poison or Dark-Type Pokemon around that he could attempt to catch...maybe a Gastly would be his next catch even if it was only half-Poison, having a Ghost-Type might be a good idea. As Cherry attempted to get Mason to talk, the older teen eventually closed his eyes against the darkness while continuing to talk in a straight line. Mason did not respond at first to Cherry picking at him, blowing out some smoke into the air in front of him before taking another drag on the cigarette. "Easy thing to swipe," was all he said. Whatever it was, his tone and demeanor made it apparent he didn't want to talk about his past. Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow

Cherry understood that somethings were best left unsaid and not mentioned. But it was something that she had to bring up. She even though didn't know him... Felt bad for him and wanted to just... do what she could to take that away...

Cherry: i know... you don't want to bring up your past, Mason. I don't blame you. You've been hurt so many times... how can you even find yourself to trust openly again. Being betrayed. It made you guarded. I know the feeling. My one friend Jessie Rogers felt kinda like the same thing about openly talking about his being into ballet. He didn't think anyone would accept him. But what he found... was that a group of people took to him. Accepted him for who he was. Never judging. Like me. I never judged him. And i'll never judge you. Ever. I give everyone a chance.

She was being sincere to Mason. She wasn't gonna push for him to open up about his past. She know for sure that it was something that Mason would speak of... when he was ready and not before. But as Cherry watched Mason smoke... it made her suddenly have the urge to ask him something... It was gonna be awkward... but she couldn't cower...

Cherry: Mason... Uh could I... *Trying to gather the guts in order to ask* ...
Daeshim Yang/Mason Lauder
Mason didn't say anything as Cherry began speaking to him again, this time directly, the teen pausing to frown at her as she spoke about how he would learn to trust others one day. Truthfully, he wasn't holding his breath there. She then looked at him and attempted to stutter out something so he just gave her a piercing look and waited for her to get her act together. Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow
Daeshim Yang/Mason Lauder
Mason didn't say anything as Cherry began speaking to him again, this time directly, the teen pausing to frown at her as she spoke about how he would learn to trust others one day. Truthfully, he wasn't holding his breath there. She then looked at him and attempted to stutter out something so he just gave her a piercing look and waited for her to get her act together. Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow

Cherry gulped as she finally got out the question. The question that she may one day regret as it would change her...

Cherry: *Motioning as she suddenly referred to the pack in Mason's possession* Could i have one?

Lionel: Cherry, What are you saying?

Cherry: what do you mean?

Kevin: You're about to ask for a stick... Is that what you want?

Cherry: *A Little nervous* I don't know. I guess so. *To Mason* Can I?
Mason Lauder
Mason looked at Cherry as she asked for one of his cigarettes. One of the others immediately asked if she was sure and she said uncertainly that she was. Removing his pack, he withdrew a stick and passed it to her before closing it and then lighting the cigarette with his lighter, slipping that into his pocket as well.
Mason Lauder
Mason looked at Cherry as she asked for one of his cigarettes. One of the others immediately asked if she was sure and she said uncertainly that she was. Removing his pack, he withdrew a stick and passed it to her before closing it and then lighting the cigarette with his lighter, slipping that into his pocket as well.

Cherry was really unsure and she knew she gonna be finding herself either sick... in guilt or one who'd be unable to face the group that she parted from some time ago. She started smoking the cigarette and puffed on it. Learning as she went...

Cherry: *Smoking feeling rather nervous and unsure* Mason, there's a shop in truesdale, Missouri. It's a ways from here still... But if you want... we can get you a new pack of your brand. I got money to use. *Smiles shyly as she truly had a crush on Mason*
Mason Lauder
"I'll be fine with what I have for now," said Mason. He began walking again, having stopped to give Cherry a stick and light it for her. He looked over at Daeshim who appeared tired.
Mason Lauder
"I'll be fine with what I have for now," said Mason. He began walking again, having stopped to give Cherry a stick and light it for her. He looked over at Daeshim who appeared tired.

