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Fandom The United States Pokemon Region- A Possible multi-Crossover... Redux

Akemi Nakajima
Taking Alakazam's hand, the Psi Pokemon transported his master to the ground before tapping his poke ball and disappearing inside it. A few moments later Charizard had flown down to his master's side, landing down behind the trainer. "Char!" There was no response from the Flame Pokemon's master. The Pokemon followed his master through the streets. The 5'07" tall Pokemon easily made a path through the humans and warded off any who tried to bother his master. They moved around until the outskirts of the city before taking a path and heading up through the forest until they got to a Fossil Restoration Center. Walking into the building, Charizard remained outside keeping watch as Akemi made his way to the counter and began speaking to the elderly gentleman there, depositing the Claw Fossil on the table.

"Restore this."
"Woah..." Leonetta muttered, watching the scene unfold before her very eyes. "That's... Amazing, and very touching..." Leonetta added, watching in awe.
Charlotte obaeeved the interaction and took a few notes, perhaps it was something that could help with thw development of her portable Pokemon care system
Leslie: Cherry has a stone. Magma stone. However... if you want it from her. You're gonna have to battle her. or get your own. Because i don't think Ipkiss there... is gonna see on parting with it. Not willingly of course. *Grins*

Blossom L. Burke: Hey! Leslie... Don't tease him. That isn't right.

Leslie: I'm not teasing him. I'm just saying. Besides... You think that anyone will just be willing to give away a Magma stone... and just so openly?

Jewel: She's got a point there, you know.

Randolph: I agree. *Nods*

Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow MischievousMismagius MischievousMismagius crumbelivable crumbelivable
Silver finally spoke up, “I’ve been thinking about that too.. I mean, a random stranger just gave you it; an item of that rarity would t simply be given away, it takes a lot of time to be able to find something like it, and a Magma Stone isn’t just some rare stone, it’s said to have the ability to not only awaken a Heatran but to control it. Another thing that worries me though.. Heatran is a legendary Pokémon said to reside deep in volcanic caverns, why would it be here. Not to mention, most legendary Pokémon prefer to keep minimal contact with humans, so why would be so close to the city in the first place?” She explained. “Something just seems off, it can’t be just a coincidence. Even so, I won’t miss the chance to encounter it, it’ll be a great opportunity to conduct more research,” she said excitedly.
"Woah..." Leonetta muttered, watching the scene unfold before her very eyes. "That's... Amazing, and very touching..." Leonetta added, watching in awe.

Lois: *Turning to Leonetta* Ha... And Here i am... only a Nurse. But i caught this Absol. Or it let me have him. But you know... I don't mind catching all kinds if that's what i am to look forward to. But if it means catching some for my Ginge' and Carl... Then why not... I say... Pokemon, Come to Nurse Lois. But don't suspect this to be that easy all the time. This was by luck. Next... might not be so easy.

November Witch November Witch Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow @Jordan Mortimer Barlow Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Leonetta smiled and put a hand on the shoulder of Lois. "I know you'll help many, Pokémon or human. Let's get back on the bus, we should get going."
Charlotte obaeeved the interaction and took a few notes, perhaps it was something that could help with thw development of her portable Pokemon care system

Jordan: *With a loss for words* ... That... that was totally amazing. She just went and healed it a little... and it just let her capture it. How could that even happen? *To Charlotte* Have you ever seen anything... like this, Charlotte? *Bewildered*

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Leonetta smiled and put a hand on the shoulder of Lois. "I know you'll help many, Pokémon or human. Let's get back on the bus, we should get going."

Lois: *Smiles* I can try. But thank you, there... Leonetta. Yeah... Let's get on going... we need to make progress. *Getting to her car and calling back her pokemon* Gothitelle, Growlithe... Roserade... return.

Lois got back into her car and made sure that her things were put back together in order...

Lois: *Sighs* Well... I'm ready to move again. Next closest town is Houstonia, Missouri. From there it'd be quite a ways till we reach Columbia, Missouri. We're going past that... i'd figure. so... we better get on moving so we can gain some progress.