Cherry nodded and saw that Daeshim was starting to get a little worn out... But she didn't refrain from assuring Mason that she was more than willing to buy him a new pack. She just wanted to be his friend. She wanted it to be known that she wanted his friendship because she cared about being a friend to him. She didn't get a chance to say much more as while they were all walking...


"Seedot! Seedot!"


Cherry: *Looking at the others* We got company* 5 Koffings... 4 Seedot's and 3 Cranidos... So.. *Blowing smoke into the air* Who goes for which one?

Kevin: I'll try for a Cranidos.

Lionel: Seedot for me.

Cherry: Koffing. I would love to have one of those. They look interesting. Mason, Daeshim... What do you two think?
Issac woke up a while before Joanna but didn’t say much of anything until she did. “So a nurse saved us huh” he muttered out as he overhead the conversation. He looked up at the sky, his eyes locking on to a bird-like shadow flying in into the distance as the light shining from his rainbow wing started to dissipate.
Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow
Daeshim Yang/Mason Lauder
"Not interested," said Mason as soon as they came across a hoard of Pokemon, the tip of his cigarette burning brightly.

Daeshim however studied both the Seedot and the Koffing. He knew the Koffing was a Poison-Type and Seedot would evolve into a Grass/Dark-Type. Which one was more important to him as he preferred both Poison-Type and Dark-Type Pokemon? Maybe can get them both, he thought to himself. "I'll try for the Seedot and Koffing," he said. "Bulbasaur come out."


"Tackle the Seedot on the far left," said Daeshim.

"Bulbasuar." Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow
Daeshim Yang/Mason Lauder
"Not interested," said Mason as soon as they came across a hoard of Pokemon, the tip of his cigarette burning brightly.

Daeshim however studied both the Seedot and the Koffing. He knew the Koffing was a Poison-Type and Seedot would evolve into a Grass/Dark-Type. Which one was more important to him as he preferred both Poison-Type and Dark-Type Pokemon? Maybe can get them both, he thought to himself. "I'll try for the Seedot and Koffing," he said. "Bulbasaur come out."


"Tackle the Seedot on the far left," said Daeshim.

"Bulbasuar." Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow

Kevin: *Sighs* Your loss, Mason... But you're gonna be feeling sad if you don't find yourself one of those down the road sometime. *Calling out a pokemon* Go Machop!

Lionel: *Calling out a pokemon* Pansear... Let's turn up our fire!

Cherry: *Calling out a pokemon* Sandile... I want you to come out!

Seconds later...




Kevin: Machop, Use Dynamic Punch on Cranidos!

Lionel: Pansear, Fire Punch on Seedot!

Cherry: Sandile, Use Thunder Fang and then Fire Fang on Koffing. Put the bite right on it!
Issac woke up a while before Joanna but didn’t say much of anything until she did. “So a nurse saved us huh” he muttered out as he overhead the conversation. He looked up at the sky, his eyes locking on to a bird-like shadow flying in into the distance as the light shining from his rainbow wing started to dissipate.
Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow

Joanna: *Looking at Issac* Yeah. She's a lifesaver. I don't know how she managed to do it. But she brought me back from the doors of death. I must have been out a while or so. Any longer and the next thing i'd see which would be the last... is a trip with the ferryman and having to pay my wages of what they call the fare. My pieces of 8 would be needing to be given to him.

Jordan: If that happened... You'd see me in a psych ward. I'd be unable to handle it... That is for certain.

Ridge: *Looking at his girlfriend and Kissing her on the lips* What say that we go on a date, Macie? When we hit Cleveland of course. Sound good?

Macie Melody Lightfoot (139).jpg
Macie: *Giggling; Smiling* Oh... Ridge. Of course. You didn't have to be so straight about it though. But a date would sound rather nice. I'd like that alot.

Don: *Looking to the side and up the road a bit* We really ought to find a place to eat... before hitting the road. We're gonna need food.

Frank: *Looking at the inventory and stock* We still have a bit of food here. We're gonna need to pitch as it's no good by now.

Gaby: What'll we do now?

Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine Z zninjsu Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Daeshim Yang/Mason Lauder
Mason didn't say anything as one of the other trainers commented on the fact that he would regret missing one of these Pokemon in the future. He just watched as the others called out their Pokemon and attempted to fight and get new companions. There was nothing here that he wanted in terms of Pokemon and so he wasn't going to waste his energy or Poochyena's. He just watched the others.

Bulbasaur hit the Seedot on the far left and sent it to the ground. The Seedot got up and used Bullet Seed, jumping into the air and released multiple glowing yellow seeds at the Bulbasaur from the top of its head. The attack took Bulbasaur by surprise so that he got hit by the attack. It then attempted to use Bide, becoming outlined in white as Bulbasaur used Vine Whip, two dark green vines coming out of the sides of Bulbasaur's bulb and hit the Seedot, lashing it. "Use Vine Whip to jump, then Petal Dance," said Daeshim. Bulbasaur released the Seedot and managed to escape the Bide attack from Seedot before using its egg move Petal Dance, an attack in which multiple pink petals were released in a twister like fashon at Seedot which hit it. "Venoshock," said Daeshim and from the bulb on his back, multiple dark purple blobs erupted from his bulb at the Seedot. Unfortunately he wasn't aiming and got a Koffing as well. "Well, that works," said Daeshim. Bulbasaur hit the Seedot with another Tackle and it finally fainted. Daeshim tossed a pokeball at the Seedot and caught it after three wiggles.

The Koffing he had targeted automatically used Poison Gas. "Bulbasaur use Vine Whip and slam it into the ground." Bulbasaur dodged the Poison attack and extended its vines which grabbed and wrapped around the Koffing before slamming it down into the earth. "Tackle." It then rushed at the Koffing as it held it with Vine Whip and slammed headfirst into it. Koffing spun at the attack, the Venoshock attack slowly working to sap the Pokemon's health each time it used an attack. It levitated and slammed into Bulbasaur with a Tackle of its own, knocking Bulbasaur back. "Energy Ball," said Daeshim and Bulbasaur fired a light green ball of energy at the Koffing. The battle continued until he hit it with a Solar Beam. The most powerful Grass Attack knocked Koffing out cold and Daeshim soon caught the Koffing and added it to his team.

Kelani Aneko
Kelani recalled Litten and clipped it as well as the Caterpie's pokeballs to her waist and headed back towards the others. Joanna was stirring fully now and so she kept quiet about the fact that she had caught a Caterpie. Finding somewhere to sleep though sounded like a good idea though and maybe some food as well. Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow
Daeshim Yang/Mason Lauder
Mason didn't say anything as one of the other trainers commented on the fact that he would regret missing one of these Pokemon in the future. He just watched as the others called out their Pokemon and attempted to fight and get new companions. There was nothing here that he wanted in terms of Pokemon and so he wasn't going to waste his energy or Poochyena's. He just watched the others.

Bulbasaur hit the Seedot on the far left and sent it to the ground. The Seedot got up and used Bullet Seed, jumping into the air and released multiple glowing yellow seeds at the Bulbasaur from the top of its head. The attack took Bulbasaur by surprise so that he got hit by the attack. It then attempted to use Bide, becoming outlined in white as Bulbasaur used Vine Whip, two dark green vines coming out of the sides of Bulbasaur's bulb and hit the Seedot, lashing it. "Use Vine Whip to jump, then Petal Dance," said Daeshim. Bulbasaur released the Seedot and managed to escape the Bide attack from Seedot before using its egg move Petal Dance, an attack in which multiple pink petals were released in a twister like fashon at Seedot which hit it. "Venoshock," said Daeshim and from the bulb on his back, multiple dark purple blobs erupted from his bulb at the Seedot. Unfortunately he wasn't aiming and got a Koffing as well. "Well, that works," said Daeshim. Bulbasaur hit the Seedot with another Tackle and it finally fainted. Daeshim tossed a pokeball at the Seedot and caught it after three wiggles.

The Koffing he had targeted automatically used Poison Gas. "Bulbasaur use Vine Whip and slam it into the ground." Bulbasaur dodged the Poison attack and extended its vines which grabbed and wrapped around the Koffing before slamming it down into the earth. "Tackle." It then rushed at the Koffing as it held it with Vine Whip and slammed headfirst into it. Koffing spun at the attack, the Venoshock attack slowly working to sap the Pokemon's health each time it used an attack. It levitated and slammed into Bulbasaur with a Tackle of its own, knocking Bulbasaur back. "Energy Ball," said Daeshim and Bulbasaur fired a light green ball of energy at the Koffing. The battle continued until he hit it with a Solar Beam. The most powerful Grass Attack knocked Koffing out cold and Daeshim soon caught the Koffing and added it to his team.

Kelani Aneko
Kelani recalled Litten and clipped it as well as the Caterpie's pokeballs to her waist and headed back towards the others. Joanna was stirring fully now and so she kept quiet about the fact that she had caught a Caterpie. Finding somewhere to sleep though sounded like a good idea though and maybe some food as well. Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow

Machop used Dynamic Punch on Cranidos and placed the pain on it. Kevin saw as it took the pokemon down. Not letting the energy be pulled back. It then went right for a low kick and Cross-chop. It wasn't that effective as the Cranidos then tried its luck in kicking back with a Vine Whip then Leaf storm. The vine whip came and crackled with a snap and a whapping sound... as if it were trying to just whip the hide off from Machop. But that was when Machop used Close Combat. It got close to it and then with a mass punch placed it in submission. It was then that Cranidos was weak enough for a catching. Kevin caught it with just a small case of wiggling. Wiggling then just stopped. It was a good fast and cheering catch for him.

As for Lionel... His Pansear used Fire Punch on seedot and for a stunned surprise... that was all it took to weaken it. One Fire Punch and then a toss of a ball... Seconds later... It was caught. Brought in for a win.

As for Cherry... She had her Sandile use Thunder Fang and then right after that A Fire Fang right on Koffing. It took alot of damage from the attack and Koffing was hit. But then it used Smog and then Used Sludge. It hit Sandile... Or did it. Because before it could make contact... Sandile used Dig and Dug underground... staying there till the attack was done... although it was what came next that got it down on Koffing. Because it was to bring Koffing over to investigate... which as soon as it got close to the hole... Sandile leaped up and used Stone Edge... Sending it fast and like a pinprick into Koffing. Knocking it down... Within seconds... it was down and weakened stiff.

Cherry: *Tossing an empty pokeball at the Koffing* Pokeball go!

Before she could blink... the ball caught Koffing and tamed it. It was now hers.

There was a round of good cheer for the catching. They were with success and finished off the ones remaining. Weeding them out and sending them to the cleaners.

As for the main group...

Back in Lexington...

Joanna and the crew were all with the plan to head off again... They wanted to ensure that they would get something in them. It was past time to eat and Past time to start heading off to their next city.

Jordan: There's a Sonic Drive-in on 13th street. 909 13th street. So we can grab something there to eat. They usually have great food. Dining inside and enjoying the time to rest our feet a little. It's been a long day anyway...

Zod: Good idea. But now... how do we get there?

Ridge: By our motor scooters.

Joanna: *To Kelani* Kelani... Want to ride along... it'd give you a chance to rest your feet a bit. It's been a long day. Surely your feet must be worn out a bit. What do you think?
Daeshim Yang/Mason Lauder
Everyone seemed to get their Pokemon except for Mason who had seen nothing interesting among the Pokemon that interested him. Everyone celebrated though Mason just walked off and leaned against a tree as he watched the others celebrating. Daeshim was quiet unlike the others who were really excited though he was glad that he had caught one of each type of Pokemon, if Seedot was a Grass-Type and wouldn't be a full Dark-Type pokemon.