November Witch November Witch Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine
Silver finally spoke up, “I’ve been thinking about that too.. I mean, a random stranger just gave you it; an item of that rarity would t simply be given away, it takes a lot of time to be able to find something like it, and a Magma Stone isn’t just some rare stone, it’s said to have the ability to not only awaken a Heatran but to control it. Another thing that worries me though.. Heatran is a legendary Pokémon said to reside deep in volcanic caverns, why would it be here. Not to mention, most legendary Pokémon prefer to keep minimal contact with humans, so why would be so close to the city in the first place?” She explained. “Something just seems off, it can’t be just a coincidence. Even so, I won’t miss the chance to encounter it, it’ll be a great opportunity to conduct more research,” she said excitedly.

Cherry: Why would you even ask me why someone would just give me something like this? Does it look like i know? I mean... come on, really? Seriously?! I don't know why i'd be given this. This Magma Stone is not something that i'd expect to have. It isn't even in my expectant repertoire for surprise. Diana just gave it to me. Didn't tell me why i should have it. She didn't even explain why it was that she would just pass it to me. She just did.

Kevin: But you do have a point. The pokemon like A Heatran... It usually wouldn't go near humans. Not like this. Nor would it come close to town. It'd stick to being in those Caverns. Volcanic tubes that harbor it. But it's here... Something must have dragged it out. Lured it to civilization. But... What? What could have done it? Why?

Rikku: We might need some Intel. And there is one source that might know...

Lionel: Which would be?

Rikku: The only one i'd know.

crumbelivable crumbelivable MischievousMismagius MischievousMismagius @Leslie Blake Burke
Silver chewed the inside of her cheek, tensing slightly at Cherry’s response. She looked down, her gaze going back to her laptop screen. She listened to the conversation, staying silent.
Lois: *Smiles* I can try. But thank you, there... Leonetta. Yeah... Let's get on going... we need to make progress. *Getting to her car and calling back her pokemon* Gothitelle, Growlithe... Roserade... return.

Lois got back into her car and made sure that her things were put back together in order...

Lois: *Sighs* Well... I'm ready to move again. Next closest town is Houstonia, Missouri. From there it'd be quite a ways till we reach Columbia, Missouri. We're going past that... i'd figure. so... we better get on moving so we can gain some progress.

November Witch November Witch Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine

Joanna: *Looking at the group* I agree. We better get going. If we want any progress made at all... we need to move...

Macie Melody Lightfoot (43).jpg
Macie: The next best city... I say we stop for the night and camp. My Oshawott's getting cranky and My Numel is starting to throw a fit. Either they're hungry... or they're getting a little roudy.

Zod: My Lucario feels the same way, Macie. Hopefully... we'll reach a good sized area by nightfall.

@Lois Foutley Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine November Witch November Witch
Jenny continued to the next city in her quest to experience what the regions chefs could offer, as well as the gym challenges

Charlotte continued to travel with Jordan and his group
Silver chewed the inside of her cheek, tensing slightly at Cherry’s response. She looked down, her gaze going back to her laptop screen. She listened to the conversation, staying silent.

Rikku: I know who to call...

Rikku made the call...

Back in Metropolis, Kansas...

The starting point of our #1 group of trainers...



Watchtower Command Center...


Tess: *On the Comm* Hello. Watchtower.

Rikku: *On the phone* Tess! It's Rikku. Spencer's wife.

Tess: Rikku, What's going on? Everything okay?

Rikku: Yeah. I'm okay. Spencer's of course right now in Los Angeles, California. To run the Ground Pokemon Gym. He's there. I'm right now in Illinois. Mt. Carmel, Illinois. With Cherry Ipkiss's small group.

Tess: Cherry's Group?

Rikku: Yeah. Yeah... Cherry.

Tess: What's happened to Joanna and Macie?

Rikku: Well... that's the detail... They went their own ways Courtesy of some girl named Jensen. She was a drama queen. Katie and Erica went their separate ways soon as they left Buchner. Because she couldn't stand that Jensen. Always wanting to tell them about her Dragon. Her dragon wasn't even listening to her. It ignored her and... It almost Attacked Ridge once. But she still kept it. Still kept it. At the tournament in Buchner... in the one match Her Charizard attacked the opponents pokemon... then tried to go at the trainers. As far as Cherry knows... Jensen's still with them. But as long as Jensen's with them... Cherry won't be. She refuses.