Kelani Aneko
Kelani heard something about a Sonic Drive-In that had good food and somewhere to sit, where everyone could eat. When Ridge said they could get there by motor scooters, Joanna turned to her and asked about if she wanted to go in one of the motor scooters. "No. I can find the address on my phone and make it there by foot," said Kelani. She pulled up google maps and typed in the address. 1.5 miles or 29 minutes walking from where she was. She could do that. Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow
Daeshim Yang/Mason Lauder
Everyone seemed to get their Pokemon except for Mason who had seen nothing interesting among the Pokemon that interested him. Everyone celebrated though Mason just walked off and leaned against a tree as he watched the others celebrating. Daeshim was quiet unlike the others who were really excited though he was glad that he had caught one of each type of Pokemon, if Seedot was a Grass-Type and wouldn't be a full Dark-Type pokemon.

Kelani Aneko
Kelani heard something about a Sonic Drive-In that had good food and somewhere to sit, where everyone could eat. When Ridge said they could get there by motor scooters, Joanna turned to her and asked about if she wanted to go in one of the motor scooters. "No. I can find the address on my phone and make it there by foot," said Kelani.

Cherry didn't really stick with the celebrating long as she then saw Mason feeling alone and felt as though she should do something about it. She cared about him alot and wanted to see that he knew it. She went over and started to speak with him. What Cherry wanted more was to know how he felt about her. Even though it was way too early to embellish. Cherry looked and sighed. She just felt like she was on a cloud...

Cherry: Mason, Why do you feel so alone? Don't you know that i just want to be your friend? In fact... i actually happen to like you. Think that you're cute. Really cute. *Blushes*

Z zninjsu
Mason Lauder
Mason turned his gaze upon Cherry as she came towards him, Poochyena remaining sitting beside him as the Dark-Type had followed his master towards the tree. Dropping the cigarette on the ground, he crushed it with his boot and watched as she continued approaching him before finally speaking. Breathing out the last of the smoke in the girl's face, he watched as she said that she liked him and thought he was cute, he just stared at her. "You don't even know me and you've fallen head over heels for a complete stranger. That nonsense can get you taken advantage of or killed out here kid," he said. "You think you want to be my friend? You really seem to think you know anything about me based on your own experiences. You.know.nothing and if you want to be my friend...you'll smarten up and get wise out here." Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow
Mason Lauder
Mason turned his gaze upon Cherry as she came towards him, Poochyena remaining sitting beside him as the Dark-Type had followed his master towards the tree. Dropping the cigarette on the ground, he crushed it with his boot and watched as she continued approaching him before finally speaking. Breathing out the last of the smoke in the girl's face, he watched as she said that she liked him and thought he was cute, he just stared at her. "You don't even know me and you've fallen head over heels for a complete stranger. That nonsense can get you taken advantage of or killed out here kid," he said. "You think you want to be my friend? You really seem to think you know anything about me based on your own experiences. You.know.nothing and if you want to be my friend...you'll smarten up and get wise out here." Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow

Cherry took some offense to those words and rebutted. She was not about to have her feelings thrown aside. She felt attracted to Mason. She was not gonna just watch as he gave up being nice to those around him. She didn't know anything about him and she knew that. But she wanted to know him...

Cherry: I know how to be resourceful, Mason. I happen to be very resourceful. Jessie Rogers is a friend i know who sees that. Every single day. We see one another alot. And friends protect one another. They stick by one another and never back down. *Suddenly getting angry* And if you think that i can't wise up... You better watch it. I might blow you away. I got money. I know that life isn't fair to some people who had a hard life. But it doesn't mean that they can just go all around acting like a JERK! I Like you. Okay? So... I'm Stupid. Stupid for liking someone who's being so distrusting and would rather speak as though they're cold. I must be a total nut. But you know what? If liking someone like you... and actually giving you a chance... reaching out to you and doing what most wouldn't give a damn to even try doing for you makes me out to be truly stupid... Sign me up!

She was mad and she was not about to let Mason just ward her off. She cared about him. And she wasn't gonna give up. She wasn't gonna cave in either.

She then looked at him with fierce determination and then with impulse... Grabbed for his pack of smokes, pulled out a cigarette and then took his lighter... lit up a cigarette and smoked.