Tess: Wow. Sounds like Cherry's made a conscious choice in taking matters into her own hands. Good. From the sound of what you heard about that girl. She's really careless. How anyone like her can call themselves pokemon trainers... is beyond me. She's the kind which make all the rest look bad.

Rikku: Yeah. Cherry even said that Jessie Rogers was even into Jensen... She thinks it's pathetic... and you know... i agree. But what i'm calling about is something revolving a legendary pokemon... called a Heatran. Cherry's said something about also having a Magma Stone and it being something being able to control it.

Tess: *Thinking* Hmm... It's gonna take a little time to gather the data on it. But i'll hit back with what this Orbiter scratches up and uncovers on the Elusive Legendary Pokemon.

Rikku: Thanks, Tess.

Tess: Not a problem. Serving those in need is the primal objective.

Call ends...

Rikku: It'll take some time. But she's gonna dig up the Deep Intel on the Legendary subject.

MischievousMismagius MischievousMismagius @Leslie Blake Burke crumbelivable crumbelivable
Jenny continued to the next city in her quest to experience what the regions chefs could offer, as well as the gym challenges

Charlotte continued to travel with Jordan and his group

Jordan Looked at the map and tried to map out the next stop for the group. It was gonna be a while before they were to stop again and they all knew it. Jordan looked to see Charlotte watching the scenery. However as they progressed onwards to the next town, Jordan started dozing off. He began to think about his parents and the night that they were murdered. During that time... No one... Not even him... saw
A Shuppet appear before him. Attracting itself to him like a tractor beam to an energy source.

Jordan: *Looking at the Shuppet coming around him* Hmm... Hello there. Who are you, little one?

Jordan checked his pokedex and got the info on it...

Pokedex: Shuppet-The Puppet Pokemon-- SHUPPET is attracted by feelings of jealousy and vindictiveness. If someone develops strong feelings of vengeance, this POKéMON will appear in a swarm and line up beneath the eaves of that person’s home. SHUPPET grows by feeding on dark emotions, such as vengefulness and envy, in the hearts of people. It roams through cities in search of grudges that taint people. This POKéMON roams about deep in the night seeking such negative emotions as grudges and envy. It retreats to its nest when the sun begins to rise. It eats up emotions like malice, jealousy, and resentment, so some people are grateful for its presence. There’s a proverb that says, “Shun the house where Shuppet gather in the growing dusk.”

Jordan: Well... That must not be a odd nature for a pokemon. *Seeing that Shuppet is looking for a friend and watching as it taps on one of his empty pokeballs* Now isn't that a surprise. A Ghost Pokemon captures itself with a pokeball on me. I guess... i guess that i now have a Shuppet.

The Tourbus presses on...

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
Cherry: Why would you even ask me why someone would just give me something like this? Does it look like i know? I mean... come on, really? Seriously?! I don't know why i'd be given this. This Magma Stone is not something that i'd expect to have. It isn't even in my expectant repertoire for surprise. Diana just gave it to me. Didn't tell me why i should have it. She didn't even explain why it was that she would just pass it to me. She just did.

Kevin: But you do have a point. The pokemon like A Heatran... It usually wouldn't go near humans. Not like this. Nor would it come close to town. It'd stick to being in those Caverns. Volcanic tubes that harbor it. But it's here... Something must have dragged it out. Lured it to civilization. But... What? What could have done it? Why?

Rikku: We might need some Intel. And there is one source that might know...

Lionel: Which would be?

Rikku: The only one i'd know.

crumbelivable crumbelivable MischievousMismagius MischievousMismagius @Leslie Blake Burke

Alden sighed. "I only asked for a look at it. But, if you want to battle for it, I'd be more than up for it." He turned to his three Pokemon. Putting away, Trent and Irving's bowls, he explained "I haven't had a good battle since I left Canada. If you're up for it, we can fight for that stone." He turned to Dave, motioning him to come to him. "So, what do you say? Do you wanna just give me a look at it, or do you wanna do something a bit more fun?"

Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow @Leslie Blake Burke
Alden sighed. "I only asked for a look at it. But, if you want to battle for it, I'd be more than up for it." He turned to his three Pokemon. Putting away, Trent and Irving's bowls, he explained "I haven't had a good battle since I left Canada. If you're up for it, we can fight for that stone." He turned to Dave, motioning him to come to him. "So, what do you say? Do you wanna just give me a look at it, or do you wanna do something a bit more fun?"

Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow @Leslie Blake Burke

Cherry: They were only kidding. Really. They were only kidding. I won't mind that you have a look at it.

Cherry then goes into her bag and pulls out the stone... She then shows it off but holds onto it with a grip. She didn't look forward to losing it.

Kevin: Gotta admit though... the idea of seeing such a legendary creature... It's a real eye opener.

crumbelivable crumbelivable MischievousMismagius MischievousMismagius
Silver nodded, “For the years that I’ve been studying them, I’ve never encountered before, this will be so exciting. I just hope it doesn’t go wrong, I wouldn’t want someone getting hurt,” she said.
Silver nodded, “For the years that I’ve been studying them, I’ve never encountered before, this will be so exciting. I just hope it doesn’t go wrong, I wouldn’t want someone getting hurt,” she said.

Cherry: I don't think that any of us would want that. Not openly. I mean... danger and intrigue is part of life... But... there's only so much that a person can handle with that.

Lionel: I agree. We should just camp out here for the rest of the day and just hit with the investigation first thing in the morning. As it is... the expedition to where the pokemon was officially sighted...is gonna take at least half a day. Exploring the possible hillside and cave or cavern.

Krissy: Sounds rather like a good plan.

MischievousMismagius MischievousMismagius crumbelivable crumbelivable @Leslie Blake Burke
"So, we're doing it the easy way, then?" Alden reached out and grabbed the magma stone to examine it. In his hands, it felt quite warm, although rough to the touch. The shape, color and slight glow of the stone, however, reminded him of something he'd seen out in the field. "You know..." he said, "This rock looks a lot like some of weird graffiti I've seen around the east coast. Just big, random, splotches of this sort of color and shape just painted on everything from trains, to walls, to even whole buildings! Sometimes they even have these weird cryptic symbols or logos, it was all a big mystery around there." He turned back to the group "You haven't happened to hear anything about it, have you?
Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow
Silver looked up questioningly, “Hmm, not that I’ve heard or seen; what about you guys?” She asked, curious about what the others have to say.
"So, we're doing it the easy way, then?" Alden reached out and grabbed the magma stone to examine it. In his hands, it felt quite warm, although rough to the touch. The shape, color and slight glow of the stone, however, reminded him of something he'd seen out in the field. "You know..." he said, "This rock looks a lot like some of weird graffiti I've seen around the east coast. Just big, random, splotches of this sort of color and shape just painted on everything from trains, to walls, to even whole buildings! Sometimes they even have these weird cryptic symbols or logos, it was all a big mystery around there." He turned back to the group "You haven't happened to hear anything about it, have you?
Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow

Cherry: *Obtaining back the stone* Not that we know of. It's rather... the first time that we heard it. Although there has been some graffiti artists going around from time to time turning just markings on the sides of buildings and walls... into art. Finding a way to turn just ugly... into magnificent art work. Back in Metropolis. It's just not been a constant thing. But we seen it. a couple or so times there. But you seem to have seen it like a lot more than the normal.

Jenny G.: You don't see good art like that nowadays. Now it's just cheap art sold at ridiculous prices.

Kevin: I've seen good art in Chicago though. That's where i'm from originally. They got culture art. It's like things you see in musicals. Where they paint these like totally bitchin' murals. It's like that. But i myself came across a few of them. a year ago. They looked seriously professional. Like the artist spent about 4 years solid making it. From the top to the very bottom. From one side... to the other. 7 feet tall... 9 feet wide.

Cherry: Wow!

Kevin: You got that right. Wow!

crumbelivable crumbelivable MischievousMismagius MischievousMismagius @Leslie Blake Burke
Cherry: *Obtaining back the stone* Not that we know of. It's rather... the first time that we heard it. Although there has been some graffiti artists going around from time to time turning just markings on the sides of buildings and walls... into art. Finding a way to turn just ugly... into magnificent art work. Back in Metropolis. It's just not been a constant thing. But we seen it. a couple or so times there. But you seem to have seen it like a lot more than the normal.

Jenny G.: You don't see good art like that nowadays. Now it's just cheap art sold at ridiculous prices.

Kevin: I've seen good art in Chicago though. That's where i'm from originally. They got culture art. It's like things you see in musicals. Where they paint these like totally bitchin' murals. It's like that. But i myself came across a few of them. a year ago. They looked seriously professional. Like the artist spent about 4 years solid making it. From the top to the very bottom. From one side... to the other. 7 feet tall... 9 feet wide.

Cherry: Wow!

Kevin: You got that right. Wow!

crumbelivable crumbelivable MischievousMismagius MischievousMismagius @Leslie Blake Burke

Leslie: *To Alden* So... Alden, hope i got the name right... Have you done any competing before? Besides going off to battle gyms and the sort?

Jewel: You seem to be rather experienced. And it looks as if you've won a few badges. or maybe... just buttons that are souvenirs.

crumbelivable crumbelivable MischievousMismagius MischievousMismagius Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow
Alden smiled at this question. He grabbed his backpack, opened it, and rummaged around until he found a small tin. "I suppose you could say I fought a few gyms" He said, opening the tin to reveal a few small badges. "These are Nova Scotia gym badges, I won a few of them a few years back with my three 'mons over there." He continued "Then i got my ass handed to my at Sydney and decided to give up on all that, and head down here to America, take on the real big leagues. Of course, I've been training a tn ever since I got on the road. Taking on the American gyms is a task you kinda have to commit to." He paused, and considered how one of the girls had called him by his name. She must have noticed the tag with his name hanging from his backpack. "You know..." he said, "I never got any of your names."
@Leslie Blake Burke
Joanna: *Looking at the group* I agree. We better get going. If we want any progress made at all... we need to move...

View attachment 422657
Macie: The next best city... I say we stop for the night and camp. My Oshawott's getting cranky and My Numel is starting to throw a fit. Either they're hungry... or they're getting a little roudy.

Zod: My Lucario feels the same way, Macie. Hopefully... we'll reach a good sized area by nightfall.

@Lois Foutley Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine November Witch November Witch

Lois was driving on her way along side the tourbus and making way over to the next town. The whole time while driving, she thought about her daughter Ginger...

In Connecticut... over in Lois's hometown...


over at the Avalanche Arts academy...

Ginger: *Sitting and watching her Cubchoo play while writing in her journal* ... *Voice-over* I haven't heard from my mom for almost a couple days. I know that sometimes being away from home helps a person gain perspective in their lives. Re-evaluate things. But what's the point if by doing so... you feel as though... you're all alone. Thea is great for a source to talk to. She can rather be totally insightful on things. But it just doesn't feel the same without my friends. I don't hear from Dodie, Or Courtney much. I don't hear from Macie at all. Maybe they've moved on.

Ginger looks to see her Cubchoo battling against a small bird...

Ginger: What? *Running to her cubchoo* Cubchoo... What're you doing?

Thea: *Calling over to Ginger* Hey, Ginger! *Running over to Ginger* The Snorunt are under attack. A flock of Swoobat's are attacking them. They've gone nuts.

Ginger: What'll we do?

Thea: We go and come to the aid of those Snorunt.

Ginger: My Cubchoo is right now attacking a fletching... I think he weakened it.

Thea: You want one of those things?

Ginger: I guess...

Thea: You better go and catch it then.

Ginger: *Prepping a pokeball and running over to the weakened Fletching* ... *Tossing the pokeball at it* Pokeball Go!

The Pokeball swung right at the weakened Fletching and tapped it once before opening and pulling it inside... The ball closed and fell on the ground. It wiggled 4 times before finally clicking. It clicked and showed it being done... Which meant it was caught. Ginger gave it a hyper potion which healed it up a bit...

It was then that Thea and Ginger were off to aid the Snorunt's...

Question was... Was it a pokemon attack or was it something else?

As for Lois...

Back out on the road in Missouri and soon to Illinois...

She was driving on. Following along with the Tour bus...

@Jordan Mortimer Barlow November Witch November Witch Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine Joanna Matilda Barlow Joanna Matilda Barlow


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