Cherry: *Sighs sharply and exhaling* There... *Smoking and with a face of bravado and courage* Does this show you... How wised up i can really be?!
When Ridge stated if the should go out and get something to eat Issac left to go grab his bike which he had left parked outside of the Pokémon Center. Moments later the sound of its engine echoed through the park as he pulled up the group letting them see the machine more clearly. It was modeled after Ho-oh with the front resembling its head and the sides having a wing design on them. “Hey anyone needing a lift!” He called out as soon as they turned their attention to him.

Meanwhile, at a hill not far from the park a girl with dark Purple hair was watching Joanna’s group as she pulled out a phone and started talking into it. “This is Diana, I can confirm that subject #250 has left Lexington airspace and has gone to an as of yet unknown location, no it’s only lightly shown its presence them, no I realize that this means we’ll have to track it all over again but I don’t think it will be necessary....” she paused as whoever was on the other line spoke. “I understand I will continue with my assigned task, Mr. head of security.”

Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow , Z zninjsu
When Ridge stated if the should go out and get something to eat Issac left to go grab his bike which he had left parked outside of the Pokémon Center. Moments later the sound of its engine echoed through the park as he pulled up the group letting them see the machine more clearly. It was modeled after Ho-oh with the front resembling its head and the sides having a wing design on them. “Hey anyone needing a lift!” He called out as soon as they turned their attention to him.

Meanwhile, at a hill not far from the park a girl with dark Purple hair was watching Joanna’s group as she pulled out a phone and started talking into it. “This is Diana, I can confirm that subject #250 has left Lexington airspace and has gone to an as of yet unknown location, no it’s only lightly shown its presence them, no I realize that this means we’ll have to track it all over again but I don’t think it will be necessary....” she paused as whoever was on the other line spoke. “I understand I will continue with my assigned task, Mr. head of security.”

Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow , Z zninjsu

Joanna Barlow (172).jpg
Joanna: I would suppose that there is no one extra. Kelani's wanting to go by foot. For the life of me... i don't know why. I begin to wonder if she's ever gonna fully trust us. *Sighs*

Macie T.: I don't know. But *Looking at Issac* Can i get that ride? I'm the only one without a ride.

Gaby: *Wondering* Where do we go from here... after we grab something to eat?

Ridge: Next place is... Either Concordia. or Marshall, Missouri.

Jordan: We might bypass those two... Because we're in need of getting closer to our first Gym before it's too much time passed.

Jessie: Right. However... First we eat.

Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine
"kay then, where do you want to go?" Issac asked Macie as she got on, making sure to call shade back into his ball before the decision not to ended up being one he regretted later. and with that taken care of, he set off towards the streets of Lexington making sure to go at a speed where he wouldn't outpace everyone else.

Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow (sorry for the short post)
"kay then, where do you want to go?" Issac asked Macie as she got on, making sure to call shade back into his ball before the decision not to ended up being one he regretted later. and with that taken care of, he set off towards the streets of Lexington making sure to go at a speed where he wouldn't outpace everyone else.

Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow (sorry for the short post)

Macie Terrace 2.png
Macie T.: To the Sonic Drive-in that's at 909 13th street.

It was then... as soon as everyone were inside their motor Scooters. On the way over to where the drive-in was. It was a little bit of the main drag... But it was gonna be from there... that they would go on to their next city...
(I'm assuming we are still in separate traveling groups, correct me if I'm wrong and I will fix this post)

Jenny strecthed after waking up in the hotel, she stayed over noght because she wasnt going to drive in the storm that came the night before.

She looked at lily "good morning Lily, did you sleep well?" She asked

"well ots not like home, but yes I did" Lily replied

"true, but at least we had fun with that chef from the reasturaunt yesterday, I still cant believe he challenged me but that's what fame does to you" she chuckled

"yeah, his Magmar didnt even stand a chance" Lily snickered

"you are my secret weapon Lily" Jenny smilled and hugged her best friend then got up and started getting dressed "alright we should head out soon, we have a few places to visit" she replied and headed back to her car with Lily in tow then they headed to the next city

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